Save files with storeAs outside the Storage folder - laravel-5.5

I have in an API in Laravel that stores files
$request->file("file$i")->storeAs('categories', $nameFile)
As it stands it stores the data correctly in the address
But I would like to save these files in the folder
Because these files will be accessed by another application

The third argument of storeAs tells on which storage disk the file should be saved
$path = $request->photo->storeAs('images', 'filename.jpg', 's3');
So, create a new disk in config/filesystem.php and point it to /var/archives
'disks' => [
// ...
'archive' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => '/var/archives',
// ...
In the code:
$request->file("file$i")->storeAs('categories', $nameFile, 'archive')
Ensure that the user running the webserver has permission to save to that folder on disk as well.
Another alternative is to share an external storage, such as AWS S3 for example. The configuration for this follows the same idea.
I received this answer on stackoverflow in Portuguese and it worked perfectly

To save your files to a directory outside the webserver root directory /var/www/html You should configure your webserver. Similar problems:
PHP upload a file to a directory outside the webserver root
Set Apache to allow access for a directory not under document root
You can read this, too:
Mapping URLs to Filesystem Locations


Where is a sensible place to put kube_config.yaml files on MWAA?

The example code in the MWAA docs for connecting MWAA to EKS has the following:
#use a kube_config stored in s3 dags folder for now
kube_config_path = '/usr/local/airflow/dags/kube_config.yaml'
This doesn't make me think that putting the kube_config.yaml file in the dags/ directory is a sensible long-term solution.
But I can't find any mention in the docs about where would be a sensible place to store this file.
Can anyone link me to a reliable source on this? Or make a sensible suggestion?
From KubernetesPodOperator Airflow documentation:
Users can specify a kubeconfig file using the config_file parameter, otherwise the operator will default to ~/.kube/config.
In a local environment, the kube_config.yaml file can be stored in specific directory reserved for Kubernetes (e.g. .kube, kubeconfig). Reference: KubernetesPodOperator (Airflow).
In the MWAA environment, where DAG files are stored in S3, the kube_config.yaml file can be stored anywhere in the root DAG folder (including any subdirectory in the root DAG folder, e.g. /dags/kube). The location of the file is less important than explicitly excluding it from DAG parsing via the .airflowignore file. Reference: .airflowignore (Airflow).
Example S3 directory layout:
Example .airflowignore file:

Springboot server in Elastic Beanstalk creates files that I can't see

I have a Springboot server that is deployed to an Elastic Beanstalk environment in AWS. The basic functionality is this:
1. Upload a file to the server
2. The server processes file by doing some data manipulation.
3. Then the file that is created is sent to a user via email.
The strange thing is that, the functionality mentioned above is working. The output file is sent to my email inbox successfully. However, the file cannot be seen when SSHed into the instance. The entire directory that gets created for the data manipulation is just not there. I have looked everywhere.
To test this, I even created a simple function in my Springboot Controller like this:
public ResponseEntity<String> dummyMethod() {
// TODO : remove line below after testing
new File(directoryToCreate).mkdirs();
return new ResponseEntity<>("Successful health check. Status: 200 - OK", HttpStatus.OK);
If I use Postman to hit this endpoint, the directory CANNOT be seen via the terminal that I am SSHed into. The program is working so I know that the code is correct in that sense, but its like the files and directories are invisible to me.
Furthermore, if I were to run the server locally (using Windows OR Linux) and hit this endpoint, the directory is successfully created.
I found where the app lives in the environment at /var/app. But my folders and files are still not there, only the source code files, ect are there. The files that my server is supposed to be creating are still missing. I can even print out the absolute path to the file after creating it, but that file still doesn't exist. Here is an example:
Files.copy(source, dest);"Successfully copied file to: {}", dest.getAbsolutePath());
will print...
Successfully copied file to: /tmp/TESTING/Test-Results/GVA_output_2021-12-13 12.32.58/results_map_GVA.csv
That path DOES NOT exist in my server, but I CAN send it to me via email from the server code after being processed. But if I SSH into the instance and go to that path, nothing is there.
If I use the command: find . -name "GVA*" (to search for the file I am looking for) then it prints this:
./var/lib/docker/overlay2/fbf04e23e39d61896a1c935748a63f2d3836487d9b166bae490764c30b8870ae/diff/tmp/TESTING/Test-Results/GVA_output_2021-12-09 18.15.59
./var/lib/docker/overlay2/fbf04e23e39d61896a1c935748a63f2d3836487d9b166bae490764c30b8870ae/diff/tmp/TESTING/Test-Results/GVA_output_2021-12-13 12.26.34
./var/lib/docker/overlay2/fbf04e23e39d61896a1c935748a63f2d3836487d9b166bae490764c30b8870ae/diff/tmp/TESTING/Test-Results/GVA_output_2021-12-13 12.32.58
./var/lib/docker/overlay2/fbf04e23e39d61896a1c935748a63f2d3836487d9b166bae490764c30b8870ae/merged/tmp/TESTING/Test-Results/GVA_output_2021-12-09 18.15.59
./var/lib/docker/overlay2/fbf04e23e39d61896a1c935748a63f2d3836487d9b166bae490764c30b8870ae/merged/tmp/TESTING/Test-Results/GVA_output_2021-12-13 12.26.34
./var/lib/docker/overlay2/fbf04e23e39d61896a1c935748a63f2d3836487d9b166bae490764c30b8870ae/merged/tmp/TESTING/Test-Results/GVA_output_2021-12-13 12.32.58
But this looks like it is keeping track of differences between versions of files since I see diff and merged in the file path. I just want to find where that file is actually residing.
If you need to store an uploaded file somewhere from a Spring BOOT app, look at using an Amazon S3 bucket as opposed to writing the file to a folder on the server. For example, assume you are working with a Photo app and the photos can be uploaded via the Spring BOOT app. Instead of placing this in a directory on the server, use the Amazon S3 Java API to store the file in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Here is an example of using a Spring BOOT app and handling uploaded files by placing them in a bucket.
Creating a dynamic web application that analyzes photos using the AWS SDK for Java
This example app also shows you how to use the SES API to send data (a report in this example) to a user via email.

uploading file to specific folder in S3 bucket using boto3

My code is working. The only issue I'm facing is that I cannot specify the folder within the S3 bucket that I would like to place my file in. Here is what I have:
with open("/hadoop/prodtest/tips/ut/s3/test_audit_log.txt", "rb") as f:
s3.upload_fileobj(f, "us-east-1-tip-s3-stage", "BlueConnect/test_audit_log.txt")
Explanation from #danimal captures pretty much everything. If you wanted to just create a folder-like object in s3, you can simply specify that folder-name and end it with "/", so that when you look at it from the console, it will look like a folder.
It's rather useless, an empty object, without a body (consider it as a key with null value) just for eye-candy but if you really want to do it, you can.
1) You can create it on the console interactively, as it gives you that option
2_ You can use aws sdk. boto3 has put_object method for s3 client, where you specify the key as "your_folder_name/", see example below:
import boto3
session = boto3.Session() # I assume you know how to provide credentials etc.
s3 = session.client('s3', 'us-east-1')
bucket = s3.create_bucket('my-test-bucket')
response = s3.put_object(Bucket='my-test-bucket', Key='my_pretty_folder/' # note the ending "/"
And there you have your bucket.
Again, when you are uploading a file you specify "my-test-bucket/my_file" and what you did there is create a "key" with name "my-test-bucket/my_file" and put the content of your file as its "value".
In this case you have 2 objects in the bucket. First object has null body and looks like a folder, while the second one looks like it is inside that but as #danimal pointed out in reality you created 2 keys in the same flat hierarchy, it just "looks-like" what we are used to seeing in a file system.
If you delete the file, you still have the other objects, so on the aws console, it looks like folder is still there but no files inside.
If you skipped creating the folder and simply uploaded the file like you did, you would still see the folder structure in AWS Console but you have a single object at that point.
When you however list the objects from command line, you would see a single object and if you delete it on the console it looks like folder is gone too.
Files ('objects') in S3 are actually stored by their 'Key' (~folders+filename) in a flat structure in a bucket. If you place slashes (/) in your key then S3 represents this to the user as though it is a marker for a folder structure, but those folders don't actually exist in S3, they are just a convenience for the user and allow for the usual folder navigation familiar from most file systems.
So, as your code stands, although it appears you are putting a file called test_audit_log.txt in a folder called BlueConnect, you are actually just placing an object, representing your file, in the us-east-1-tip-s3-stage bucket with a key of BlueConnect/test_audit_log.txt. In order then to (seem to) put it in a new folder, simply make the key whatever the full path to the file should be, for example:
# upload_fileobj(file, bucket, key)
s3.upload_fileobj(f, "us-east-1-tip-s3-stage", "folder1/folder2/test_audit_log.txt")
In this example, the 'key' of the object is folder1/folder2/test_audit_log.txt which you can think of as the file test_audit_log.txt, inside the folder folder1 which is inside the folder folder2 - this is how it will appear on S3, in a folder structure, which will generally be different and separate from your local machine's folder structure.

How to set up different uploaded file storage locations for Laravel 5.2 in local deployment and AWS EB w/ S3?

I'm working on a Laravel 5.2 application where users can send a file by POST, the application stores that file in a certain location and retrieves it on demand later. I'm using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. For local development on my machine, I would like the files to store in a specified local folder on my machine. And when I deploy to AWS-EB, I would like it to automatically switch over and store the files in S3 instead. So I don't want to hard code something like \Storage::disk('s3')->put(...) because that won't work locally.
What I'm trying to do here is similar to what I was able to do for environment variables for database connectivity... I was able to find some great tutorials where you create an .env.elasticbeanstalk file, create a config file at ~/.ebextiontions/01envconfig.config to automatically replace the standard .env file on deployment, and modify a few lines of your database.php to automatically pull the appropriate variable.
How do I do something similar with file storage and retrieval?
Ok. Got it working. In /config/filesystems.php, I changed:
'default' => 'local',
'default' => env('DEFAULT_STORAGE') ?: 'local',
In my .env.elasticbeanstalk file (see the original question for an explanation of what this is), I added the following (I'm leaving out my actual key and secret values):
S3_KEY=[insert your key here]
S3_SECRET=[insert your secret here]
Note that I had to specify my region as us-west-2 even though S3 shows my environment as Oregon.
In my upload controller, I don't specify a disk. Instead, I use:
\Storage::put($filePath, $filePointer, 'public');
This way, it always uses my "default" disk for the \Storage operation. If I'm in my local environment, that's my public folder. If I'm in AWS-EB, then my Elastic Beanstalk .env file goes into effect and \Storage defaults to S3 with appropriate credentials.

AWS CLI sync from S3 to local fails with Errno 20

Im using the following command
aws s3 sync s3://mys3bucket/ .
to download all the files AND directories from my s3 bucket "mys3bucket" into an empty folder. In this bucket is a directory called "albums". However instead of copying the files into a "albums" directory, I am receiving the following error message (an example)
download failed: s3://mys3bucket//albums/albums/5384 to albums/albums/5384 [Errno 20] Not a directory: u'/storage/mys3bucket//albums/albums/5384'
When I look in the folder to see what files, if any, did get copied into the albums folder, there is only 1 file in there called "albums" which when I edit it contains the text "{E40327AD-517B-46e8-A6D2-AF51BC263F50}".
This behavior is similar for all the other directories in this bucket. I see more of the error #20 by far than I see successful downloads. There is over 100GB of image files in the albums folder but not a single one is able to download.
Any suggestions?
I suspect the problem here is that you have both a 'directory' and a 'file' on S3 which have the same name. If you delete the 'file' from S3 then you should find that the directory will sync again.
I have found that this situation can occur when using desktop clients to view an S3 bucket, or something like s3sync.