Amazon.StopIntent is behaving weirdly in Alexa Skill - amazon-web-services

My STOPINTENT is behaving weirdly, it is giving back null in the JSON output, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. None of my previous skills ran into this issue.
'AMAZON.StopIntent': function () {
I am still getting There was a problem with the requested skill's response
JSON Input
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.8e9eadd5-7018-40b0-a749-ba84ee2d44f7",
"timestamp": "2018-01-09T01:36:44Z",
"locale": "en-US",
"intent": {
"name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"

The issue was with some unhandled states, for AMAZON.HELP and AMAZON.STOP Intent.
I got them to work by adding those HELP, STOP, CANCEL in all my handlers with different states.
Whenever using different state handlers, ensure that all handlers contain their separate AMAZON.HELP and AMAZON.STOP Intent to make them work properly.


Adding pages to a multi-column notion database works flawlessly sometimes and gives a validation error sometimes for the same input

Basically, I'm using Postman to send POST requests to
It works for 70% of the times and rest of the times it gives the following error sometimes. That is, for the same input.
"object": "error",
"status": 400,
"code": "validation_error",
"message": "body failed validation. Fix one: body.parent.type should be not present, instead was `\"database_id\"`. body.parent.page_id should be defined, instead was `undefined`."
Here's how my body starts
"parent": {
"type": "database_id",
"database_id": "a94c42320ef04b6a9c1a7e5e73455557"
"properties": {
"Title": {
I'm not posting the entire body because it works flawlessly sometimes.
Please help me out. Is there a way to check logs of the requests that come to my page?
First, I found out that type: database_id is not necessary in parent.
I also found out that syntax errors in the payload returns a 400 error:
body failed validation. Fix one: body.parent.type should be not present, instead was `\"database_id\"`. body.parent.page_id should be defined, instead was `undefined`.
In my case, I wrongly added a value in the same level as parent, properties. Like this:
"parent": {
"database_id": "<database_id>"
"properties": {
"wrong_value": {}
Since the errors are not that specific, check if you made the same misktake like me, and please also double check if the parent you are trying to post to is actually a database, not a page.
The issue was with having "type: database_id" inside "parent" in the request data.
"parent": {
"type": "database_id",(REMOVE THIS LINE)
"database_id": "a94c42320ef04b6a9c1a7e5e73455557"
"properties": {
"Title": {
After removing "type" it worked fine. Notion needs to update their docs.

AWS Step Functions - How to ignore "ResultSelector" when error is catched?

I have a AWS Step Functions state machine that as first state starts a Lambda function. This function do something then returns a JSON like { temp_a: "temporary a" }.
This output should be sent to the second state of this state machine but, I don't want to send temp_a as key, rather I'd like to rename it a, so the result of the first state should be { a: "temporary a" }.
This is trivial and can be done using ResultSelector. For this, the Step Functions will look like this:
"StartAt": "State1",
"States": {
"State1": {
"Next": "State2",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:XXX:function:sfexample-LambdaFunction",
"ResultSelector": {
"a.$": "$.temp_a"
"Type": "Task"
"State2": {
"End": true,
"Type": "Pass"
and Lambda will be something as easiest as possible since it contains just a single instruction return { temp_a: "temporary a" };.
Once the state machine has been started, everything works like a charm since the temp_a is successfully renamed into a (thanks to the ResultSelector) and then it is sent to the State2. Great!
Occasionally, that Lambda can throw a CustomError exception that I would catch in the state machine. When the error is caught the flow have to be diverted into the state CustomErrorState.
To make things possible I've added a Catch statement into the State1, and added another state called CustomErrorState of type Fail.
"StartAt": "State1",
"States": {
"CustomErrorState": {
"Cause": "Error happens",
"Type": "Fail"
"State1": {
"Catch": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"Next": "CustomErrorState"
"Next": "State2",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:XXX:function:sfexample-LambdaFunction",
"ResultSelector": {
"a.$": "$.temp_a"
"Type": "Task"
"State2": {
"End": true,
"Type": "Pass"
This seems reasonable but when Lambda throw the CustomError I get a runtime error because the State1 cannot perform what I've specified in the ResultSelector property.
What's the meaning? If an error is caught how could I handle the result? It is possible to ignore ResultSelector's instructions when I catch en error in a state?
Further detail:
Here you can grab all necessary file to test it into your account.
I am an engineer from Step Functions and would like to update this post to let you know that the issue has been fixed.
ResultSelector field will not be applied to caught error output, and the previous behaviour was a bug.
Thanks for bringing this up.
The issue has been fixed. See post below.
I have posted the same question on AWS discussion forum, signalling that the behaviour looks like a bug. They confirm the problem, in fact:
The "ResultSelector" field should only be applied to the successful
result of a Task, Map or Parallel State. In the case of a caught
error, "ResultSelector" should NOT be applied.
Fortunately today I encountered the same problem. I believe what you have to do is handle the exception manually in your code there is no way to ignore ResultSelector. You have to return same dict/json from your code if it fails then only the SFN will be executed completely. Here is what I tried:
Intentionally I am raising an Exception to check the behaviour of State Machine.
Below is the State Machine's execution when I ran that code:

AWS X-Ray trace segments are missing or not connected

I have code that creates a segment when a queue is being read. In the first function (within the same lambda) I have this:
import * as AWSXRay from 'aws-xray-sdk'; // (using TypeScrpt)
var segment1 = new AWSXRay.Segment("A");
In the second function (within the same lambda), called from the first, I have something like this:
var segment2 = new AWSXRay.Segment("B", segment1.trace_id,;
Instead of seeing
On the AWS graph (on the website), I see:
...where they are not even associated, even though they have the same tracing ID, and the parent IDs are properly set. I seem to be missing something but not sure what...?
I even tried to pull X-Amzn-Trace-Id from the API request to use that as the root tracking ID for everything but that didn't work either.
This is the JSON for the first segment (A):
"Duration": 0.808,
"Id": "1-5d781a08-d41b49e35c3c0f38cdbd4912",
"Segments": [
"Document": {
"id": "74c99567f73185ce",
"name": "router",
"start_time": 1568152071.979,
"end_time": 1568152072.787,
"parent_id": "ef34fc0bcf23bbbe",
"aws": {
"xray": {
"sdk": "X-Ray for Node.js",
"sdk_version": "2.3.6",
"package": "aws-xray-sdk"
"service": {
"version": "unknown",
"runtime": "node",
"runtime_version": "v10.16.3",
"name": "unknown"
"trace_id": "1-5d781a08-d41b49e35c3c0f38cdbd4912"
"Id": "74c99567f73185ce"
This is the JSON for the second segment (B):
"Duration": 0.801,
"Id": "1-5d781a08-d9626abbab1cfbbfe4ff0dff",
"Segments": [
"Document": {
"id": "e2b4faaa6538bbb2",
"name": "handleCreateLoad",
"start_time": 1568152071.98,
"end_time": 1568152072.781,
"parent_id": "74c99567f73185ce",
"aws": {
"xray": {
"sdk": "X-Ray for Node.js",
"sdk_version": "2.3.6",
"package": "aws-xray-sdk"
"service": {
"version": "unknown",
"runtime": "node",
"runtime_version": "v10.16.3",
"name": "unknown"
"trace_id": "1-5d781a08-d9626abbab1cfbbfe4ff0dff",
"subsegments": [
"id": "08ccf2f374364066",
"name": "...-CreateLoad",
"start_time": 1568152071.981,
"end_time": 1568152072.781
"Id": "e2b4faaa6538bbb2"
It's quite clear the the parent ID for 'B' (74c99567f73185ce) points to "A"'s ID, but the graph does not connect them.
Also, I think _x_amzn_trace_id should be set when the lambda executes, but it is not. That may be root of my issues.
Turns out process.env._x_amzn_trace_id, required by the AWS XRay SDK, does NOT exist until the handler is called. It may help others to know what I went through:
At first I tried to get the trace details for the current lambda on start up (before the handler is called) to connect my new segments, but it didn't work. I have many handlers in the same project, so getting the lambda segment on startup is what I was hoping to do.
I then proceeded to create a main lambda segment (thinking I had to create the first segment myself) but all it did was create an orphaned segment. To make matters worse, each segment creates a new trace ID if one is not provided, and since I could not get the trace ID from the global start-up scope, nothing was connecting. The proper trace ID is important to pass along from start to finish for each request to make sure the calls down-stream are tracked properly.
Dumping of the environment variables before the handler is called and after clearly showed the trace ID is not provided until just before the handler gets called. It's sad that most of the online examples don't even bother to warn about this. I then moved the called to AWSXRay.getSegment() at the start of the lambda handler, then passed the details onto the child segments.
DO NOT set context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false while also calling the callback(error, response) callback passed to the lambda handler. Doing so will terminate the lambda without waiting for segment update events to flush to the daemon, resulting in orphaned segments. :(
Note: This documentation is lacking:
It states "You can retrieve the current segment or subsegment at any time" when in fact there are some times when you cannot. It's too bad there are no proper examples using actual working NodeJS Lambda code, instead of isolated lines of code thrown everywhere.

Utterances to test lambda function not working (but lambda function itself executes)

I have a lambda function that executes successfully with an intent called GetEvent that returns a specific string. I've created one utterance for this intent for testing purposes (one that is simple and doesn't require any of the optional slots for invoking the skill), but when using the service simulator to test the lambda function with this utterance for GetEvent I'm met with a lambda response that says "The response is invalid". Here is what the interaction model looks like:
#Intent Schema
"intents": [
"intent": "GetVessel",
"slots": [
"name": "boat",
"name": "location",
"name": "date",
"type": "AMAZON.DATE"
"name": "event",
"type": "LIST_OF_EVENTS"
"intent": "GetLocation",
"slots": [
"name": "event",
"type": "LIST_OF_EVENTS"
"name": "date",
"type": "AMAZON.DATE"
"name": "boat",
"name": "location",
"intent": "GetEvent",
"slots": [
"name": "event",
"type": "LIST_OF_EVENTS"
"name": "location",
With the appropriate custom skill type syntax and,
#First test Utterances
GetVessel what are the properties of {boat}
GetLocation where did {event} occur
GetEvent get me my query
When giving Alexa the utterance get me my query the lambda response should output the string as it did in the execution. I'm not sure why this isn't the case; this is my first project with the Alexa Skills Kit, so I am pretty new. Is there something I'm not understanding with how the lambda function, the intent schema and the utterances are all pieced together?
UPDATE: Thanks to some help from AWSSupport, I've narrowed the issue down to the area in the json request where new session is flagged as true. For the utterance to work this must be set to false (this works when inputting the json request manually, and this is also the case during the lambda execution). Why is this the case? Does Alexa really care about whether or not it is a new session during invocation? I've cross-posted this to the Amazon Developer Forums as well a couple of days ago, but have yet to get a response from someone.
This may or may not have changed -- the last time I used the service simulator (about two weeks ago at the time of writing) it had a pretty severe bug which would lead to requests being mapped to your first / wrong intent, regardless of actual simulated speech input.
So even if you typed in something random like wafaaefgae it simply tries to map that to the first intent you have defined, providing no slots to said intent which may lead to unexpected results.
Your issue could very well be related to this, triggering the same unexpected / buggy behavior because you aren't using any slots in your sample utterance
Before spending more time debugging this, I'd recommend trying the Intent using an actual echo or alternatively -- interaction via actual speech works as expected, unlike the 'simulator'

What are all the steps involved with changing an Alexa Skill name?

I submitted a skill to Amazon for Alexa, and it failed certification due to intellectual property rights. Amazon suggested that I say the service is "for" the IP rights holder, so I modified the name and am now getting this error for everything I try to do.
"errorMessage": "Exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'application' of undefined"
So far, I updated the Skill Name, Invocation Name, and Welcome Message. Is there something else I need to update or run on the dev portal to get this to work again?
Update: When I try to start the skill from the Alexa Development portal, I see this in the logs for
console.log("event.session.application.applicationId=" + event.session.application.applicationId);
"version": "1.0",
"session": {
"new": true,
"sessionId": "SessionId.8b65b2f5-0193-4307-9bef-88c116d9344b",
"application": {
"applicationId": ""
"attributes": null,
"user": {
"userId": "amzn1.ask.account.ABCDEFG" // masked my account value
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "EdwRequestId.4d19f589-cdca-4303-99dc-0dc5cec781d2",
"timestamp": "2016-04-18T16:21:04Z",
"intent": {
"name": "DontKnowIntent"
The application ID matches the one supplied in the Alexa Development portal, so I don't think that's causing any issues. The property 'application' is only ever called after 'session', which clearly is defined. I don't know if the null attributes is causing an error. Maybe someone can look at a successful request?
Finally, here is my code:
I have changed the name twice before on a node app and a Java 8 app. All I had to do was change the name (also changed invocation name) under the skill information. It worked first time out. Now my skill name did not update on alexa app once and did the other time. Since you are not certified, you may want to create the skill for scratch. This should only take about 5 or 10 mins. Just do not forget to change or add the new application Id of you lambda