How to reuse template in Flask-appbuilder with exposed custom handlers? - flask

It is a very specific question regarding Flask-appbuilder. During my development, I found FAB's ModelView is suitable for admin role, but need more user logic handlers/views for complex designs.
There is a many to many relationship between devices and users, since each device could be shared between many users, and each user could own many device. So there is a secondary table called accesses, describes the access control between devices and users. In this table, I add "isHost" to just if the user owns the device. Therefore, we have two roles: host and (regular) user. However, these roles are not two roles defined as other applications, since one man can be either host or user in same time. In a very simple application, enforce the user to switch two roles are not very convinient. That makes things worse.
Anyway, I need design some custom handlers with traditional Flask/Jinja2 templates. For example:
class PageView(ModelView):
# FAB default URL: "/pageview/list"
datamodel = SQLAInterface(Page)
list_columns = ['name', 'date', 'get_url']
def p(self, url):
title = urllib.unquote(url)
r = db.session.query(Page).filter_by(name = title).first()
if r:
md = r.markdown
parser = mistune.Markdown()
body = parser(md)
return self.render_template('page.html', title = title, body = body)
return self.render_template('404.html'), 404
Above markdown page URL is simple, since it is a seperate UI. But if I goes to DeviceView/AccountView/AccessView for list/show/add/edit operations. I realized that I need a unique styles of UI.
So, now how can I reuse the existing templates/widgets of FAB with custom sqlalchemy queries? Here is my code for DeviceView.
class DeviceView(ModelView):
datamodel = SQLAInterface(Device)
related_views = [EventView, AccessView]
show_template = 'appbuilder/general/model/show_cascade.html'
edit_template = 'appbuilder/general/model/edit_cascade.html'
def host(self):
base_filters = [['name', FilterStartsWith, 'S'],]
#if there is not return, FAB will throw error
return "host view:{}".format(repr(base_filters))
def my(self):
# A pure testing method
rec = db.session.query(Access).filter_by(id = 1).all()
if rec:
for r in rec:
print "rec, acc:{}, dev:{}, host:{}".format(r.account_id, r.device_id, r.is_host)
return self.render_template('list.html', title = "My Accesses", body = "{}".format(repr(r)))
return repr(None)
Besides sqlalchemy code with render_template(), I guess base_filters can also help to define custom queries, however, I have no idea how to get query result and get them rendered.
Please give me some reference code or example if possible. Actually I have grep keywords of "db.session/render_template/expoaw"in FAB's github sources. But no luck.


What is use case for stealth_options in Django?

according to documentation:
For custom management commands that use options not created using
parser.add_argument(), add a stealth_options attribute on the command:
class MyCommand(BaseCommand):
stealth_options = ('option_name', ...)
but why not just add these options to parser.add_argument()? Is there any profit to use stealth_options?
Mainly for testing purpose IMO, check this code snippet taken from this example.
def inspectdb_tables_only(table_name):
Limit introspection to tables created for models of this app.
Some databases such as Oracle are extremely slow at introspection.
return table_name.startswith('inspectdb_')
class InspectDBTestCase(TestCase):
unique_re = re.compile(r'.*unique_together = \((.+),\).*')
def test_stealth_table_name_filter_option(self):
out = StringIO()
call_command('inspectdb', table_name_filter=inspectdb_tables_only, stdout=out)
error_message = "inspectdb has examined a table that should have been filtered out."
self.assertNotIn("class DjangoContentType(models.Model):", out.getvalue(), msg=error_message)
Now we can use stealth_options to simplify the process of bypassing call_command() check and refine our test method while hiding these options from the exposed command API.
call_command() now validates that the argument parser of the command
being called defines all of the options passed to call_command().

Search 2 tables simultaneously using flask-executor

I have 2 large postgres tables which have an index so that I can perform a full text search on each.
Typically, they look like:
class Post_1(db.Model):
query_class = PostQuery
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String)
content = db.Column(db.Text)
datestamp = db.Column(db.Float)
search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('title', 'content'))
class Post_2(db.Model):
query_class = PostQuery
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String)
content = db.Column(db.Text)
datestamp = db.Column(db.Float)
search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('title', 'content'))
In my flask application, to get the documents which have a specific keyword in one of the tables, I would do:\
Since I want to run the same search simultaneously on both tables, I wanted to use flask-executor and wrote the following code:
from flask_executor import Executor
executor = Executor(app)
keyword = "covid"
future = executor.submit(\
This does not work and I get the following error:
RuntimeError: This decorator can only be used at local scopes when a request context is on the stack. For instance within view functions.
Could anyone help me please?
The error you're getting is because flask-executor is intended to run tasks inside view functions - that is, as part of a request from a user. You're running your code outside of a view (i.e. outside of a scope that would normally be in place when your user is interacting with your application).
Do you need to do this, or is this simply part of a test? If you do something like this, just to test it out:
def testroute():
future = executor.submit(\
Then you should no longer get the error about running outside of a request context, because the code will be running as part of a request (i.e. inside a view function).
As a side note, the SQLAlchemy tasks you're submitting aren't callable - they're not function objects. Executors, whether the one created by Flask-Executor or the vanilla ones you can get via concurrent.futures, expect you to pass a "callable". I suspect your code still wouldn't work unless it was something like:
query =\
future = executor.submit(query)
Notice the lack of brackets at the end, because I want to use the callable object itself, not the result it will return
The executor would then "call" the object that had been passed:

How to make filtering non model data in flask-admin

I have to make dashboard like view in flask-admin that will use data retrieved from external API. I have already written a functions that get date ranges and return data from that range. I should use BaseView probably but I don't know how to actually write it to make filters work. This is example function that i have to use: charts = generate_data_for_dashboard('164', '6423FACA-FC71-489D-BF32-3A671AB747E3', '2018-03-01', '2018-09-01'). Those params should be chosen from 3 different dropdowns. So far I know only how to render views with pre coded data like this :
class DashboardView(BaseView):
kwargs = {}
#expose('/', methods=('GET',))
def statistics_charts(self):
user = current_user
company =
offices = Office.query.filter_by(
self.kwargs['user'] = user
self.kwargs['company'] = company
charts = generate_data_for_dashboard('164', '6423FACA-FC71-489D-BF32-3A671AB747E3', '2018-03-01', '2018-09-01')
self.kwargs['chart1'] = charts[0]
self.kwargs['chart2'] = charts[1]
return self.render('stats/dashboard.html', **self.kwargs)
But I need some kind of form to filter it. In addition date filter dropdown should have dynamic options : current_week, last_week, current_month, last_month, last_year. Don't know where to start.
You should use WTForms to build a form. You then have to decide if you want the data to be fetched on Submit or without a reload of the page. In the former case, you can just return the fetched information on the response page in your statistics_charts view. But if you want the data to update without a reload, you'll need to use JavaScript to track the form field changes, send the AJAX request to the API, and then interpret the resulting JSON and update your dashboard graphs and tables as needed.
I have not used it, but this tutorial says you can use Dash for substantial parts of this task, while mostly writing in Python. So that could be something to check out. There is also flask_jsondash which might work for you.

Allowing users to only view data related to them in Apache Superset

I have some information related to different vendors in my database and I want to allow each registered vendor (representative person) to view slices/dashboards which contains only data related to them.
One possible solution could be to create separate views for each vendor as well as separate roles for each vendor. But it feels like a bad idea if you have 100+ vendors (as is my case); and it's not a flexible or scalable solution.
Is there some way to automatically filter a given view for each user? For example, we have a "general profit by product" bar chart, and user X can see only products of vendor X
What you're looking for is multi-tenancy support, and this is not currently supported out-of-the-box in Superset.
There is however an open PR for one possible solution:
One option could be to re-use and/or adapt that code for your use-case.
Another option might be to look into JINJA_CONTEXT_ADDONS [] and see whether you might be able to pass additional context to your query (e.g. your vendor_id) and restrict the scope of your query using that parameter.
Superset config has the below two configurations(DB_CONNECTION_MUTATOR, SQL_QUERY_MUTATOR), which can allow for multi-tenancy to an extent.
A callable that allows altering the database conneciton URL and params
on the fly, at runtime. This allows for things like impersonation or
arbitrary logic. For instance you can wire different users to
use different connection parameters, or pass their email address as the
username. The function receives the connection uri object, connection
params, the username, and returns the mutated uri and params objects.
def DB_CONNECTION_MUTATOR(uri, params, username, security_manager, source):
user = security_manager.find_user(username=username)
if user and
uri.username =
return uri, params
Note that the returned uri and params are passed directly to sqlalchemy's
as such create_engine(url, **params)
A function that intercepts the SQL to be executed and can alter it.
The use case is can be around adding some sort of comment header
with information such as the username and worker node information
def SQL_QUERY_MUTATOR(sql, username, security_manager):
dttm =
return f"-- [SQL LAB] {username} {dttm}\n{sql}"
One easy way of solving this problem is by using pre-defined JINJA parameters.
Two parameters that can be used are '{{current_username() }}' and {{current_user_id() }}
First you need to ensure that you can use JINJA templates -
In add the following
Now if you go to the SQL LAB and type the following -
SELECT '{{ current_username() }}',{{ current_user_id() }};
You should get an output
Now all you have to do is append one of the two following sql snippet in all your queries.
select ........ from ...... where ...... vendorid={{ current_user_id() }}
select ........ from ...... where ...... vendorname='{{ current_username() }}'
vendorid={{ current_user_id() }} and/or
vendorname='{{ current_username() }}' will restrict the user to view only her data.
You could also make it more flexible by creating a table which has a mapping of user to vendorid. That table can be your added to all the queries and you could map multiple vendors to a single user or even all vendors to a single user for a super admin.

FK validation within Django

Good afternoon,
I have my django server running with a REST api on top to serve my mobile devices. Now, at some point, the mobile device will communicate with Django.
Let's say the device is asking Django to add an object in the database, and within that object, I need to set a FK like this:
objectA = ObjectA.objects.create(title=title,
category_id = c_id, order = order, equipment_id = e_id,
info_maintenance = info_m, info_security = info_s,
info_general = info_g, alphabetical_notation = alphabetical_notation,
allow_comments = allow_comments,
added_by_id = user_id,
last_modified_by_id = user_id)
If the e_id and c_id is received from my mobile devices, should I check before calling this creation if they actually still exists in the DB? That is two extra queries... but if they can avoid any problems, I don't mind!
Thanks a lot!
It think that Django creates constraint on Foreign Key by default ( might depend on database though ). This means that if your foreign keys point to something that does not exist, then saving will fail ( resulting in Exception on Python side ).
You can reduce it to a single query (it should be a single query at least, warning I haven't tested the code):
if MyObject.objects.filter(id__in=[e_id, c_id]).distinct().count() == 2:
# create the object
# objects corresponding e_id and c_id do not exist, do NOT create ObjectA
You should always validate any information that's coming from a user or that can be altered by a determined user. It wouldn't be difficult for someone to sniff the traffic and start constructing their own REST requests to your server. Always clean and validate external data that's being added to the system.