Where do I get the qm executable from? - c++

I am working on an Ubuntu 16.04 system and tried to compile an application with the qm command as per the readme file in the source directory. When I try to run the command I get the repose:
$ qm
qm: command not found
This suggests that my Ubuntu PC does not have a repository with a package that supplies a qm executable setup. I guess the source code for the tool may be available somewhere and be usable for multiple GNU Linux operating systems.
How do I source and install the qm executable?
The readme file for the code I am trying to compile states that qm stands for quick-make or QMake but I cannot find any reference to these in a google search. I only find references to Qt's qmake which is not the tool I am looking for based on the errors I get back.
This qm tool uses a defs.mk file as its instruction set.
The program I am trying to install uses the RAVL Library. The README file for that library also mentions qm command.

I found a source for the qm or QMake or Quick Make tool. In the Recognition And Vision Library (RAVL) Installation Instructions the installation of QMake is mentioned.
Building the RAVL library requires the use of an ANSI C++ compiler
along with the GNU make utility (or another compatible version of
make). The RAVL build process is actually managed by the QMake
utility. QMake is a flexible compilation aid, designed to provide a
simpler interface to the GNU make program. As part of the RAVL
installation process, a copy of QMake will be configured and
The instructions go on to explain that by; obtaining a copy of the RAVL source code, configuring, making and installing it you get both the RAVL libary and the quick-make tool set. This includes the qm command.
After preforming the following steps:
git clone -b tested_nightly git://git.code.sf.net/p/ravl/ravl ravl
cd ravl
sudo make install
I am able to use the qm command.


What is the job of autogen.sh when building a c++ package on Linux [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Confused about configure script and Makefile.in
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I saw a common pattern when installing a c/c++ package from source on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04):
make install
I understand make and make install, and I guess configure creates a Makefile based on user preferences, but I don't see why autogen.sh is necessary.
Does anyone know what it is there for?
The steps:
The autogen.sh script generates the configure script (from configure.ac, using autoconf) and any files it needs (like creating Makefile.in from Makefile.am using automake). This requires autotools to be installed on your system, and it must be run when checking out the project from source control (if configure isn’t checked in). People who download source tarballs can usually skip this step, because output of this step is included in source tarballs.
Note This is usually equivalent to autoreconf --install. If there is not autogen.sh file, then just run autoreconf --install instead. If you have inherited a project with an autogen.sh, consider deleting it if you can use autoreconf --install.
The configure script generates Makefile and other files needed to build. Typically Makefile.in is used as a template to generate Makefile (and config.h.in to generate config.h). This process happens using only standard tools installed on your system, like sed and awk, and doesn't require autotools to be installed.
The make command builds the software.
The make install command installs it.
These are broken into different steps because they are often run at different times. The autogen.sh step is traditionally run by people who are developing the software, since they are expected to install autoconf on their systems and they make changes to configure.ac. End-users are not expected to have autotools installed.
These expectations have been changed a bit now that end-users are more likely to check a project out of source control instead of downloading source releases.
This applies only to programs / libraries, which are built using the autotools build chain. It generates the files, which are configured by the configure script. The configure script then populates .in files and generates Makefiles from Makefile.am templates. Which can finally be used to compile, link and install the program / library.
It's becoming slowly obsolete with the move to multi platform packages. CMake and more modern tool chains are state of the art.

Build instructions when distributing C++ written in CLion

JetBrains has spoiled me. I'm familiar with the standard UNIX make file and the make, make install routine normally associated with installing software with traditional make files, but I'm not as familiar with cmake since CLion does it all for me.
I want to distribute my code to others and provide simple instructions for building it via cmake so that they have a binary they can execute. The official cmake tutorial shows writing install rules in the CMakeLists.txt file but it isn't clear if this is supported by CLion (or even if it needs to be).
For a simple, single-file (main.cpp) application, what would be an example of how to build it using cmake (assuming those it is distributed to don't have CLion nor use another IDE, they just want to build and use it)?
To build code that comes with a CMakeLists.txt file, you run cmake to generate a Makefile (or other build configuration file):
cmake <path_to_CMakeLists.txt>
Then you run
make;make install
as usual. (or as described in the comment, you can type cmake --build . instead of make - useful if you're on a platform with a different build system)
You don't want to check in the Makefile into your source control, though, as it needs to be generated on the computer that will actually be doing the building.

How to compile qtwebkit in qt-5.8

I have compiled QT-5.8 from github successfully, each submodule is cloned by init-repository provided by QT. However, in Qt5.8, it has removed qtwebkit.
But my app needs qtwebkit, so I clone qtwebkit submodule and qmake it.
However, it shows the compilation errors
( test -e Makefile.api || /usr/local/Qt-5.8.0/bin/qmake -o Makefile.api /home/tumh/qt5/qtwebkit/Source/api.pri ) && make -f Makefile.api
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/tumh/qt5/qtwebkit/Source'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target '/home/tumh/qt5/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore//libWebCore.a', needed by '../lib/libQt5WebKit.so.5.8.0'. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/tumh/qt5/qtwebkit/Source'
Makefile:40: recipe for target 'sub-api-pri-make_first-ordered' failed
make: *** [sub-api-pri-make_first-ordered] Error 2
I have no idea that how to compile a single submodule in QT.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
You should take tarball of webkit from official releases. It should build fine with Qt-5.8.
The following describes how to compile qtwebkit module so it is usable with Qt 5.9.9. I assume the process is similar if not identical for Qt 5.8.
An overview of the process
All of the required components should be compiled using one tool chain. I suggest using the one installed with Qt.
You gonna need ICU compiled, the source code can be obtained from the official site.
The source code of qtwebkit module that we want to compile is available here (thx #J. Doe for the link!)
Regardless of the operating system you are working on, in order to compile qtwebkit module you gonna need the following additional tools:
python 2
Qtwebkit module depends on declarative module. It becomes available when qtquick1 is installed.
It is assumed that Qt 5.9.9 is installed. I was using these installers.
The process takes some time so if you need the module ready ASAP go to the last section (What if you cannot perform some of the above steps).
Compiling on Windows (tested on Win10)
On Windows I recommend using chocolatey to install additional tools.
Compiling ICU
Install msys2 package via chocolatey. It allows to use the scrips provided with ICU source code with very few modifications.
Installation script requires make program available. It doesn't matter if mingw32-make is virtually (of even literally) the same tool. Copy mingw32-make.exe and rename it to make.exe.
Using cmd with integrated mingw tools (installed along with Qt) open msys2 shell forwarding the PATH variable.
msys2_shell -use-full-path
Go to the ICU source code directory (mine was C:\icu\source) and run
./runConfigureICU MinGW -prefix=$PWD/../dist
(It is expected to encounter "unknown platform" issue, no worries)
Now run:
gcc -dumpmachine
Save the output, in my case it was i686-w64-mingw32.
Using this result execute:
./configure -build=i686-w64-mingw32 -prefix=$PWD/../dist
(modify build parameter according to the result of the previous step)
Now, you should be able to compile ICU with:
make & make install
(If you want to speed things up you can engage multiple CPU cores in the above process. For example in order to engage 777 cores execute make -j777 & make install)
Assuming your ICU source code was in C:\icu\source directory, the result of the compilation should be in C:\icu\dist.
Compiling qtwebkit module
As said in the first section, compiling qtwebkit module requires additional tools.
They can be installed via chocolatey using the following command:
choco install ruby gperf winflexbison python2
This, among others, installs win_flex.exe and win_bison.exe. As of this writing these executables are located (at least in my case) in C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\winflexbison\tools .
The qmake checks for programs named bison.exe and flex.exe. So I have copied both win_flex.exe and win_bison.exe and renamed them flex.exe and bison.exe accordingly.
The last step is to add both of these programs to PATH variable.
To do so execute (in cmd with integrated mingw tools) the following command:
set PATH=C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\winflexbison\tools;%PATH%
Additionally you need to point to the directory where includes and libs of compiled ICU are located. I have done it like this:
set PATH=C:\icu\dist\bin;%PATH%
set INCLUDE=C:\icu\dist\include;
set LIB=C:\icu\dist\lib;
Above assumes that prior to executing this commands there was no variables named INCLUDE and LIB set in the currently used cmd.
Finally, qmake process checks for a variable named SQLITE3SRCDIR.
As suggested by this answer you can set it to sqlite sources provided with Qt. In my case it was done like this:
set SQLITE3SRCDIR=C:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\Src\qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite
Now (using the same cmd) go to the directory where Qt sources are located and execute configure.bat. I have done both of these steps with:
cd C:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\Src
Finally, extract the downloaded source code of the qtwebkitmodule to the sources directory of Qt (C:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\Src in my case) and make a module. I have done it like this:
cd qtwebkit-opensource-src-5.9.0
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -r ..
make install
It is strongly recommended to utilize multiple cores in the make process, otherwise prepare yourself for a very long compilation.
Now you should be able to use webkit and webkitwidgets in your Qt projects.
Compiling on Linux (tested on LUbuntu 18.04)
I suggest using compilation tools provided with Qt instead of default make and g++ compiler. To do so I have exported path to the tools provided with Qt like this:
export PATH=/home/$USER/Qt5.9.9/5.9.9/gcc_64/bin/:$PATH
You gonna need ICU compiled. I suggest using version 56.1 as it is the same shipped with Qt 5.9.9. The compilation process is almost identical as it was described for Windows. the only difference is that you run:
./runConfigureICU Linux/gcc --prefix=$PWD/../dist
and later configure script can be omitted on Linux.
On lUbuntu 18.04 I needed the following packages installed:
apt-get install ruby bison gperf python flex perl libx11-dev xserver-xorg-dev xorg-dev libpulse-dev libsqlite3-dev
As with compiling qtwebkit on Windows, you gonna need qtquick1 module installed.
I have encountered an error saying that some headers related to OpenGL were missing. If you have the same problem then in my case installing libgl1-mesa-dev package solved it.
Now extract source code of qtwebkit module sources directory of your Qt installation. In my case it was "/home/$USER/Qt5.9.9/5.9.9/Src".
Modify WTF.pri file and add the path to ICU includes and libs after the first INCLUDEPATH. In my case it was done like this:
INCLUDEPATH += /home/$USER/icu/dist/include/
LIBS += -L/home/$USER/icu/dist/lib/
Note '-L' is placed before path pointing to libs.
Now you should be able to compile qtwebkit module in usual manner:
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -r ..
make & make install
What if you cannot perform some of the above steps
You can always try to use prebuild binaries:
or unofficial fork of the qtwebkit module:

Loris package installing issue

I'm trying to install Loris package link which is a library also for Python (my language). I have installed the package through bash commands in my OSX 10.12 system following these steps:
cd to the directory containing the package's source code and type
./configure to configure the package for your system. If you're
using csh on an old version of System V, you might need to type
sh ./configure instead to prevent csh from trying to execute
configure itself.
Running `configure' takes awhile. While running, it prints some
messages telling which features it is checking for.
Type `make' to compile the package.
Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
the package.
Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
source code directory by typing make clean. To also remove the
files that configure created (so you can compile the package for
a different kind of computer), type make distclean. There is
also a make maintainer-clean target, but that is intended mainly
for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get
all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
with the distribution.
The problem is that when I run both python 2.7 IDLE and the Atom editor it says that the module named Loris was not found. By default, make install will install the package's files in
Is this the problem? How can I install properly this library?

Building c++ project in Ubuntu Linux with Makefile.am/Makefile.in

I am new in Ubuntu/Linux and I've been working with java using the NetBeans IDE, so I don't have much experience with building c++ projects. But now I have to provide a proof of concept and I need to connect a C++ client with my ActiveMQ server. I downloaded The ActiveMQ-CPP API from this link, but I can't build/run it.
The download came with the files: Maklefile.am and Makefile.in. I searched it and I found that I need automake/autoconf to build it. I tried running ./configure but it says that it couldn't find such file or directory. I tried
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo apt-get install autoconf
and a lot of other commands that I found on the Internet. None of then worked. I know that this question is really basic and it seems to be already answered somewhere else, but every attempt I've made failed. I think I'm missing something. I even tried the solution provided in the last message in this topic but it didn't work either.
Can anyone help me install autoconf/automake, or tell me how to use Makefile.am / Makefile.in to build the project I downloaded, or even suggest me some other way of building it?
Since you're open to other methods of building your project, I'm going to suggest CMake. It is a far better build system than autotools (at least from where I stand).
project(MyProject CXX)
set_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_executable(foobar foo.cpp bar.cpp)
That example will build an executable called "foobar" by compiling and linking foo.cpp and bar.cpp. Put the above code in a file called CMakeLists.txt, then run the following commands:
cmake <path to project> #run in the folder you want to build in
make #this does the actual work
The really cool thing about CMake is that it generates a build system (Makefiles by default) but you can use it to generate project files for Eclipse, a Visual Studio solution, and a bunch of other things. If you want more information, I'd check out their documentation.
The "configure" script should be in your ActiveMQ-cpp source directory. From the Linux command line, you should be able to:
1) "cd" into your ActiveMQ* directory
2) "ls -l" to see the "configure" script
3) "./configure" to set things up for building the library\
4) "make" to actually build the library
This is mentioned in comments, but this particular point of confusion has been common for well over a decade and I think needs to be clarified as often as possible. You DO NOT need to have autoconf or automake installed to build a project that used those tools. The entire point of the autotools is to generate a build system that will build on a system using only the standard tools (make, a c compiler, sh, and few others.) Unfortunately, many developers release tarballs that do not build cleanly. If you unpack the tarball and it does not contain a configure script, or if the configure script is broken, that is a bug in the package. The solution is absolutely not to install autoconf/automake/libtool and try to produce a working configure script. The solution is to report the build error as a bug to the package maintainer.
The world would be a better place if Linux distributions stopped installing multiple versions of the autotools by default as less than .002% of the population needs those tools, and anyone who actually needs to have the tools should be capable of installing it themselves. Anyone incapable of acquiring and installing the tools has no business using them.