Django: Per View authentication scheme - django

The django rest framework does allow per view authentication schemes:
I think this is handy and I ask myself why this gets reinvented in the django rest framework.
"Why does django not provide this?" is a question which would get closed here on stackoverflow soon.
That's why I ask:
How to get per view authentication schemes in django?

"Why does django not provide this?"
It's an opinion. I don't see why someone should limit a specific view to some authentication backends. Whatever my/your opinion is, the decision is made in Django/DRF. Contact their mailing list and search their bug repo to find out why a specific decision made.
How to get per view authentication schemes in django?
Before anything be sure you know how Django works. Read all authentication related documents like this and this.
You could go the DRF way: Completely ditch Django authentication and write it yourself. Replace Django authentication backend abstract with your desired one and make a way to configure each view (e.g. Use a decorator to set attributes on you view function or use class based views + some fields). Then add a middleware to authenticate users and replace Django's AuthenticationMiddleware to provide request.user. You should also make sure that things like login_required work without modification or you should provide an alternative.


Ember application with an admin site

I'm creating a basic Ember application. I am trying to set up a backend that stores posts. I would like to have a system where I can go to some admin site that has a form that has all the fields for a post that allows me to add, update, and delete posts. For example, if I have a Post model with attributes like Title, Contents, Date_created, and Image, I would like to have these fields in a form in some kind of admin site.
One example from a past tutorial I have done is the Django admin site. Is it possible to set up a Django backend for my Ember app? The Django admin is here: (scroll to bottom)
I know that asking how to set up a backend for my Ember application is a very general question, but I am confused as to where to start. I have already created a Post model with various attributes. I can create an Ember route that is a form to add a post, but then there comes authentication for that which I'm not really sure how to deal with either. That's why I came to Django because I remember they had a very nice admin site.
If it is not feasible to use Django to accomplish this, what are some other routes I can take to be able to get to some admin page where I can manipulate records and add new data to my website?
This is a pretty big question, but I feel your pain. Most tutorials are all, "so... just build out a rails app... or use all this long lost stubbing stuff... or here's a super outdated node server on github to use."
I would suggest breaking it down into pieces. Ember is really great, but–Yes–you need a backend. You could make a backend with Django(python), Rails(ruby), WordPress(PHP) + ember-wordpress, express or hapi(node), phoenix(elixir)- or really anything that will generate an API. You could also build an admin with Ember and then use that to send data to a service like parse or firebase. Those could get you an MVP while you learn more about how to build out a traditional back-end.
Django + has a pretty great admin setup that builds out the admin and fields from your API specifications. I can see why people like it.
I would also mention, that ember-cli-mirage is great when you aren't sure what backend you'll have, but you need to have a mock-server to build off of.
If you can, choose something that will spit out an API with jsonAPI.
I would split this into 2 parts.
build out an Ember app with Mirage or some other temporary data.
build a back-end somehow.
Then you can connect them ~ without being stuck beforehand.
Good luck!
So pretty much a blog site where only person can create/delete/edit posts? If so then all you have to do is create a user with a predefined username and password in your Django app. You login through your Ember app. For this protected view you will need to use ember-simple-auth, which is the simplest way to implement something like this. Google ember-simple-auth and run its dummy app to see what they are doing.

How does viewset aligns with rest methods

I am relatively new to DRF, but found viewsets an amazing abstraction technique for writing RESTful API. I am having a hard time correlating Viewsets with REST methods though. Let's say I have a viewset for Userprofiles and somebody new creates a profile on client.
Should this send a PUT or a POST ?
Which url should this request go to, http://user or http://user/new_id ?
If I want this profile only accessible to the user or admin(all CRUD operations), then where should I handle the code for making it inaccessible to others ?
Should I create a new permission ? If yes, should I handle rest methods in has_permission/has_object_permission ?
I have gone through the tutorial, and know how permissions/mixins works, but I am not able to connect these dots here.
1/ In general, POST is for creating new, PUT is for updating. See the docs on the SimpleRouter to show how the various types of Http methods align with various actions in your Django backend.
2/ You'll find that different situations call for different routing methods. If yours is standard, you may want to use a SimpleRouter like the example above. In that case, creating a new user would be a POST request to /user/ and updating a user would be a PUT request to /user/{{user_id}}/.
3/ To limit access to various API methods, you want to use Permissions. It's possible that you could use one of DRF's Custom Permissions. I've found that in general, if you want only the user to access his/her own profile, it's easier to either use conditional logic within a view (i.e., return a DRF PermissionDenied exception in the view logic if the is not the pk of that REST url. More often than not, I've used the UserPassesTestMixin from Django Braces, that works pretty well to filter user permissions.
4/ I guess the Django Braces mixin above answers this question. You should include a test_func method if you're using Django Braces that returns True if you want to grant the user access, and False otherwise.
Hope this helps! I agree that these are difficult parts of DRF and perhaps some of these could more effectively get incorporated into the source. Good luck!

django-registration login and register on one page

Is there a good way to have both the login and register forms for django-registration on one page? I've had trouble finding a way to do it now that the backend system is enforced. Is there a view that can be overwritten that would allow you to add both forms to it? Anyone done this before or can point to an article about this?
Edit: Just to clarify I have the whole django-registration and login system set up and working properly, I'd just like to get both forms on the same page. I do not have access to their views.
Just hard-code your login-form in the registration-html-template. It should work like a charm.
You can always override the default login and registration views/templates. You can take a look at this link and see if this was what you were thinking to do. Then, you can read the Django documentation for further information about making custom login and registration views and templates as well.

How to post json to Django

What is the proper way to post json to Django? I have tried to use views, but I am not certain how to handle csrf. Is there another way to bypass views and simply accept a post of json?
Views are what handle the post data. There is no concept of "bypass views" because that is where the work of processing a request is done.
This is probably what your are looking for:
This shows you how to handle csrf tokens with ajax (namely by using cookies).
I also might suggest you slow down and try to work through the tutorial found here:
You will likely have an easier time with django if you undertstand how the pieces (Models, Views, Templates, urls, Forms, etc) fit together.
Since you've added that these are API calls the simplest thing to do would be to mark these views as csrf_exempt. Additionally, as you might guess creating an API from models is a common task (I'm assuming that your API maps to models as that's the common case and you haven't specified) you may want to not reinvent the wheel and instead use piston or tastypie to make this easier on you:
Use the #csrf_exempt decorator on any API views.

built-in django.contrib.auth.models.User VS own User model?

I'm writing a web app using the django framework and I was just wondering what are the pros/cons of using the built-in django.contrib.auth.models.User model over my own user model?
Please explain in terms of performance, scalability and security.
Many thanks
I always use the contrib.auth.models.User model, as many other apps also use it. Even if you want to have differences, it usually ends up being simpler to extend using a UserProfile than to try to build your own.
Unless you need to integrate with an auth backend that doesn't reasonably fit with contrib.auth, there aren't really any reasons to roll your own authentication app. auth provides its own access control models, but if they don't match your needs you don't need to use them. it provides a number of auth backends but if none of them are quite an exact match, then you can write your own backend and still use the rest of contrib.auth