C++ `if` seems to be taking the wrong branch? - c++

I'm struggling with a non-sensical if statement...
Consider this code in a C++ file
if (coreAudioDevice) {
delete coreAudioDevice;
coreAudioDevice = nullptr;
coreAudioDevice = AudioDevice::GetDevice(defaultOutputDeviceID, false, coreAudioDevice, true);
if (coreAudioDevice)
// we use the quick mode which skips initialisation; cache the device name (in AudioDevice)
// using an immediate, blocking look-up.
char devName[256];
coreAudioDevice->GetName(devName, 256);
AUDINFO ("Using default output device %p #%d=\"%s\".\n",
defaultOutputDeviceID, coreAudioDevice, coreAudioDevice->GetName());
AUDERR ("Failed to obtain a handle on the default device (%p)\n", coreAudioDevice);
calling a function in an ObjC++ file:
AudioDevice *AudioDevice::GetDevice(AudioObjectID devId, bool forInput, AudioDevice *dev, bool quick)
if (dev) {
if (dev->ID() != devId) {
delete dev;
} else {
return nullptr;
dev = new AudioDevice(devId, quick, forInput);
return dev;
Which leads to the following terminal output:
ERROR coreaudio.cc:232 [init]: Failed to obtain a handle on the default device (0x7f81a1f1f1b0)
Evidently the if shouldn't fail because coreAudioDevice supposedly is NULL and then print a non-null value for this variable in the else branch.
I tried different compiler options and a different compiler (clang 4.0.1 vs. 5.0.1), apparently there is really something fishy in my code. Any thoughts?

Reaching the end of the function without returning a value is undefined behavior in C++.
See http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/ub and What are all the common undefined behaviours that a C++ programmer should know about?.
So the call setDefaultDevice() can legally result in anything. The compiler is free to compile the program into an executable that can do anything, when the program's control flow leads to undefined behavior (i.e. the call to setDefaultDevice()).
In this case, entering the if block with coreAudioDevice non-zero leads to UB. So the optimizing compiler foresees this and chooses to then make it go into the else branch instead. Like this it can remove the first branch and the if entirely, to produce more optimized code.
See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20140627-00/?p=633
Without optimizations the program should normally run as expected.

Well, at least I found a reason, but no understanding (yet).
I had defined this method, without noticing the compiler warning (amidst a bunch of deprecation warnings printed multiple times because of concurrent compilation...):
bool setDefaultDevice(bool isDefault)
mDefaultDevice = isDefault;
Indeed, no return value.
Notice that I call this method inside the skipped if block - so theoretically I never got the chance to do that. BTW, it's what led me to discover this strange issue.
The issue goes away when I remove the call or when I make the method void as intended.
I think this also explains the very strange way of crashing I've seen: somehow the optimiser gets completely confused because of this. I'm tempted to call this a compiler bug; I don't use the return value from the method, so flow shouldn't be affected at all IMHO.

Ah, right. Should I read that as "free to build an exec that can do anything EXCEPT the sensical thing"? If so, that former boss of mine had a point banning C++ as an anomaly (the exact word was French, "saleté")...
Anyway, I can understand why the behaviour would be undefined when you don't know a function doesn't actually put a return value on the stack. You'd be popping bytes off the stack after the return, messing things up. (Read heap for stack if necessary =] ). I'm guessing that's what would happen when you run this kind of code without optimisation, in good ole C or with the bugggy method defined out of line (so the optimiser cannot know that it's buggy).
But once you know that a function doesn't actually return a value and you see that the value wouldn't be used anyway, you should be able to emit code that doesn't pop the corresponding number of bytes. IOW, code that behaves as expected. With a big fat compile-time warning. Presuming the standard allows this that'd be the sensical thing to do, rather than optimise the entire tainted block away because that'd be faster. If that's indeed the reasoning followed in clang it doesn't actually inspire confidence...
Does the standard say this cannot be an error by default? I'd certainly prefer that over the current behaviour!


C++ implicit return type in recursive function, how does this work [duplicate]

I was shown a sample program to demonstrate recursion which looks like it should not work but does. The logic is pretty clear but why does it work even when the recursed function call is not returned? It seems like the return command breaks out of the stack even if it isn't requested to. Is this a language standard or a gcc thing? I saw it with C and C++ compiled with gcc on Windows and Linux.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int isprime(int num, int i)
if (i == 1) {
return 1;
else {
if (num % i == 0)
return 0;
isprime(num, i-1); // should be returned
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int input = atoi(argv[1]);
cout << input << "\t" << isprime(input, input/2) << "\n";
Things like that only work if accidentally the return value happens to be in the register where the caller expects it. This only works if this is realized by your compiler as a recursive function. Technically it is undefined behavior to use the return value of a function that doesn't provide one.
Edit: On modern architectures the return value of a function for values for which it is possible is passed in a specific hardware register. When you call your function recursively, on the bottom in all cases that hardware register is set to the expect value. If by chance when popping up from recursion that hardware register is never changed, you end up with the correct value.
All of this pattern wouldn't work, if the return value would be placed at some location of the stacks of the (recursive) callers.
In any case, all of that should be captured by any modern compiler and give you a warning. If it doesn't you don't have a good compiler, or you are using too defensive command line options.
New year's eve special: In the real world, code like this (with the return) wouldn't even be realized as a recursive function. With not too much effort you will find an iterative variant of that function, and any modern decent compiler should be able to find it as well if you ask for maximal optimization.
A lot here depends what you mean by "it works"?
to try and answer the main point of your question, functions will return when the end of the function is reached, whether or not a return statement is met.
I would expect to see compiler warnings telling you the possible controls paths may not return a value, in C++ at any rate. Resulting in undefined behaviour, see this question:
not returning a value from a non-void returning function
I would say that this example "works" as after a prime is found and isPrime has returned, then the next function up the stack is also free to return. Nothing depends on the return value of isPrime either, so the program will run back up the stack and output something.
...but as behaviour is undefined, the value that actually gets output is likely to be junk. If you are seeing 0 & 1 consistent with primes as input, then wow.
If you think this is working, I would look at testing more broadly with different values.
Also have you been building with any "debug" settings? if so try this again with debug settings off, as thiese sometimes do extra work to keep things uninitialised memory clean.
I can explain exactly what happens:
The function is called, and it recurses back into itself until it reaches the return at either modulo (return 0) or end of recursion (return 1). At this point the function reuturns to the caller, which is is_prime. But there is no more code in the function to execute, so it immediately returns without any further action.
However, you could easily break this by, for example, add printf("Done for %d, %d\n", num, i); behind the call of is_prime() [doesn't have to be in the if-statement]. Or adding a C++ object that is created and destroyed on entry/exit of the function, as another example.
You're just being lucky that it works. And it's very fragile and easy to break - compile it with a different compiler (or with different optimization settings, or a new version of the compiler, or a million other things), and it may well break.
Aren't you forgetting a return statement? For normal recursion you need to put a return before isprime(num,i-1); as well.
I guess this even should give a compile warning if you compile this using strict rules, because the function must always return an int, now it does not (at least if your compiler does not fix this).

c++ recursive return function Without return [duplicate]

I was shown a sample program to demonstrate recursion which looks like it should not work but does. The logic is pretty clear but why does it work even when the recursed function call is not returned? It seems like the return command breaks out of the stack even if it isn't requested to. Is this a language standard or a gcc thing? I saw it with C and C++ compiled with gcc on Windows and Linux.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int isprime(int num, int i)
if (i == 1) {
return 1;
else {
if (num % i == 0)
return 0;
isprime(num, i-1); // should be returned
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int input = atoi(argv[1]);
cout << input << "\t" << isprime(input, input/2) << "\n";
Things like that only work if accidentally the return value happens to be in the register where the caller expects it. This only works if this is realized by your compiler as a recursive function. Technically it is undefined behavior to use the return value of a function that doesn't provide one.
Edit: On modern architectures the return value of a function for values for which it is possible is passed in a specific hardware register. When you call your function recursively, on the bottom in all cases that hardware register is set to the expect value. If by chance when popping up from recursion that hardware register is never changed, you end up with the correct value.
All of this pattern wouldn't work, if the return value would be placed at some location of the stacks of the (recursive) callers.
In any case, all of that should be captured by any modern compiler and give you a warning. If it doesn't you don't have a good compiler, or you are using too defensive command line options.
New year's eve special: In the real world, code like this (with the return) wouldn't even be realized as a recursive function. With not too much effort you will find an iterative variant of that function, and any modern decent compiler should be able to find it as well if you ask for maximal optimization.
A lot here depends what you mean by "it works"?
to try and answer the main point of your question, functions will return when the end of the function is reached, whether or not a return statement is met.
I would expect to see compiler warnings telling you the possible controls paths may not return a value, in C++ at any rate. Resulting in undefined behaviour, see this question:
not returning a value from a non-void returning function
I would say that this example "works" as after a prime is found and isPrime has returned, then the next function up the stack is also free to return. Nothing depends on the return value of isPrime either, so the program will run back up the stack and output something.
...but as behaviour is undefined, the value that actually gets output is likely to be junk. If you are seeing 0 & 1 consistent with primes as input, then wow.
If you think this is working, I would look at testing more broadly with different values.
Also have you been building with any "debug" settings? if so try this again with debug settings off, as thiese sometimes do extra work to keep things uninitialised memory clean.
I can explain exactly what happens:
The function is called, and it recurses back into itself until it reaches the return at either modulo (return 0) or end of recursion (return 1). At this point the function reuturns to the caller, which is is_prime. But there is no more code in the function to execute, so it immediately returns without any further action.
However, you could easily break this by, for example, add printf("Done for %d, %d\n", num, i); behind the call of is_prime() [doesn't have to be in the if-statement]. Or adding a C++ object that is created and destroyed on entry/exit of the function, as another example.
You're just being lucky that it works. And it's very fragile and easy to break - compile it with a different compiler (or with different optimization settings, or a new version of the compiler, or a million other things), and it may well break.
Aren't you forgetting a return statement? For normal recursion you need to put a return before isprime(num,i-1); as well.
I guess this even should give a compile warning if you compile this using strict rules, because the function must always return an int, now it does not (at least if your compiler does not fix this).

Why is passing a char* to this method failing?

I have a C++ method such as:
bool MyClass::Foo(char* charPointer)
return CallExternalAPIFunction(charPointer);
Now I have some static method somewhere else such as:
bool MyOtherClass::DoFoo(char* charPointer)
return _myClassObject.Foo(charPointer);
My issue is that my code breaks at that point. It doesn't exit the application or anything, it just never returns any value. To try and pinpoint the issue, I stepped through the code using the Visual Studio 2010 debugger and noticed something weird.
When I step into the DoFoo function and hover over charPointer, I actually see the value it was called with (an IP address string in this case). However, when I step into Foo and hover over charPointer, nothing shows up and the external API function call never returns (it's like it's just stepped over) and my program resumes it's execution after the call to DoFoo.
I also tried using the Exception... feature of the VS debugger (to pick up first chance exceptions) but it never picked up anything.
Has this ever happened to anyone? Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you.
You need to build the project with Debug settings. Release settings mean that optimizations are enabled and optimizations make debugging a beating.
Without optimizations, there is a very close correspondence between statements in your C++ code and blocks of machine code in the program. The program is slower (often far slower) but it's easier to debug because you can observe what each statement does.
The optimizer reorders your code, eliminates variables, inlines functions, unrolls loops, and does all sorts of other things to make the program fast. The program is faster (often much faster) but it's far more difficult to debug because the correspondence between the statements in your C++ code and the instructions in the machine code is no longer there.

Alternative to C++ exception

I'm writing a reactive software, which repeatedly recieves input, processes it and emits relevant output. The main loop looks something like:
while (true) {
Message msg,out;
//no global state is saved between loop iterations!
I want that whatever error occured during the proccess phase, whetehr it is out of memory error, logical error, invalid assertion etc, the program will clean up whatever it did, and keep running. I'll assume it is invalid input, and simply ignore it.
C++'s exception are exceptionally good for that situation, I could surround process with try/catch clause, and throw exception whenever something goes wrog. The only thing I need to make sure that I clean up all my resources before throwing an exception. This could be verified by RAII, or by writing a global resource allocator (for instance, if your destructor might throw an exception), and use it exclusively for all resources.
Socket s = GlobalResourceHandler.manageSocket(new Socket());
try {
catch (...) {
However, using exception is forbidden in our coding standard (also in Google's C++ standard BTW), as a result all the code is compiled with exceptions off, and I believe nobody's going to change the way everything work just for my design problem.
Also, this is code for embedded platform, so the less C++ extra feature we use, the faster the code becomes, and the more portable it is.
Is there an alternative design I can consider?
I appreciate everyones answer about idiotic code standard. The only thing I can say is, in big organizations you have to have strict and sometimes illogical rules, to make sure no idiot would come and make your good code unmaintainable. The standard is more about people than about technicalities. Yes, bad man can make every code a mess, but it's much worse if you give him extra tools for the task.
I'm still looking for a technical answer.
Coding these kind of services all day long I understand your problem. Although we do have exceptions within our code, we don't return them to the external libraries that invoke it, instead we have a simple 'tribool'.
enum ReturnCode
OK = 0, // OK (there is a reason for it to be 0)
KO, // An error occurred, wait for next message
FATAL // A critical error occurred, reboot
I must say FATAL is... exceptional. There isn't any code path in the application that returns it, apart from the initialization (can't do much if you're not initialized properly).
C++ here brings much with RAII, since it laughs multiple paths of return off and guarantees deterministic release of the objects it holds.
For the actual code checking, you can simply use some macros:
// Here is the reason for OK being 0 and KO and Fatal being something else
#define CHECK_RETURN(Expr) if (ReturnCode code = (Expr)) return code;
#define CHECK_BREAK(Expr) if (ReturnCode code = (Expr)) \
if (KO == code) break; else return code;
Then you can use them like so:
CHECK_RETURN( initialize() )
Message msg,out;
CHECK_BREAK( receive(msg) )
CHECK_BREAK( process(msg,out) )
CHECK_BREAK( send(out) )
As noted, the real bummer is about constructors. You can't have "normal" constructors with such a situation.
Perhaps can you use boost::optional, if you can't, I would really suggest duplicating the functionality. Combine that with systemic factory functions in lieu of constructors and you're off to go:
boost::optional<MyObject> obj = MyObject::Build(1, 2, 3);
if (!obj) return KO;
Looks much like a pointer, except that it's stack allocated and thus involves near zero overhead.
If you can't throw an exception, then the alternative is to return (or to return false or similar error code).
Whether you throw or return, you still use C++ deterministic destructors to release resources.
The one thing that you can't easily just 'return' from is a constructor. If you have an unrecoverable error in a constructor, then it's a good time to throw; but if you're not allowed to throw, then instead you must return, and in that case you need some other way to signal construction failure:
Have private constructors and static factory methods; have the factory method return null on construction failure; don't forget to check for a null return when you call a factory method
Have a "get_isConstructedOk()" property which you invoke after each constructor (and don't forget to invoke/check it on every newly-constructed object)
Implement 'two-stage' construction: in which you say that any code which might fail mustn't be in a constructor, and must instead be in a separate bool initialize() method that's called after the constructor (and don't forget to call initialize and don't forget to check its return value).
However, using exception is forbidden
in our coding standard (also in
Google's C++ standard BTW). Is there
an alternative design I can consider?
Short answer is no.
Long answer yes :). You can make all functions return an error code (similar to the implementation of Microsoft's COM platform.
The main disadvantages of this approach are:
you have to handle all exceptional cases explicitly
your code size increases dramatically
the code becomes more difficult to read.
Instead of:
while (true) {
Message msg,out;
//no global state is saved between loop iterations!
you have:
if( !succeedded( initialize() ) )
return SOME_ERROR;
while (true) {
Message msg,out;
if( !succeeded( RetVal rv = recieve(msg) ) )
if( !succeeded( RetVal rv = process(msg,out) ) )
//no global state is saved between loop iterations!
if( !succeeded( RetVal rv = send(out) ) )
furthermore, the implementation all your functions will have to do the same: surround each function call with an if.
In the example above, you also have to decide if the rv value on each iteration constitutes an error for the current function and (eventually) return it directly from the while, or break the while on any error, and return the value.
In short, except for possibly using RAII in your code and templates (are you allowed to use them?), you end up close to "C code, using the C++ compiler".
Your code transforms each function from a two-liner into an eight-liner and so on. You can improve this with use of extra functions and #defined macros but macros have their own idiosyncrasies that you have to be really careful about.
In short, your coding standards are making your code unnecessarily longer, more error prone, harder to understand and more difficult to maintain.
This is a good case to present to whoever is in charge of the coding standards in your company :(
Edit: You can also implement this with signals but they are a bad replacement for exceptions: they do the same thing as exceptions, only they also disable RAII completely and make your code even less elegant and more error prone.
Just because using exceptions is forbidden in your current coding standards this does not mean that you should dismiss them out of hand for future problems you encounter such as this. It may the case that your current coding standards did not envisage such a scenario arising. If they did they would probably give you help as to what the alternative implementation would be.
This sounds to me like a good time to challenge your current coding standards. If the people that wrote them are still there then speak to them directly as they will either be able to answer your question as to alternative strategies or they will accept that this is a valid use-case for exceptions.
However, using exception is forbidden in our coding standard (also in Google's C++ standard BTW). Is there an alternative design I can consider?
Coding standards like that are nuts.
I suggest that you ask the person / people who developed and mandated that standard how to solve your problem. If they have no good answer, use this as justification for ignoring that part of the coding standard ... with your bosses permission of course.
If you are running under windows, you could use SEH exceptions. They also have the advantage of pre-stack-unwind handler which can stop unwind (EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION).
Off the top of my head, you might be able to achieve something similar with signals.
Set up a signal handler to catch appropriate signals and have it clean things up. For example, if your code generates a SIGSEGV as a result of something that would otherwise have thrown an exception a little earlier, you can try catching it with the signal handler.
There may be more to it than this as I have not thought it through.
Hope this helps.
Do you call any libraries that could raise exceptions? If it's the case, you will need a try catch anyway. For your internal errors, each method will need to return an error code (use return only for error code, use reference parameters to return the actual values). If you want to make memory cleanup 100% reliable, you could start your application using a monitor application. If your application crash, the monitor start it again. You still need to close files and DB connection, tho.
Another approach is, instead of throwing exception, set a global error indicator, and return a legal but arbitary input. Then checking in every loop iteration whether or not the global error indicator is set, and if it is - return.
If you're careful enough, you can make sure that returning legal data will never cause you to crash or to cause undefined behaviour. Thus you shouldn't care that the software will keep running a bit until it reaches to the nearest error checking condition.
For example
#define WHILE_R(cond,return_value) while (cond) {\
if (exception_thrown) return return_value
#define ENDWHILE() }
bool isPolyLegal(Poly p) {
PolyIter it(p);
WHILE_R(it.next(),true) //return value is arbitary
if (not_enough_memory) exception_thrown = true;

Remove never-run call to templated function, get allocation error on run-time

I have a piece of templated code that is never run, but is compiled. When I remove it, another part of my program breaks.
First off, I'm a bit at a loss as to how to ask this question. So I'm going to try throwing lots of information at the problem.
Ok, so, I went to completely redesign my test project for my experimental core library thingy. I use a lot of template shenanigans in the library. When I removed the "user" code, the tests gave me a memory allocation error. After quite a bit of experimenting, I narrowed it down to this bit of code (out of a couple hundred lines):
void VOODOO(components::switchBoard &board) {
board.addComponent<using_allegro::keyInputs<'w'> >();
Fundementally, what's weirding me out is that it appears that the act of compiling this function (and the template function it then uses, and the template functions those then use...), makes this bug not appear. This code is not being run. Similar code (the same, but for different key vals) occurs elsewhere, but is within Boost TDD code.
I realize I certainly haven't given enough information for you to solve it for me; I tried, but it more-or-less spirals into most of the code base. I think I'm most looking for "here's what the problem could be", "here's where to look", etc. There's something that's happening during compile because of this line, but I don't know enough about that step to begin looking.
Sooo, how can a (presumably) compilied, but never actually run, bit of templated code, when removed, cause another part of code to fail?
Unhandled exceptionat 0x6fe731ea (msvcr90d.dll) in Switchboard.exe:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xcdcdcdc1.
operator delete(void * pUser Data)
allocator< class name related to key inputs callbacks >::deallocate
vector< same class >::_Insert_n(...)
vector< " " >::insert(...)
vector<" ">::push_back(...)
It looks like maybe the vector isn't valid, because _MyFirst and similar data members are showing values of 0xcdcdcdcd in the debugger. But the vector is a member variable...
Update: The vector isn't valid because it's never made. I'm getting a channel ID value stomp, which is making me treat one type of channel as another.
Searching through with the debugger again, it appears that my method for giving each "channel" it's own, unique ID isn't giving me a unique ID:
inline static const char channel<template args>::idFunction() {
return reinterpret_cast<char>(&channel<CHANNEL_IDENTIFY>::idFunction);
Update2: These two are giving the same:
slaveChannel<switchboard, ALLEGRO_BITMAP*, entityInfo<ALLEGRO_BITMAP*>
slaveChannel<key<c>, char, push<char>
Sooo, having another compiled channel type changing things makes sense, because it shifts around the values of the idFunctions? But why are there two idFunctions with the same value?
you seem to be returning address of the function as a character? that looks weird. char has much smaller bit count than pointer, so it's highly possible you get same values. that could reason why changing code layout fixes/breaks your program
As a general answer (though aaa's comment alludes to this): When something like this affects whether a bug occurs, it's either because (a) you're wrong and it is being run, or (b) the way that the inclusion of that code happens to affect your code, data, and memory layout in the compiled program causes a heisenbug to change from visible to hidden.
The latter generally occurs when something involves undefined behavior. Sometimes a bogus pointer value will cause you to stomp on a bit of your code (which might or might not be important depending on the code layout), or sometimes a bogus write will stomp on a value in your data stack that might or might not be a pointer that's used later, or so forth.
As a simple example, supposing you have a stack that looks like:
float data[10];
int never_used;
int *important pointer;
And then you erroneously write
data[10] = 0;
Then, assuming that stack got allocated in linear order, you'll stomp on never_used, and the bug will be harmless. However, if you remove never_used (or change something so the compiler knows it can remove it for you -- maybe you remove a never-called function call that would use it), then it will stomp on important_pointer instead, and you'll now get a segfault when you dereference it.