how to insert regular expression in a column - regex

I would like to know how I can insert regular expression in a table column in a Oracle table.
insert into rule_master(rule)
values('^[0-how #'ff#'9]+$') where rule_id='7'
...but I am getting error syntax near where is wrong. I tried this with and with out single quotes. Please suggest me a solution.

Aside from the invalid syntax using where, you also need to escape the single quotes in your string by doubling them up:
A single quotation mark (') within the literal must be preceded by an escape character. To represent one single quotation mark within a literal, enter two single quotation marks.
so with a normal text literal:
insert into rule_master(rule) values('^[0-how #''ff#''9]+$')
^^ ^^
or you can use the alternative quoting mechanism syntax, if you can identify a quote_delimiter character that will never appear in the value (or at least not immediately before a single quote); e.g. if you know # will never appear you can use a pattern like:
values(q'#<your actual value>#')
insert into rule_master(rule) values(q'#^[0-how #'ff#'9]+$#')
^ ^ ^
If the where part is supposed to be populating that column at the same time then the syntax would be more like:
insert into rule_master(rule_id, rule)
values(7, q'#^[0-how #'ff#'9]+$#')
and if a row with that ID already exists you should be using update rather than insert:
update rule_master
set rule = q'#^[0-how #'ff#'9]+$#'
where rule_id = 7
or perhaps merge if you aren't sure.


If cell contains '?' then formula X if not then copy value

At the moment I am busy with a spreadsheet to analyse results per url. The problem is that when I want to make a list of unique urls the urls with a parameter behind it (for example '?fbads') will be seen as unique, instead of that I need these results to be blended together with the main url. See example below:
Should both be:
I already fixed this with a formula but I need one list with all urls. So I'm look for two options. Or in the
That I use right now I need to find a way how I can say. If you don't find a '?' than just copy cell A11
I have to work with an if fuction to say, if A11 contains '?' than execute =left fuction otherwise use A11.
I can't manage to get the formula working. Demo sheet is down below :). Thanks!
Example spreadsheet
Delete everything from Sheet1!A:A (including the header) and place the following in Sheet1!A1:
=ArrayFormula({"UNIQUE URLS"; UNIQUE(FILTER(REGEXEXTRACT(URLs!A2:A,"[^\?]+"),URLs!A2:A<>""))})
This will create the header (which you can change as you like within the formula itself) and a unique list of URLs as determined only by the portion before a question mark (if a question mark exists) or to the end of the original URL.
For your reference, the expression [^\?]+ means "a string of the greatest length that can be extracted without containing a literal question mark."
[ ] = "any of the characters contained herein"
[^ ] = "not any of these characters"
\ = literal marker (i.e., whatever is next will be treated as a literal character)
\? = literal question mark (using the literal marker before the ? is necessary, since alone, the ? has a separate special meaning in REGEX-type expressions)
+ = "one or more of the preceding character or group of characters"

How to remove the space between the minus sign and number's in informatica

i have a issue where the there is a amount field which has data like
(- 98765.00),minus{spaces]{numbers} ?, i need to remove the space between the minus and the number and get is as (-98765.00), how do i do it in expression transformation.
field datatype is decimal (8,2).
output_port: TO_DECIMAL(REPLACECHR(FALSE,input_port,' ',''))
REPLACECHR replaces the blanks with empty character, essentially removing them. The first argument can be TRUE/FALSE to specify case sensitive or not, but it is not important in this case.
You can use REG_REPLACE function to replace space
To achieve this you need to follow below steps,
* Create two variable ports
* REG_REPLACE - function requires string column, so you need to convert the decimal column to string column using TO_CHAR function
First variable port(string) - TO_CHAR(column_name)
* In previous port data is converted to string, now convert it again to decimal and apply REG_REPLACE function
Second variable port(decimal) - to_decimal(reg_replace(first_variable_port,'s+',''))
s - determines the white spaces in informatica regular expression
See the below image,
same number which you provided is used. Use the same data type and function
Debugger gives the exact result by removing white space in the below image,
May be you have the issue with other transformations which you are passing through. Debug and verify the data once.
Hope you got it, any issues feel free to ask
To have enjoy informatica, have a fun on
If my understanding is correct, you need to replace both the spaces and the brackets. Here's the expression:
REPLACECHR(0, '(- 98765.00)', ' ', '') -- this part does the space replacement
, '()', '') -- this part replaces the brackets

DB2: find field value where first character is a lower case letter

I am trying to pick out a value in a field where the first character is a lower case letter. This is difficult since DB2 does not permit regular expressions. My current attempt is:
select * from mytable
where field1 like lcase('_%')
where I was hoping the underscore followed by percent wildcard would find any character in the first position, and then wrap the lcase() around that to ensure it is lower case. the result is that any and every value gets selected, so the lcase() is not performing what I want it to do, and in hindsight is used to cast to lowercase.
With that in mind, how to I ensure that the result of
is lowercase only?
Thanks very much
i would use something like:
... where substr(field1,1,1) <> upper(substr(field1,1,1))
solution with 'a'...'z' will not work with characters different from latin characterset (e.g. cyrilic etc)
Why not
where field1 >= 'a' and field1 < '{'
This will even make use of an appropriate index, if any.
Be warned, however, that this won't work when your DB instance does lexicongraphic ordering. I am not sure if the latter is a DB attribute or a session attribute, however.
Another, more general way (especially when considering non ASCII letters) would be to check if the length of the field is > 0 and the lowercased substring consisting of the first character equals the substring consisting of the first character while the uppercased first character does not equal the first character. (Look up the functions in the DB2 reference, I have mine not ready at the moment.)
DB2 DOES allow Regular expressions with xQuery. For example:
with cteGender(VALUE) as
('M'),('F'),('U'),('S'),(' M'),('f')
select '"' || VALUE || ‘"',
xmlquery('fn:matches($VALUE,''^[MFU]{1}$'')') from cteGender
xmlcast(RESULT_BOOLEAN as integer) RESULT_INTEGER from cteResult;
I took this example from: That article explain very well how to use xQuery.
DB2 does not have SQL functions for Regular Expressions, but with xQuery you can do that. But if you really want SQL functions for RegEx, please visit this site: (In Japanese, but the code can be understood)
For more information about RegEx in DB2 please visit:

postgresql: How to concatenate two regexp_matches()

I'm trying to extract both ints and chars from names such as 123A America, 234B Britania.
I only want the the number and the attached letter (i.e. 123A) .
I'm using regexp_matches(name, '(\d+)(\D)') and it results as:
I thought using concatenation, getting the first element of an array and the second element using two different functions
(regexp_matches(name, '(\d+)(\D)' )) [1] || (regexp_matches(name, '(\d+)(\D)' )) [2]
But it generates an error:
ERROR: functions and operators can take at most one set argument
How can I get the two element as one string?
You don't have to get the two items you're searching for as different sets, just get them as a single set. Remove the )( between \d+ and \D and that will return a set containing the entire string you're looking for.
Results in this -
regexp_matches('123A America, 234B Britania', '(\d+\D)' )
This will only find the first match. To get all matching substrings, use the g flag -
regexp_matches('123A America, 234B Britania', '(\d+\D)', 'g')
good answer by #Scott S however if you can't achieve what you need within one capture group the solution is to write a function, assign the regexp result to a variable and then use it.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION do_something(_input character varying)
RETURNS character varying AS
matches text[];
matches := regexp_matches(_input, '^([0-9]{1,}_[^_]{1,})_[a-z]{1,}(.*)$','i');
return substring(matches[1], 0, 24)||matches[2];
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Railo, remove some double quotes from SerializeJSON result

Let's say I have:
arrButtons = [
"name" = "Add",
"bclass" = "add",
"onpress" = "addItem"
"name" = "Edit",
"bclass" = "edit",
"onpress" = "editItem"
"name" = "Delete",
"bclass" = "delete",
"onpress" = "deleteItem"
jsButtons = SerializeJSON(arrButtons);
// result :
// [{"onpress":"addItem","name":"Add","bclass":"add"},{"onpress":"editItem","name":"Edit","bclass":"edit"},{"onpress":"deleteItem","name":"Delete","bclass":"delete"}]
For every onpress item, I need to remove the double quotes from its value to match the JS library requirement (onpress value must a callback function).
How do I remove the double quotes using a regular expression?
The final result must be:
No double quotes surrounding addItem, editItem, and deleteItem.
Edit 2012-07-13
Why I need this? I created a CFML function that the result is a collection of JS that will be used in many files. jsButton object will be used as one part of the options available in the JS library. One of that function's arguments is an array of struct (the default is arrButtons), and the supplied arguments value can merge with the default value.
Since we can't (in CFML) write onpress value without double quotes, so I have to add double quotes to that value, and convert the (CFML) array of struct to JSON (which is just a string) and remove the double quotes before place it in the JS library option.
with Railo, we can declare the struct as a linked struct to make sure we have same ordered key for loop or conversion (from above example onpress always the latest key in the struct). with this linked struct and same key order, we can remove the double quotes with simple Replace function, but of course we can't guarantee every programmer who use the CFML function doesn't forget to use linked struct and key order same as example above
I'm not sure this is actually necessary - depending on how/where you're dealing with the JS callbacks, it might be possible to use the string function names to reference the function without needing to remove the quotes (i.e. object[button.onpress]).
However, since you asked, here is a regex solution:
jsButtons = jsButtons.replaceAll('(?<="onpress":)"([^"]+)"','$1');
The regex there is made up of two parts:
(?<="onpress":) -- lookbehind to ensure we are dealing with the text "onpress":
"([^"]+)" -- match the quotes and capture their contents.
The $1 on the replacement side is to replace the matched text (i.e. the entire quoted value) with the first capture group (i.e. the contents of the quotes).
If case-sensitivity of "onpress" might be an issue, you can prefix the regex with (?i) to ignore case.
If there will be multiple different events (not just "onpress") you can update the relevant part of the expression above to be (?<="on(?:press|hover|squeek)":) etc.
Note: All the above relies on the format output from serializeJson not changing - if it's possible that there might be comments, whitespace, single quotes, or anything else in future then a longer expression would be needed to cater for those - which is part of why you should investigate if you even need regex to solve this problem in the first place.
What you're wanting to output is not JSON, so using SerializeJSON is a kludge.
Is there any reason you are putting it into a ColdFusion Array first, instead of writing the Javascript directly?
JSON is purely meant to be a data description language. Per, it is a "lightweight data-interchange format." -
not a programming language.
Per, the "basic types" supported
Number (integer, real, or floating point)
String (double-quoted Unicode with backslash escaping)
Boolean (true and false)
Array (an ordered sequence of values, comma-separated and enclosed in square brackets)
Object (collection of key:value pairs, comma-separated and enclosed in curly braces)
I guess in this case you can simply use serialize(). That should do the trick...