Local maximas with C++/OpenCV - c++

I'm trying to implement a Harris corner detector with OpenCv and C++ and I can't seem to find an algorithm to find local maximas, I'm new to image processing, so would you please help me?

Take a 3x3 window, then check if centre pixel is the maximum
I find I am constantly recycling this function from my binary image library
get 3x3 neighbourhood, padding for boundaries
Params: out - return pointer for neighbourhood
binary - the binary image
width - image width
height - image height
x, y - centre pixel x, y co-ordinates
border - value to pad borders with.
Notes: pattern returned is
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
where 4 is the pixel at x, y.
static void get3x3(unsigned char *out, unsigned char *binary, int width, int height, int x, int y, unsigned char border)
if(y > 0 && x > 0) out[0] = binary[(y-1)*width+x-1]; else out[0] = border;
if(y > 0) out[1] = binary[(y-1)*width+x]; else out[1] = border;
if(y > 0 && x < width-1) out[2] = binary[(y-1)*width+x+1]; else out[2] = border;
if(x > 0) out[3] = binary[y*width+x-1]; else out[3] = border;
out[4] = binary[y*width+x];
if(x < width-1) out[5] = binary[y*width+x+1]; else out[5] = border;
if(y < height-1 && x > 0) out[6] = binary[(y+1)*width+x-1]; else out[6] = border;
if(y < height-1) out[7] = binary[(y+1)*width+x]; else out[7] = border;
if(y < height-1 && x < width-1) out[8] = binary[(y+1)*width+x+1]; else out[8] = border;
You might need to change unsigned char to int or float - the function is designed for binary images.


Converting Cartesian Coordinates To Polar Coordinates

I'm trying to covert an image from Polar Coordinates to Cartesian Coordinates but after applying the formulas I get float coordinates (r and teta) and I don't know how to represent the points in space using floats for x and y. There might be a way of transforming them in int numbers and still preserving the distribution but I don't see how. I know that there are functions in OpenCV like warpPolar that to the work but I would like to implement it by myself. Any ideas would help :)
This is my code:
struct Value
double r;
double teta;
int value; // pixel intensity
void irisNormalization(Mat img, Circle pupilCircle, Circle irisCircle, int &matrixWidth, int &matrixHeight)
int w = img.size().width;
int h = img.size().height;
int X, Y;
double r, teta;
int rayOfIris = irisCircle.getRay();
std::vector<Value> polar;
// consider the rectangle the iris circle is confined in
int xstart = irisCircle.getA() - rayOfIris;
int ystart = irisCircle.getB() - rayOfIris;
int xfinish = irisCircle.getA() + rayOfIris;
int yfinish = irisCircle.getB() + rayOfIris;
for (int x = xstart; x < xfinish; x++)
for (int y = ystart; y < yfinish; y++)
X = x - xstart - rayOfIris;
Y = y - ystart - rayOfIris;
r = sqrt(X * X + Y * Y);
if (X != 0)
teta = (atan(abs(Y / X)) * double(180 / M_PI));
if (X > 0 && Y > 0) // quadrant 1
teta = teta;
if (X > 0 && Y < 0)
teta = 360 - teta; // quadrant 4
if (X < 0 && Y > 0) // quadrant 2
teta = 180 - teta;
if (X < 0 && Y < 0) // quadrant 3
teta = 180 + teta;
if (r < rayOfIris)
polar.push_back({ r, teta, int(((Scalar)(img.at<uchar>(Point(x, y)))).val[0]) });
std::sort(polar.begin(), polar.end(), [](const Value &left, const Value &right) {
return left.r < right.r && left.teta < right.teta;
for (std::vector<Value>::const_iterator i = polar.begin(); i != polar.end(); ++i)
std::cout << i->r << ' ' << i->teta << endl;
Your implementation attempts to express every integer-coordinate point inside a given circle in polar-coordinates. In this way, however, you terminate with an array of coordinates toghether with a value.
If instead you want to geometrically transform your image, you should:
create the destination image with proper width (rho resolution) and height (theta resolution);
loop through every pixel of the destination image and map it back into the original image with the inverse transformation;
get the value of the back-transformed point into the original image by eventually interpolating near values.
For interpolating the values different methods are available. A non-exhaustive list includes:
nearest-neighbor interpolation;
bilinear interpolation;
bicubic interpolation.

Large height map interpolation

I have a vector<vector<double>> heightmap that is dynamically loaded from a CSV file of GPS data to be around 4000x4000. However, only provides 140,799 points.
It produces a greyscale map as shown bellow:
I wish to interpolate the heights between all the points to generate a height map of the area.
The below code finds all known points will look in a 10m radius of the point to find any other known points. If another point is found then it will linearly interpolate between the 2 points. Interpolated points are defined by - height and unset values are defined as -1337.
This approach is incredibly slow I am sure there are better ways to achieve this.
bool run_interp = true;
bool interp_interp = false;
int counter = 0;
while (run_interp)
for (auto x = 0; x < map.size(); x++)
for (auto y = 0; y < map.at(x).size(); y++)
const auto height = map.at(x).at(y);
if (height == -1337) continue;
if (!interp_interp && height < 0) continue;
//Look in a 10m radius of a known value to see if there
//Is another known value to linearly interp between
//Set height to a negative if it has been interped
const int radius = (1 / resolution) * 10;
for (auto rxi = 0; rxi < radius * 2; rxi++)
//since we want to expand outwards
const int rx = x + ((rxi % 2 == 0) ? rxi / 2 : -(rxi - 1) / 2);
if (rx < 0 || rx >= map.size()) continue;
for (auto ryi = 0; ryi < radius * 2; ryi++)
const int ry = y + ((rxi % 2 == 0) ? rxi / 2 : -(rxi - 1) / 2);
if (ry < 0 || ry >= map.at(x).size()) continue;
const auto new_height = map.at(rx).at(ry);
if (new_height == -1337) continue;
//First go around we don't want to interp
if (!interp_interp && new_height < 0) continue;
//We have found a known point within 10m
const auto delta = new_height - height;
const auto distance = sqrt((rx- x) * (rx - x)
+ (ry - y) * (ry - y));
const auto angle = atan2(ry - y, rx - x);
const auto ratio = delta / distance;
//Backtrack from found point until we get to know point
for (auto radi = 0; radi < distance; radi++)
const auto new_x = static_cast<int>(x + radi * cos(angle));
const auto new_y = static_cast<int>(y + radi * sin(angle));
if (new_x < 0 || new_x >= map.size()) continue;
if (new_y < 0 || new_y >= map.at(new_x).size()) continue;
const auto interp_height = map.at(new_x).at(new_y);
//If it is a known height don't interp it
if (interp_height > 0)
set_height(new_x, new_y, -interp_height);
std::cout << x << " " << counter << std::endl;;
if (interp_interp)
run_interp = false;
interp_interp = true;
set_height(const int x, const int y, const double height)
//First time data being set
if (map.at(x).at(y) == -1337)
map.at(x).at(y) = height;
else // Data set already so average it
//While this isn't technically correct and weights
//Later data significantly more favourablily
//It should be fine
//TODO: fix it.
map.at(x).at(y) += height;
map.at(x).at(y) /= 2;
If you put the points into a kd-tree, it will be much faster to find the closest point (O(nlogn)).
I'm not sure that will solve all your issues, but it is a start.

How to count pixels in color segment in OpenCV

I have a OpenCV C++ application.
I have segmented an image with pyrMeanShiftFiltering function.
Now I need to count the pixel in a segment and the number of pixel having the most frequent value in the same segment in order to compute a ratio between them. How could I do that?
I am using Tsukuba image and the code is.
Mat image, segmented;
image = imread("TsukubaL.jpg", 1 );
pyrMeanShiftFiltering(image, segmented, 16, 32);
The segmented image is:
If I consider a pixel in a single segment, the part where I count the pixel in that segment is:
int cont=0;
Vec3b x = segmented.at<Vec3b>(160, 136);
for(int i = 160; i < segmented.rows; ++i) { //check right-down
for(int j = 136; j < segmented.cols; ++j) {
if(segmented.at<Vec3b>(i, j) == x)
for(int i = 160; i > 0; --i) { //check right-up
for(int j = 136; j < segmented.cols; ++j) {
if(segmented.at<Vec3b>(i, j) == x)
for(int i = 160; i < segmented.rows; ++i) { //check down-left
for(int j = 136; j > 0; --j) {
if(segmented.at<Vec3b>(i, j) == x)
for(int i = 160; i > 0; --i) { //check up-left
for(int j = 136; j > 0; --j) {
if(segmented.at<Vec3b>(i, j) == x)
cout<<"Pixel "<<x<<"cont = "<<cont<<endl;
In this example, I consider a white pixel in position (160, 136) and count the same pixel to the central one in the four direction starting from it, and the output is:
Pixel [206, 222, 240]cont = 127
Could it be a possible good way to do it?
First you need to define a mask with pixels having the same color of your initial point (called seed here). You can use inRange with a given tolerance. Assuming a seed on the head, you'll get something like:
Now you need to find the connected component that contains your seed. You can do this in many ways. Here I modified a generative labeling algorithm (the can be found here). You get the list of points of the blob that contains the seed. You can then make a mask with these points:
Now that you have all points it's trivial to find the number of points in the segment. To find the most frequent color you can make an histogram with the BGR values contained in the segment. Since an histogram with all RGB values will have 256*256*256 bins, it's more practical to use a map. I modified the code found here to make an histogram with a given mask.
Now you just need to find the color value with higher frequency.
For this example, I got:
# points in segment: 2860
Most frequent color: [209, 226, 244] #: 168
Take a look at the code:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <map>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
vector<Point> connected_components(const Mat1b& img, Point seed)
Mat1b src = img > 0;
int label = 0;
int w = src.cols;
int h = src.rows;
int i;
cv::Point point;
// Start from seed
std::stack<int, std::vector<int>> stack2;
i = seed.x + seed.y*w;
// Current component
std::vector<cv::Point> comp;
while (!stack2.empty())
i = stack2.top();
int x2 = i%w;
int y2 = i / w;
src(y2, x2) = 0;
point.x = x2;
point.y = y2;
// 4 connected
if (x2 > 0 && (src(y2, x2 - 1) != 0))
stack2.push(i - 1);
src(y2, x2 - 1) = 0;
if (y2 > 0 && (src(y2 - 1, x2) != 0))
stack2.push(i - w);
src(y2 - 1, x2) = 0;
if (y2 < h - 1 && (src(y2 + 1, x2) != 0))
stack2.push(i + w);
src(y2 + 1, x2) = 0;
if (x2 < w - 1 && (src(y2, x2 + 1) != 0))
stack2.push(i + 1);
src(y2, x2 + 1) = 0;
// 8 connected
if (x2 > 0 && y2 > 0 && (src(y2 - 1, x2 - 1) != 0))
stack2.push(i - w - 1);
src(y2 - 1, x2 - 1) = 0;
if (x2 > 0 && y2 < h - 1 && (src(y2 + 1, x2 - 1) != 0))
stack2.push(i + w - 1);
src(y2 + 1, x2 - 1) = 0;
if (x2 < w - 1 && y2>0 && (src(y2 - 1, x2 + 1) != 0))
stack2.push(i - w + 1);
src(y2 - 1, x2 + 1) = 0;
if (x2 < w - 1 && y2 < h - 1 && (src(y2 + 1, x2 + 1) != 0))
stack2.push(i + w + 1);
src(y2 + 1, x2 + 1) = 0;
return comp;
struct lessVec3b
bool operator()(const Vec3b& lhs, const Vec3b& rhs) {
return (lhs[0] != rhs[0]) ? (lhs[0] < rhs[0]) : ((lhs[1] != rhs[1]) ? (lhs[1] < rhs[1]) : (lhs[2] < rhs[2]));
map<Vec3b, int, lessVec3b> getPalette(const Mat3b& src, const Mat1b& mask)
map<Vec3b, int, lessVec3b> palette;
for (int r = 0; r < src.rows; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < src.cols; ++c)
if (mask(r, c))
Vec3b color = src(r, c);
if (palette.count(color) == 0)
palette[color] = 1;
palette[color] = palette[color] + 1;
return palette;
int main()
// Read the image
Mat3b image = imread("tsukuba.jpg");
// Segment
Mat3b segmented;
pyrMeanShiftFiltering(image, segmented, 16, 32);
// Seed
Point seed(140, 160);
// Define a tolerance
Vec3b tol(10,10,10);
// Extract mask of pixels with same value as seed
Mat1b mask;
inRange(segmented, segmented(seed) - tol, segmented(seed) + tol, mask);
// Find the connected component containing the seed
vector<Point> pts = connected_components(mask, seed);
// Number of pixels in the segment
int n_of_pixels_in_segment = pts.size();
Mat1b mask_segment(image.rows, image.cols, uchar(0));
for (const auto& pt : pts)
mask_segment(pt) = uchar(255);
// Get palette
map<Vec3b, int, lessVec3b> palette = getPalette(segmented, mask_segment);
// Get most frequent color
Vec3b most_frequent_color;
int freq = 0;
for (const auto& pal : palette)
if (pal.second > freq)
most_frequent_color = pal.first;
freq = pal.second;
cout << "# points in segment: " << n_of_pixels_in_segment << endl;
cout << "Most frequent color: " << most_frequent_color << " \t#: " << freq << endl;
return 0;
After creating the required mask as shown in previous answer or by any other means, you can create a contour around the mask image. This will give allow you to directly count the number of pixels within segment by using contourArea function.
You can segment out the selected area into a new submat and calculate histogram on it get most frequent values. If you are concerned with color values only and not the intensity values, you should also convert your image into HSV, LAB, or YCbCr color space as per requirement.

Tile-based 2D viewport/camera

This isn't so much a question as it is an 'anti-tunnel-vision' check.
I'm trying to get a camera/viewport working in a roguelike, but I'm not sure I'm doing things correctly.
Here's the code I've got so far:
void Map::moveCamera(int targetx,int targety) {
//size of the map portion shown on-screen
int CAMERA_WIDTH = 80;
int camera_x = 0;
int camera_y = 0;
//new camera coordinates (top-left corner of the screen relative to the map)
int x = targetx - CAMERA_WIDTH / 2; //coordinates so that the target is at the center of the screen
int y = targety - CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2;
//make sure the camera doesn't see outside the map
if (x < 0){
x = 0;
if (y < 0){
y = 0;
if (x > map_width - CAMERA_WIDTH - 1) {
x = map_width - CAMERA_WIDTH - 1;
if (y > map_height - CAMERA_HEIGHT - 1) {
y = map_height - CAMERA_HEIGHT - 1;
if (x != camera_x or y != camera_y) {
camera_x = x;
camera_y = y;
Now, when I change the size of the map, the camera is stuck way up in the corner and I can't see the map!
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Cycle R,G,B vales as HUE?

I am using SFML and it has a color function that takes values in RGB. example.. (255,0,0). I would like to be able to cycle these numbers though a loop so that the displayed colour cycles though the hue...
So if I am using (76,204,63) the function will adjust those 3 numbers. So I need the function to intake rgb convert to HSV and then return rgb.
Any ideas how I would go about this?
the sfml code I wish to use is...
_sprite.setColor(76,204,63); This will set the sprite to a colour... I ma trying to work out how once that is done with those numbers to cycle the colour though the hue.
With a bit googling I've found this answer and converted the code to C++ with SFML in mind.
I'm casting around pretty badly, so feel free to make it better. I guess it should even be possible to replace the 3x3 array.
sf::Uint8 clampAndConvert(float v)
if(v < 0)
return 0;
if( v > 255)
return 255;
return static_cast<sf::Uint8>(v);
sf::Color RGBRotate(sf::Color old, float degrees)
float cosA = cos(degrees*3.14159265f/180);
float sinA = sin(degrees*3.14159265f/180);
float rot = 1.f/3.f * (1.0f - cosA) + sqrt(1.f/3.f) * sinA;
float rx = old.r * (cosA + (1.0f - cosA) / 3.0f) + old.g * rot + old.b * rot;
float gx = old.r * rot + old.g * (cosA + 1.f/3.f*(1.0f - cosA)) + old.b * rot;
float bx = old.r * rot + old.g * rot + old.b * cosA + 1.f/3.f * (1.0f - cosA);
return sf::Color(clampAndConvert(rx), clampAndConvert(gx), clampAndConvert(bx), old.a);
Edit: Removed unnecessary casts.
Edit: Got rid of the matrix.
Edit: As I've noticed the code doesn't really work as wanted, but here's a hardcoded solution that works perfectly, just isn't that compact and nice.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
int main()
sf::RenderWindow Screen (sf::VideoMode (800, 600, 32), "Game", sf::Style::Close);
sf::RectangleShape rect(sf::Vector2f(350.f, 350.f));
rect.setPosition(150, 150);
int dr = 0;
int dg = 0;
int db = 0;
sf::Uint8 r = 255, g = 0, b = 0;
while (Screen.isOpen())
sf::Event Event;
while (Screen.pollEvent (Event))
if (Event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
r += dr;
g += dg;
b += db;
if(r == 255 && g == 0 && b == 0)
dr = 0; dg = 1; db = 0;
if(r == 255 && g == 255 && b == 0)
dr = -1; dg = 0; db = 0;
if(r == 0 && g == 255 && b == 0)
dr = 0; dg = 0; db = 1;
if(r == 0 && g == 255 && b == 255)
dr = 0; dg = -1; db = 0;
if(r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 255)
dr = 1; dg = 0; db = 0;
if(r == 255 && g == 0 && b == 255)
dr = 0; dg = 0; db = -1;
rect.setFillColor(sf::Color(r, g, b));
return 0;
Convert RGB to HSL or HSV, modify the hue, then convert the result back to RGB.
Jerry's answer above is one correct way. If you don't care about preserving luminance (which if you do - don't use HSV, either), you can simply rotate your RGB color along the R=G=B axis. This is just a matrix multiply and saves you the conversion to and from HLS or HSV space.