I'm trying to fix an issue where the Sitecore marketing dashboard is throwing errors. The first suggestion in the kb and elsewhere is to go to localsitecore/sitecore/admin/RedeployMarketingData.aspx and select "Redeploy Segments" but that option isn't available. There is a section to Redeploy Maps, but not segments. I spun up an 8.1 version and the option is available. Did Sitecore move that to a new location in 8.2?
from CDAP documentation exists an HTTPS post-run plugin to trigger pipeline start based on the successful execution of another pipeline (Scheduling). I'm trying to use this functionality in GCP Data Fusion but the plugin even if installed (because I can see it from Control Center) seems to be not available.
I also tried to install manually the plugin HTTP Plugin v2.2.0 as stated in the documentation but has only sink and source action. Also if I try to use the plugin an error is displayed
HTTP Properties 1.2.0 (No widgets JSON found for the plugin. Please check the documentation on how to add.)
this error seems related to the fact that Data Fusion is trying to use version 1.2.0 (the one already installed) with properties of version 2.2.0.
Any suggestions on how to solve this issue?
I can see the two vesions http-plugin from Control Center
but I cannot set the version
Problem about http plugin hasn't been solved but I found the existence of pipeline trigger to execute pipeline based on status of another pipeline, this feateure is only available with Enterprise edition.
I believe you can find HTTPCallback post action plugin for the particular batch pipeline attaching appropriate pipeline alert.
Following Configure menu from the main dashboard plate:
Create the new Alert object invoking HTTPCallback plugin properties list:
Depending on the version of the you Data Fusion instance, it may still be defaulting to the old version of the plugin. To select the new version of the plugin you should:
Navigate to the Studio
Hover your mouse over the HTTP plugin in the sidebar
After a second or so, a box will appear with the plugin details. You will see the current version of the plugin and a button beside it that says "Change", click on this button. If you don't see this button that means you only have one version of the plugin in your instance.
You will see a list of all the versions of the plugin in this instance, select the one you want. The version you select will be the new default version.
You should now be able to use v2.2.0 of the plugin.
Hi all I just want to know if its possible to sync Sitecore 8.1 Update-2 items back to Sitecore 8 Update-4. I will be using TDS to sync the items. If it's possible, is there a guide that I can follow? Its gonna my first time using TDS. Thank you!
You can sync items between versions without issue. I have even seen people do upgrades through serialization.
As for a checklist and TDS
Make sure you sync all of you custom Templates. You will not be able to sync an item back without the required item template.
Don't sync any out of the box Sitecore items. During upgrades these are the things that change.
Determine if you have any core database items that you changed. Sync those also if you have any.
You will need a TDS project for each database you want to sync to.
Use the TDS 2 Rocks Connector plugin so that any change you make in the Sitecore Explorer is synced to TDS automatically.
You can Sync the 8.1 TDS items in 8.0 environment.
We have recently done similar thing.
We have upgraded to 8.2. during this process We have synced items on a 8.0 Application as well.
As dnstommy suggested,
You need to Sync all your custom templates. Sync the Core DB as well.
I am using Sitecore 8.1 and whenever I build the solution. Sitecore starts rebuilding all the indexes when I load the website in browser. I am using IIS (localhost) on the development machine. Even if I change a some thing in web.config and reload the website (in browser), sitecore starts rebuilding indexes again.
Is it normal behavior with Sitcore 8.1? I have recently started working with it. I never had this kind of problem with Sitecore 7.2.
When you update web.config, Sitecore initiated a shutdown and restart again, once Sitecore gets restarted, it will start updating the indexes (I can see this in the crawling log).
IntervalAsynchronous strategy will be triggered and responsible for this behaviour.
The strategy forces a full index rebuild when the number of entries in
the history table exceeds the number you specify in the
Indexing.FullRebuildItemCountThreshold setting. This normally means
that a substantial publishing or deployment has taken place, and this
should always trigger a full index rebuild.
Refer to this link for more information: https://doc.sitecore.net/sitecore_experience_platform/setting_up__maintaining/search_and_indexing/indexing/index_update_strategies
I am currently trying to upgrade a Sitecore installation from 7.5 to 8.1 Update 3 and I can't seem to figure out a good process that won't take weeks and weeks. I have posted questions on other blog posts and also to the official Sitecore Community site but have not really gotten any good feedback. Here is what I am trying to do.
I need to upgrade Sitecore from 7.5 to 8.1 Update 3. To do that it looks like I need to do 3 separate upgrades:
7.5 to 8.0 Initial Release
8.0 Initial Release to 8.1 Initial Release
8.1 Initial Release to 8.1 Update 3
In addition we are using both the Email Campaign Manager (ECM) and the Webforms for Marketers (WFFM) modules. Each of those modules has its own separate upgrade instructions.
Also we have servers in 3 different environments: 1 in DEV, 1 in QA and 3 in PROD (1 CM and 2 CD)
The upgrades of Sitecore itself are long and tedious and filled with many manual steps prone to error. I am already on my 3rd attempt to upgrade my DEV site and it seems every time I do it I get about half way through and I run in to lots of errors. In addition the instructions for upgrading ECM/EXM seem to not allow you to skip to major releases. So to upgrade EXM itself I am going to have to do 10 individual upgrades!!!
I am trying desperately to figure out if there are any shorter ways to accomplish this upgrade. This is so complicated and tedious that I feel like it will take me one or two days just to upgrade the DEV site. Then another one or two days to upgrade the QA site - assuming I don't run in to any errors that I can't figure out.
Then after that I have absolutely no idea how I am going to upgrade PROD. I have a CM server and 2 CD servers. There's no way I can freeze content entry and editing for a week while I do the upgrade. Plus we have some user generated content like user registrations and order entries on the site. How can I upgrade PROD and not lose registrations and order entries and other user generated content?
I was hoping that there would be some easier way of doing a Sitecore upgrade from one major version to the next but I can't seem to figure it out. No matter what I try it is incredibly complex and manual and prone to error.
Any help is appreciated.
One option could also be installing a new version of Sitecore 8.1 update 3 and run a database comparison tool (such as RAZL) to get across the items in your new Sitecore instance.
You could get the items across using the regular Sitecore packages although that's more time-consuming unless you automate that using something like Sitecore Ship or Courier.
You'll also need to check your code of course, any config changes you're patching in etc. still will have to be tested.
Mind you, this is not recommended practice for reasons you can find in the blogpost jammykam posted in a comment (http://www.seanholmesby.com/the-truth-about-sitecore-upgrades/)
There's rumors of an Express upgrade tool in 8.2 that will allow you to upgrade directly from an old version. I don't have an official source, but there's a few blog posts about this, this for example: http://kverheire.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/sitecore-82-in-depth-preview-83-update.html
I believe the people who actually have more info on that are bound by NDA - so you'd have to ask Sitecore directly for more info.
If you can't wait for 8.2 - then you can also create new blank environments of a newer version and write your own processes for migrating data across. Not sure how easy this will be with EXM, WFFM, or Analytics though.
We have a Sitecore 8.0 instance that we want to replace by a fresh new Sitecore 8.1 instance. So I installed a new 8.1 instance, installed the necessary modules and TDS packages and the site is running fine.
However we have lots of Analytics data in the old 8.0 instance that we don't want to loose. Is there a way to get that Analytics data into the new 8.1 instance?
Can I just add the old 8.0 analytics database to the ConnectionString and remove the entry of the new 8.1 one?
You should check the Sitecore 8.1 upgrade guide (available on dev.sitecore.net). It has a section on how to upgrade the data by rebuilding the reporting database (this process might take a while). This way you should be able to continue with you old data.
Attach your new site to (a copy of) the reporting database, perform the upgrade steps for that database as described in the upgrade guide (running sql script) and follow the steps for rebuilding the database.