How can I merge multiple blocks/lines with sed or regex? - regex

Is it possible to merge multiple blocks/lines into a "single" line?
So basically if the next line starts with the same "#Msg" tag then append it to the previous line. (Hard to explain, but my example speaks for itself) (The blocks are separated by a new/blank line)
My input file looks like this:
Output should be like this:
#Msg,00001 #Msg,00002
#Msg,00003 #Msg,00004
#Msg,00006 #Msg,00007 #Msg,00008
#Msg,00010 #Msg,00011
Any advice is very welcome.

This would be pretty easy to do in Perl:
perl -00 -ple 'tr/\n/ /'
-e CODE specifies the program.
-p wraps a read/write line loop around it (by default it reads from STDIN, but you can also specify one or more filenames on the command line).
-00 specifies that the input "lines" are actually paragraphs.
-l has two effects: Incoming line terminators are automatically stripped from lines, and outgoing lines get line terminators added to them (and because we used -00 (paragraph mode), our line terminator is actually \n\n).
To recap:
We read the input one paragraph at a time. For each paragraph, we remove any trailing newlines. We then translate every newline to a space. Finally we output the transformed paragraph, followed by \n\n.

No point in trying to produce a shorter code than is possible with Perl!
Collect lines from the input file in list group until a blank line appears. Then output the contents of group, empty it and start again. When end-of-file is encountered output whatever is in group, if it is non-empty.
group = []
with open('vollschauer.txt') as vollschauer:
for line in vollschauer:
line = line.rstrip()
if line:
if group:
print (' '.join(group))
group = []
if group:
print (' '.join(group))
group = []

$ awk -v RS= -v ORS='\n\n' '{$1=$1}1' file
#Msg,00001 #Msg,00002
#Msg,00003 #Msg,00004
#Msg,00006 #Msg,00007 #Msg,00008
#Msg,00010 #Msg,00011

If you insist on using sed, this should do the trick:
sed -r ':a; N; /^(#[^,]+,).*\n\1/! { P; D }; s/\n/ /; ba' file
It takes different tags into account. Such tags won't be grouped together (that's what I understood is the desired behavior):
$ cat file
$ sed -r ':a; N; /^(#[^,]+,).*\n\1/! { P; D }; s/\n/ /; ba' file
#Msg,00000 #Msg,00001
#What,00004 #What,00005
Note that this solution uses GNU sed.

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;N;/^$/M!s/\n/ /;ta' file
Gather up lines, replacing each newline by a space until an empty line.
N.B. The use of the M flag on the repexp /^$/ which matches an empty line on a pattern space containing multiple lines.


BASH - Replacement of regex match within a file

Given the following files:
My inputfile, contains multiple line
and also special characters {}[]ä/
Contains multiple lines,
also special characters {}[]ä/
##regex_match## <= must be replaced by input_file
Content goes on
Contains multiple lines,
also special characters {}[]ä/
My inputfile, contains multiple line
and also special characters {}[]ä/
Content goes on
I thought about sed but that would be very cumbersome because of escaping and newlines. Is there any other solution in BASH?
perl solution just for variety's sake.
perl -0777 -lpe'
open $fh, "<", "input_file";
$input = $fh->getline
' < template_file > output_file
sed -n -e '/##regex_match##/{r input_file' -e 'b' -e '}; p' template_file
If the regex is matched, read and output the input file and branch (end processing of the line and don't print it). Otherwise print the line.
The use of -e delimits parts of the sed commands so that the r command which reads the input file knows where the name of the file ends. Otherwise it would greedily consume the following sed commands as if they were part of the file name.
The curly braces delimit a block in the program that's like an if statement.
I tested this on MacOS, but it should be pretty similar for GNU. MacOS sed is much pickier about -e (among other differences which don't come into play here).
A very slight variation on the technique Dennis Williamson already posted, merely for discussion purposes -
sed '/##regex_match##/ {
r input_file
}' template_file
Contains multiple lines,
also special characters {}[]ä/
My inputfile, contains multiple line
and also special characters {}[]ä/
Content goes on
c.f. the manual.
He used -e options to pass commands, where I separated them with newlines. Usually a semicolon is enough, but apparently r makes other commands on the same line get ignored.
The d prevents the tag pattern from being printed.
With any awk in any shell on every UNIX box and with any characters:
$ awk 'NR==FNR{rec=rec sep $0; sep=ORS; next} /##regex_match##/{$0=rec} 1' input_file template_file
Contains multiple lines,
also special characters {}[]ä/
My inputfile, contains multiple line
and also special characters {}[]ä/
Content goes on

Adding a line using sed

Can't seem to find the right way to do this, despite checking my regex in a reg checker.
Given a text file containing, amongst others, this entry:
zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/zones/";
allow-transfer { x.x.x.x;y.y.y.y; };
also-notify { x.x.x.x;y.y.y.y; };
I want to add lines after the also-notify line, for that domain specifically.
So using this sed command string:
sed '/"example\.net".*?also-notify.*?};/a\nxxxxxxx/s' named.conf.local
I thought should work to add 'xxxxxxx' after the line. But nope. What am I doing wrong?
With POSIX sed, you can use the a for append command with an escaped literal new line:
$ sed '/^[[:blank:]]*also-notify/ a\
NEW LINE' file
With GNU sed, a is slightly more natural since the new line is assumed:
$ gsed '/^[[:blank:]]*also-notify/ a NEW LINE' file
The issue with the sed in your example is two fold.
The first is any sed regex cannot be for a multi-line match as in example\.net".*?also-notify.*?. That is more of a perl type match. You would need to use a range operator for the start as in:
$ sed '/"example\.net/,/also-notify/{
/^[[:blank:]]*also-notify/ a\
}' file
The second issue is the \n in the appended text. With POSIX sed, the \n is not supported in any context. With GNU sed, the new line is assumed and the \n is out of context (if immediately after the a) and interpreted as an escaped literal n. You can use \n with GNU sed after 1 character but not immediately after. In POSIX sed, leading spaces of the appended line will always be stripped.
Following awk may help on this.
awk -v new_lines="new_line here" '/also-notify/{flag=1;print new_lines} /^};/{flag=""} !flag' Input_file
In case you want to edit Input_file itself then append > temp_file && mv temp_file Input_file to above code too. Also print new_lines here new_lines is a variable you could print the new liens directly too in there.
You're pretty close already. Just use a range (/pattern/,/pattern/{ #commands }) to select the text you want to operate on and then use /pattern/a/\ ... to add the line you want.
\ this is the text I want to add.
sed trims leading space on text to be appended. Adding a backslash \ at the start of the line prevents this.
In Bash, this would look like something like:
sed -e '/"example\.net"/,/also-notify/{
\ this is the text I want to add.
}' named.conf.local
Also note that sed uses an older dialect of regular expressions that doesn't support non-greedy quantifies like *?.

Using awk or sed to merge / print lines matching a pattern (oneliner?)

I have a file that contains the following text:
I am hoping to achieve the following result using awk or sed (as a oneliner would be a bonus! [Perl oneliner would be acceptable as well]):
I'd like to have each line that matches 'subject' and 'object' combined in the order that each one is listed, separated with a comma. May I see an example of this done with awk, sed, or perl? (Preferably as a oneliner if possible?)
I have tried some uses of awk to perform this, I am still learning I should add:
awk '{if ($0 ~ /subject/) pat1=$1; if ($0 ~ /object/) pat2=$2} {print $0,pat2}'
But does not do what I thought it would! So I know I have the syntax wrong. If I were to see an example that would greatly help so that I can learn.
not perl or awk but easier.
$ pr -2ts, file
-2 2 columns
t ignore print header (filename, date, page number, etc)
s, use comma as the column separator
I'd do it something like this in perl:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #subjects;
while ( <DATA> ) {
m/^subject:(\w+)/ and push #subjects, $1;
m/^object:(\w+)/ and print "subject:",shift #subjects,",object:", $1,"\n";
Reduced down to one liner, this would be:
perl -ne '/^(subject:\w+)/ and push #s, $1; /^object/ and print shift #s,$_' file
grep, paste and process substitution
$ paste -d , <(grep 'subject' infile) <(grep 'object' infile)
This treats the output of grep 'subject' infile and grep 'object' infile like files due to process substitution (<( )), then pastes the results together with paste, using a comma as the delimiter (indicated by -d ,).
The idea is to read and store all subject lines in the hold space, then for each object line fetch the hold space, get the proper subject and put the remaining subject lines back into hold space.
First the unreadable oneliner:
$ sed -rn '/^subject/H;/^object/{G;s/\n+/,/;s/^(.*),([^\n]*)(\n|$)/\2,\1\n/;P;s/^[^\n]*\n//;h}' infile
-r is for extended regex (no escaping of parentheses, + and |) and -n does not print by default.
Expanded, more readable and explained:
/^subject/H # Append subject lines to hold space
/^object/ { # For each object line
G # Append hold space to pattern space
s/\n+/,/ # Replace first group of newlines with a comma
# Swap object (before comma) and subject (after comma)
P # Print up to first newline
s/^[^\n]*\n// # Remove first line (can't use D because there is another command)
h # Copy pattern space to hold space
When the hold space is fetched for the first time, it starts with a newline (H adds one), so the newline-to-comma substitution replaces one or more newlines, hence the \n+: two newlines for the first time, one for the rest.
To anchor the end of the subject part in the swap, we use (\n|$): either a newline or the end of the pattern space – this is to get the swap also on the last line, where we don't have a newline at the end of the pattern space.
This works with GNU sed. For BSD sed as found in MacOS, there are some changes required:
The -r option has to be replaced by -E.
There has to be an extra semicolon before the closing brace: h;}
To insert a newline in the replacement string (swap command), we have to replace \n by either '$'\n'' or '"$(printf '\n')"'.
Since you specifically asked for a "oneliner" I assume brevity is far more important to you than clarity so:
$ awk -F: -v OFS=, 'NR>1&&$1!=p{f=1}{p=$1}f{print a[++c],$0;next}{a[NR]=$0}' file

process a delimited text file with sed

I have a ";" delimited file:
I'd like to process it replacing the missing value with a \N .
The result should be:
I'm trying to do it with a sed script:
sed "s/;\(;\)/;\\N\1/g" file1.txt >file2.txt
But what I get is
You don't need to enclose the second semicolon in parentheses just to use it as \1 in the replacement string. You can use ; in the replacement string:
sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g'
As you noticed, when it finds a pair of semicolons it replaces it with the desired string then skips over it, not reading the second semicolon again and this makes it insert \N after every two semicolons.
A solution is to use positive lookaheads; the regex is /;(?=;)/ but sed doesn't support them.
But it's possible to solve the problem using sed in a simple manner: duplicate the search command; the first command replaces the odd appearances of ;; with ;\N, the second one takes care of the even appearances. The final result is the one you need.
The command is as simple as:
sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g;s/;;/;\\N;/g'
It duplicates the previous command and uses the ; between g and s to separe them. Alternatively you can use the -e command line option once for each search expression:
sed -e 's/;;/;\\N;/g' -e 's/;;/;\\N;/g'
The OP asks in a comment "What if my file have 100 columns?"
Let's try and see if it works:
$ echo "0;1;;2;;;3;;;;4;;;;;5;;;;;;6;;;;;;;" | sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g;s/;;/;\\N;/g'
Look, ma! It works!
Update #2
I ignored the fact that the question doesn't ask to replace ;; with something else but to replace the empty/missing values in a file that uses ; to separate the columns. Accordingly, my expression doesn't fix the missing value when it occurs at the beginning or at the end of the line.
As the OP kindly added in a comment, the complete sed command is:
sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g;s/;;/;\\N;/g;s/^;/\\N;/g;s/;$/;\\N/g'
or (for readability):
sed -e 's/;;/;\\N;/g;' -e 's/;;/;\\N;/g;' -e 's/^;/\\N;/g' -e 's/;$/;\\N/g'
The two additional steps replace ';' when they found it at beginning or at the end of line.
You can use this sed command with 2 s (substitute) commands:
sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g; s/;;/;\\N;/g;' file
Or using lookarounds regex in a perl command:
perl -pe 's/(?<=;)(?=;)/\\N/g' file
The main problem is that you can't use several times the same characters for a single replacement:
s/;;/..../g: The second ; can't be reused for the next match in a string like ;;;
If you want to do it with sed without to use a Perl-like regex mode, you can use a loop with the conditional command t:
sed ':a;s/;;/;\\N;/g;ta;' file
:a defines a label "a", ta go to this label only if something has been replaced.
For the ; at the end of the line (and to deal with eventual trailing whitespaces):
sed ':a;s/;;/;\\N;/g;ta; s/;[ \t\r]*$/;\\N/1' file
this awk one-liner will give you what you want:
awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i=="")$i="\\N"}7' file
if you really want the line: sfaf;sdfas;\N;\N;\N , this line works for you:
awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i=="")$i="\\N";sub(/;$/,";\\N")}7' file
sed 's/;/;\\N/g;s/;\\N\([^;]\)/;\1/g;s/;[[:blank:]]*$/;\\N/' YourFile
non recursive, onliner, posix compliant
change all ;
put back unmatched one
add the special case of last ; with eventually space before the end of line
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r ':;s/^(;)|(;);|(;)$/\2\3\\N\1\2/g;t' file
There are 4 senarios in which an empty field may occur: at the start of a record, between 2 field delimiters, an empty field following an empty field and at the end of a record. Alternation can be employed to cater for senarios 1,2 and 4 and senario 3 can be catered for by a second pass using a loop (:;...;t). Multiple senarios can be replaced in both passes using the g flag.

sed substitution including newlines

I want to change a text file so that any line beginning with "Length:" is appended to the previous line.
I'm aware that sed '/\nLength:/ Length:/' isn't going to work because sed is line based.
Googling for "How to match newlines in sed" did turn up a complex sed method for joining a pattern to the next line but I couldn't figure out how to adapt it.
Help would be appreciated.
In awk you can use something like:
awk '/^/&&!/^Length/{printf "\n"}{printf "%s",$0}' infile
Will only print \n when line start ^ is matched. Exception: Length is found at that beginnig.
If the file isn't too large, you can use a Perl command line in slurp mode (load all the file content before processing) :
perl -0777 -pe 's/\R(?=Length:)//g' file
-0777 switches on the slurp mode
\R any kind of newlines
(?=...) lookahead assertion
If there's no consecutive lines starting with Length: you can use this sed command:
sed -n ':a;/\nLength:/!{$p;N;ba;}; s/\n\(Length:\)/$1/;p;' file
:a; # define the label "a"
/\nLength:/! { # if "\nLength:" doesn't match then:
$p; # if last line, print
N; # append the next line to the pattern space
ba; # go to label "a"
s/\n\(Length:\)/$1/; # perform the replacement
p; # print
An other way with awk using the record separator:
awk 'BEGIN{RS="\nLength:";ORS="Length:"}1' file | head -n -1
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 'N;/\nLength:/s/\n/ /;P;D' file
This appends the next line to the present line in the pattern space and if the appended line begins with the required string it replaces the newline with a space (if you do not want the space just replace the newline with nothing). The first line is then printed and deleted and the process repeated (the second line is now the first unless the condition was met in which case a line is automatically read in and then the first command appends the next).