Load OpenSSL API code Apache - c++

Is posible to load a custom module, or patch based on OpenSSL API to an Apache reverse proxy using C/C++ ???.
I can build a .so object using OpenSSL API and preload it to some TLS clients (like wget) but I dont know how to do that on an Apache server.
Any idea?

You can build your own OpenSSL libraries libssl.so and libcrypto.so. Then you need to specify those libs in the LD_PRELOAD= variable of your apache process environment (see more about LD_PRELOAD here)


Use curl libraries without install them

I'm trying to use the curl libraries in c++ to download some files with Ubuntu, it has to run in a sever but I can't install the packages because I don't have the privileges on that machine. How can I use those libraries without installing them?
You can take curl library from your development machine, put it near your binary and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point out system to where get curl library
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/where/your/curl/library ./your-executable
You can build curl library by hands in form of static library and link with your application.

Does ember's dist output require node?

When you build an Ember application the output is placed in the dist folder. Can I take this output and stick it into IIS on a server without installing node? I understand that during development I need to have node.js installed. I'm asking if the production host server will require node.js if I'm hosting in IIS?
A built Ember application (the contents of the /dist folder) is composed of files that can be served statically, so there's no requirement for node.js.
You should be able to serve them with IIS without a problem, just make sure you configure the routes properly if you're using the history API (location: 'auto'/location: history).

Installing MQTT client for windows 8.1

I've been using MQTT server/client on Ubuntu for some time without any problems.
However I tried to install a client / server on Windows 8.1 platform.
I downloaded the broker and it installed without any errors.
However I can't find the client for use as standalone, to enable me to use mosquitto_sub / mosquitto_pub.
I also need to use the client libraries in my C++ project.
Do I need eclipse-paho-mqtt-c-windows-1.0.2 to use the client libraries?
Thanks in advance for any help.
mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub should have been installed in
C:\Program Files\mosquitto
For devlopment the headers and .lib files should be in the devel directory at the same location to link against the libmosquitto/libmoquittopp (mosquitto.dll/mosquittopp.dll). Or as you have said you could use the paho libraries.

Custom build environment/target libraries

I want to build an application that will be compatible with, say, Debian Lenny (libc, postgres, oracle and other libs) on a different Debian/Ubuntu release.
Is this possible? If so, where can I read how to do it?
You can use the open build service for this. Create the Debian package description files for it (you can add also rpm spec files), select the target distributions and you will get it built on each platform and also get a specific download repository for each platform. Your package will be rebuilt automatically when needed as well. You can install your own instance of the service if you need to host proprietary code.
If you want a multiplatform binary, you may want to build it against a LSB chroot:
And bundle any library that is not part of it. The LSB has tools to then check your app for compliance. Their website is down right now, but it should be here: http://ldn.linuxfoundation.org/lsb/check-your-app

Jetty: Mount to a directory on a different host

I'm looking to map to a directory on a different host using Jetty/Maven when working locally. I've found you can do this w/ Apache using mod_jk (JkMount/JkUnMount), but haven't figured it how to do the same on jetty.
On our dev/q/live servers, we have Apache in front of JBoss and use mod_jk to do this. Locally, we're using jetty
To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, this is how you would configure Apache to accomplish this:
in httpd.conf:
JkMount /images/* host2
JkMount /* host2
JkUnMount /images/* host1
Is there a way to configure Jetty to do the same thing?
Btw, locally, I'm using the Maven plugin for Eclipse if that makes a difference.
I tried going a different route here and just added a folder, then Advanced > Link to a folder in the file system and I pointed to a file on the remote server (I believe we use WebDav). The files show up in project explorer, but they aren't served. I'm going to try setting org.mortbay.util.FileResource.checkAliases to true as specified here:
...will let you know if that takes care of it.
Are you using the Spring Framework? If so, another solution here is to use tuckey urlrewrite. You can test for your local domain and only run the rules there.