Libgdx shader that affects whole screen - opengl

I'm making a game in Libgdx.
The only way I have ever known how to use shaders is to have the batch affect the given textures one after another. This is what I normally do in my code:
shader = new ShaderProgram(Gdx.files.internal("shaders/shader.vert"), Gdx.files.internal("shaders/shader.frag"));
And that's about all of the needed code.
Anyways, I do not want this separation between textures. However, I can't find any way to affect the whole screen at once with a shader, like the whole screen is just one big texture. To me, it seems like the most logical way to use a shader.
So, does anyone know how to do something like this?

Draw all textures (players, actors, landscape, ...) with the same batch and, if you want to affect also the background with the same shader, draw a still texture with the size of the screen in the background and draw it with the same batch.

Quite easy with FBO objects, you can get "the whole screen as just one big texture" like you said in your question:
First of all, before any rendering, create yout FBO object and begin it:
FrameBuffer fbo = new FrameBuffer(Format.RGBA8888, Width, Height, false);
Then do all of your normal rendering:, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);;
Batch b = new SpriteBatach(...
//Whatever rendering code you have
Finally save that FBO into a texture or sprite, do any transformation needed on it, and prepare and use your shader on it.
SpriteBatch b = new SpriteBatch();
Sprite s = new Sprite(fbo.getColorBufferTexture());
s.flip(false,true); //Coord systems in buffer differs from screen
your_shader.setUniformMatrix("u_projTrans",camera.combined); //if you have camera
viewport.apply(); //if you have viewport
And this is all!
Essentially what you are doing is to "render" all your assets and game scene and stages into a buffer, than, saving that buffer image into a texture and finally rendering that texture with the shader effect you want.
As you may notice, this is highly inefficient, since you are copying all your screen to a buffer. Also note that some older drivers only support power of 2 sizes for the FBO, so you may have to have that in mind, check here for more information on the topic.


Displaying a framebuffer in OpenGL

I've been learning a bit of OpenGL lately, and I just got to the Framebuffers.
So by my current understanding, if you have a framebuffer of your own, and you want to draw the color buffer onto the window, you'll need to first draw a quad, and then wrap the texture over it? Is that right? Or is there something like glDrawArrays(), glDrawElements() version for framebuffers?
It seems a bit... Odd (clunky? Hackish?) to me that you have to wrap a texture over a quad in order to draw the framebuffer. This doesn't have to be done with the default framebuffer. Or is that done behind your back?
Well. The main point of framebuffer objects is to render scenes to buffers that will not get displayed but rather reused somewhere, as a source of data for some other operation (shadow maps, High dynamic range processing, reflections, portals...).
If you want to display it, why do you use a custom framebuffer in the first place?
Now, as #CoffeeandCode comments, there is indeed a glBlitFramebuffer call to allow transfering pixels from one framebuffer to another. But before you go ahead and use that call, ask yourself why you need that extra step. It's not a free operation...

What is the most efficient method of rendering sprites in DirectX 10?

I am currently experimenting with various ways of displaying 2D sprites in DirectX 10. I began by using the ID3DX10Sprite interface to batch draw my sprites in a single call. Eventually, however, I wanted a little more control over how my sprites were rendered, so I decided to look into quad-based sprite rendering (ie each sprite being represented by a quad with a texture applied).
I started out simple: I created a single vertex buffer consisting of 4 vertices that was applied once before the sprites were drawn. I then looped through my sprites, setting the appropriate properties to be passed into the shader, and making a draw call for each sprite, like so: d3dDevice->Draw( 4, 0);. Though it worked, the draw call for every sprite bugged me, so I looked for a more efficient method.
After searching about, I learned about object instancing, and decided to try it out. Everything went well until I tried implementing the most important part of sprites--textures. In short, though I had a texture array (declared at the top of my shader like so Texture2D textures[10];) that could be successfully sampled within my pixel shader using literals/constants as indexes, I could not figure out how to control which textures were applied to which instances via a texture index.
The idea would be for me to pass in a texture index per instance, that could then be used to sample the appropriate texture in the array within the pixel shader. However, after searching around more, I could not find an example of how it could be done (and found many things suggesting that it could not be done without moving to DirectX 11).
Is that to say that the only way to successfully render sprites via object instancing in DirectX 10 is to render them in batches based on texture? So, for example, if my scene consists of 100 sprites with 20 different textures (each texture referenced by 5 sprites), then it would take 20 separate draw calls to display the scene, and I would only be sending 5 sprites at a time.
In the end, I am rather at a loss. I have done a lot of searching, and seem to be coming up with conflicting information. For example, in this article in paragraph 6 it states:
Using DirectX 10, it is possible to apply different textures in the array to different instances of the same object, thus making them look different
In addition, on page 3 of this whitepaper, it mentions the option to:
Read a custom texture per instance from a texture array
However, I cannot seem to find a concrete example of how the shader can be setup to access a texture array using a per instance texture index.
In the end, the central question is: What is the most efficient method of rendering sprites using DirectX 10?
If the answer is instancing, then is it possible to control which texture is applied to each specific instance within the shader--thereby making it possible to send in much larger batches of sprites along with their appropriate texture index with only a single draw call? Or must I be content with only instancing sprites with the same texture at a time?
If the answer is returning to the use of the provided DX10 Sprite interface, then is there a way for me to have more control over how it is rendered?
As a side note, I have also looked into using a Geometry Shader to create the actual quad, so I would only have to pass in a series of points instead of managing a vertex and instance buffer. Again, though, unless there is a way to control which textures are applied to the generated quads, then I'm back to only batching sprites by textures.
There's a few ways (as usual) to do what you describe.
Please note that using
Texture2D textures[10];
will not allow you to use a variable index for lookup in Pixel Shader (since technically this declaration will allocate a slot per texture).
So what you need is to create a Texture2DArray instead. This is a bit like a volume texture, but the z component is a full number and there's no sampling on it.
You will need to generate this texture array though. Easy way is on startup you do one full screen quad draw call to draw each texture into a slice of the array (you can create a RenderTargetView for a specific slice). Shader will be a simple passtrough here.
To create a Texture Array (code is in SlimDX but, options are similar):
var texBufferDesc = new Texture2DDescription
ArraySize = TextureCount,
BindFlags = BindFlags.RenderTarget | BindFlags.ShaderResource,
CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.None,
Format = format,
Height = h,
Width = w,
OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.None,
SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1,0),
Usage = ResourceUsage.Default,
Then shader resource view is like this:
ShaderResourceViewDescription srvd = new ShaderResourceViewDescription()
ArraySize = TextureCount,
FirstArraySlice = 0,
Dimension = ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2DArray,
Format = format,
MipLevels = 1,
MostDetailedMip = 0
Finally, to get a render target for a specific slice:
RenderTargetViewDescription rtd = new RenderTargetViewDescription()
ArraySize = 1,
FirstArraySlice = SliceIndex,
Dimension = RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DArray,
Format = this.Format
Bind that to your passtrough shader, set desired texture as input and slice as output and draw a full screen quad (or full screen triangle).
Please note that this texture can also be saved in dds format (so it saves you to regenerate every time you start your program).
Looking up your Texture is like:
Texture2DArray myarray;
In Pixel Shader:
myarray.Sample(mySampler, float2(uv,SliceIndex);
Now about rendering sprites, you also have the option of GS expansion.
So you create a vertex buffer containing only the position/size/textureindex/whatever else you need one one vertex per sprite.
Send a draw call with n sprites (Topology needs to be set to point list).
Passtrough the data from vertex shader to geometry shader.
Expand your point into quad in geometry shader, you can find an example which is ParticlesGS in Microsoft SDK doing that, it's a bit overkill for your case since you only need the rendering part for it, not the animation. If you need some cleaned code let me know I'll quickly make a dx10 compatible sample (In my case I use StructuredBuffers instead of VertexBuffer)
Doing a pre-made Quad and passing the above data in Per Instance VertexBuffer is also possible, but if you have a high number of sprites it will easily blow up your graphics card (by high I mean something like over 3 million particles, which is not much by nowadays standards, but if you're under half a million sprites you'll be totally fine ;)
Include the texture index within the instance buffer and use this to select the correct texture from the texture array per instance:
struct VS
float3 Position: POSITION;
float2 TexCoord: TEXCOORD0;
float TexIndex: TexIndex; // From the instance buffer not the vertex buffer
Then pass this value on through to the pixel shader
struct PS
float4 Positon: SV_POSITION;
float3 TexCoord: TEXCOORD0;
vout.TexCoord = float3(vin.TexCoord, vin.TexIndex);

GLSL Renderbuffer really required?

I am trying to write a program that writes video camera frames into a quad.
I saw tutorials explaining that with framebuffers can be faster, but still learning how to do it.
But then besides the framebuffer, I found that there is also renderbuffers.
The question is, if the purpose is only to write a texture into a quad that will fill up the screen, do I really need a renderbuffer?
I understand that renderbuffers are for depth testing, which I think is only for checking Z position of the pixel, therefore would be silly to have to create a render buffer for my scenario, correct?
A framebuffer object is a place to stick images so that you can render to them. Color buffers, depth buffers, etc all go into a framebuffer object.
A renderbuffer is like a texture, but with two important differences:
It is always 2D and has no mipmaps. So it's always exactly 1 image.
You cannot read from a renderbuffer. You can attach them to an FBO and render to them, but you can't sample from them with a texture access or something.
So you're talking about two mostly separate concepts. Renderbuffers do not have to be "for depth testing." That is a common use case for renderbuffers, because if you're rendering the colors to a texture, you usually don't care about the depth. You need a depth because you need depth testing for hidden-surface removal. But you don't need to sample from that depth. So instead of making a depth texture, you make a depth renderbuffer.
But renderbuffers can also use colors rather than depth formats. You just can't attach them as textures. You can still blit from/to them, and you can still read them back with glReadPixels. You just can't read from them in a shader.
Oddly enough, this does nothing to answer your question:
The question is, if the purpose is only to write a texture into a quad that will fill up the screen, do I really need a renderbuffer?
I don't see why you need a framebuffer or a renderbuffer of any kind. A texture is a texture; just draw a textured quad.

Is it possible to save the current viewport and then re draw the saved viewport in OpenGL and C++ during the next draw cycle?

I want to know if I can save a bitmap of the current viewport in memory and then on the next draw cycle simply draw that memory to the viewport?
I'm plotting a lot of data points as a 2D scatter plot in a 256x256 area of the screen and I could in theory re render the entire plot each frame but in my case it would require me to store a lot of data points (50K-100K) most of which would be redundant as a 256x256 box only has ~65K pixels.
So instead of redrawing and rendering the entire scene at time t I want to take a snapshot of the scene at t-1 and draw that first, then I can draw updates on top of that.
Is this possible? If so how can I do it, I've looked around quite a bit for clues as to how to do this but I haven't been able to find anything that makes sense.
What you can do is render the scene into a texture and then first draw this texture (using a textured full-screen quad) before drawing the additional points. Using FBOs you can directly render into a texture without any data copies. If these are not supported, you can copy the current framebuffer (after drawing, of course) into a texture using glCopyTex(Sub)Image2D.
If you don't clear the framebuffer when rendering into the texture, it already contains the data of the previous frame and you just need to render the additional points. Then all you need to do to display it is drawing the texture. So you would do something like:
render additional points for time t into texture (that already contains the data of time t-1) using an FBO
display texture by rendering textured full-screen quad into display framebuffer
t = t+1 -> step 1.
You might even use the framebuffer_blit extension (which is core since OpenGL 3.0, I think) to copy the FBO data onto the screen framebuffer, which might even be faster than drawing the textured quad.
Without FBOs it would be something like this (requiring a data copy):
render texture containing data of time t-1 into display framebuffer
render additional points for time t on top of the texture
capture framebuffer into texture (using glCopyTexSubImage2D) for next loop
t = t+1 -> step 1
You can render to texture the heavy part. Then when rendering the scene, render that texture, and on top the changing things.

Fragment shader rendering to off-screen frame buffer

In a Qt based application I want to execute a fragment shader on two textures (both 1000x1000 pixels).
I draw a rectangle and the fragment shader works fine.
But, now I want to renderer the output into GL_AUX0 frame buffer to let the result read back and save to a file.
Unfortunately if the window size is less than 1000x1000 pixels the output is not correct. Just the window size area is rendered onto the frame buffer.
How can I execute the frame buffer for the whole texture?
The recommended way to do off-screen processing is to use Framebuffer Objects (FBO). These buffers act similar the render buffers you already know, but are not constrained by the window resolution or color depths. You can use the GPGPU Framebuffer Object Class to hide low-level OpenGL commands and use the FBO right away. If you prefer doing this on your own, have a look at the extension specification.