AWS Route53: Wildcard in secondary record set (*-Secondary) not working on failover - amazon-web-services

I configured a primary and secondary record sets in AWS Route53.
I am using an ALB (Application Load Balancer) for my primary, and a Web hosted S3 static page for my secondary. So both Record Set type is set as CNAME.
The name of the Record Sets:
I was able to redirect my page to the secondary whenever the primary is down.
However I have one problem. My primary is consisted of several applications that works independently. When I say independently, I meant that I do the maintenance to each application separately so they are down at different times.
So, there's domain1, domain2, domain3 and so on set as my primary.
I wanted to set only one Secondary page for all my primary records and was hoping that it could work once I changed the domain name of the secondary to:
and leave the primary to,, etc...
This is the only approached I tried but it is not working.
I know that it will work if I set a different secondary for each primary but is there any easier and a better way to accomplish my goal above?

No, there isn't.
On the right hand side, the * is not interpreted the same way it is on the left. It gets no special treatment as a target.
There is no way in Route 53 to map * to reference e.g. * so that for any value, the answer contains the same prefix with a different suffix. You'll need to configure them individually.


Can't get a domain verified on AWS after transfer

After transferring a domain from another registrar to AWS, I can't get it verified in the Certificate Manager. I created a hosted zone, the CNAME records created by the Certificate Manager are there, I tried with the DNS tester - the records seem good. However it still says "pending validation". I tried a few times, waited a couple of days and it doesn't seem it will work.
I'm totally out of ideas, any help?
DNS validation require 2 things to be setup correctly. Record Name and Record Value
Check if you're correctly setting these in Route53. Reference Doc here:
Now 2 issues which are very common
In the Record Name part confirm that you're not adding your domain name in the value. _X is the only part you have to copy-paste. If you copy _X.YourDomain then 'YourDomain' part is duplicated
Record Value ends with . (a period / dot). Don't remove that period
You can verify the settings from it has various configurations like A record, CNAME, DNS Validation, etc.

Amazon web service Route 53 ignore domain name

I have a group of micro-services hosted on AWS, these services interact with each other through request/response using DNS name defined on Route 53 at which i created a new private zone named and defined the DNSs for example WSG_KAFKA, in my code i have configure the DNS name with the zone name like
Is there is any way to ignore the domain name and use the DNS name directly
To use the hostname directly you need to edit your /etc/resolv.conf and add search option, so your file may look like:
That will help to just search your hostname by just using WSG_KAFKA.
From the man resolv.conf:
search Search list for host-name lookup.
The search list is normally determined from the local domain
name; by default, it contains only the local domain name.
This may be changed by listing the desired domain search path
following the search keyword with spaces or tabs separating
the names. Resolver queries having fewer than ndots dots
(default is 1) in them will be attempted using each component
of the search path in turn until a match is found. For
environments with multiple subdomains please read options
ndots:n below to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks and
unnecessary traffic for the root-dns-servers. Note that this
process may be slow and will generate a lot of network traffic
if the servers for the listed domains are not local, and that
queries will time out if no server is available for one of the
The search list is currently limited to six domains with a
total of 256 characters.

How to Query Route53 hosted zone to check for an existing record set?

I am new to amazon Route53. As of now, I am able to create a hosted zone and a resource record set in my amazon account. But now I want to search whether a record set already exists in my hosted zone. For Example
Hosted zone "" and it has two-record set in it.
Now I want to query my hosted zone and find out whether already exists in the
So, is there any API that I can use where I can pass my amazon credentials and my amazon hostedzone and the searched "record set" and then I can get the result back whether that record set already exists. Kindly guide me.
After research, I found out that there is "ListResourceRecordSet" which will give me the list back for a particular zone. But I don't want the list I just want to check whether the entry already exists.
I have been able to perform this check efficiently using the ListResourceRecordSet API method, and the name and maxitems parameters. You haven't specified how you are accessing the API, so I'm going to explain this using the standard AWS REST API.
Given your example:
Call the API passing as the name parameter and 1 as the maxitems parameter. Your request will look like this:{YOUR_HOSTED_ZONE_ID}/rrset?
Note that I've added a trailing dot (".") to the end of the resource name The API reference indicates that it may affect result sort order so I add it just in case.
You will get back an XML result in this format:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ListResourceRecordSetsResponse xmlns="">
Now you're going to have to do some parsing. Check the result to see if there is one ResourceRecordSet and if its Name property matches the name of the resource record you are looking for (you probably want to do a case-insensitive compare of the two values). Keep in mind that the Name property has that trailing period (".") at the end, so add it to the name you're searching for before doing the comparison.
If there is exactly one resource record set and the name matches the one you are looking for, it exists. If either one of those checks fails, then it does not exist.
Granted, this isn't as simple as a GetResourceRecordSet operation would be, but at least it keeps you from having to query the entire zone and parse a bunch of records. You also won't run into the long delay or throttling issues that you may using the CLI --query option.
There does not appear to be a way to use this method with the AWS CLI as it lacks a --name parameter for some reason. I can vouch for the fact that the JavaScript SDK will allow you to do this using the StartRecordName parameter.
There is no way to filter the API call, but there is a way to filter the data returned. Using the CLI you can do this with the --query option.
From the documentation: "To view all the resource record sets of a particular name, use the --query parameter to filter them out. For example:"
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Z2LD58HEXAMPLE --query "ResourceRecordSets[?Name == '']"

How do you find what GroupPolicy objects are attached to a container/domain/site?

I've got a problem where I need to interleave settings made on the host/user/containers/domain/site with the group policy settings attached to the containers/domain/site.
We can walk the ad tree for the host and the user and have those settings.
We have our group policy list & objects and those settings.
I'm just having trouble joining the 2 heirarchies back together, I can't seem to find the appripriate API/info to do it.
You need to look at the gpLink attribute of each site, domain, and OU. You can also look at gpOptions for a handful of related flags. The gpLink attribute will have the DNs of each GPO applied to that object as well as whether or not the link is enabled or not.

Amazon CloudFront key-pair creation

From my "Security Credentials", I can NOT create any more key pairs for my CloudFront setup.
I can only see my existing 2 key pairs and my deleted one. The "create" link is not present.
Do you have a reason for that?
How can I create key pairs without using this interface?
How can I bring back the feature to create key pair from that interface?
It's not possible to have more than two key pairs available for use at any one point in time, see Access Credential Rotation:
[...] you can have two credentials in an Active state at any point in time
so you can rotate them without impact to your application's
availability. The AWS Security Credentials page displays the current
state of each of the credentials you can rotate. The possible states:
Active—Can be used to secure requests to AWS.
Inactive—Can't be used, but can be moved back to the Active state.
Deleted—Can never be used again.
The first sentence is actually a bit misleading, insofar it applies to key pairs in the Inactive state as well, because these can be activated again.
As soon as you delete an inactive key, you will be able to create a new one.