Blender, Cycles Render, call to function cause app to crash - c++

I am trying to get the get the color of each sample during Cycles rendering. In order to do so, I am calling the following function
void update_bcd_inputs(int x, int y, float sampleR, float sampleG, float sampleB){
float current_valueR = sStats->m_meanImage.getValue(bcd::PixelPosition(x, y), 0); // += sampleR;
float current_valueG = sStats->m_meanImage.getValue(bcd::PixelPosition(x, y), 1); // += sampleG;
float current_valueB = sStats->m_meanImage.getValue(bcd::PixelPosition(x, y), 2); // += sampleB;
sStats->m_meanImage.set(x, y, 0, current_valueR + sampleR);
sStats->m_meanImage.set(x, y, 1, current_valueG + sampleG);
sStats->m_meanImage.set(x, y, 2, current_valueB + sampleB);
in blender/intern/cycles/device/device_cpu.cpp
void path_trace(DeviceTask &task, RenderTile &tile, KernelGlobals *kg)
float *render_buffer = (float*)tile.buffer;
int start_sample = tile.start_sample;
int end_sample = tile.start_sample + tile.num_samples;
float inv_weight = 1.0f/tile.num_samples;
for(int sample = start_sample; sample < end_sample; sample++) {
if(task.get_cancel() || task_pool.canceled()) {
if(task.need_finish_queue == false)
for(int y = tile.y; y < tile.y + tile.h; y++) {
for(int x = tile.x; x < tile.x + tile.w; x++) {
path_trace_kernel()(kg, render_buffer,
sample, x, y, tile.offset, tile.stride);
int step = tile.offset + x + y*tile.stride;
step *=;
float sampleR = *(render_buffer +step);
float sampleG = *(render_buffer +step +1);
float sampleB = *(render_buffer +step +2);
update_bcd_inputs(x, y, sampleR*inv_weight, sampleG*inv_weight, sampleB*inv_weight);
tile.sample = sample + 1;
task.update_progress(&tile, tile.w*tile.h);
SamplesStatisticsImages sStats is an attribute of CPUDevice
struct SamplesStatisticsImages
SamplesStatisticsImages() = default;
SamplesStatisticsImages(int i_width, int i_height, int i_nbOfBins);
SamplesStatisticsImages(const SamplesStatisticsImages&) = default;
SamplesStatisticsImages(SamplesStatisticsImages&&) = default;
SamplesStatisticsImages& operator=(const SamplesStatisticsImages&) = default;
SamplesStatisticsImages& operator=(SamplesStatisticsImages&&) = default;
DeepImage<float> m_nbOfSamplesImage;
DeepImage<float> m_meanImage;
DeepImage<float> m_covarImage;
DeepImage<float> m_histoImage;
Here are the files DeepImage.hpp and DeepImage.h.
The problem is that the call to update_bcd_inputs makes Blender to crash without even trying to render an image. I just change the renderer to Cycles, try to add a new material and boom, it crashes.
I figured out it is the set function that is the problem (when I remove it, the app doesn't crash).
Can someone understand why ? I don't have strong C++ skills so I must be missing something.
Here is the crash log as well.
Thanks !
Edit: more precisions
Here is the modified device_cpu.cpp.
The sStats pointer is initialized with nullptr in the CPUDevice constructor
CPUDevice(DeviceInfo& info_, Stats &stats_, bool background_)
: Device(info_, stats_, background_),
texture_info(this, "__texture_info", MEM_TEXTURE),
#define REGISTER_KERNEL(name) name ## _kernel(KERNEL_FUNCTIONS(name))
sStats = nullptr;
and then allocated in
void thread_render(DeviceTask& task)
sStats = new bcd::SamplesStatisticsImages(task.w, task.h, histoParams.m_nbOfBins);
histoParams is an attribute of CPUDevice as well.
struct HistogramParameters
HistogramParameters() :
m_maxValue(2.5f) {}
int m_nbOfBins;
float m_gamma; ///< exponent for the exponential size increase of histogram bins
float m_maxValue;


How can I draw filled triangle line by line in C++ console?

I am creating an utility to display graphics in the console. I currently have a method that takes 2 coordinates and draws a line between those two points. Is it possible to create a method based on this that will take 3 coordinates and draw a filled triangle?
I was thinking of drawing 2 lines, and then drawing lines from each point of one line to each point of the other. However, I think that the time complexity of this method will be really bad.
Here is a method that I used to draw a line:
void drawLine(Line line)
const bool steep = (fabs(line.end.y - line.begin.y) > fabs(line.end.x - line.begin.x));
if (steep)
std::swap(line.begin.x, line.begin.y);
std::swap(line.end.x, line.end.y);
if (line.begin.x > line.end.x)
std::swap(line.begin, line.end);
const double dx = line.end.x - line.begin.x;
const double dy = fabs(line.end.y - line.begin.y);
const double zStepLength = fabs(fabs(line.end.z) - fabs(line.begin.z)) / dx;
double error = dx / 2.0;
const int ystep = (line.begin.y < line.end.y) ? 1 : -1;
const double zstep = (line.begin.z < line.end.z) ? zStepLength : -zStepLength;
for (double x = line.begin.x, z = line.begin.z; x <= line.end.x; x++, z += zstep)
if (steep)
setPixel({ line.begin.y, x, z }, line.color);
setPixel({ x, line.begin.y, z }, line.color);
error -= dy;
if (error < 0)
line.begin.y += ystep;
error += dx;

Perlin Noise getting wrong values in Y axis (C++)

I'm trying to implement the Perlin Noise algorithm in 2D with a single octave with a size of 16x16. I'm using this as heightmap data for a terrain, however it only seems to work in one axis. Whenever the sample point moves to a new Y section in the Perlin Noise grid, the gradient is very different from what I expect (for example, it often flips from 0.98 to -0.97, which is a very sudden change).
This image shows the staggered terrain in the z direction (which is the y axis in the 2D Perlin Noise grid)
I've put the code that calculates which sample point to use at the end since it's quite long and I believe it's not where the issue is, but essentially I scale down the terrain to match the Perlin Noise grid (16x16) and then sample through all the points.
Gradient At Point
So the code that calculates out the gradient at a sample point is the following:
// Find the gradient at a certain sample point
float PerlinNoise::gradientAt(Vector2 point)
// Decimal part of float
float relativeX = point.x - (int)point.x;
float relativeY = point.y - (int)point.y;
Vector2 relativePoint = Vector2(relativeX, relativeY);
vector<float> weights(4);
// Find the weights of the 4 surrounding points
weights = surroundingWeights(point);
float fadeX = fadeFunction(relativePoint.x);
float fadeY = fadeFunction(relativePoint.y);
float lerpA = MathUtils::lerp(weights[0], weights[1], fadeX);
float lerpB = MathUtils::lerp(weights[2], weights[3], fadeX);
float lerpC = MathUtils::lerp(lerpA, lerpB, fadeY);
return lerpC;
Surrounding Weights of Point
I believe the issue is somewhere here, in the function that calculates the weights for the 4 surrounding points of a sample point, but I can't seem to figure out what is wrong since all the values seem sensible in the function when stepping through it.
// Find the surrounding weight of a point
vector<float> PerlinNoise::surroundingWeights(Vector2 point){
// Produces correct values
vector<Vector2> surroundingPoints = surroundingPointsOf(point);
vector<float> weights;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < surroundingPoints.size(); ++i) {
// The corner to the sample point
Vector2 cornerToPoint = surroundingPoints[i].toVector(point);
// Getting the seeded vector from the grid
float x = surroundingPoints[i].x;
float y = surroundingPoints[i].y;
Vector2 seededVector = baseGrid[x][y];
// Dot product between the seededVector and corner to the sample point vector
float dotProduct =;
return weights;
OpenGL Setup and Sample Point
Setting up the heightmap and getting the sample point. Variables 'wrongA' and 'wrongA' is an example of when the gradient flips and changes suddenly.
void HeightMap::GenerateRandomTerrain() {
int perlinGridSize = 16;
PerlinNoise perlin_noise = PerlinNoise(perlinGridSize, perlinGridSize);
numVertices = RAW_WIDTH * RAW_HEIGHT;
numIndices = (RAW_WIDTH - 1) * (RAW_HEIGHT - 1) * 6;
vertices = new Vector3[numVertices];
textureCoords = new Vector2[numVertices];
indices = new GLuint[numIndices];
float perlinScale = RAW_HEIGHT/ (float) (perlinGridSize -1);
float height = 50;
float wrongA = perlin_noise.gradientAt(Vector2(0, 68.0f / perlinScale));
float wrongB = perlin_noise.gradientAt(Vector2(0, 69.0f / perlinScale));
for (int x = 0; x < RAW_WIDTH; ++x) {
for (int z = 0; z < RAW_HEIGHT; ++z) {
int offset = (x* RAW_WIDTH) + z;
float xVal = (float)x / perlinScale;
float yVal = (float)z / perlinScale;
float noise = perlin_noise.gradientAt(Vector2( xVal , yVal));
vertices[offset] = Vector3(x * HEIGHTMAP_X, noise * height, z * HEIGHTMAP_Z);
textureCoords[offset] = Vector2(x * HEIGHTMAP_TEX_X, z * HEIGHTMAP_TEX_Z);
numIndices = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < RAW_WIDTH - 1; ++x) {
for (int z = 0; z < RAW_HEIGHT - 1; ++z) {
int a = (x * (RAW_WIDTH)) + z;
int b = ((x + 1)* (RAW_WIDTH)) + z;
int c = ((x + 1)* (RAW_WIDTH)) + (z + 1);
int d = (x * (RAW_WIDTH)) + (z + 1);
indices[numIndices++] = c;
indices[numIndices++] = b;
indices[numIndices++] = a;
indices[numIndices++] = a;
indices[numIndices++] = d;
indices[numIndices++] = c;
Turned out the issue was in the interpolation stage:
float lerpA = MathUtils::lerp(weights[0], weights[1], fadeX);
float lerpB = MathUtils::lerp(weights[2], weights[3], fadeX);
float lerpC = MathUtils::lerp(lerpA, lerpB, fadeY);
I had the interpolation in the y axis the wrong way around, so it should have been:
lerp(lerpB, lerpA, fadeY)
Instead of:
lerp(lerpA, lerpB, fadeY)

Getting NAN when only dealing with integer and float

I am working on an opengl assignment where I have to make a creature (I chose a snowman) move around some terrain. I am trying to make it move around, and I am getting the strangest errors. After printing the numbers out, I frequently get "-1.#QNAN0" as a number. I don't even know what that means. Below is the snowman's update function, constructor, and the header file. I am trying to get 2 numbers to use as velocity and add them to the position while it is set to animate (randomly changing), but I don't understand what errors are causing me to not get numbers out of rand().
Each time that the probability check succeeds, it prints out:
DEBUG: probability check succeeded
-1.#QNAN0 0.000000
DEBUG: probability check succeeded
0.000000 0.000000
with about 50% chance of each.
From Snowman.cpp
void Snowman::update(canvas_t texture){
//randomly toggle the walking variable
int probability = rand() % 100;
//printf("DEBUG: probability = %d\n", probability);
if(probability <= 10){
printf("DEBUG: probability check succeeded\n");
walking = !walking;
dx = static_cast<float>(( (rand() % 10) - 5));
dy = static_cast<float>(( (rand() % 10) - 5));
printf("%f %f\n", dx, dy);
//code to control movement
animate = true;
x += dx;
y += dy;
constrain(x, 0, texture.width);
constrain(y, 0, texture.height);
animate = false;
//set the height after x and y are resolved
z = getHeight(texture);
Snowman::Snowman(canvas_t terrain)
wireFrame = false;
animate = false;
armSegments = 2;
animationFrameNumber = 0;
manualUserOffset = 0;
//set its initial position
x = rand() % terrain.width;
y = rand() % terrain.height;
dx = 0;
dy = 0;
From Snowman.h
class Snowman
void setWireframe(bool);
void toggleWireframe(void);
void setAnimate(bool);
void toggleAnimate(void);
void setArmSegments(int);
void addArmSegment(void);
void subtractArmSegment(void);
void update(canvas_t);
void draw(void);
bool wireFrame;
bool animate;
bool walking;
int armSegments;
int animationFrameNumber;
float manualUserOffset;
float x, y, z;
int dx, dy;
inline float f(void);
inline void drawMouth(int headRadius);
inline void drawFace(int headRadius);
void drawArm(int remainingSegments);
inline void drawBody();
inline float getHeight(canvas_t);
dx and dy are ints, but your format specifier %f requires a double or a float. So you have undefined behaviour.

Scaling and rotating texture onto another texture by raw buffer data

I submitted this to gamedev, but they seem rather slow so I hope I could find an answer here.
I've been messing with C++ AMP and OGRE in attempt to make writing to/altering textures to my liking easier on my behalf. In this I've been trying to draw a texture onto my "dynamic" texture with strange results. It appears that a solid 3/4 of my image is cropped off and it's driving me mad as I cannot seem to find the fix.
Here's a video of the problem:
And here's all of the necessary code for the sake of understanding even though the kernel is really where the issue at hand rests:
#define ValidTexCoord(x, y, width, height) ((x) >= 0 && (x) < (width) && (y) >= 0 && (y) < (height))
void TextureKernel(array<uint32, 2> &buffer, array_view<uint32, 2> texture, uint32 x, uint32 y, Real rot, Real scale, bool alpha)
c = cos(-rot) / scale,
s = sin(-rot) / scale;
//e = int32(sqrt((texture.extent[1] * texture.extent[1]) + (texture.extent[0] * texture.extent[0])) * scale * 0.5F),
dx = texture.extent[1] / 2,
dy = texture.extent[0] / 2;
parallel_for_each(buffer.extent, [=, &buffer](index<2> idx) restrict(amp)
tex_x = int32((Real(idx[1] - x) * c) - (Real(idx[0] - y) * s)) + dx,
tex_y = int32((Real(idx[1] - x) * s) + (Real(idx[0] - y) * c)) + dy;
if(ValidTexCoord(tex_x, tex_y, texture.extent[1], texture.extent[0]))
if(!alpha || (alpha && texture(tex_y, tex_x) != 0))
buffer(idx) = texture(tex_y, tex_x);
buffer(idx) = 0x336699FF;
template<typename T, int32 Rank>
void SetKernel(array<T, Rank> &arr, T val)
parallel_for_each(arr.extent, [&arr, val](index<Rank> idx) restrict(amp)
arr(idx) = val;
class DynamicTexture
static int32
array<uint32, 2>
const int32
DynamicTexture(const int32 width, const int32 height, uint32 color = 0) :
buffer(extent<2>(height, width))
SetKernel(buffer, color);
textureptr = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual("DynamicTexture" + StringConverter::toString(++id), ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, TextureType::TEX_TYPE_2D, width, height, 0, PixelFormat::PF_A8R8G8B8);
void Texture(TexturePtr texture, uint32 x, uint32 y, Real rot = 0.F, Real scale = 1.F, bool alpha = false)
pixelbuffer = texture->getBuffer();
TextureKernel(buffer, array_view<uint32, 2>(texture->getHeight(), texture->getWidth(), (uint32 *)pixelbuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)), x, y, rot, scale, alpha);
void CopyToBuffer()
pixelbuffer = textureptr->getBuffer();
copy(buffer, stdext::make_checked_array_iterator<uint32 *>((uint32 *)pixelbuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD), width * height));
void Reset(uint32 color)
SetKernel(buffer, color);
DynamicTexture::id = 0;
void initScene()
dynamictexture = new DynamicTexture(window->getWidth(), window->getHeight());
TextureManager::getSingleton().load("minotaur.jpg", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, Ogre::TextureType::TEX_TYPE_2D, 0);
bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt)
static Real
ang = 0.F;
ang += 0.05F;
if(ang > Math::TWO_PI)
ang = 0.F;
dynamictexture->Texture(TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName("minotaur.jpg"), dynamictexture->width / 2, dynamictexture->height / 2, ang, 4.F, true);
return true;
As you can see, the dynamic texture is the size of the window (which in this case is 800x600) and the minotaur.jpg is 84x84. I'm simply placing it at half the width and height (center), rotating it by ang (radians), and scaling it to 4x.
In the kernel itself, I simply followed a 2D rotation matrix (where x and y are offset by the parameters 'x' and 'y'):
x' = x cosθ - y sinθ
y' = x sinθ + y cosθ
Also note that idx[1] represents the x value in the array and idx[0] represents the y because it's arranged in the manner that value = buffer[y + (x * height)] (or something along those lines, but just know it's in the correct format).
Thanks for any and all help!
I found the solution thanks to this guy:
const Real
const int32
cx = texture.extent[1] / 2,
cy = texture.extent[0] / 2;
parallel_for_each(buffer.extent, [=, &buffer](index<2> idx) restrict(amp)
tex_x = idx[1] - x,
tex_y = idx[0] - y;
dist = sqrt(Real((tex_x * tex_x) + (tex_y * tex_y))) / scale,
theta = atan2(Real(tex_y), Real(tex_x)) - angle - HALF_PI;
tex_x = int32(dist * sin(theta)) + cx;
tex_y = int32(dist * cos(theta)) + cy;
if(ValidTexCoord(tex_x, tex_y, texture.extent[1], texture.extent[0]))
buffer(idx) = texture(tex_y, tex_x);

How to implement a color picking strategy also for text?

So, I successfully implemented picking/selection by rendering with a unique color each part I want to be selectable.
This works for geometry, but what about the text? I searched the Web a lot, but I didn't find anything connected to color picking and text.
The solution I thought was rendering some custom geometry instead of a text in the back buffer. Problem is that my scene can have different rotations (global X + local Z), so I would need to calculate every time the right position and rotation of this geometry since I need to match the position/rotation of the text, that is rendered automatically horizontal and perpendicular to the user with the glut.glutStrokeString(font, string) call.
I wonder if there is a trick also regarding text selection.
Ps: sry, I was wrong, I am not using the stroke but the glutBitmapString..
You can calculate a bounding rectangle in screen space for your text and on a click event check if the cursor position lies in any of active bounding rectangles. Something like this:
struct brect_t { float x, y, w, h; };
struct string_t {
void *fontID;
const unsigned char *data;
brect_t rect;
static string_t strings[MAX_STRINGS];
int stringsCount = 0;
// add new string to render queue
int stringsAdd(float x, float y, void *fontID, const unsigned char *str) {
if (stringsCount >= MAX_STRINGS)
return 0;
string_t *string = strings + stringsCount++;
string->rect.x = x;
string->rect.y = y;
string->rect.w = glutStrokeLength(fontID, str);
string->rect.h = glutStrokeHeight(fontID);
strings->fontID = fontID;
string->data = str;
return 1;
// render all strings
void stringsRender(float r, float g, float b) {
glColor3f(r, g, b);
for (int i = 0; i < stringsCount; ++i) {
const string_t *string = strings + i;
glTranslatef(string->rect.x, string->rect.y, 0.0f);
glutStrokeString(string->fontID, string->data);
// x,y - in model space coordinates
const string_t* stringsPick(float x, float y) {
for (int i = 0; i < stringsCount; ++i) {
const string_t *string = strings + i;
const rect_t *rect = &string->rect;
if (x >= rect->x &&
y >= rect->y &&
x <= (rect->x + rect->w) &&
y <= (rect->y + rect->h)) {
return string;
return NULL;