Actionable Message post to Azure Functions or Azure Logic Apps - office365connectors

If I want my Actionable Message to send a HttpPOST to an Azure Function or Azure logic app, how do I get this working?
I have tried the following two senario's with out any luck:
Azure function with Azure Active Directory Authentication. When I call it, I get the following response:
"displayMessage":"The action could not be completed."
This target URL is registered in the Actionable Email Developer Dashboard.
The function is not even triggered, so the error is coming from
Azure function with no authentication, I get the following response:
"displayMessage":"Target URL
'' is not allowed."

Can you share the actionable message json which you are using to send mail?
you need to have a entry in potential action as a input along with followed action e.g. a options multi select represented as:
"#type": "ActionCard",
"name": "SelectResource",
"inputs": [
"#type": "MultichoiceInput",
"id": "<id_which_will_be_used_for_fetching_value>",
"isRequired": true,
"title": "Pick an option",
"style": "expanded",
"choices": $6
"actions": [
"#type": "HttpPOST",
"name": "Select one of the resource for booking",
"target": "your_azure_function_url",
"body": "{{<id_of_the_input>.value}}" //will be received in function


Access Django admin from Firebase

I have a website which has a React frontend hosted on Firebase and a Django backend which is hosted on Google Cloud Run. I have a Firebase rewrite rule which points all my API calls to the Cloud Run instance. However, I am unable to use the Django admin panel from my custom domain which points to Firebase.
I have tried two different versions of rewrite rules -
"rewrites": [
"source": "/**",
"run": {
"serviceId": "serviceId",
"region": "europe-west1"
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
--- AND ---
"rewrites": [
"source": "/api/**",
"run": {
"serviceId": "serviceId",
"region": "europe-west1"
"source": "/admin/**",
"run": {
"serviceId": "serviceId",
"region": "europe-west1"
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
I am able to see the log in page when I go to, however I am unable to go any further. It just refreshes the page with empty email/password fields and no error message. Just as an FYI, it is not to do with my username and password as I have tested the admin panel and it works fine when accessing it directly using the Cloud Run url.
Any help will be much appreciated.
I didn't actually find an answer to why the admin login page was just refreshing when I was trying to log in using the Firebase rewrite rule, however I thought of an alternative way to access the admin panel using my custom domain.
I have added a custom domain to the Cloud Run instance so that is uses a subdomain of my site domain and I can access the admin panel by using rather than

Where is the GCP Cloud Scheduler HTTP body?

I am trying to work with a cron job on GCP Cloud Scheduler. I am using the HTTP target with the "GET" method.
I am trying to post messages to a discord channel but first need to GET the body my server webhook sends back to me. The CRON job runs successfully but I cannot find the body of what the webhook returned on the GCP Cloud Scheduler. I have checked the logs as well, it does not contain the body. Here is what the log has:
"insertId": "a06j1cfzy21xe",
"jsonPayload": {
"targetType": "HTTP",
"jobName": "projects/website-274422/locations/us-central1/jobs/discord_sec_bot",
"url": "<redacted>/<redacted>",
"#type": ""
"httpRequest": {
"status": 200
"resource": {
"type": "cloud_scheduler_job",
"labels": {
"project_id": "website-274422",
"job_id": "discord_sec_bot",
"location": "us-central1"
"timestamp": "2020-08-10T21:42:13.290867117Z",
"severity": "INFO",
"logName": "projects/website-274422/logs/",
"receiveTimestamp": "2020-08-10T21:42:13.290867117Z"
Could anyone tell me where I could find what my GET request received?
Although it's not mentioned directly in the documentation I don't think it's possible to see this. I am not sure what do you want to do, however if you need any information to pass to the logs you can use response status. I have done quick test on my cloud function, which was randomly sending response status from 200 to 204.
For each job I get 2 different log items. In the 2nd one there is following field with random status:
httpRequest: {
status: 201
According this is only chance to see anything returned by the endpoint to logs. You can use this status to code some information.

How to PATCH a version of an item in BIM360 on Postman
I have followed the two links above explaining how to PATCH a version of an item and update the name of it but I am getting errors. Below is what I inputted into Postman (version_id inside the URI has been already encoded):
Authorization: Bearer *****************************
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
"jsonapi": {
"version": "1.0"
"data": {
"type": "versions",
"id": *********************************************,
"attributes": {
"name": "AAA - My PDF file.pdf",
"displayName": "AAA - My PDF file.pdf"
The item version I am trying to update is already named AAA - My PDF file.pdf so nothing should be updated. But when I send the request I get the following error.
"jsonapi": {
"version": "1.0"
"errors": [
"id": "30043cce-cfbe-4766-933c-fd9d888e574d",
"status": "400",
"code": "BAD_INPUT",
"title": "One or more input values in the request were bad",
"detail": "Request input is invalid for this operation."
Are there any ideas why I am getting this error and how can I fix it?
Unfortunately at the moment PATCHing for BIM360 Doc items is unsupported and hence the error. The error message could have been more specific rather than a general validation failure message and I will let Engineering know to update accordingly.
Try PATCHing with A360 hub and it should work as expected.


How can I work around the following error in Amazon Athena?
HIVE_INVALID_METADATA: com.facebook.presto.hive.DataCatalogException: Error: : expected at the position 8 of 'struct<x-amz-request-id:string,action:string,label:string,category:string,when:string>' but '-' is found. (Service: null; Status Code: 0; Error Code: null; Request ID: null)
When looking at position 8 in the database table connected to Athena generated by AWS Glue, I can see that it has a column named attributes with a corresponding struct data type:
struct <
My guess is that the error occurs because the attributes field is not always populated (c.f. the _session.start event below) and does not always contain all fields (e.g. the DocumentHandling event below does not contain the attributes.x-amz-request-id field). What is the appropriate way to address this problem? Can I make a column optional in Glue? Can (should?) Glue fill the struct with empty strings? Other options?
Background: I have the following backend structure:
Amazon PinPoint Analytics collects metrics from my application.
The PinPoint event stream has been configured to forward the events to an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
Kinesis Firehose writes data to S3
Use AWS Glue to crawl S3
Use Athena to write queries based on the databases and tables generated by AWS Glue
I can see PinPoint events successfully being added to json files in S3, e.g.
First event in a file:
"event_type": "_session.start",
"event_timestamp": 1524835188519,
"arrival_timestamp": 1524835192884,
"event_version": "3.1",
"application": {
"app_id": "[an app id]",
"cognito_identity_pool_id": "[a pool id]",
"sdk": {
"name": "Mozilla",
"version": "5.0"
"client": {
"client_id": "[a client id]",
"cognito_id": "[a cognito id]"
"device": {
"locale": {
"code": "en_GB",
"country": "GB",
"language": "en"
"make": "generic web browser",
"model": "Unknown",
"platform": {
"name": "macos",
"version": "10.12.6"
"session": {
"session_id": "[a session id]",
"start_timestamp": 1524835188519
"attributes": {},
"client_context": {
"custom": {
"legacy_identifier": "50ebf77917c74f9590c0c0abbe5522d2"
"awsAccountId": "672057540201"
Second event in the same file:
"event_type": "DocumentHandling",
"event_timestamp": 1524835194932,
"arrival_timestamp": 1524835200692,
"event_version": "3.1",
"application": {
"app_id": "[an app id]",
"cognito_identity_pool_id": "[a pool id]",
"sdk": {
"name": "Mozilla",
"version": "5.0"
"client": {
"client_id": "[a client id]",
"cognito_id": "[a cognito id]"
"device": {
"locale": {
"code": "en_GB",
"country": "GB",
"language": "en"
"make": "generic web browser",
"model": "Unknown",
"platform": {
"name": "macos",
"version": "10.12.6"
"session": {},
"attributes": {
"action": "Button-click",
"label": "FavoriteStar",
"category": "Navigation"
"metrics": {
"details": 40.0
"client_context": {
"custom": {
"legacy_identifier": "50ebf77917c74f9590c0c0abbe5522d2"
"awsAccountId": "[aws account id]"
Next, AWS Glue has generated a database and a table. Specifically, I see that there is a column named attributes that has the value of
struct <
However, when I attempt to Preview table from Athena, i.e. execute the query
SELECT * FROM "pinpoint-test"."pinpoint_testfirehose" limit 10;
I get the error message described earlier.
Side note, I have tried to remove the attributes field (by editing the database table from Glue), but that results in Internal error when executing the SQL query from Athena.
This is a known limitation. Athena table and database names allow only underscore special characters#
Athena table and database names cannot contain special characters, other than underscore (_).
Use tick (`) when table name has - in the name
SELECT * FROM `pinpoint-test`.`pinpoint_testfirehose` limit 10;
Make sure you select "default" database on the left pane.
I believe the problem is your struct element name: x-amz-request-id
The "-" in the name.
I'm currently dealing with a similar issue since my elements in my struct have "::" in the name.
Sample data:
some_key: {
"system::date": date,
"system::nps_rating": 0
Glue derived struct Schema (it tried to escape them with ):
struct <
But that still gives me an error in Athena.
I don't have a good solution for this other than changing Struct to STRING and trying to process the data that way.

Alexa Skill ARN - The remote endpoint could not be called, or the response it returned was invalid

I've created a simple Lambda function to call a webpage, this works fine when I test it from the functions page however when trying to create a skill to call this function I end up with a "The remote endpoint could not be called, or the response it returned was invalid." error.
Lambda Function
var http = require('http');
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
console.log('start request to ' + event.url)
http.get(event.url, function(res) {
console.log("Got response: " + res.statusCode);
}).on('error', function(e) {
console.log("Got error: " + e.message);
context.done(null, 'FAILURE');
console.log('end request to ' + event.url);
The Test Event code looks like this:
"url": ""
and I've added a trigger for the "Alexa Skills Kit".
The ARN for this function is showing as:
Alexa Skill (Developer Portal)
I've then created a skill with a simple Intent:
"intents": [
"intent": "CustomFunction"
and created an Utterance as:
CustomFunction execute my custom function
In the Configuration section for my skill I have selected the "AWS Lambda ARN (Amazon Resource Name)" option and entered the ARN into the box for North America.
In the Test -> Service Simulator section, I've added "execute my custom function" as the Text and this changes the Lambda Request to show:
"session": {
"sessionId": "SessionId.a3e8aee0-acae-4de5-85df-XXXXXXXXX",
"application": {
"applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.XXXXXXXXX"
"attributes": {},
"user": {
"userId": "amzn1.ask.account.XXXXXXXXX"
"new": true
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "EdwRequestId.445267bd-2b4a-45ef-8566-XXXXXXXXX",
"locale": "en-GB",
"timestamp": "2016-11-27T22:54:07Z",
"intent": {
"name": "RunWOL",
"slots": {}
"version": "1.0"
but when I run the test I get the following error:
The remote endpoint could not be called, or the response it returned was invalid.
Does anyone have any ideas on why the skill can't connect to the function?
The Service Simulator built into the Amazon Alexa Developer Console has known issues. Try copying the JSON generated by the Simulator and pasting it into your lambda function's test event. To access lambda's test events first find the blue 'Test' button. Next to that button select the (Actions Drop down menu) -> (Configure Test Event) -> Paste the provided JSON into the code area -> (Save and Test). Lambda's built in testing features are much more reliable than Alexa's.
If this does not solve the problem lambda's testing event returns a complete stackTrace and error codes. It becomes much easier to trouble shoot when every error isn't "The remote endpoint could not be called, or the response it returned was invalid."
"session": {
"sessionId": "SessionId.a3e8aee0-acae-4de5-85df-XXXXXXXXX",
"application": {
"applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.XXXXXXXXX"
"attributes": {},
"user": {
"userId": "amzn1.ask.account.XXXXXXXXX"
"new": true
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "EdwRequestId.445267bd-2b4a-45ef-8566-XXXXXXXXX",
"locale": "en-GB",
"timestamp": "2016-11-27T22:54:07Z",
"intent": {
"name": "RunWOL",
"slots": {}
"version": "1.0"
​While uploading .zip, do not compress the folder into .zip.
Instead, go into the folder, select package.json, index.js and node modules & then compress them and then upload the .zip.
This error message is very broad and may imply a lot of different issues. I was getting this error and in my case it was a timeout issue. How long does that website you are pinging taking to respond? The timeout doesn't seem to be properly documented, see my original question here: Troubleshooting Amazon's Alexa Skill Kit (ASK) Lambda interaction