C++ struct values lost - c++

I have a strange issue. I allocate char[] values in struct array, but they get lost:
------- The struct is this one :
typedef struct _Settings
const char* str;
uint val;
------- I create it like this :
int nn=10;
settings = new Settings[nn];
for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
string strr = "thisOneIs";
settings[i].str = strr.c_str();
string teststr = settings[i].str; //// (1)
settings[i].val = i + 1;
..... at (1), I get the correct values.
But if I then call this (same place, right after the code above), the settings[i].str is empty:
for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
string teststr = settings[i].str; ///// (2)
std::cout << settings[i].str << "=" << settings[i].val << "\n";
... at (2), I get empty.
Does anyone have a clue why? Thanks!

The line at (1) is a problem because you are storing a pointer to some memory that is not valid when the loop ends.
string strr = "thisOneIs"; // A temporary object in the loop.
settings[i].str = strr.c_str(); // Pointer that won't be valid when the loop ends.
If you learning about low level language features, it's ok to experiment with using char* and raw memory. If you are trying to get a working program, just use std::string.
Also simplify the definition of Settings. You don't need all the typedef non-sense in C++.
struct Settings
std::string str;
uint val;


Corrupted struct char arrays - sqlite C++

I am a bit puzzled by this one. Everything has been fine so far with using SQLite but now I am trying to store my query results in a simple struct. When I do this in my callback, all my data looks great in my SQLItems vector but as soon as the callback exits, my SQLItems vector holding my rows of data is suddenly corrupted. Any ideas what could be causing this?
// Simple struct to hold column name and row data
struct SQLrow {
char * Column;
char * Data;
// static Vector to hold SQL rows
static std::vector<SQLrow> SQLItems;
// static callback that handles placing query results into structs and into SQLItems vector
// SQLItems column/row data gets corrupted after this function exits
static int countTablesCallback(void *data, int count, char **rows, char **azColName) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SQLrow newItem = { azColName[i] ,rows[i] };
*static_cast<std::vector<SQLrow>*>(data) = SQLItems; // Tried this too but throws an exception
return 0;
I also thought maybe it is only possible to statically cast from the callback to save the vector but that is throwing an exception as well. Stumped here. Thanks for any advice!
Your vector is fine, the static_cast makes no sense there, unless data is actually used as an out parameter. Your problem is, most likely, that SQLrow holds char pointer and SQLite deletes the pointed-to strings after the callback returns. Changing your class to
struct SQLrow {
std::string Column;
std::string Data;
should solve the problem.
Just looking at the code, it appears that the data pointed to by rows will be invalidated/destroyed/changed once the callback returns. So you can't retain those pointers for later use, and will have to make a copy of the data.
One easy way is to change Column and Data from char * to std::string. Failing that, you'll have to do some sort of manual memory management (allocate space with new, then delete it later) which is error prone and not really advisable these days.
In my opinion, there are very few case in which you want/need to use raw string in c++ and yours isn't one of those. By the way I hope this will help you or someone else in some way:
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
struct SQLrow {
char* Column;
char* Data;
void your_callback(int count, char **rows, char **azColName) {
std::vector<SQLrow> rows_list;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* Uncomment this if you want
your copy of the strings. If you
use this, don't forget to free the
memory yourself with delete[] s1 and
size_t s1_len = strlen(rows[i]);
size_t s2_len = strlen(azColName[i]);
char* s1 = new char [sizeof(char) * (s1_len + 1)];
char* s2 = new char [sizeof(char) * (s2_len + 1)];
memcpy(s1, rows[i], s1_len);
s1[s1_len] = '\0';
memcpy(s2, azColName[i], s2_len);
s2[s2_len] = '\0';
SQLrow r = { s1, s2 }; */
SQLrow r = { rows[i], azColName[i] };
// test the result
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SQLrow r = rows_list.at(i);
std::cout << "rows:" << r.Column << " azColName:" << r.Data << std::endl;
// this 2 lines are just for simulating the data
// you will get this 'warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to char*''
char* rows[] = {"row1", "row2" , "row3" };
char* colName[] = {"name1", "name2", "name3" };
int main()
your_callback(3, rows, colName);
return 0;

Using an allocated structure data in an std::thread

I ran into a little problem programming something, I've looked around but I didn't seem to find out the answer.
I'll spare you useless code.
Here are the declarations:
struct one {
std::string string1, string2;
bool boolean;
struct two {
std::string string3, string4;
bool boolean;
void function(uint first_parameter, one **first, two **second);
And here is what the main looks like:
int main()
one *passes;
two *users;
passes = new one[size_one]();
users = new two[size_two]();
//Filling the arrays...
std::thread t[PARTS];
for (int start = 0; start < PARTS; start++)
t[start] = std::thread(function, first_parameter, &passes, &users);
for (int i = 0; i < PARTS; i++)
Whenever I try to access an element of one of my structures (allocated on the free store) in my thread function, (I typically would access it like so: (*first)[0].string1[0]) I do not get the string1 I normally can access in main. Aren't the std::strings located in the free store?
check your function to have valid types of parameters.
this example bellow works nice.
#include <iostream>
typedef struct _one
std::string first_str;
std::string second_str;
bool check;
} one;
void do_something(one** passes)
one* original = *passes;
one first = original[0];
std::cout << first.first_str; // -> hello
// the same
std::cout << (*passes)[0].first_str;
int main()
one* passes = nullptr;
passes = new one[10];
passes[0].first_str = "hello";

C++ String and Pointers Manipulation

Suppose I have this data structure in C++ :
struct Stash {
int size; // Size of each space
int quantity; // Number of storage spaces
int next; // Next empty space
// Dynamically allocated array of bytes:
unsigned char* storage;
// Functions!
void initialize(int size);
void cleanup();
int add(const void* element);
void* fetch(int index);
int count();
void inflate(int increase);
void Stash::initialize(int sz) {
size = sz;
quantity = 0;
storage = 0;
next = 0;
int Stash::add(const void* element) {
if(next >= quantity) // Enough space left?
// Copy element into storage,
// starting at next empty space:
int startBytes = next * size;
unsigned char* e = (unsigned char*)element;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
storage[(startBytes + i)] = e[i];
return(next - 1); // Index number
void* Stash::fetch(int index) {
// Check index boundaries:
assert(0 <= index);
if(index >= next)
return 0; // To indicate the end
// Produce pointer to desired element:
int value = (index*size);
return &(storage[value]);
int Stash::count() {
return next; // Number of elements in CStash
void Stash::inflate(int increase) {
assert(increase > 0);
int newQuantity = quantity + increase;
int newBytes = newQuantity * size;
int oldBytes = quantity * size;
unsigned char* b = new unsigned char[newBytes];
for(int i = 0; i < oldBytes; i++)
b[i] = storage[i]; // Copy old to new
delete []storage; // Old storage
storage = b; // Point to new memory
quantity = newQuantity;
void Stash::cleanup() {
if(storage != 0) {
cout << "freeing storage" << endl;
delete []storage;
} ///:~
Suppose now I use the data structure to memorize strings in this way :
int main(){
Stash* st1 = new Stash;
string s1 = "This is a GOOD morning";
string s2 = "This is a BAD morning";
string* s3;
s3 = static_cast<string*> (st1->fetch(0));
cout << *s3 << endl;
string* s3;
s3 = static_cast<string*> (st1->fetch(1));
cout << *s3 << endl;
delete st1;
return 0;
It Works!!! This is the output:
This is a GOOD morning
This is a BAD morning
But in this other way:
int main(){
Stash* st1 = new Stash;
string s1 = "This is a GOOD morning";
s1 = "This is a BAD morning";
string* s3;
s3 = static_cast<string*> (st1->fetch(0));
cout << *s3 << endl;
string* s4;
s4 = static_cast<string*> (st1->fetch(1));
cout << *s4 << endl;
delete st1;
return 0;
It doesn't work. This is the output:
This is a BAD morning
This is a BAD morning
So, what happened in the machine when I try to use the same reference?
I have tried with other datatypes and it works well.
The first use of s1 invokes the constructor:
string s1 = "This is a GOOD morning";
You then add the address of s1 to the Stash. Next you assign a new value to s1:
s1 = "This is a BAD morning";
This doesn't create a new string -- it invokes the assignment operator which replaces the same string object with a new value. You then save another copy of the address of s1:
If you look at the data in st1 then you'll see you have two copies of the same pointer, both pointing to s1. This is expected. In the first case you are storing pointers to two different objects which contain different values.
Your code copies the bytes making up a std::string container (NOT the characters that are in the string data). This probably consists of a pointer to the string data, plus a size and capacity.
When you write s1 = "stuff", the std::string internally allocates new memory, so its previous internal pointer is now invalid.
Then you retrieve that previous internal pointer from your data structure and try to use it, causing undefined behaviour.
If your intent is to save the characters in the string then you need to add s1.c_str() instead of &s1.
If your intent is to store a copy of any object then you need to invoke the copy constructor to create a copy; not do a bitwise copy as you are currently doing. You could also invoke a move constructor or move assignment operator if your intent is to store the object and not leave the original object behind.
In your second approach, you have used address of s1 to be stored in stack. And you are not copying the contents within the stack, so when you change s1 to have a different content earlier content also changes, because you essentially pushed the pointer not the copy of the content.
For example, if you do the following (copying the content to a new string to be used for push), this works:
string s1 = "This is a GOOD morning";
st1->add(new string(s1));
s1 = "This is a BAD morning";
st1->add(new string(s1));

Dynamic Memory Allocation for Dictionary

Hi there I need to Build something like a dictionary and each word according to my code can have 100 meanings, but maybe it has only 5 meanings then I will be allocating 95 extra space for nothing or maybe it has more than 100 meanings then the program will crash, I know the vector class is very easy and could be good use of, but the task is almost building my own vector class, to learn how it works. Thus **meanings and some other stuff remain the same and here is my code, Also I know I am causing memory leakage, how can I delete properly? :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class Expression {
char *word_with_several_meanings; // like "bank", "class"
char **meanings; // a pointer to a pointer stores all meanings
int meanings_ctr; // meanings counter
void word( char* = NULL );
void add_meaning(char* = NULL);
char* get_word();
int get_total_number_of_meanings();
char* get_meaning(int meanx = 0);
Expression(int mctr = 0); // CTOR
~Expression(); // DTOR
Expression::Expression(int mctr ) {
meanings_ctr = mctr; // Setting the counter to 0
meanings = new char * [100]; // Allocate Space for 100 meanings
Expression::~Expression() {
delete [] meanings; // Deleting the memory we allocated
delete [] word_with_several_meanings; // Deleting the memory we allocated
void Expression::word( char *p2c )
word_with_several_meanings = new char[strlen(p2c)+1];
// copy the string, DEEP copy
strcpy(word_with_several_meanings, p2c);
void Expression::add_meaning(char *p2c)
//meanings = new char * [meanings_ctr+1];
meanings[meanings_ctr] = new char[strlen(p2c)+1];
char * Expression::get_meaning( int meanx )
return *(meanings+meanx);
char * Expression::get_word()
return word_with_several_meanings;
int Expression::get_total_number_of_meanings()
return meanings_ctr;
int main(void) {
int i;
Expression expr;
expr.word("bank ");
expr.add_meaning("a place to get money from");
expr.add_meaning("b place to sit");
expr.add_meaning("4 letter word");
expr.add_meaning("Test meaning");
cout << expr.get_word() << endl;
for(int i = 0; i<expr.get_total_number_of_meanings(); i++)
cout << " " << expr.get_meaning(i) << endl;
Expression expr2;
expr2.add_meaning("a school class");
expr2.add_meaning("a classification for a hotel");
expr2.add_meaning("Starts with C");
cout << expr2.get_word() << endl;
for( i = 0; i<expr2.get_total_number_of_meanings(); i++)
cout << " " << expr2.get_meaning(i) << endl;
Expression expr3;
expr3.word("A long test ... ");
char str[] = "Meaning_ ";
for (int kx=0;kx<26;kx++)
str[8] = (char) ('A'+kx);
cout << expr3.get_word() << endl;
for(i = 0; i < expr3.get_total_number_of_meanings(); i++)
cout << " " << expr3.get_meaning(i) << endl;
return 0;
When you are allocating a multi dimensional array with new then you are allocating it with a loop, e.g.
char **x = new char*[size]
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
x[i] = new int[size];
So you also have to delete it in this fashion:
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
delete[] x[i];
delete[] x;
Thus when you're having arbitrary sizes of your array you'll have to store them somewhere for using them within the destructor.
delete [] meanings; // Deleting the memory we allocated
won't get rid of your memory allocated, only the pointers themselves.
To free up the actual memory, you will need to iterate through your meanings array, and delete [] each element in it.
Something like:
for (int i = 0; i < meanings_ctr; ++i)
delete [] meanings[meanings_ctr];
meanings[meanings_ctr] = NULL;
delete [] meanings;
For the problem of what to do if you get more than 100 meanings (or in general when your collection is full), the standard technique is to allocate a new array that is double the size (which you can do since it is dynamic), copy your existing collection into that one, and then dispose of your existing one.
I'd use a simple linked list (this is simplified, not complete and untested; also there should be proper getters/setters and stuff):
class Meaning {
char text[20];
Meaning *next;
Meaning(const char *text) : next(0) {
strcpy(this->text, text);
class Word {
char text[20];
Meaning *first;
Meaning *last;
Word(const char *text) : first(0), last(0) {
strcpy(this->text, text);
~Word() {
Meaning *m = first, *n;
while(m) {
n = m->next;
delete m;
m = n;
void AddMeaning(const char *text) {
if (last) {
last = last->next = new Meaning(text);
else {
first = last = new Meaning(text);
void print() {
printf("%s:\n\t", text);
Meaning *m = first;
while (m) {
printf("%s, ", m->text);
m = m->next;

STL container leak

I'm using a vector container to hold instances of an object which contain 3 ints and 2 std::strings, this is created on the stack and populated from a function in another class but running the app through deleaker shows that the std::strings from the object are all leaked. Here's the code:
// Populator function:
void PopulatorClass::populate(std::vector<MyClass>& list) {
// m_MainList contains a list of pointers to the master objects
for( std::vector<MyClass*>::iterator it = m_MainList.begin(); it != m_MainList.end(); it++ ) {
// Class definition
class MyClass {
std::string m_Name;
std::string m_Description;
int m_nType;
int m_nCategory;
int m_nSubCategory;
// Code causing the problem:
std::vector<MyClass> list;
When this is run through deleaker the leaked memory is in the allocator for the std::string classes.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 (CRT).
Is there anything special I need to do to make the strings delete properly when unwinding the stack and deleting the vector?
May be Memory leak with std::vector<std::string> or something like this.
Every time you got a problem with the STL implementation doing something strange or wrong like a memory leak, try this :
Reproduce the most basic example of what you try to achieve. If it runs without a leak, then the problem is in the way you fill the data. It's the most probable source of problem (I mean your own code).
Not tested simple on-the-fly example for your specific problem :
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
// Class definition
struct MyClass { // struct for convenience
std::string m_Name;
std::string m_Description;
int m_nType;
int m_nCategory;
int m_nSubCategory;
// Prototype of populator function:
void populate(std::vector<MyClass>& list)
const int MAX_TYPE_IDX = 4;
const int MAX_CATEGORY_IDX = 8;
const int MAX_SUB_CATEGORY_IDX = 6;
for( int type_idx = 0; type_idx < MAX_TYPE_IDX ; ++type_idx)
for( int category_idx = 0; category_idx < MAX_CATEGORY_IDX ; ++category_idx)
for( int sub_category_idx = 0; sub_category_idx < MAX_SUB_CATEGORY_IDX ; ++sub_category_idx)
std::stringstream name_stream;
name_stream << "object_" << type_idx << "_" << category_idx << "_" << sub_category_idx ;
std::stringstream desc_stream;
desc_stream << "This is an object of the type N°" << type_idx << ".\n";
desc_stream << "It is of category N°" << category_idx << ",\n";
desc_stream << "and of sub-category N°" << category_idx << "!\n";
MyClass object;
object.m_Name = name_stream.str();
object.m_Description = desc_stream.str();
object.m_nType = type_idx;
m_nCategory =
m_nSubCategory =
list.push_back( object );
int main()
// Code causing the problem:
std::vector<MyClass> list;
// memory leak check?
return 0;
If you still got the memory leak, first check that it's not a false-positive from your leak detection software.
Then if it's not, google for memory leak problems with your STL implementation (most of the time on the compiler developer website). The implementor might provide a bug tracking tool where you could search in for the same problem and potential solution.
If you still can't find the source of the leak, maybe try to build your project with a different compiler (if you can) and see if it have the same effect. Again if the leak still occurs, the problem have a lot of chances to come from your code.
Probably same root issue as Alexey's link. The shipped version has broken move code for basic_string. MS abandoned us VC10 users, so you must fix it yourself. in xstring file you have this:
_Myt& assign(_Myt&& _Right)
{ // assign by moving _Right
if (this == &_Right)
else if (get_allocator() != _Right.get_allocator()
&& this->_BUF_SIZE <= _Right._Myres)
*this = _Right;
{ // not same, clear this and steal from _Right
if (_Right._Myres < this->_BUF_SIZE)
_Traits::move(this->_Bx._Buf, _Right._Bx._Buf,
_Right._Mysize + 1);
{ // copy pointer
this->_Bx._Ptr = _Right._Bx._Ptr;
_Right._Bx._Ptr = 0;
this->_Mysize = _Right._Mysize;
this->_Myres = _Right._Myres;
_Right._Mysize = 0;
_Right._Myres = 0;
return (*this);
Note the last
_Right._Myres = 0;
that should happen only under the last condition, for the short case _Right should better be left alone.
As the capacity is set to 0 instead of 15, other code will take unintended branch in function Grow() when you assign another small string and will allocate a block of memory just to trample over the pointer with the immediate string content.