Tests randomly fails - c++

I'm writing board game and I need following functionality: player rolls two dices, if he rolled doubles (same number on both dice), he gets to roll again, if he rolled doubles again, he goes to jail.
In my Game class it looks like that
void logic::Game::rollTheDice() {
int firstThrow = m_firstDice.roll();
int secondThrow = m_secondDice.roll();
m_totalRollResult += firstThrow + secondThrow;
if (firstThrow == secondThrow) m_doublesInCurrentTurn++;
std::string logic::Game::checkForDoubles() {
std::string message;
if (m_doublesInCurrentTurn == 0 && m_throwsInCurrentTurn == 1) {
m_canThrow = false;
m_canMove = true;
if (m_doublesInCurrentTurn == 1 && m_throwsInCurrentTurn == 1) {
message = "Doubles! Roll again.";
m_canThrow = true;
m_canMove = false;
if (m_doublesInCurrentTurn == 1 && m_throwsInCurrentTurn == 2) {
m_canThrow = false;
m_canMove = true;
if (m_doublesInCurrentTurn == 2 && m_throwsInCurrentTurn == 2) {
message = "Doubles again! You are going to jail.";
m_canThrow = false;
m_canMove = false;
return message;
void logic::Game::setInMotion(unsigned number) {
m_canThrow basicly enables or disables ability to click "Roll the Dice" button, m_canMove decides if player token can start moving, m_players[m_activePlayer] is std::vector<Player>, startMoving() does that,
void logic::Player::startMoving() {
m_isMoving = true;
needed for token movement, so baiscly not relevant here.
Last function from Game class I need to show you is reset(), used mainly for testing purposes
void logic::Game::reset() {
m_throwsInCurrentTurn = 0;
m_doublesInCurrentTurn = 0;
m_totalRollResult = 0;
Now finnaly Unit Test that sometimes goes wrong. Sometimes, I mean completely random, like 1 out of 10-20 times.
//first throw is double, second throw is not
TEST_F(GameTestSuite, shouldFinishAfterSecondRollAndMove) {
auto game = m_sut.get();
do {
if (game.getThrowsInCurrentTurn() == 2) game.reset();
if (game.getThrowsInCurrentTurn() == 1 && game.getDoublesInCurrentTurn() == 1) {
ASSERT_EQ(game.canThrow(), true);
ASSERT_EQ(game.canMove(), false);
} while (game.getThrowsInCurrentTurn() != 2 && game.getDoublesInCurrentTurn() != 1);
ASSERT_EQ(game.canThrow(), false);
ASSERT_EQ(game.canMove(), true);
ASSERT_EQ(game.getActivePlayer().isMoving(), true);
ASSERT_EQ(game.getActivePlayer().getPosition(), game.getTotalRollResult());
This line exactly, ASSERT_EQ(game.canThrow(), false); sometimes is equal true after do-while loop that should end once m_canThrow is set to false

} while (game.getThrowsInCurrentTurn() != 2 && game.getDoublesInCurrentTurn() != 1);
} while (game.getThrowsInCurrentTurn() != 2 && game.getDoublesInCurrentTurn() <= 1);
You want to allow up to two turns but 0 or 1 doubles.


mesh.delete_face() caused abort()

I have tried to run the code below but got a error when using mesh.delete_face(*it, false);
vector<TriMesh::FaceHandle> terminalFaces;
OpenMesh::FPropHandleT<int> faceType;
OpenMesh::FPropHandleT<bool> faceChecked;
mesh.add_property(faceType, "face-type");
mesh.add_property(faceChecked, "face-checked");
tFillFacesProperty(mesh, faceChecked, false);
tClassifyFaces(mesh, faceType);
terminalFaces = tSplitJointFaces(mesh, faceType);
tClassifyFaces(mesh, faceType);
for (int i = 0; i < terminalFaces.size(); i++)
if (mesh.property(faceType, terminalFaces[i]) != FT_TERMINAL)
if (mesh.property(faceChecked, terminalFaces[i]))
vector<TriMesh::VertexHandle> collectedVs;
vector<TriMesh::FaceHandle> collectedFs;
for (TriMesh::FaceVertexIter fvi = mesh.fv_begin(terminalFaces[i]);
fvi != mesh.fv_end(terminalFaces[i]);
if (mesh.valence(*fvi) == 2) {
assert(collectedVs.size() == 1);
bool mustStop = false;
if (collectedFs.empty())
else {
TriMesh::FaceHandle nextFh;
for (TriMesh::FaceFaceIter ffi = mesh.ff_begin(collectedFs.back());
ffi != mesh.ff_end(collectedFs.back());
if ((find(collectedFs.begin(), collectedFs.end(), *ffi) == collectedFs.end())
&& mesh.is_valid_handle(*ffi)
&& mesh.property(faceType, *ffi) != FT_NEW)
nextFh = *ffi;
if (mesh.is_valid_handle(nextFh))
mustStop = true;
TriMesh::FaceHandle curfh = collectedFs.back();
mesh.property(faceChecked, curfh) = true;
int t = mesh.property(faceType, curfh);
if (t == FT_SLEEVE || t == FT_TERMINAL) {
TriMesh::HalfedgeHandle hh2check;
for (TriMesh::FaceHalfedgeIter fhi = mesh.fh_begin(curfh);
fhi != mesh.fh_end(curfh);
TriMesh::FaceHandle oppof = mesh.opposite_face_handle(*fhi);
if (mesh.is_valid_handle(oppof)
&& (find(collectedFs.begin(), collectedFs.end(),oppof) == collectedFs.end()))
hh2check = *fhi;
assert(mesh.is_valid_handle(hh2check) && !mesh.is_boundary(hh2check));
// add new vertices
TriMesh::VertexHandle right, left;
right = mesh.from_vertex_handle(hh2check);
left = mesh.to_vertex_handle(hh2check);
assert(mesh.is_valid_handle(left) && mesh.is_valid_handle(right));
if ((find(collectedVs.begin(), collectedVs.end(), left) == collectedVs.end())
&& mesh.is_valid_handle(left))
collectedVs.insert(collectedVs.begin(), left);
if ((find(collectedVs.begin(), collectedVs.end(), right) == collectedVs.end())
&& mesh.is_valid_handle(right))
bool inCircle = true;
TriMesh::Point center = (mesh.point(right) + mesh.point(left)) / 2.0;
double diamSq = tSqDist(mesh.point(right), mesh.point(left));
for (int i = 1; i < collectedVs.size() - 1; i++)
TriMesh::VertexHandle vh = collectedVs[i];
if (tSqDist(mesh.point(vh), center) * 4 > diamSq) {
inCircle = false;
if (inCircle && !mustStop) {
else {
OpenMesh::IO::write_mesh(mesh, "outputtr.off");
for (vector<TriMesh::FaceHandle>::iterator it = collectedFs.begin(); it != collectedFs.end(); ++it){
mesh.delete_face(*it, false);
I used delete_face() in openmesh to remove one of the faces in mesh.
However, debugging always shows abort() and the error panel just like:
R6010 -abort() has been called
and the breakpoint was triggered by _CrtDbgBreak():
case 1: _CrtDbgBreak(); msgshown = 1;
Maybe the error is caused by a dangling reference/pointer, or an invalidated iterator. How could I fix it?
Just add "mesh.request_face_status();" and solved.

Swapping a boolean value

I have been working on a menu that is injected with a dll into call of duty modern warfare 3. As I added options to the menu, I wanted to create a void that allows me to swap a bool value.
I have tried that:
void swapBool(bool& xbool)
if (xbool)
else if (!xbool)
However, it isn't working.
This is what I want it to achieve:
if (displayInfoBox)
displayInfoBox = false;
else if (!displayInfoBox)
displayInfoBox = true;
Because of that many bools and many more coming i wanted to create a void...
if (offHostScroll == 0)
if (rgbEffects)
rgbEffects = false;
else if (!rgbEffects)
rgbEffects = true;
else if (offHostScroll == 1)
if (rgbMenu)
rgbMenu = false;
else if (!rgbMenu)
rgbMenu = true;
else if (offHostScroll == 2)
if (rgbBakcground)
rgbBakcground = false;
else if (!rgbBakcground)
rgbBakcground = true;
else if (offHostScroll == 3)
if (rgbMaps)
rgbMaps = false;
else if (!rgbMaps)
rgbMaps = true;
else if (offHostScroll == 4)
if (rgbInGameIcons)
rgbInGameIcons = false;
else if (!rgbInGameIcons)
rgbInGameIcons = true;
else if (offHostScroll == 5)
/*if (displayInfoBox)
displayInfoBox = false;
else if (!displayInfoBox)
displayInfoBox = true;*/
displayInfoBox = !displayInfoBox;
xbool = !xbool;
! by itself does not change the value of the variable, it just creates a new value by negating it, so you have to reassign it.
You also will have to make swapBool pass xbool by reference.
void swapBool(bool& xbool);

Arduino method making

The code below is part of my "safe" program. I have to make 4 "guesses" (the password consists of 4 numbers). For each guess I use a few if statements but i was wondering if there is a way to make a method for each "guess". This way instead of these 4 sections of if-statements i would just have one Method.
if (turn == 1) {
if ((buttonState != lastButtonState) && buttonState == 1) {
guess1 = newValue;
turn = 2;
lastButtonState = buttonState;
if (turn == 2) {
if ((buttonState != lastButtonState) && buttonState == 1) {
guess2 = newValue;
turn = 3;
lastButtonState = buttonState;
if (turn == 3) {
if ((buttonState != lastButtonState) && buttonState == 1) {
guess3 = newValue;
turn = 4;
lastButtonState = buttonState;
if (turn == 4) {
if ((buttonState != lastButtonState) && buttonState == 1) {
gok4 = nieuwewaarde;
beurt = 5;
lastButtonState = buttonState;
Theoretically it should be possible to shrink it to something like this. Note you should use an array instead of a series of guess1, guess2, … variables.
int guess[4];
if ((buttonState != lastButtonState) && buttonState == 1) {
guess[turn-1] = newValue;
if (turn == 4)
gok4 = nieuwewaarde;
beurt = 5;
turn = turn+1;
lastButtonState = buttonState;
You can adjust the +1/-1 if you count turn from 0. But with a broader view of what you would like to achieve, there might be other ways to write things.
Besides, Arduino code is not in C++, but AVR. The “user” code is Processing.

Best way to check if one of other objects is true or not

I am looking for best way to implement this scenario:
I have 4 objects that have Boolean member that in the flow of the app sometimes they are set to true and sometimes are set to false depending on conditions;
Then I have final function that gets 1 of this objects and needs to check if in the other 3 objects one of them has the member set to true .
The problem is I know how to do the dirty check , and I am searching for cleaner way here is my code for the final function:
class Obj
public :
Obj(int _id) : id(_id)
bool status;
int id // only 4 objects are created 0,1,2,3
m_obj0 = new Obj(0) ;
m_obj1 = new Obj(1) ;
m_obj2 = new Obj(2) ;
m_obj3 = new Obj(3) ;
bool check(Obj* obj)
if(obj->id == 0)
if(m_obj1->status || m_obj2->status || m_obj3->status)
return true;
return false;
}else if(obj->id == 1)(
if(m_obj0->status || m_obj2->status || m_obj3->status)
return true;
return false;
}else if(obj->id == 2)(
if(m_obj0->status || m_obj1->status || m_obj3->status)
return true;
return false;
}else if(obj->id == 3)(
if(m_obj0->status || m_obj1->status || m_obj2->status)
return true;
return false;
is there a shorter and cleaner way to accomplish this check function ?
You can set m_obj as an array. Then use a for loop to check
bool check(Obj* obj)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
if (obj->id == i) continue;
if (m_obj[i]->status == true)
return true;
return false;
Or add them together, then subtract m_obj[obj->id]->status。Check the result is zero or not
bool check(Obj* obj)
int result = m_obj[0]->status+m_obj[1]->statusm_obj[2]->status
return (result!=0);

How to change a value in an array C++

This function is for code to play a game of tic tac toe:
bool playCell(int player, int position, int gameBoard[]) {
if (gameBoard[position] == 10 || gameBoard[position] == 11) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (player == 0){
gameBoard[position] = 10;
} else {
gameBoard[position] = 11;
} // end if
} // end function
playCell takes a player (0 for "O", 1 for "X"), a position (1 to 9), and the nine element gameBoard, and returns true if the move is legal (i.e. that spot is not yet taken), and false otherwise. If the move is legal it changes the position to that players number (10 for "O", 11 for "X"). If the player or position input is invalid, it returns false.
I'm trying to figure out how to get the array to change its value to either a 10 or 11 depending on the player, and saving to the position they entered to play in.
The return keyword redirect the program flow back to the main program. So the code after return will not be executed. Change the position of return:
bool playCell(int player, int position, int gameBoard[])
if (gameBoard[position] == 10 || gameBoard[position] == 11)
return false;
if (player == 0)
gameBoard[position] = 10;
gameBoard[position] = 11;
} // end if
return true;
} // end function
You have a return statement prior to your array assignment here:
return true; // HERE
if (player == 0){
gameBoard[position] = 10;
} else {
gameBoard[position] = 11;
} // end if
this causes your code not to be executed. Remove this line from there and put in the correct place.