how can i get data insights from pages facebook without have role admin or analyst in this page with graph api? - facebook-graph-api

I need to get data insights from pages facebook without have role admin or analyst in this page with graph api, just with application registration.

Before your app can make calls to read, update, or post to Pages you need to get a page access token. With this token you can view Page settings, make updates to page information and manage a Page.
Graph API Doc :


Obtaining Access Token Server Side Instagram Graph Api V3

What I'm trying to achieve:
Fetch images from my own Instagram business account to display on a website using the Instagram graph api v3.3 by not obtaining a user access token from a client side Facebook SDK login modal because users just shouldn't be doing that to see a simple Instagram feed.
I have the permissions manage_pages and instagram_basic granted(gone through app review). I'm using app_id and app_secret as user access_token parameter value(which may not be the access token Instagram graph api is looking for) as when I tried to fetch any data there is an error message:
" #10) To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Page Public Content Access' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:'" However, I don't need the permission Page Public Content Access because I'm fetching images from my own account. This is also confirmed by the Facebook App Review support.
The query that is used to get the images is as follows:${pageId}?fields=id&access_token=${accessToken}
My access token in this case is app_id|app_secret since I can't access the user access token.
The developer api guide "" only shows a way to get user access token using the client side Facebook SDK login button which generates a user access token after a visiting user interacts with a modal that pops up to have them login. But again, a simple Instagram image gallery shouldn't require every user that visit the site to log in to their own Facebook account.
I have bugged the App Review support team at Facebook with no real answer. I couldn't join the Facebook developers support group as no one is approving my request to join and I've also tried my best to seek help from the facebook developers support team but I can't reach them. So I'm turning to Stack Overflow to ask if there is any way to display images from an Instagram Business Account without sticking a Facebook login SDK modal on the site.
Thanks so much.
EDIT: After reading #misorude's comment, I'm thinking would adding the Facebook login modal on the website and querying it by logging into my own Facebook account and then capturing my own user access token that is returned by the api and then use that access token for every susequent api calls to fetch images work?

How to get media from clients Instagram and Facebook public page on the server side?

I know it's probably a common question but i couldn't find a solution for my specific case. We have created a Facebook App on our Business Facebook account and the client has given us page moderator permission on his page. Using this we have been able to generate a Never expiring page token and download the posts from the clients page. We would like to do the same for the clients Instagram posts.
After reading the GraphAPI docs i have concluded that we need "instagram_basic" permissions from the client but when i choose page in the Graph API Explorer and try adding "instagram_basic" permission the whole API Explorer disappears.
We do not have the Instagram Business account but the client has. His posts are all public and we need only his posts. I'm confused by the docs what tokens can we use. Page token seemed appropriate for Facebook but not for Instagram. This is all downloaded server side and mashed together with the clients other blog posts and similar feeds. There is no App involved so no Facebook, IG login.

Facebook Graph Api, From field is missing of visitors posts of a page

I'm pretty new to Facebook API. I'm Admin for one Facebook Page. My Facebook app is in the development phase.
by using my credentials I generated long live user token and by using that, I generated permanent page access tokens.
I followed this article
I'm fetching feed of page it is returning almost all details except for "FROM" field of visitor posts, how to get these also ??. I'm using page access tokens only for fetching.

Facebook Analytics page views

When I load my web page, I am logging an app view event using the Facebook SDK as such:
If I have the URL of the page from which I logged that page view. How do I programmatically get the page view count for that particular URL/page? Is there a Graph API request I can make or maybe some method on the Facebook Web SDK I can use to get such data?
There's no Graph API to retrieve this data, you can use the Facebook Analytics UI at

Facebook Page Likes over time

I'm not the owner of a facebook page (eg. TESLA) but I'm trying to use graph api to get the number of user that liked the pages over time. Based on graphi api documentation (insight/page_fans), I'm just getting empty json documents. Any ideas how I can get this data?
Only two page-related metrics are available publicly, page_fans_country and page_storytellers_by_country.
Everything else is only accessible to an admin user of the page, resp. using a page access token.
You can not get the data you want for pages you do not have admin access to.