is of type
- : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list = <fun>
It's easy for me to understand the following code: (fun x -> x+1) [1;2;3;4];;
which adds 1 to each element of the list so it returns the following list :
- : int list = [2;3;4;5]
Now this is in an exercise where I'm asked to indicate the type of this : (fun p -> p 7) [ (fun n m -> n + m) ];;
I don't understand at all what it means to be honest.
What does p 7 mean ?
Why is there a function in the list ?
The type is
- : (int -> int) list = [<fun>]
But I can't understand why.
What does it mean when fun is between brackets ?
Thank you.
What does p 7 mean?
It means the application of function p to argument 7 .... You might spend some time reading the wikipage on λ-calculus (at least to learn about functional abstraction)
Read also about currying.
Why is there a function in the list ?
In Ocaml, functions are values, so you can have list of functions. If it was not a list of functions, you'll get a typing error. If you think more, you can understand what kind of functions are allowed.
What does it mean when fun is between brackets ?
The toplevel is not able to print functional values (implemented as closures). It shows them as <fun>. For a simpler example, pass fun x -> x+1;; (then try also fun y -> y;;) to your REPL.
(the rest of the exercise is left to the reader)
I know uses recursion, I'm just wondering if there's a simpler way to implement map function without using recursion.
I know for reverse, I can simplify it into:
(* given *)
type 'a list =
| []
| (::) of 'a * 'a list
let nil : 'a list = []
let cons (hd : 'a) (tl : 'a list): 'a list = hd :: tl
let reverse (ls : 'a list): 'a list =
List.fold_left (Fun.flip cons) [] ls
Right now I'm thinking about using ##(the application operator), %(the function composition operator), and maybe Fun.flip or List.fold_left to do it, can anyone give me some hint about that?
I have tried the following, but OCaml raised an error about it.
List.fold_left (fun x -> f x) [] ls
List.fold_left uses recursion, so presumably you're looking to avoid use of the rec keyword, rather than recursion at all.
You note in comments trying:
List.fold_left (fun x -> f x) [] ls
But the function passed to List.fold_left must take two arguments: the initial state, and the first element of the list. Fun.flip cons worked in your reverse function because it does take two arguments.
Note: fun x -> f x is the same as writing f.
If you initial state is a list, you need to do something to that list in the function you pass to List.fold_left, like adding the result of f x to the front of it. Since this builds the list backwards, you will need to reverse the result. This is where ## will come in handy.
let map f lst =
rev ## fold_left (fun i x -> f x :: i) [] lst
I'm learning about the map and fold functions. I'm trying to write a function that takes a list and returns a list with all of the values in the original, each followed by that value's double.
Example: add_dbls [2;5;8] = [2;4;5;10;8;16]
Everything I try results in a list of lists, instead of a list. I'm struggling to come up with a better approach, using either map or fold (or both).
This is what I came up with originally. I understand why this returns a list of lists, but can't figure out how to fix it. Any ideas would be appreciated!
let add_dbls list =
match list with
| h::t -> map (fun a-> [a;(a*2)]) list
| [] -> []
Also, my map function:
let rec map f list =
match list with
| h::t -> (f h)::(map f t)
| [] -> []
You are nearly there. As you have observed, since we get list of lists, we need to flatten it to get a final list. List.concat function does exactly that:
let add_dbls list =
let l =
match list with
| h::t -> (fun a -> [a;(a*2)]) list
| [] -> []
List.concat l
Here is the updated function that that computes the output that you require.
Now the output of add_dbls [2;5;8] = [2;4;5;10;8;16].
Although this works, it probably isn't efficient as it allocates a new list per item in your original list. Below are variations of the same function with different characteristics which depend on the size of l.
(* Safe version - no stack overflow exception. Less efficient(time and size) than add_dbls3 below. *)
let add_dbls2 l =
(fun acc a -> (a*2)::a::acc)
|> List.rev
(* Fastest but unsafe - stack overflow exception possible if 'l' is large - fold_right is not tail-recursive. *)
let add_dbls3 l =
(fun a acc -> a::(a*2)::acc)
It's should be simple to see that always returns a list of the same length as the input list. But you want a list that's twice as long. So cannot work for you.
You can solve this using List.fold_left or List.fold_right. If you're still having trouble after you switch to using a fold, you could update your question with the new information.
The type of your fold function (a left fold) is this:
('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
So, the folded function takes an accumulated answer and an element of the list, and it returns a new accumulated answer.
Your folded function is like this:
fun a b -> a::b::(b*2)
It attempts to use the :: operator to add new elements to the end of the accumulated list. But that's not what the :: operator does. It adds an element to the beginning of a list.
There's no particularly nice way to add an element to the end of a list. This is intentional, because it's a slow operation.
When using a left fold, you need to reconcile yourself to building up the result in reverse order and possibly reversing it at the end. Or you can use a right fold (which is generally not tail recursive).
when trying to write a simple program for solving a toy SAT problem, I came across the following problem I cannot get my head around.
I have a type variable which is defined as follows:
type prefix =
| Not
| None
type variable =
| Fixed of (prefix * bool)
| Free of (prefix * string)
from which I can build a clause of type variable list and a formula of type clause list. Essentially this boils down to having a formula in
either CNF or DNF (this has less to do with the problem).
When now trying to simplify a clause I do the following:
Filter all Fixed variables from the clause which gives a list
Simplify the variables (Fixed(Not, true) => Fixed(None, false))
Now I have a list containing just Fixed variables which I now want to combine to a single Fixed value by doing something like this
let combine l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
| (* Get the first two variables, OR/AND them
and recurse on the rest of the list *)
How would I achieve my desired behavior in a functional language? My experience in OCaml is not that big, I am rather a beginner.
I tried doing x::xs::rest -> x <||> xs <||> combine rest but this does not work. Where <||> is just a custom operator to OR the variables.
Thanks for your help.
How about using the neat higher order functions already there?
let combine = function
| x::xs -> List.fold_left (<||>) x xs
| [] -> failwith "darn, what do I do if the list is empty?"
For clarification:
List.fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
takes a function that gets the running aggregate and the next element of the list; it returns the new aggregate; then we need an initial value and the list of items to fold over.
The use of your infix operator <||> in brackets makes it a prefix function so we can give it to List.fold_left just like that -- instead of writing (fun a b -> a <||> b).
If you have a neutral element of your <||> operator, lets call it one, we could write it even more concise:
let combine = List.fold_left (<||>) one
As List.fold_left requires three arguments and we only gave it two, combine here is a function of variable list -> variable as the previous one. If you wonder why this works, check out the concept of currying.
Here's my attempt:
let rec combine l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
| a :: b :: rest -> combine ((a <||> b) :: rest)
Note you need let rec.
So I'm writing a combining function for fold that will make it perform filtering.
let filter_combine (pred: 'a -> bool) : a' list -> 'a list -> 'a list =
fun (x: 'a) (y: 'a list) -> x :: (filter pred y)
I am not having any compilation issues, but one out of my two test cases is failing. What is wrong with my implementation?
This is the test case that fails...
[-1; 1] = fold (filter_combine (fun (x: int) -> (abs x) mod 2 <> 0)) [] [-2; -1; 0; 1; 2]
This is the one that works...
[-2; 2] = fold (filter_combine (fun (x: int) -> (abs x) > 1)) [] [-2; -1; 0; 1; 2]
I'm having some trouble understanding this question. I think what you're saying is that you want to write a function that takes a predicate and returns a function suitable for use with a fold so that the result will filter according to the predicate.
Some problems with the question:
There's no built-in OCaml function named fold.
If you're supposed to implement filtering, it seems fairly weird to use filter in your implementation.
If I assume you're using fold_right, then it seems to me you'd want to return a function of type a -> a list -> a list. It wants to look at one thing to decide what to do, not at a whole list of things. Since you say you're not getting compilation errors, this suggests that your function named fold doesn't work as I would expect. It might help if you showed how fold actually works.
I need to find a way to combine two functions and output them as one.
I have the following code where take in a list of function ('a->'a) list then output a function ('a->'a) using the List.fold_left.
I figured out the base case, but I tried a lot of ways to combine two functions. The output should have the type ('a -> 'a) list -> ('a -> 'a).
example output:
# pipe [] 3;;
- : int = 3
# pipe [(fun x-> 2*x);(fun x -> x + 3)] 3 ;;
- : int = 9
# pipe [(fun x -> x + 3);(fun x-> 2*x)] 3;;
- : int = 12
let p l =
let f acc x = fun y-> fun x->acc in (* acc & x are functions 'a->'a *)
let base = fun x->x in
List.fold_left f base l
Since you know that you have to use a left fold, you now have to solve a fairly constrained problem: given two functions of type 'a -> 'a, how do you combine them into a single function of the same type?
In practice, there is one general way of combining functions: composition. In math, this is usually written as f ∘ g where f and g are the functions. This operation produces a new function which corresponds to taking an argument, applying g to it and then applying f to the result. So if h = f ∘ g, then we can also write this as h(x) = f(g(x)).
So your function f is actually function composition. (You should really give it a better name than f.) It has to take in two functions of type 'a -> 'a and produce another function of the same type. This means it produces a function of one argument where you produce a function taking two arguments.
So you need to write a function compose (a more readable name than f) of type ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'a). It has to take two arguments f and g and produce a function that applies both of them to its argument.
I hope this clarifies what you need to do. Figuring out exactly how to do it in OCaml is a healthy exercise.