camunda exception: cannot set both candidateGroupIn and candidateUser - camunda

i'm migrating from activiti to camunda. already i used query to get all tasks that user involved to by condidateUser or CandidateGroup properties. how i do it in camunda?

Because before version 7.8, camunda does not support or() and Endor() methods. if you want to use those methods change version to 7.8.


TEIID Springboot integration

i read about Teiid and i liked it, but because it has a lot of changes, i got some problems first to deal with it, but what i understand now is the following:
1- teiid wildfly and thorntail are going to be obsolete, so, i will not use them.
2- teiid spring boot and openshift are the most active projects now, so, i chose one of them which is sprintboot.
my thoughts for using teiid in springboot is for the following:
1- integrate my different schemas in a micro-service architecture pattern to solve the problem of data integrity for all services.
2- create a standalone data virtualization (data warehouse) for my internal database systems to be used in reporting.
for the reporting system, i created a ddl vdb file, and i was able to deploy springboot application with jdbc enabled, and used the existing Simple-java-client to connect to it, but i tried to use apache superset to get my reports in a BI application, and i enabled the ODBC with the postgres, but i always have the below error
Connection failed (psycopg2.OperationalError) TEIID30528 javax.transaction.SystemException: The system is only setup for spring managed transactions. If you need Teiid to manage transactions, then a third-party transaction manager like narayana-spring-boot-starter needs to be configured.
DETAIL: org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidSQLException: TEIID30528 javax.transaction.SystemException: The system is only setup for spring managed transactions. If you need Teiid to manage transactions, then a third-party transaction manager like narayana-spring-boot-starter needs to be configured.
although i tried to integrate with narayana, but i couldn't configure it,
sorry for this long discussion, but i need to know:
1- is the above approach is good, or should i try other things.
2- is the above error has any fix or there is any other suggested BI tool i can use with Teiid?
thanks in advance
What I can say ( Teiid won't be obsolete for WildFly. The Teiid supports currently the WildFly and Spring Boot as could be found on their pages. If you are looking for the Java EE components and the best integration amongst other JBoss projects (e.g. Narayana) then you could try to check the WildFly version of Teiid. It's right that Thorntail develoment efforts are decreases for the sake of Quarkus. But it seems (as the post above mentions) the Teiid considers the support of Quarkus. But WildFly is(!) still supported.
On your question about the setup of the third party transaction manager for Spring Boot and with Narayana in particular you should check information from Snowdrop project and the README of the Narayana Spring Boot integration.
The thing which should be enough to configure the Narayana starter is to add the starter to your pom.xml
If there is a need for configuring Narayana in particular the configuration properties start with spring.jta.narayana
thanks a lot for your help, and by adding the below dependency to the POM file
and adding narayana.dbcp.enabled=true, spring.jta.enabled=true to the, i could do some graphs using the apache superset.
also, as long as wildly is still supported, i will go on for the wildfly solution, as it is more suitable to have more VDBs in a single container.
thanks a lot

M2DOC Calling service from interpreter

I read that it is possible to call his own Service in the interpreter view.
I am able to call my service in my M2DOC template but i don't know how to call it from the interpreter.
My objectives is to write some services and call them in the interpreter view to make some queries on my model.
Thanks a lot for your answers
There is a MS Word add-in in development that provide completion in the context of a given genconf. You can test this feature with the nightly updatesite. The documentation is available here.

Camunda stage-name change for previous versions

Problem :
Is it possible to change any information pertaining to the stage-names in BPMN work-flow for previous versions or do we need to deploy a new version for such minor changes?
Not really sure, what you mean by "stage names", but every change to the bpmn xml has to go through deployment to be available on the engine.
You don not have to manually create a new version, camunda will just create a new revision based on same key and version for you.

ABBYY FlexiCapture web service in workflow

I need to implement a custom workflow for a batch type. Inside this workflow it is necessary to communicate with another system through a web service (REST).
Is there any predefined API for ABBYY I can use?
I only found solutions to call ABBYY through other systems, not calling other systems from ABBYY.
Thanks in advance.
I've tried to implement a solution inside Abbyy, but since I'm using FlexiCapture 11, only .Net Framework 3.5 is supported. Because I have to use objects which require .Net version 4.5 I've switched to the solution to call an external program from Abbyy which does all the web service implementation.

Is it possible to extend the WebJobs SDK?

Is there a way to extend the Azure WebJobs SDK? If I want something other than a queue, blob or table to trigger my job function.
As of the 1.1.0 release of the WebJobs SDK you can now write your own binding extensions. See the azure-webjobs-sdk-extensions repo for more information. That repo contains several extensions built on the new extensibility model that you can use in your applications (e.g. TimerTrigger, FileTrigger, SendGrid, etc.) Those extensions also serve as a demonstration of how to author your own extensions. The Binding Extensions Overview section of the Wiki walks you through the process of creating your own extension, starting from a sample template.
Sorry, that's not possible yet. However, you can always write your own event, use JobHost.Call inside it to invoke the function(s) and get all the benefits of WebJobs SDK (logging on dashboard, bindings, etc.)