Deploy app from CircleCI with - cloud-foundry

I'm looking to automatically deploy my app once we release a new version. We use CircleCI, so firing these commands shouldn't be a big deal.
cf login -a -u myuser -p seret
cf push myapp
However I don't want to expose my personal credentials (Passeport acount) into our git repository. Is it possible to generate an API key for that purpose?
How do you handle that? I might also need to ssh into the instance to fire some migrations scripts after the deployment, same goes there.

Currently Swisscoms Application cloud does not offer technical accounts but you can create an additional account easily. Then add it to your org/space as developer and it should be able to fulfill your needs.

CircleCI documentation has a section about handling secrets: Using CircleCI Environment Variables
Setting environment variables for all commands without adding them to
Occasionally, you’ll need to add an API key or some other secret
as an environment variable. You might not want to add the value to
your git history. Instead, you can add environment variables using the
Project settings > Environment Variables page of your project.
This documentation describes how to store encrypted stuff within your VCS.
If you prefer to keep your sensitive environment variables checked
into git, but encrypted, you can follow the process outlined at


MQ Custom Docker Image - MQM Group Not Found

Description: Getting the following error when running a docker build. I thought mqm group would be automatically created by default. Doesn't mention otherwise in the site link below. Can someone else try this?
System Notes:(VS Code- Docker build), windows machine.
useradd: group 'mqm' does not exist
Reference site for instructions:
IBM MQ Customer Docker Image Instructions
Docker File:
FROM ibmcom/mq
USER root
RUN useradd alice -G mqm && \
echo alice:passw0rd | chpasswd
USER mqm
COPY 20-config.mqsc /etc/mqm/
Duplicate of ibmcom/mq docker image backward compatibility issue
From 9.1.5 the container does not use OS based users or groups. This is to conform to cloud best practices. Instead a file based system is being used. This is so that when you roll-out the container in a cloud into production you can switch to an LDAP based system.
The 9.1.5 container uses htpasswd, with the relevant file in /etc/mqm/
For development, if you are not going to create new users, then you can use the 9.1.5 container. If you want to create new users, then you can use 9.1.4 or earlier, or use htpasswd with bcrypt to create the users.
I was using a deprecated site apparently that's in the docker repo link. I guess its a problem with docker and they can`t remove it. Please follow the instructions here. I had no issue.

Can I provide AWS credentials via mounted directory to local Docker container built by sbt-native-packager

We have some docker images we build with sbt-native-packager that need to interact with AWS services. When running them outside of AWS, we need to explicitly provide credentials.
I know we can explicitly pass environment variables containing the AWS credentials. Doing this complicates keeping our credentials secret. One option is to provide them via the command line, typically storing them into our shell history (yes I know this can be avoided by adding a space to the start of the command, but that is easy to forget) and putting them at higher risk of accidental copy/paste sharing. Alternatively, we can provide them via an env-file. But this exposes us to possibly checking them into version control or pushing them to another server unintentionally.
We've found that the ideal practice is to mount our local ~/.aws/ directory into the running user's home directory for the docker container. However, our attempts at getting this to work with the sbt-native-packager images have been unsuccessful.
One unique detail for sbt-native-packager images (compared to our others) is they are build using docker's ENTRYPOINT instead of CMD to start the application. I don't know if this has bearing on the problem.
So the question: Is it possible to provide AWS credentials to a docker container created by sbt-native-packager by mounting the AWS credentials folder via command line parameters at startup?
The problem I was running into was related to permissions. The .aws files have very restricted access on my machine, and the default user within the sbt-native-packager image is daemon. This user does not have access to read my files when mounted into the container.
I am able to obtain the behavior I desire by adding the following flags to my docker run command: -v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws/ --user=root
I was able to discover this by using the --entrypoint=ash flag when running to look at the HOME environment variable (location to mount the /.aws/ folder) and attempting to cat the contents of mounted folder.
Now I just need to understand what security vulnerabilities I'm opening myself up to by running docker containers in this way.
I'm not entirely sure why mounting ~/.aws would be a problem - typically it could be related to read permissions on that directory and the different UID between the host system and the container.
That said, I can suggest a couple of workarounds:
Use an environment variable file instead of explicitly specifying them in the command line. In docuer run, you can do this by specifying --env-file. To me this sounds like the most simple approach.
Mount a different credentials file and provide the AWS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to specify it's location.

Commit .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml in Elastic Beanstalk

Is it a good approach to commit the .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml inside the git repo of a project which uses eb deploy?
We want to deploy using our CI and so we can not use the interactive eb init.
What we are thinking now is to define our dev, uat and prod inside that config.yml (if possible) and to point to that environment using eb deploy.
We saw that we could perform eb init with all necessary parameters in ebcli version2 but not in version 3 anymore? So it seems the approach is changed?
Can someone explain how to deploy EB for multiple environments, without interaction?
We want to deploy using our CI and so we can not use the interactive eb init
You can suppress the interactive mode as follows:
eb init --platform <platform-name> --region <region-name> <application-name>
Is it a good approach to commit the .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml inside the git repo of a project which uses eb deploy?
Can someone explain how to deploy EB for multiple environments, without interaction?
By design, the EBCLI avoids committing the .elasticbeanstalk/ directory since it can contain developer-specific information, which when committed to VC can cause confusion. So, it's best avoided from VC. You are free to commit it to version control. Ensure there's no sensitive information here. Logs, and saved configurations are usually stored in .elasticbeanstalk/.
You can copy pertinent portions of the .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml file into root-level file from which CI could read information such as the environment name to use.
Locally, you could create a pre-commit Git hook that would read the default environment name from the .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml file into the root-level file -- let's call it It could be a statement as simple as export BEANSTALK_ENVIRONMENT_NAME=<environment name from .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml>
On the CI server:
3.1. Ensure PWD is git init-ed. Systems such as Jenkins usually are git init-ed with the necessary branch, so CI can simply source at this point and load the name of the environment to deploy.
3.2. eb init --platform <platform-name> --region <region-name> <application-name>
3.4. eb deploy
(You could combine 3.3. and 3.4. by performing eb deploy $BEANSTALK_ENVIRONMENT_NAME instead; I just wanted to demonstrate the use of eb use)
The EB CLI is really meant to be used from a workstation. I think you'd be better off scripting your CI with the AWS CLI.
A deployment with eb deploy will archive your code in S3 (or CodeCommit), create a new application version then update the environment with the new version label. All of those operations are supported with AWS CLI commands.
Or, you could write your own deployment script in Python with boto3. That's an easy option too. That's basically what the EB CLI is.

Run Goglang with aws-vault

I use aws-vault to establish a secure sesssion to my dev AWS env in ZSH, all good. Now I want to run my IDE (Gogland) such that it assumes that aws-vault session so that I can then in turn debug some tests that have a dependency on S3.
How can I can a process (such as Gogland) so that it inherits the aws-vault session? I have tried simply starting Gogland from the shell after having established a vault session to no avail.
Go to Tools | Create Command-line Launcher... and it will ask you where it should create that launcher. By default it's /usr/local/bin/gogland but if that is not writable by your user, create it in your user Home directory and then move it in the above mentioned place or another place in your PATH.
Then run aws-vault exec home -- gogland and this should set the environment variables for Gogland to inherit. If you are using the JetBrains Toolbox App, which I highly recommend, then you need to launch the Toolbox instead of the so that it can then launch the IDE with the correct environment variables.

Keeping passwords out of code but with gunicorn self-restartable?

I am currently writing my fabric deploy script for my gunicorn/django app which is managed by supervisord. I have certain passwords that are required to be in the environment of the app when gunicorn runs.
It seems the standard way of doing things is to add environment variables to the [program:app] of /etc/supervisord/app.conf, but this means I will have plaintext passwords in my repo unless I kept the app.conf outside of the repo (which doesn't seem clean).
I can't hash the passwords because they are used by the app to access third party services. Also even if I kept app.conf outside of the repo, I still have plaintext passwords in app.conf which doesn't seem ideal.
Is there some way to let supervisord do its thing (restarting gunicorn on its own) without storing plaintext passwords?
Edit: Inevitably I need either the passwords or a way for supervisord to unlock the passwords, both of which can be used by attackers, so I think I will use something like AWS key management service so at least there is an extra step of getting to them.
I haven't used supervisord but I'm assuming you're just running a bash script to restart your server.
Create a file in your project folder called .env (the name doesn't really matter but it's convention). Make sure to add this file to your .gitignore.
In the env file, set any config vars:
export ENV_VAR="value"
Then to use the env file, use source .env. This will apply any exported vars to your environment.