So my elasticbeanstalk has been successfully deployed. However autoscaling seems to be an issue
ASG configo
Desired = 2
Min = 2
Max 4
I have enough instance for the instance type i am using.
When i test my app, just to simulate load, the instances increases to 3, but fails when it tries to bring up another(4th) instance with below errors
Description: Launching a new EC2 instance.
Status Reason: Your quota allows for 0 more running instance(s). You requested at least 1. Launching EC2 instance failed.
Reason: an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from
Im i missing something somewhere ?
Links will be quite helpfull is some one has seen this before
Looking at the error :
Status Reason: Your quota allows for 0 more running instance(s). You requested at least 1.
From the error message it shows you have hit the limit of EC2 instances. Please check how many instances you are running.
The specifics on the limits can be found in the FAQ here
You can request limit increase as explained here
I'm trying to launch a fleet of 700 r4.16xlarge instances via spot request.
I used cfncluster to launch an fleet with initial_queue_size = 10
and max_queue_size = 700. However this fleet scaled up and maxed out at 50 instances (and only $120/hr :P). There are many hundreds of tasks queued up in squeue, but something is preventing more instances from being launched.
After I realized this, I attempted to create another fleet of the same instance type in the same region and received the following error message:
- AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup ComputeFleet Received 0 SUCCESS signal(s) out of 10. Unable to satisfy 100% MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent requirement
I do not know what service limit I am maxing out as my limit for on-demand r4.16xlarge is at 20. Is there a limit for spot request instances separately from the on-demand instances?
I checked ec2 limits as well as the trusted advisor service limits (linked below) and nothing seems to be maxed out.
Any help is much appreciated!
Planned to use EC2 Spot instance/fleet as our jenkins slave solution based on this article
if the spot instances nodes remain free for the specified idle time (I have configured for 5 minutes), then Jenkins releases the nodes, and my Spot fleet nodes will be automatically scaled down.
my spot instances is still running for days.Also, noticed when I have more pending jobs, Jenkins does not automatically scale my Spot fleet to add more nodes.
Automatic scale up/down supposed to be triggered automatically by aws service? or is this supposed to be triggered by the jenkins plugin?
Jenkins version : 2.121.2-1.1
EC2 Fleet Jenkins Plugin version : 1.1.7
Spot instance configuration :
Request type : request & maintain
Target Capacity : 1
Spot fleet plugin configuration :
Max Idle Minutes Before Scaledown : 5
Minimum Cluster Size : 0
Maximum Cluster Size : 3
Any help or lead would be really appreciated.
I had the same issue and by looking in Jenkins' logs I saw it tried to terminate the instances but was refused to by AWS.
So, I checked in AWS Cloudtrail all the actions Jenkins tried and for which there was an error.
In order for the plugin to scale your Spot Fleet, check that your AWS EC2 Spot Fleet plugin has the following permissions with the right conditions:
In my case, the condition in the policy was malformed and didn't work.
Actually I am getting below error while trying to launch 2nd EC2 instance. I am using AWS free tier. From some blogs I come to know we can launch 20 instance without requesting for limit increase. but I am not able to launch 2nd instance itself. Please let me know if I am missing any other factor which should be considered. I am using Ohio region.
Your quota allows for 0 more running instance(s). You requested at
least 1
Can anyone suggest on this?
The count 20 depends on the instance type. For example if your instance type is p2.xlarge instance then you can run only one EC2 instance.
Please find the list of instance type and limit here.
If your instance type is eligible for 20 and you cannot spin up 20 instances, then You can request for a limit increase.
I use Terraform to launch 6 new m3.medium EC2 instances via different Auto Scaling Groups.
4 out of 6 have state: running but status_check: Insufficient data or 1/2 checks passed. Basically only 2 launch correctly.
It seems really strange behaviour and I was wondering if anyone else encountered it.
Does it have to do with some limit of this type in specific region/AZ ?
Any pointer would be appreciated.
I created a launch configuration using the Amazon ECS-oriented AMI. All of the instances are connected to a VPC but also have a public non-EIP address.
When I create an autoscaling group, I can look in the Instances page and see the instances pass all health checks.
Furthermore, the ELB I created picks the new instances up and begins to serve traffic to them.
However, the autoscaler always shows my instances as "pending" and eventually destroys them.
What is going on?
Autoscaling show instances pending:
Thanks for any help!
Here's the output from the launch log, with a very unhelpful message:
Check your ASG Activity History tab from the Auto Scaling Group module, checking in particular for the transition from Scale Out to Pending, to Terminated.
For each of those, check the 'more' arrow that will display the following fields:
Description: Launching a new EC2 instance: i-0aaaaa06b45ce05
Cause: At 2016-06-16T17:54:25Z an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from 2 to 4
The activity history and the related lifecyle events description and cause will help you narrow down the problem quickly.
The cause for the Terminated/Cancelled event will be of particular interest. Here is an example of a Terminated event:
Description: Terminating EC2 instance: i-0aaaaaad47162b8f84
Cause: At 2016-05-20T08:12:42Z an instance was taken out of service in response to a EC2 instance status checks failure.
Based on the log history provided, the instance is failing to launch because of a Only EC2-Classic instances may be linked. error. There is configuration problem in the Launch Configuration.
Check your Launch Configuration, and make sure that Link to VPC option is unchecked in Advanced Details.