Resharper Current Line Expression background color - visual-studio-2017

İn Version 2017.3 there is a cool feature called Current Line Expression, i have a problem with the "Dark with light editor" and "Dark" themes of visual studio 2017 , as you can see in the attached image, Resharper is using a very dark red colour in the text, which makes it hard to read when the background is black .
Is there any way i can change the background colour or the text colour ?
Thank you in advance .

This issue has been addressed already in the latest update (v.2017.3.1) which I've got today (December, 27th).
The background color on Dark Theme has certainly changed to a brighter color which now effectively makes the values much easier to read.
I haven't found any direct reference to this issue on the release notes, though.
So, the advice would be, update to 2017.3.1 ASAP.
Hope this helps!


How Do I Change NavigationBar Color For WatchOS?

I am building watchOS app and I am trying to change navigationBar background color from black to transparent, but I am not able to find anything. I saw this question which was asked in 2015, according to which it is impossible to change navigationBar color in watchOS. I was wondering if now there is any API for that.
Thanks for any help.
This is about Color in the human-interface-guidelines from apple:
Make sure your app’s colors work well in both light and dark
appearance modes. With the exception of watchOS, which always uses a
pure black background, the platforms offer a dark alternative to the
default light appearance. Dark Mode uses a darker color palette for
all screens, views, menus, and controls, and can increase vibrancy — a
subtle effect that dynamically blends foreground and background colors
— to make foreground content stand out against darker backgrounds.
System colors automatically support both appearances; if you use a
custom color, you need to supply both light and dark variants. For
guidance, see Dark Mode.

Edit Qt Qapp style setting to create dark mode

Just found some awesome free (speech) software to speak to some lab equipment. The background is very white though and I would like to put it in to dark mode. I know nothing about C++. In main.ccp I found this qApp->setStyle(QStyleFactory::create("Fusion")); couldn't see any hex or rgb values that weren't tied to buttons, so i'm wondering if "Fusion" describes the background colour, and if so is there something I can replace it with to create a dark version of this software?

Qt GIF creation: Colours swapped when using gif-h library

Apparently, I am trying to use gif-h library for gif creation with qt 4.7 for a C++ project. After embedding the library to the project, I can generate GIF through my qt GUI app, however, the colours on the final/actual GIF are swapped. What I mean is that:
below red frame
becomes below blue frame
and same goes for other way round (i.e. blue frame becomes red frame).
Just like above, below orange frame
becomes below sky blue frame
and same goes for other way round (i.e. sky blue frame becomes orange frame).
Could someone familiar with the library or graphics or gif creation in code guide me?
I am happy to provide more information about image capturing and such, as and when needed.
Thank you in advance.
Ok, I have managed to resolve the problem by using QImage::rgbSwapped() function. Thank you to #Pablo Yaggi particularly for the hint.
I will have to remove the code snippet from the question due to security reasons.

How to disable VS2019's syntax coloring for C++ and make it look like VS2017

I'm a light theme user, and I guess that makes me unpopular, but I'm sure there are still some light theme users out there. I have switched to VS2019 and the light theme (called Blue Theme) was a nightmare. It turned out it was an issue and the solution can be found in this thread.
My other question is the C++ syntax coloring in VS2019. It's just too many colors and makes it really hard for the eyes (once again if using the light theme).
I have looked but don't know where can I disable this new fancy syntax coloring and go back to VS2017's syntax coloring in VS2019. Any tips?
Here's a screenshot of what I have in VS2019:
I think it's a bit too much. I don't wanna see purple, green, red and brown.
As per this Microsoft link there is supposed to be this Color Scheme and it can be set to VS2017, as per this screenshot:
But for some reason I don't have it and I have just updated it and this what my Text Editor->C/C++->View looks like:
It looks the only way to solve this problem is to change the colors one by one. But you may ask, how do I come up with colors, I'm not a graphic/UI/UX designer? Here's how. You open the colors in VS2017 in Options->Fonts and Colors and select Text Editor in Show settings for:, and there when you scroll down you will see the colors for all C++ keywords.
That was Step 1. In Step 2 you go to the same dialog in VS2019, and one buy one change VS2019 settings to match those of VS2019. Having two monitors or one wide monitor helps.
Here's the screenshot:

WebStorm editor tab background colour

I want to use a light theme in WebStorm 2017.1 but for some reason the editor tabs are always dark.
I can change the font colour but that also changes it in the project tree view which has a white background.
The theme under Appearance is set to IntelliJ and the editor theme is set to default but I have tried it with many combinations.
Is this a bug or is there a setting I haven't found yet?
The issue was caused by the Material Theme plugin, disabled it and everything looks fine.
Thanks to #LazyOne for pointing me in the right direction.