Can someone help with my code searching for a partial match. I seem to be stuck here.
I would like type only the first few letters in a combo-box, hit enter, and store whatever I have typed as a variable. Then I want to check my variable against my list for the closest name that matches what I have typed. That becomes the new variable. How do I do this?
#singleInstance, Force
list =
Phone Numbers
Important People
Traffic Data
Gui, +alwaysontop
Gui +Delimiter`n
Gui, Add, ComboBox, vMyVar w200 h110 CHOOSE1 sort, % LIST
Gui, Add, Button, gGO Default x+5 w60 h20 , GO
Gui, show, y200, What do you want now?!
; Type first couple letters in box hit enter
Gui, Submit, nohide
Loop, parse, List, `n
; Search LIST for nearest match
;First partial match found
; MyVar := "A_loopfield"
MsgBox % InStr(A_loopfield, DoThis)
if MyVar = Phone Numbers
; Msgbox or Function ETC..
#singleInstance, Force
list =
Phone Numbers
Important People
Traffic Data
Gui, +alwaysontop
Gui +Delimiter`n
Gui, Add, ComboBox, vMyVar w200 h110 CHOOSE1 sort, % LIST
Gui, Add, Button, gGO Default x+5 w60 h20 , GO
Gui, show, y200, What do you want now?!
; Type first couple letters in box hit enter
Gui, Submit, nohide
GuiControlGet, text_typed,, ComboBox1
StringLen, length, text_typed ; retrieves the count of how many characters are in the text typed
Loop, parse, List, `n
If (SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, length) = text_typed)
GuiControl, Choose, MyVar, %A_LoopField%
If (A_LoopField = "Phone Numbers")
MsgBox, Item 1
; ...
If (A_LoopField = "Traffic Data")
MsgBox, Item 6
Very simple. Cell A1 has an image in it, which I supply through Insert:Picture:From File...
Now I want Cell A3 to automatically show the same picture. I simply can't find a way-- certainly the "=" doesn't work. At this point, I don't care if the images are "links" or embedded, I just want it to work. Can it? Thx.
Edit, 09-01-17, based on Jim K's idea, here's macro code I have installed:
REM ***** BASIC *****
Private oListener as Object
Private cellA1 as Object
Sub AddListener
Dim Doc, Sheet, Cell as Object
Doc = ThisComponent
Sheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1")
cellA1 = Sheet.getCellrangeByName("A1")
'create a listener
oListener = createUnoListener("Modify_","")
'register the listener
End Sub
Sub Modify_disposing(oEv)
End Sub
Sub RmvListener
End Sub
' macro jumps here when oListener detects modification of Sheet
Sub Modify_modified(oEv)
Doc = ThisComponent
Sheet = Doc.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
originCell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)
originValue = originCell.Value
if originValue then
print "originValue is " & originValue
print "originValue zero"
end if
End Sub
The problem, ironically, is that it works. It works for integers and {non-value}, I mean an empty cell.
So any integer not zero prints TRUE, zero prints FALSE, and empty cell prints FALSE.
But that's where it quits working-- any kind of string "asdf" also returns FALSE.
Maybe that could be fixed, but there's something a lot worse: When I paste an image in the cell, or use the Insert/Image/From File... menu, or Cut an existing image... Nothing happens! The Sheet Modified business does not trigger the expected routine.
Any hope? Thx.
As you discovered, the solution in my comment does not work, because the Content changed event will not trigger when images are added. I looked into other events as well, but they did not work either.
So instead, we can set up a function that runs periodically. Each time it runs, it checks the count of images, and if any have been added or removed, it calls update_copied_images() below, which currently simply reports the value of cell A1, as in your code.
As explained here, I have not gotten a timer loop to work in Basic without crashing, so we can use Python instead (a better language, so this is not a drawback in my opinion).
import time
from threading import Thread
import uno
def start_counting_images(action_event=None):
t = Thread(target = keep_counting_images)
def keep_counting_images():
oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
oDrawPage = oSheet.getDrawPage()
messageCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(COLUMN_C, FIRST_ROW)
prevCount = -1
while hasattr(oDoc, 'calculateAll'): # keep going until document is closed
count = oDrawPage.Count
if prevCount == -1 or prevCount != count:
prevCount = count
messageCell.setString("Number of Images: " + str(prevCount))
def update_copied_images(oSheet):
originCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(COLUMN_A, FIRST_ROW)
originString = originCell.getString()
messageCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(COLUMN_B, FIRST_ROW)
if len(originString):
messageCell.setString("originString '" + originString + "'")
messageCell.setString("originString length is zero")
g_exportedScripts = start_counting_images,
To run, go to Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro, find the .py file under My Macros where you put this code, and run start_counting_images.
I'm trying to use autohotkey to gather a chuck of data from a website and then click a certain spot on the website depending on what the text is. I'm able to get it to actually pick up the value but when it comes to the if statement it won't seem to process and yields no error message. Here is a quick sample of my code, there is about 20 if statement values so for brevity sake I've only included a few of the values.
GuessesLeft = 20
Errorcount = 0
;triple click and copy text making a variable out of the clipboard
;while (GuessesLeft!=0) part of future while loop
;{ part of future while loop
click 927,349
click 927,349
click 927,349
Send ^c
GetValue = %Clipboard%
if ( GetValue = "Frontal boss")
click 955,485
Guessesleft -= 1
else if ( GetValue = "Supraorbital Ridge")
click 955,571
Guessesleft -= 1
Errorcount += 1
;} part of future while loop
Any tips on what I might be doing wrong. Ideally I'd use a case statement but AHK doesn't seem to have them.
Wait a second -- you are triple clicking to highlight a full paragraph and copying that to the clipboard and checking to see if the entirety of the copied portion is the words in the if statement, right? And your words in the copied portion have quotes around them? Probably you will have to trim off any trailing spaces and/or returns:
GetValue = % Trim(Clipboard)
If that doesn't work, you may even have to shorten the length of the copied text by an arbitrary character or two:
GetValue = % SubStr(Clipboard, 1, (StrLen(Clipboard)-2))
Now, if I am wrong, and what you are really looking for is the words from the if statement wherever they may be in a longer paragraph -- and they are not surrounded by quotes, then you will want something like:
IfInString, Clipboard, Frontal boss
Or, if the quotes ARE there,
IfInString, Clipboard, "Frontal boss"
I have created a shell extension for windows with COM, however I seem to fail to properly match the ids of items I add in the overload of IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu with what I receive in the overload of IContextMenu::InvokeCommand. In my code I use InsertMenu and InsertMenuItem (as far as I understood they do the same, but the latter has some more features?). However I'm not sure which arguments passed to InsertMenu/InsertMenuItem correspond to what I must be looking for in LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO::lpVerb. I need some way to easily know that when I add items x, y, z to a context menu, I can then know exactly which one of x, y or z has been clicked.
EDIT: It seems that the verb equals the number from top to bottom of the item in the current menu/submenu. However I have two sub-menus each with x amount of items, so they have the same IDs of 1,2,3. How do I set custom IDs or something?
Firstly you should define an enum that holds the command IDs for your menu items, e.g.
enum {
These ID values need to start from 0.
In your IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu implementation:
when you add your menu items you need to give each of them an ID by setting the MIIM_ID flag in the MENUITEMINFO.fMask field, and setting the MENUITEMINFO.wID value.
give each of your menu items an ID derived from its command ID as defined above, plus the value of idCmdFirst which is passed into QueryContextMenu. E.g. the "Do Something" menu item would have MENUITEMINFO.wID set to idCmdFirst + CMDID_DOSOMETHING, and "Do Something Else" would have MENUITEMINFO.wID set to idCmdFirst + CMDID_DOSOMETHINGELSE.
the return value from QueryContextMenu needs to be MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_NULL, x) where x is the ID of the highest-numbered item you added plus 1 (alternatively, if all items were sequentially numbered, the total number of items). Basically, you're telling the host which menu item ID values are now in use so that no other context menu extensions add items that clash with yours. In the above example, you'd return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_NULL, CMDID_LAST).
In IContextMenu::InvokeCommand:
test if lpVerb (or lpVerbW) is an integer value using the IS_INTRESOURCE macro.
if so, the command ID can be found in the low word. E.g, if the user selected "Do Something Else", you would find that LOWORD(lpVerb) == CMDID_DOSOMETHINGELSE.
on oneButtonClicked_(sender)
set faceNumber's setStringValue() to faceNumber's stringValue() & "1"
end oneButtonClicked_
I get this error: "Can’t make «class ocid» id «data optr000000000058B37BFF7F0000» into type list, record or text. (error -1700)"
faceNumber is a label and when the user clicks the button, I want to add string of "1" to it. So for example, if the user clicked the button 5 times
stringValue returns an NSString(wrong answer) CFString. You have to make a real AppleScript String to use it.
BTW your code set faceNumber's setStringValue() is not correct. The reasons are:
The Cocoa handlers are always using the underscore.
If you use the setter setStringValue() you don't need to use set x to
If you want to use setStringValue() you must give the parameter between the parentheses
Now put everything together:
on oneButtonClicked_(sender)
faceNumber's setStringValue_((faceNumber's stringValue) as string & "1")
end oneButtonClicked_
or (to have it clearer):
on oneButtonClicked_(sender)
tell faceNumber
set currentValue to (its stringValue) as string
setStringValue_(currentValue & "1")
end tell
end oneButtonClicked_
I hope you like the answer, after pressing the button twice you have an 11 at the end of the label.
Cheers, Michael / Hamburg
What is the "object type" of the .List property of a combobox in vba? I am having quite a struggle in accessing the items when I treat it like a an Array of strings.
Let's say I want to go through the list and check if any of the items match a certain string, how would I go about that?
Levraininjaneer, I think I might have some help for you...
I've made a windows form with a combobox, a button, and a listbox... The combobox has some items in it, like Item 1 to Item 3, "ABC", "DEF", "GHI"...
Now, you say you want to access the items in your list? Well, try this out...
string[] array = new string[comboBox1.Items.Count];
int itemCount = comboBox1.Items.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
array[i] = (string)comboBox1.Items[i];
string item = array[i].ToString();
And it will do this:
And the message boxes at the bottom of the code will display "Item 2" & "DEF"
If you want to "save" an instance of an item in the list box, you can also do it like this:
string arrayItem = array[3].ToString();
This will display a message box saying "ABC" as the index (number in [square] brackets, it starts at 0 generally... So if you put array [1] . it's not the 1st item, it's actually the 2nd item... If you wanted to get the last item, and if there's 6 items, it would be:
And also, if you wanted to check if an object contains a certain string, you can always use the .Contains method of a string
Hope this helps :)
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