Success compiling but no display, setting bkcolor - c++

#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
int gd=DETECT,gm;
The compiling was successful and tried running it, but the result was I see no display for my code It's just a blink of screen and gone back to the console.

you need to point initgraph to bgi subfolder of turboc3

Yes your code may compile successfully but your code is having a runtime problem. Just add these line first below the line you initialized your graphics.
int errorcode = graphresult();
if (errorcode != grOk) { /* an error occurred */
printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
printf("Press any key to halt:");
exit(1); /* terminate with an error code(requires process.h) */
Through these lines runtime problems of graphics can be detected. Its just a safety method for avoid errors and system crash. Well these lines will tell you that they cannot find the file VGAEGA.bgi file. That's generally the default drivers of graphics.
The reason the file is not found is your path c:\\TURBOC3\\. see this post for avoiding the errors.


netsh.exe error on initializing NDI with custom console

I have an application that works with NDI. But when I initialize it, error occurs: window with title "netsh.exe - Application Error" and error description - "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application". I skip this error and all the required NDI functionality works fine. But this error shouldn't occur anyway. I also found, that this error because of my "custom console" usage - my application is GUI-application and I want to see console window near it in some cases.
Very simplified but problem-contains example of this:
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "ndi/Processing.NDI.Lib.h"
int main()
SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL));
HMODULE m_NDIHandler = LoadLibraryA("Processing.NDI.Lib.x64.dll");
const NDIlib_v5* (*NDIlib_v5_load)(void) = NULL;
if (m_NDIHandler)
*((FARPROC*)&NDIlib_v5_load) = GetProcAddress(m_NDIHandler, "NDIlib_v5_load");
const NDIlib_v5* m_NDILib = NDIlib_v5_load();
return 0;
(Later I'm using WriteConsole for some purposes). Could you please tell me, what is wrong with my code? Error occur on m_NDILib->initialize();
I updated my NDI to latest version ( and problem fixed.

Cannot write an array in a Ubuntu device using C++ (Debug Assertion Failed. Expression (stream !=NULL))

I am working on Windows and I am trying to write an array into a Ubuntu device using C++ in Visual Studio 2019. Here's a sample of my code:
int Run_WriteCalibTable(char *pcIPAddress, int iNumArgs, float *fArgs, int *iAnsSize, char *sAns)
char pcFolderName[256];
char pcFileName[256];
sprintf(pcFolderName, "%s\\%s",pcSavePath, pcUUTSerialNumber);
sprintf(pcFileName, "%s\\calib_rfclock.conf",pcFolderName);
FILE *pFileW;
pFileW = fopen(pcFileName,"wb");
fwrite(&CalibTable, sizeof(char), CalibTable.hdr.v1.u32Len, pFileW);
return 0;
However, I keep having this pop-up from Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library that says:
Debug Assertion Failed:
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\sefl_x86\crt\src\fwrite.c
Line: 77
Expression: (stream != NULL)
I found this thread and I tried logging in as root on my Ubuntu device. I also tried:
mount -o remount,rw /path/to/parent/directory
chmod 777 /path/to/parent/directory
And I can also create/edit manualy any file in the directory I'm trying to write into with my code, but I get the same error when running it.
Anyone knows what could cause this? I think it could be on the Windows side, but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Thanks a lot in advance.
You never check that opening the file succeeds - and it most likely fails, which is why you get the debug pop-up. Your use of \ as directory delimiters may be the only reason why it fails, but you should check to be sure.
I suggest that you use std::filesystem::path (C++17) to build your paths. That makes it easy to create paths in a portable way. You could also make use of a C++ standard std::ofstream to create the file. That way you don't need to close it afterwards. It closes automatically when it goes out of scope.
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
int Run_WriteCalibTable(char *pcIPAddress, int iNumArgs, float *fArgs,
int *iAnsSize, char *sAns)
// Build std::filesystem::paths:
auto pcFolderName = std::filesystem::path(pcSavePath) / pcUUTSerialNumber;
auto pcFileName = pcFolderName / "calib_rfclock.conf";
// only try to write to the file if opening the file succeeds:
if(std::ofstream pFileW(pcFileName, std::ios::binary); pFileW) {
// Successfully opened the file, now write to it:
pFileW.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&CalibTable),
} else {
// Opening the file failed, print the reason:
std::cerr << pcFileName << ": " << std::strerror(errno) << std::endl;

A method to auto-update the directory of a file using C++?

A method to auto-update the directory of a file using C++ ?
I have a program which aims to first input the password from the user, and once the password matches, the program will open a file using the ShellExecute() function.
This file is a C++ executable file in .exe format.
The program needs to automatically update the directory in the ShellExecute() function instead of having the programmer or other users manually change it in the code each time the executable file's location is changed. What is the best approach to do so ? I have gone through some of these links, but to no avail :
[1] Finding the last created FILE in the directory, C++
[2] How do I make a file self-update (Native C++)
Please feel free to browse my code provided below :
using namespace std;
int main(void)
string pw="";
char ch;
int attempts=3;
cout<<"Password ?\n--> ";
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:\\Users\\agm\\Documents\\easypeasy.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
else if(pw!="a32bx#$123")
cout<<"\n\nIncorrect password. You now have "<<attempts<<" attempts remaining. Loading back the main screen...";
sleep(3); //This gives time for the user to read the line before it moves to the label named Initiation.
goto Initiation;
cout<<"\n\nAborting now !";
Note : I'm also open to any suggestions on how to improve the overall code.

i got the 100 errors when include a ntddk.h and wdm.h in my program

enter link description here[2][this image shows the error]
I tried this code for block the process before execution.But i got a 100 errors while import a ntddk.h and wdm.h in c++.How to solve it?
Then i got sme erroe like this expected a ')' in my 14 and 22 line of code.
So what should i do for removing the 100 error?
#include <ntstatus.h>
#include <ntddk.h>
#include <wdm.h>
int main()
PEPROCESS process1;
process1 = IoGetCurrentProcess();
HANDLE ProcessId = PsGetCurrentProcessId();
PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_EX(process1, ProcessId, CreateInfo);
NTSTATUS CreationStatus;
CreateInfo.CreationStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;
ImageFileName = CreateInfo.ImageFileName;
if (ImageFileName == (PCUNICODE_STRING)L"firefox.exe")
NTSTATUS result;
result = PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx(PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_EX(process1, ProcessId, CreateInfo), FALSE);
if (result)
return 0;
Then i got sme erroe like this expected a ')' in my 14 and 22 line of code.
PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_EX(process1, ProcessId, CreateInfo);
result=PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx(PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_EX(process1, ProcessId, CreateInfo), FALSE);
this is the link for showing my error
Don't mix SDK and DDK headers/libraries in one executable.
If you write a driver, don't include Windows.h. Driver code is not Win32 code.
If you want to create a process in suspended state from another Win32 process, use CREATE_SUSPENDED process creation flag in CreateProcess() (or a similar) Win32 call.
If you want to deny process creation for a particular process from a driver, check this StackOverflow question for the boilerplate code.

Problem with LZO

So I am trying to use LZO in my application. Here is how I have included it:
#include "lzoconf.h"
#include "lzodefs.h"
#include "lzo1x.h"
/* portability layer */
static const char *progname = NULL;
#define WANT_XMALLOC 1
#include "portab.h"
Then in the application I do:
if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK)
printf("internal error - lzo_init() failed !!!\n");
printf("(this usually indicates a compiler bug - try recompiling\nwithout optimizations, and enable '-DLZO_DEBUG' for diagnostics)\n");
return 4;
It compiles ok. No errors or warnings during compilation.
When I try to run my application though, there are two errors:
/home/richard/client/src/portab.h:145: undefined reference to `__lzo_align_gap'
Which points at this line in portab.h:
if (__lzo_align_gap(p, (lzo_uint) sizeof(lzo_align_t)) != 0)
printf("%s: C library problem: malloc() returned mis-aligned pointer!\n", progname);
return p;
And in my application:
/home/richard/client/src/ undefined reference to `__lzo_init_v2'
Which points to:
if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK)
printf("internal error - lzo_init() failed !!!\n");
printf("(this usually indicates a compiler bug - try recompiling\nwithout optimizations, and enable '-DLZO_DEBUG' for diagnostics)\n");
return 4;
I have all the header files inside my source directory:
What am I doing wrong?
I am compiling my application in Ubuntu 10.10 in Anjuta ide.
Headers is not enough, you need to link to the libraries. Have you read the documentation?