Video not fitting in properly in QGraphicsView - c++

I am trying a play a video(640 * 360) through rtsp in QGraphicsView. But the issue is that it is not fitting completely within the view and scroll bar is appearing, which should not happen. And moreover, I am able to get the same peace of code working properly in Linux environment but I am getting the issue in windows.
Please find the code snippet below, If anyone can point out the error I am making will be helpful.
scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
view= new graphicsView();
videoItem = new QGraphicsVideoItem;
player= new QMediaPlayer;
controlLayout = new QHBoxLayout;

The documentation for QGraphicsView sais about setSceneRect
The scene rectangle defines the extent of the scene, and in the view's case, this means the area of the scene that you can navigate using the scroll bars.
This means, setSceneRect does not resize the visible area of the view but only which area of the scene is visible in the view. So I guess you simply have to resize your view, e.g.
view->resize(scene->width()*1.97, scene->height()*1.97)
(I scaled width/height with 1.97 because you scale your view using factor 1.97 for some reason).


Placing QWidgets at specified coordinates?

Context: I'm making Risk (the popular board game) in C++/Qt, and I've run into a problem. I decided to make the map interactive by placing buttons on every country, which could then be clicked on. After some experimenting, I've subclassed QGraphicsPixmapItem for the buttons, and stuck them inside a QGraphicsScene and a QGraphicsView. I've made the world map a background image via CSS, so that buttons could be overlaid without much hassle.
My problem: I want to place those buttons at specific coordinates. (If it matters, those coordinates would be absolute.) All of the interfaces that I've made so far, I've done in code - I'm not familiar with the Qt Designer, so I'm looking for a function or set of functions that'd let me place my buttons (more or less) where I want them.
What I've tried: I looked in the documentation, but couldn't find a function that let me control where items were placed, just ones that organized items in various ways - columns, horizontal boxes, vertical boxes, etc.
When I designed QWidgets before, I'd done so by placing buttons, other widgets, etc. in QLayouts, but there don't seem to be layouts that allow me the control I'd like. The only one I can see that'd do something similar, is QGridLayout, and experiments with that so far haven't worked the way I wanted them to - the buttons don't get anywhere near the edges of the map, no matter how many columns or rows I add.
The easiest solution would be giving up and placing the buttons beside the map, of course, but that's a last-ditch solution.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Added example source code, for clarity.
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
TerritoryButton* test = new TerritoryButton(QPixmap("img.png"));
TerritoryButton* test2 = new TerritoryButton(QPixmap("img.png"));
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene;
QGraphicsScene* scene2 = new QGraphicsScene;
QGraphicsView* view = new QGraphicsView(scene);
QGraphicsView* view2 = new QGraphicsView(scene2);
setFixedSize(1000, 512);
QGraphicsPixmapItem inherits QGraphicsItem, so you can call setPos(x, y) (after inserting the pixmap item into the scene with addItem).
void QGraphicsItem::setPos(const QPointF &pos)
Sets the position of the item to pos, which is in parent coordinates. For
items with no parent, pos is in scene coordinates.
The position of the item describes its origin (local coordinate (0, 0)) in parent coordinates.

White screen observed while launching the QGraphicsView application

Our application uses Qt's Graphics View framework to load the html pages. QGraphicsWebView loads local html page which is black background. But always observed the white screen while launching the application. I have tried setting black background for both QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene. Nothing worked for me.
Here's the sample code for your reference.
MainWindow which inherited from QMainWindow class
mGraphicsScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
mGraphicsView = new QGraphicsView(mGraphicsScene);
mGraphicsView->setViewport(new QGLWidget(this));
mGraphicsWebView = new QGraphicsWebView;
Is there any way to avoid white screen of the application?
Best Regards,
Try next. Why did you see white? Because item already added, but page not loaded, so you see white(blank) item without page. Set to your scene some black pixmap, connect loadFinished signal to special slot, where you add item to your scene. In this case scene will be black, but when page will be loaded, your slot will add this on scnen and you will see only page.
mGraphicsScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
mGraphicsScene->addItem(new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap("G:/2/qt.jpg")));
mGraphicsView = new QGraphicsView(mGraphicsScene);
mGraphicsView->setViewport(new QGLWidget(this));
mGraphicsWebView = new QGraphicsWebView;
void MainWindow::slotLoaded()
For example black pixmap which was created by code:
QPixmap black(1000,700);
mGraphicsScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
mGraphicsScene->addItem(new QGraphicsPixmapItem(black));
When application start:
As you can see, all is black, when page was loaded:
As you can see, it is normal page. It is not very beautiful because I use fast settings and resize window and so on, but you set graphicsview as central widget, do it will be more beautiful.
Thank you very much for the response.
I have tried your solution and also observed white screen while launching the application on Windows
I found the culprit is mGraphicsWebView->setUrl(QUrl("")); This is blocking all other widgets on the scene. So I have added a singleShot timer and kept this statement under that.
//QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(loadUrl())); Then it works fine.
Please let me know if you have any better idea.

QT QGraphicsScene auto resize to orginal Image size

scene = new QGraphicsScene();
view = new QGraphicsView(this);
scene->addPixmap(QPixmap( "xyz.jpeg" ));
view->setScene( scene );
I have this code in Mainwindow constructor. Image is loading but. I must scroll to see all image (I can only vertical scroll??? why???) I want see image in orginal size. Image must loading when app start.
You set the size of the scene, but not the view. The view is like a window into the scene, so if it's smaller, then you'll need to scroll to see the other parts of the scene. If the view and the scene match in size, no scrolling will be required.
Therefore, set the scene and view to a size larger than the pixmap to ensure you won't need to scroll to see the pixmap and the view to the same size as the scene to remove scrolling completely.
if you put your scene or image or whatever in the brackets it should be fit to view size :)

QMainWindow centralWidget border

I have a QMainWindow whose central widget has been set to a QGraphicsView viewing a black scene (for test purposes). Note that in the code below, I use my class derived from QGraphicsView, called CQtGlView, which reimplements only the resizeEvent function.
Regardless of whether I add the view directly,
CQtMainWindow::CQtMainWindow() {
m_glView = new CQtGlView();
or stick it in a layout with margins of 0 in a dummy widget,
CQtMainWindow::CQtMainWindow() {
m_glView = new CQtGlView();
QWidget* dummy = new QWidget();
QHBoxLayout* l = new QHBoxLayout();
I get an unwanted grey border around the widget.
The screenshot below illustrates the problem, visible between my scene and the windows aero border.
This would not be a problem if my application did not allow switching to full screen. The border is very obvious once the rest of the screen is black.
It's possible this area represents the DockWidgetAreas around the outside of the central widget.
Is there anything I can do to solve this other than not use QMainWindow? (Undesirable due to my use of menuBar, tool bars, and statusBar.)
It turns out that QGraphicsView derives from QFrame, where I assumed it was only a QWidget.
The solution to this problem was to call setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); in the constructor of my QGraphicsView subclass. Or if it was not a subclass,
Have you tried setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame) on the QGraphicsView?

Qt - QGraphicsView without ScrollBar

I am trying to show a picture in it's full view using QGraphicsScene. But when ever I put the QgraphicsScene inside the QGraphicsView, I am getting a scroll bar. I tried so many ways But all are went to veins. So can anybody tell me how to obtain the full view without the scrollbar.
You might be getting scrollbars because the scene is larger than the usable area within the graphics view. By default, a QGraphicsView comes with a 1-pixel margin. To fix this, you can try:
QRect rcontent = graphicsView.contentsRect();
graphicsView.setSceneRect(0, 0, rcontent.width(), rcontent.height());
I had been getting scrollbars because I was manually setting the scene rect to the size of the graphics item I was adding -- which was as large as the QGraphicsView widget. I wasn't taking into account the margin.
QGraphicsView v;
To adjust the scrolling programmatically once these have been hidden, use one of the overloads of v.ensureVisible().