Extract text up to the Nth character in a string - regex

How can I extract the text up to the 4th instance of a character in a column?
I'm selecting text out of a column called filter_type up to the fourth > character.
To accomplish this, I've been trying to find the position of the fourth > character, but it's not working:
select substring(filter_type from 1 for position('>' in filter_type))

You can use the pattern matching function in Postgres.
First figure out a pattern to capture everything up to the fourth > character.
To start your pattern you should create a sub-group that captures non > characters, and one > character:
Then capture that four times to get to the fourth instance of >
Then, you will need to wrap that in a group so that the match brings back all four instances:
and put a start of string symbol for good measure to make sure it only matches from the beginning of the String (not in the middle):
Here's a working regex101 example of that!
Once you have the pattern that will return what you want in the first group element (which you can tell at the online regex on the right side panel), you need to select it back in the SQL.
In Postgres, the substring function has an option to use a regex pattern to extract text out of the input using a 'from' statement in the substring.
To finish, put it all together!
select substring(filter_type from '^(([^>]*>){4})')
from filter_table
See a working sqlfiddle here
If you want to match the entire string whenever there are less than four instances of >, use this regular expression:

You can also use a simple, non-regex solution:
SELECT array_to_string((string_to_array(filter_type, '>'))[1:4], '>')
The above query:
splits your string into an array, using '>' as delimeter
selects only the first 4 elements
transforms the array back to a string

substring(filter_type from '^(([^>]*>){4})')
This form of substring lets you extract the portion of a string that matches a regex pattern.

You can also split the string, then choose the N'th element inside the result list. For example:
SELECT SPLIT_PART('aa,bb,cc', ',', 2)
will return: bb.
This function is defined as:
SPLIT_PART(string, delimiter, position)

In order to look at this problem, I did the following (all of the code below is available on the fiddle here):
I then created a PL/pgSQL function to generate random strings as follows.
I got the code from here and modified it so that it would produce strings with lots of > characters for testing purposes.
I then manually inserted a few strings at the beginning so that a quick look would tell me if the code was working as anticipated.
('adfd>adafs>afadsf>'), -- only 3 '>'s!
('e>>>>>'), -- edge case - multiple terminal '>'s
('aaaaaaa'); -- edge case - no '>'s whatsoever
The reason I put in the records with fewer than 4 >s is because the accepted answer (see discussion at the end of this answer) puts forward a solution which should return the entire string if this is the case!
On the fiddle, I then added 50,000 records as follows:
I also created a table s on a home laptop (16GB RAM, 500MB NVMe SSD) and populated it with 40,000,000 (50M) records - times also shown.
Now, my reading of the question is that we need to extract the string up to but not including the 4th > character.
The first solution (from treecon) was this one (I also show them running on the fiddle, but to save space here, I've only included the partial output of EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS, VERBOSE)) - the times shown are typical over a few runs:
ARRAY_TO_STRING((STRING_TO_ARRAY(a, '>'))[1:4], '>'),
Result (only key parts included):
Seq Scan on public.s
Execution Time: 81.807 ms
40M Time: 46 seconds
A regex solution which works (significantly faster):
SUBSTRING(a FROM '^(?:[^>]*>){0,3}[^>]*'),
Seq Scan on public.s
Execution Time: 74.757 ms
40M Time: 32 seconds
The accepted answer fails on many levels (see the fiddle). It leaves a > at the end and fails on various strings even when modified. Also, the solution proposed to include strings with fewer than 4 >s (i.e. ^(([^>]*>){4}|.*)) merely returns the original string (see end of fiddle).


Splitting name/value pairs with regex to ignore special characters based on surrounding characters

I have this regex that's worked well so far that splits 'name=value' pairs separated by a given character.
I know the separator, but the problem is in the example below (tab separated):
usrName=Wilma sev=4 cat=Detection CommandLine="C:\powershell.exe" -Enc 0ATQBpAG0AAcABDAHIAZQBkAHMAIgA= IOCValue= ProcessEndTime=2023-01-18 15:51:05
Some values can have no value in the case of 'IOCValue' which works as expected, however some values like the CommandLine are giving me up to -Enc as one match and the remainder to the next pair as another.
What I'm hoping to get out from the above is:
CommandLine="C:\powershell.exe" -Enc 0ATQBpAG0AAcABDAHIAZQBkAHMAIgA=
ProcessEndTime=2023-01-18 15:51:05
But I'm getting:
CommandLine="C:\powershell.exe" -Enc
ProcessEndTime=2023-01-18 15:51:05
Given I know the separator is a tab I think what I need is to only look for name=value pairs when they are at the start of the line or proceeded by the separator (tab). Is this possible?
Note, I can expect a space separator too, but I have a less performant and messy non-regex version I can send these too, so presume tab.
You may use this simplified regex:
Updated RegEx Demo
Here, lookahead (?=\t|\Z) will make sure that value part is followed by either a tab character or end position.

Regex to detect string is x.x.x where x is a digit from 1-3 digits

I have values 1000+ rows with variable values entered as below
I am looking in Gsheet another column to perform following operations:
Remove the 'v' character from the values
if there is 2nd '.' missing as so string can become 5.88 --> 5.88.0
Can help please in the regex and replace logic as tried this but new to regex making. Thanks for the help given
I have done till finding the value as 5.88.0 returns TRUE and 5.99 returns false, need to now append ".0" so 5.99 --> 5.99.0 and remove 'v' if found.
You can use a combination of functions, it may not be pretty, but it does the work
Replace any instance of v with an empty string using substitute, by making the content of the cell upper case, if we don't put UPPER(CELL) we could exclude any upper case V or lower case v(it will depend which function you use)
SUBSTITUTE(text_to_search, search_for, replace_with, [occurrence_number])
Look for cell missing the last block .xxx, you need to update a bit your regex to specified that the last group it's not present
^([0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,3} ( \.[0-9]{1,3}){0} )$
Using REGEXMATCH and IF we can then CONCATENATE the last group as .0
REGEXMATCH(text, regular_expression)
CONCATENATE(string1, [string2, ...])
=IF(REGEXMATCH(substitute(upper(A2),"V",""),"^([0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){0})$"),concatenate(A2,".0"), A2)
The last A2 will be replace with something similar than what we have until now, but before that we need to make small change in the regex, we want to look for the groups you specified were the last group it's present, that's your orignal regex, if it meets the regex it will put it in the cell, otherwise it will put INVALID, you can change that to anything you want it to be
This it's the piece we are putting instead of the last A2
With this the final code to put in your cell will be:

Regex Multiple rows [duplicate]

I'm trying to get the list of all digits preceding a hyphen in a given string (let's say in cell A1), using a Google Sheets regex formula :
My problem is that it only returns the first match... how can I get all matches?
Example text:
My formula returns 1-, whereas I want to get 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3-3- (either as an array or concatenated text).
I know I could use a script or another function (like SPLIT) to achieve the desired result, but what I really want to know is how I could get a re2 regular expression to return such multiple matches in a "REGEX.*" Google Sheets formula.
Something like the "global - Don't return after first match" option on regex101.com
I've also tried removing the undesired text with REGEXREPLACE, with no success either (I couldn't get rid of other digits not preceding a hyphen).
Any help appreciated!
Thanks :)
You can actually do this in a single formula using regexreplace to surround all the values with a capture group instead of replacing the text:
basically what it does is surround all instances of the \d- with a "capture group" then using regex extract, it neatly returns all the captures. if you want to join it back into a single string you can just use join to pack it back into a single cell:
You may create your own custom function in the Script Editor:
function ExtractAllRegex(input, pattern,groupId) {
return [Array.from(input.matchAll(new RegExp(pattern,'g')), x=>x[groupId])];
Or, if you need to return all matches in a single cell joined with some separator:
function ExtractAllRegex(input, pattern,groupId,separator) {
return Array.from(input.matchAll(new RegExp(pattern,'g')), x=>x[groupId]).join(separator);
Then, just call it like =ExtractAllRegex(A1, "\d-", 0, ", ").
input - current cell value
pattern - regex pattern
groupId - Capturing group ID you want to extract
separator - text used to join the matched results.
I came up with more general solution:
It replaces any text except the second group match (\d-) with just the second group $2.
1 2 3
Groups are in ()
"$2" -- means return the group number 2
Learn regular expressions: https://regexone.com
Try this formula:
It will handle string like this:
with output:
I wasn't able to get the accepted answer to work for my case. I'd like to do it that way, but needed a quick solution and went with the following:
1111 days, 123 hours 1234 minutes and 121 seconds
Expected output:
1111 123 1234 121
=split(REGEXREPLACE(C26,"[a-z,]"," ")," ")
The shortest possible regex:
=regexreplace(A1,".?(\d-)|.", "$1")
Which returns 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3-3- for "A1-Nutrition;A2-ActPhysiq;A2-BioMeta;A2-Patho-jour;A2-StgMrktg2;H2-Bioth2/EtudeCas;H2-Bioth2/Gemmo;H2-Bioth2/Oligo;H2-Bioth2/Opo;H2-Bioth2/Organo;H3-Endocrino;H3-Génétiq".
Explanation of regex:
.? -- optional character
(\d-) -- capture group 1 with a digit followed by a dash (specify (\d+-) multiple digits)
| -- logical or
. -- any character
the replacement "$1" uses just the capture group 1, and discards anything else
Learn more about regex: https://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/TWikiPresentation2018x10x14Regex
This seems to work and I have tried to verify it.
The logic is
(1) Replace letter followed by hyphen with nothing
(2) Replace any digit not followed by a hyphen with nothing
(3) Replace everything which is not a digit or hyphen with nothing
I had to step through these procedurally to convince myself that this was correct. According to this reference when there are alternatives separated by the pipe symbol, regex should match them in order left-to-right. The above formula doesn't work properly unless rule 1 comes first (otherwise it reduces all characters except a digit or hyphen to null before rule (1) can come into play and you get an extra hyphen from "Patho-jour").
Here are some examples of how I think it must deal with the text
The solution to capture groups with RegexReplace and then do the RegexExctract works here too, but there is a catch.
If the cell that you are trying to get the values has Special Characters like parentheses "(" or question mark "?" the solution provided won´t work.
In my case, I was trying to list all “variables text” contained in the cell. Those “variables text “ was wrote inside like that: “{example_name}”. But the full content of the cell had special characters making the regex formula do break. When I removed theses specials characters, then I could list all captured groups like the solution did.
There are two general ('Excel' / 'native' / non-Apps Script) solutions to return an array of regex matches in the style of REGEXEXTRACT:
Method 1)
insert a delimiter around matches, remove junk, and call SPLIT
Regexes work by iterating over the string from left to right, and 'consuming'. If we are careful to consume junk values, we can throw them away.
(This gets around the problem faced by the currently accepted solution, which is that as Carlos Eduardo Oliveira mentions, it will obviously fail if the corpus text contains special regex characters.)
First we pick a delimiter, which must not already exist in the text. The proper way to do this is to parse the text to temporarily replace our delimiter with a "temporary delimiter", like if we were going to use commas "," we'd first replace all existing commas with something like "<<QUOTED-COMMA>>" then un-replace them later. BUT, for simplicity's sake, we'll just grab a random character such as  from the private-use unicode blocks and use it as our special delimiter (note that it is 2 bytes... google spreadsheets might not count bytes in graphemes in a consistent way, but we'll be careful later).
MID(temp, 1, LEN(temp)-LEN(""))
"xyzSixSpaces:[ ]123ThreeSpaces:[ ]aaaa 12345",".*?( |$)",
We just use a lambda to define temp="match1match2match3", then use that to remove the last delimiter into "match1match2match3", then SPLIT it.
Taking COLUMNS of the result will prove that the correct result is returned, i.e. {" ", " ", " "}.
This is a particularly good function to turn into a Named Function, and call it something like REGEXGLOBALEXTRACT(text,regex) or REGEXALLEXTRACT(text,regex), e.g.:
MID(temp, 1, LEN(temp)-LEN(""))
Method 2)
use recursion
With LAMBDA (i.e. lets you define a function like any other programming language), you can use some tricks from the well-studied lambda calculus and function programming: you have access to recursion. Defining a recursive function is confusing because there's no easy way for it to refer to itself, so you have to use a trick/convention:
trick for recursive functions: to actually define a function f which needs to refer to itself, instead define a function that takes a parameter of itself and returns the function you actually want; pass in this 'convention' to the Y-combinator to turn it into an actual recursive function
The plumbing which takes such a function work is called the Y-combinator. Here is a good article to understand it if you have some programming background.
For example to get the result of 5! (5 factorial, i.e. implement our own FACT(5)), we could define:
Named Function Y(f)=LAMBDA(f, (LAMBDA(x,x(x)))( LAMBDA(x, f(LAMBDA(y, x(x)(y)))) ) ) (this is the Y-combinator and is magic; you don't have to understand it to use it)
Named Function MY_FACTORIAL(n)=
IF(n=0, 1, n*self(n-1))
result of MY_FACTORIAL(5): 120
The Y-combinator makes writing recursive functions look relatively easy, like an introduction to programming class. I'm using Named Functions for clarity, but you could just dump it all together at the expense of sanity...
Y(LAMBDA(self, LAMBDA(n, IF(n=0,1,n*self(n-1))) ))(5)
LAMBDA(f, (LAMBDA(x,x(x)))( LAMBDA(x, f(LAMBDA(y, x(x)(y)))) ) )
How does this apply to the problem at hand? Well a recursive solution is as follows:
in pseudocode below, I use 'function' instead of LAMBDA, but it's the same thing:
// code to get around the fact that you can't have 0-length arrays
function emptyList() {
return {"ignore this value"}
function listToArray(myList) {
return OFFSET(myList,0,1)
function allMatches(text, regex) {
allMatchesHelper(emptyList(), text, regex)
function allMatchesHelper(resultsToReturn, text, regex) {
currentMatch = REGEXEXTRACT(...)
if (currentMatch succeeds) {
textWithoutMatch = SUBSTITUTE(text, currentMatch, "", 1)
return allMatches(
} else {
return listToArray(resultsToReturn)
Unfortunately, the recursive approach is quadratic order of growth (because it's appending the results over and over to itself, while recreating the giant search string with smaller and smaller bites taken out of it, so 1+2+3+4+5+... = big^2, which can add up to a lot of time), so may be slow if you have many many matches. It's better to stay inside the regex engine for speed, since it's probably highly optimized.
You could of course avoid using Named Functions by doing temporary bindings with LAMBDA(varName, expr)(varValue) if you want to use varName in an expression. (You can define this pattern as a Named Function =cont(varValue) to invert the order of the parameters to keep code cleaner, or not.)
Whenever I use varName = varValue, write that instead.
to see if a match succeeds, use ISNA(...)
It would look something like:
Named Function allMatches(resultsToReturn, text, regex):
helper({"ignore"}, text, regex),
LAMBDA(results, partialText,
helperItself({results,currentMatch}, textWithoutMatch)
SUBSTITUTE(partialText, currentMatch, "", 1)
REGEXEXTRACT(partialText, regex)

Can I make my Alteryx RegEx parse conditional?

I receive messages with the fields below. I want to group and extract the user inputs. Majority of submissions contain all fields and the regex works great. Problem comes in when someone removes additional lines if let's say they only need to fill in down to Amount 1
Old Code:
Code 1:
Amount 1:
Code 2:
Amount 2:
Code 3:
Amount 3:
Code 4:
Amount 4:
I'm using Alteryx to parse the message contents and have success with my current regex but want to be ready for unavoidable user submission inconsistency
Name:(.+)\sNumber:(.+)\sAmount:(.+)\sOld Code:(.+)\sCode 1:(.+)\sAmount 1:(.+)\sCode 2:(.*?)\sAmount 2:(.*?)\sCode 3:(.*?)\sAmount 3:(.*?)\sCode 4:(.*?)\sAmount 4:(.*?[^-]*)
Is it possible to have Alteryx return parsed results from a message even if a listed field is deleted?
Alteryx issue with new cascading regex
Anyway, you can always do a cascading nested optional grouping around the
lines to just match what's valid up to a point.
This expects the form lines to be in order. If it's not, a different type
of regex is needed - an out-of-order regex ( see the bottom regex ) .
Both these regex are for Perl 5.10
(?-ms)Name:(.*)(?:\s+Number:(.*)(?:\s+Amount:(.*)(?:\s+Old[ ]+Code:(.*)(?:\s+Code[ ]+1:(.*)(?:\s+Amount[ ]+1:(.*)(?:\s+Code[ ]+2:(.*)(?:\s+Amount[ ]+2:(.*)(?:\s+Code[ ]+3:(.*)(?:\s+Amount[ ]+3:(.*)(?:\s+Code[ ]+4:(.*)(?:\s+Amount[ ]+4:(.*?[^-]*))?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?
For out-of-order matching, use this
In this situation, you don't need to use Regex straight off the bat and given the inconsistent data it could take a while to perfect one regex term...
You can do it this way instead:
- RecordID first,
- Then you can use a Text 2 Columns with a new-line (\n) delimiter. Configure this to "Split to Rows".
- You can then use a Text to Columns to split on the delimter ":".
That will handle additional rows entered etc. At that stage, you can figure out how to clean up the results (filter to remove null lines, multi-row to tag records, cross-tab to create a table etc...). If you want to flag any unknown rows, you can have a Text Input with the required rows and use Find/Replace or Join to separate the data.

regular expression replace for SQL

I have to replace a string pattern in SQL with empty string, could anyone please suggest me?
Input String 'AC001,AD001,AE001,SA001,AE002,SD001'
Output String 'AE001,AE002
There are the 4 digit codes with first 2 characters "alphabets" and last two are digits. This is always a 4 digit code. And I have to replace all codes except the codes starting with "AE".
I can have 0 or more instances of "AE" codes in the string. The final output should be a formatted string "separated by commas" for multiple "AE" codes as mentioned above.
Here is one option calling regex_replace multiple times, eliminating the "not required" strings little by little in each iteration to arrive at the required output.
SELECT regexp_replace(
'AC001,AD001,AE001,SA001,AE002,SD001', '(?<!AE)\d{3},{0,1}', 'X','g'
See Demo here
I would convert the list to an array, unnest that to rows then filter out those that should be kept and aggregate it back to a string:
select string_agg(t, ',')
from unnest(string_to_array('AC001,AD001,AE001,SA001,AE002,SD001',',') as x(t)
where x.t like 'AE%'; --<< only keep those
This is independent of the number of elements in the string and can easily be extended to support more complex conditions.
This is a good example why storing comma separated values in a single column is not such a good idea to begin with.