What's the meaning of "each CPU instruction can manipulate 32 bits of data"? - c++

From: https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/register.html
The number of registers that a CPU has and the size of each (number of bits) help determine the power and speed of a CPU. For example a 32-bit CPU is one in which each register is 32 bits wide. Therefore, each CPU instruction can manipulate 32 bits of data.
What's the meaning of "each CPU instruction can manipulate 32 bits of data" w.r.t the C/C++ programs which we write, the text which we write in notepads?

First; "each CPU instruction can manipulate 32 bits of data" is a (technically incorrect) generalisation. For example (32-bit 80x86) there are instructions (e.g. cmpxchg8b, pushad, shrd) and entire extensions (MMX, SSE, AVX) where an instruction can manipulate more than 32 bits of data.
For performance; it's best to think of it as either "amount of work that can be done in a fixed amount of time" or "amount of time to do a fixed amount of work". This can be broken into 2 values - how many instructions you need to do an amount of work and how many instructions can be executed in a fixed amount of time (instructions per second).
Now consider something like adding a pair of 128-bit integers. For a 32-bit CPU this has to be broken down into four 32-bit additions, and might look something like this:
;Do a = a + b
mov eax,[b]
mov ebx,[b+4]
mov ecx,[b+8]
mov edx,[b+12]
add [a],eax
adc [a+4],ebx
adc [a+8],ecx
adc [a+12],edx
In this case "how many instructions you need to do an amount of work" is 8 instructions.
With a 16-bit CPU you need more instructions. For example, it might be more like this:
mov ax,[b]
mov bx,[b+2]
mov cx,[b+4]
mov dx,[b+6]
add [a],ax
mov ax,[b+8]
adc [a+2],bx
mov bx,[b+10]
adc [a+4],cx
mov cx,[b+12]
adc [a+6],dx
mov dx,[b+14]
add [a+8],ax
adc [a+10],bx
adc [a+12],cx
adc [a+14],dx
In this case "how many instructions you need to do an amount of work" is 16 instructions. With the same "instructions per second" a 16-bit CPU would be half as fast as a 32-bit CPU for this work.
With a 64-bit CPU this work would only need 4 instruction, maybe like this:
mov eax,[b]
mov ebx,[b+8]
add [a],eax
adc [a+8],ebx
In this case, with the same "instructions per second", a 64-bit CPU would be twice as fast as a 32-bit CPU (and 4 times as fast as a 16-bit CPU).
Of course the high level source code would be the same in all cases - the difference is what the compiler generates.
Note that what I've shown here (128-bit integer addition) is a "happy case" - I chose this specifically because it's easy to show how larger registers can reduce/improve "how many instructions you need to do an amount of work" and therefore improve performance (at the same "instructions per second"). For different work you might not get the same improvement. For example, for a function that works with 8-bit integers (e.g. char) "larger than 8-bit registers" might not help at all (and in some cases might make things worse).

Computers, operating systems, or software programs capable of transferring data 32-bits at a time. With computer processors, (e.g. 80386, 80486, and Pentium) they were 32-bit processors, which means the processor were capable of working with 32 bit binary numbers (decimal number up to 4,294,967,295). Anything larger and the computer would need to break up the number into smaller pieces

A "word" is the size of the basic unit of change.
This CPU, in addition to being a 32 bit CPU, has a 32 bit sized word. If it was changing an item, unless extra CPU cycles are used, the largest "single" item it can change is one 32 bit value.
This doesn't mean that any 32 bit can be changed with one instruction. But if the 32 bits are all part of the same word, they may be able to be changed in one instruction.


Why is memcpy with 16 byte twice as fast as memcpy with 1 byte?

I'm doing some performance measurements. When looking at memcpy, I found a curious effect with small byte sizes. In particular, the fastest byte count to use for my system is 16 bytes. Both smaller and larger sizes get slower. Here's a screenshot of my results from a larger test program.
I've minimized a complete program to reproduce the effect just for 1 and 16 bytes (note this is MSVC code to suppress inlining to prevent optimizer to nuke everything):
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
using dbl_ns = std::chrono::duration<double, std::nano>;
template<size_t n>
struct memcopy_perf {
uint8_t m_source[n]{};
uint8_t m_target[n]{};
__declspec(noinline) auto f() -> void
constexpr int repeats = 50'000;
const auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
std::memcpy(m_target, m_source, n);
const auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << "time per memcpy: " << dbl_ns(t1 - t0).count()/repeats << " ns\n";
int main()
return 0;
I would have hand-waved away a minimum at 8 bytes (maybe because of 16 bit on a 64 bit register size) or at 64 bytes (cache line size). But I'm somewhat puzzled at the 16 bytes. The effect is reproducible on my system and not a fluke.
Notes: I'm aware of the intricacies of performance measurements. Yes, this is in release mode. Yes, I made sure things are not optimized away. Yes, I'm aware there are libraries for this. Yes, n is too low, etc etc. This is a minimal example. I checked the asm, it calls memcpy.
I assume that MSVC 19 is used since there is not information about the MSVC version yet.
The benchmark is biased so it cannot actually help to tell which one is faster, especially for such a small timing.
Indeed, here is the assembly code of MSVC 19 with /O2 between the two calls to std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now:
mov cl, BYTE PTR [esi]
add esp, 4
mov eax, 50000 ; 0000c350H
npad 6
sub eax, 1 <--- This is what you measure !
jne SHORT $LL4#f
lea eax, DWORD PTR _t1$[esp+20]
mov BYTE PTR [esi+1], cl
push eax
One can see that you measure a nearly empty loop that is completely useless and more than half the instructions are not the ones meant to be measured. The only useful instructions are certainly:
mov cl, BYTE PTR [esi]
mov BYTE PTR [esi+1], cl
Even assuming that the compiler could generate such a code, the call to std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now certainly takes several dozens of nano seconds (since the usual solution to measure very small timing precisely is to use RDTSC and RDTSCP). This is far more than the time to execute such instruction. In fact, at such a granularity the notion of wall clock time vanishes. Instructions are typically executed in parallel in an out of order way and are also pipelined. At this scale one need to consider the latency of each instruction, their reciprocal throughput, their dependencies, etc.
An alternative solution is to reimplement the benchmark so the compiler cannot optimize this. But this is pretty hard to do since copying 1 byte is nearly free on modern x86 architectures (compared to the overhead of the related instructions needed to compute the addresses, loop, etc.).
AFAIK copying 1 byte on an AMD Zen2 processor has a reciprocal throughput of ~1 cycle (1 load + 1 store scheduled on both 2 load ports and 2 store ports) assuming data is in the L1 cache. The latency to read/write a value in the L1 cache is 4-5 cycles so the latency of the copy may be 8-10 cycles. For more information about this architecture please check this.
Best way to know is to check the resulting assembly. for example if 16 byte version is aligned on 16 then it uses aligned load/store operations and becomes faster than 4 byte / 1 byte version.
Maybe if it can not vectorize(use register) due to bad alignment, it falls back to do cache copy like mov operations on memory address instead of register.
The memcpy implementation is depend on many factors, such as:
OS: windows 10, linux, macos,...
Compiler: GCC 4.4, GCC 8.5, CL, cywin-gcc, clang...
CPU architecture: arm, arm64, x86, x86_64,....
So, with difference system, memcpy may have difference performance/behavior.
Example: SSE2, SSE3, AVX, AVX512 memcpy version be implmented on this system, but not on other system.
In your case, I think it's mainly caused by memory alignment. And with 1 byte copy, the un-alignment memory access is always happen (more read/write cycle).

Instruction/intrinsic for taking higher half of uint64_t in C++?

Imagine following code:
Try it online!
uint64_t x = 0x81C6E3292A71F955ULL;
uint32_t y = (uint32_t) (x >> 32);
y receives higher 32-bit part of 64-bit integer. My question is whether there exists any intrinsic function or any CPU instruction that does this in single operation without doing move and shift?
At least CLang (linked in Try-it-online above) creates two instruction mov rax, rdi and shr rax, 32 for this, so either CLang doesn't do such optimization, or there exists no such special instruction.
Would be great if there existed imaginary single instruction like movhi dst_reg, src_reg.
If there was a better way to do this bitfield-extraction for an arbitrary uint64_t, compilers would already use it. (At least in theory; compilers do have missed optimizations, and their choices sometimes favour latency even if it costs more uops.)
You only need intrinsics for things that you can't express efficiently in pure C, in ways the compiler can already easily understand. (Or if your compiler is dumb and can't spot the obvious.)
You could maybe imagine cases where the input value comes from the multiply of two 32-bit values, then it might be worthwhile on some CPUs for the compiler to use widening mul r32 to already generate the result in two separate 32-bit registers, instead of imul r64, r64 + shr reg,32, if it can easily use EAX/EDX. But other than gcc -mtune=silvermont or other tuning options, you can't make the compiler do it that way.
shr reg, 32 has 1 cycle latency, and can run on more than 1 execution port on most modern x86 microarchitectures (https://uops.info/). The only thing one might wish for is that it could put the result in a different register, without overwriting the input.
Most modern non-x86 ISAs are RISC-like with 3-operand instructions, so a shift instruction can copy-and-shift, unlike x86 shifts where the compiler needs a mov in addition to shr if it also needs the original 64-bit value later, or (in the case of a tiny function) needs the return value in a different register.
And some ISAs have bitfield-extract instructions. PowerPC even has a fun rotate-and-mask instruction (rlwinm) (with the mask being a bit-range specified by immediates), and it's a different instruction from a normal shift. Compilers will use it as appropriate - no need for an intrinsic. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20180810-00/?p=99465
x86 with BMI2 has rorx rax, rdi, 32 to copy-and-rotate, instead of being stuck shifting within the same register. A function returning uint32_t could/should use that instead of mov+shr, in the stand-alone version that doesn't inline because the caller already has to ignore high garbage in RAX. (Both x86-64 System V and Windows x64 define the return value as only the register width matching the C type of the arg; e.g. returning uint32_t means that the high 32 bits of RAX are not part of the return value, and can hold anything. Usually they're zero because writing a 32-bit register implicitly zero-extends to 64, but something like return bar() where bar returns uint64_t can just leave RAX untouched without having to truncate it; in fact an optimized tailcall is possible.)
There's no intrinsic for rorx; compilers are just supposed to know when to use it. (But gcc/clang -O3 -march=haswell miss this optimization.) https://godbolt.org/z/ozjhcc8Te
If a compiler was doing this in a loop, it could have 32 in a register for shrx reg,reg,reg as a copy-and-shift. Or more silly, it could use pext with 0xffffffffULL << 32 as the mask. But that's strictly worse that shrx because of the higher latency.
AMD TBM (Bulldozer-family only, not Zen) had an immediate form of bextr (bitfield-extract), and it ran efficiently as 1 uop (https://agner.org/optimize/). https://godbolt.org/z/bn3rfxzch shows gcc11 -O3 -march=bdver4 (Excavator) uses bextr rax, rdi, 0x2020, while clang misses that optimization. gcc -march=znver1 uses mov + shr because Zen dropped Trailing Bit Manipulation along with the XOP extension.
Standard BMI1 bextr needs position/len in a register, and on Intel CPUs is 2 uops so it's garbage for this. It does have an intrinsic, but I recommend not using it. mov+shr is faster on Intel CPUs.

Split a number into several numbers, each with only one significant bit

Is there any efficient algorithm (or processor instruction) that will help divide the number (32bit and 64bit) into several numbers, in which there will be only one 1-bit.
I want to isolate each set bit in a number. For example,
Only comes to mind number & mask.
Assembly or С++.
Yes, in a similar way as Brian Kernighan's algorithm to count set bits, except instead of counting the bits we extract and use the lowest set bit in every intermediary result:
while (number) {
// extract lowest set bit in number
uint64_t m = number & -number;
/// use m
// remove lowest set bit from number
number &= number - 1;
In modern x64 assembly, number & -number may be compiled to blsi, and number &= number - 1 may be compiled to blsr which are both fast, so this would only take a couple of efficient instructions to implement.
Since m is available, resetting the lowest set bit may be done with number ^= m but that may make it harder for the compiler to see that it can use blsr, which is a better choice because it depends only directly on number so it shortens the loop carried dependency chain.
The standard way is
while (num) {
unsigned mask = num ^ (num & (num-1)); // This will have just one bit set
num ^= mask;
for example starting with num = 2019 you will get in order
If you are going to iterate over the single-bit-isolated masks one at a time, generating them one at a time is efficient; see #harold's answer.
But if you truly just want all the masks, x86 with AVX512F can usefully parallelize this. (At least potentially useful depending on surrounding code. More likely this is just a fun exercise in applying AVX512 and not useful for most use-cases).
The key building block is AVX512F vpcompressd : given a mask (e.g. from a SIMD compare) it will shuffle the selected dword elements to contiguous elements at the bottom of a vector.
An AVX512 ZMM / __m512i vector holds 16x 32-bit integers, so we only need 2 vectors to hold every possible single-bit mask. Our input number is a mask that selects which of those elements should be part of the output. (No need to broadcast it into a vector and vptestmd or anything like that; we can just kmov it into a mask register and use it directly.)
See also my AVX512 answer on AVX2 what is the most efficient way to pack left based on a mask?
#include <stdint.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
// suggest 64-byte alignment for out_array
// returns count of set bits = length stored
unsigned bit_isolate_avx512(uint32_t out_array[32], uint32_t x)
const __m512i bitmasks_lo = _mm512_set_epi32(
1UL << 15, 1UL << 14, 1UL << 13, 1UL << 12,
1UL << 11, 1UL << 10, 1UL << 9, 1UL << 8,
1UL << 7, 1UL << 6, 1UL << 5, 1UL << 4,
1UL << 3, 1UL << 2, 1UL << 1, 1UL << 0
const __m512i bitmasks_hi = _mm512_slli_epi32(bitmasks_lo, 16); // compilers actually do constprop and load another 64-byte constant, but this is more readable in the source.
__mmask16 set_lo = x;
__mmask16 set_hi = x>>16;
int count_lo = _mm_popcnt_u32(set_lo); // doesn't actually cost a kmov, __mask16 is really just uint16_t
_mm512_mask_compressstoreu_epi32(out_array, set_lo, bitmasks_lo);
_mm512_mask_compressstoreu_epi32(out_array+count_lo, set_hi, bitmasks_hi);
return _mm_popcnt_u32(x);
Compiles nicely with clang on Godbolt, and with gcc other than a couple minor sub-optimal choices with mov, movzx, and popcnt, and making a frame pointer for no reason. (It also can compile with -march=knl; it doesn't depend on AVX512BW or DQ.)
# clang9.0 -O3 -march=skylake-avx512
bit_isolate_avx512(unsigned int*, unsigned int):
movzx ecx, si
popcnt eax, esi
shr esi, 16
popcnt edx, ecx
kmovd k1, ecx
vmovdqa64 zmm0, zmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_0] # zmm0 = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768]
vpcompressd zmmword ptr [rdi] {k1}, zmm0
kmovd k1, esi
vmovdqa64 zmm0, zmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_1] # zmm0 = [65536,131072,262144,524288,1048576,2097152,4194304,8388608,16777216,33554432,67108864,134217728,268435456,536870912,1073741824,2147483648]
vpcompressd zmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rdx] {k1}, zmm0
On Skylake-AVX512, vpcompressd zmm{k1}, zmm is 2 uops for port 5. Latency from input vector -> output is 3 cycles, but latency from input mask -> output is 6 cycles. (https://www.uops.info/table.html / https://www.uops.info/html-instr/VPCOMPRESSD_ZMM_K_ZMM.html). The memory destination version is 4 uops: 2p5 + the usual store-address and store-data uops which can't micro-fuse when part of a larger instruction.
It might be better to compress into a ZMM reg and then store, at least for the first compress, to save total uops. The 2nd should probably still take advantage of the masked-store feature of vpcompressd [mem]{k1} so the output array doesn't need padding for it to step on. IDK if that helps with cache-line splits, i.e. whether masking can avoid replaying the store uop for the part with an all-zero mask in the 2nd cache line.
On KNL, vpcompressd zmm{k1} is only a single uop. Agner Fog didn't test it with a memory destination (https://agner.org/optimize/).
This is 14 fused-domain uops for the front-end on Skylake-X for the real work (e.g. after inlining into a loop over multiple x values, so we could hoist the vmovdqa64 loads out of the loop. Otherwise that's another 2 uops). So front-end bottleneck = 14 / 4 = 3.5 cycles.
Back-end port pressure: 6 uops for port 5 (2x kmov(1) + 2x vpcompressd(2)): 1 iteration per 6 cycles. (Even on IceLake (instlatx64), vpcompressd is still 2c throughput, unfortunately, so apparently ICL's extra shuffle port doesn't handle either of those uops. And kmovw k, r32 is still 1/clock, so presumably still port 5 as well.)
(Other ports are fine: popcnt runs on port 1, and that port's vector ALU is shut down when 512-bit uops are in flight. But not its scalar ALU, the only one that handles 3-cycle latency integer instructions. movzx dword, word can't be eliminated, only movzx dword, byte can do that, but it runs on any port.)
Latency: integer result is just one popcnt (3 cycles). First part of the memory result is stored about 7 cycles after the mask is ready. (kmov -> vpcompressd). The vector source for vpcompressd is a constant so OoO exec can get it ready plenty early unless it misses in cache.
Compacting the 1<<0..15 constant would be possible but probably not worth it, by building it with a shift. e.g. loading 16-byte _mm_setr_epi8(0..15) with vpmovzxbd, then using that with vpsllvd on a vector of set1(1) (which you can get from a broadcast or generate on the fly with vpternlogd+shift). But that's probably not worth it even if you're writing by hand in asm (so it's your choice instead of the compiler) since this already uses a lot of shuffles, and constant-generation would take at least 3 or 4 instructions (each of which is at least 6 bytes long; EVEX prefixes alone are 4 bytes each).
I would generate the hi part with a shift from lo, instead of loading it separately, though. Unless the surrounding code bottlenecks hard on port 0, an ALU uop isn't worse than a load uop. One 64-byte constant fills a whole cache line.
You could compress the lo constant with a vpmovzxwd load: each element fits in 16 bits. Worth considering if you can hoist that outside of a loop so it doesn't cost an extra shuffle per operation.
If you wanted the result in a SIMD vector instead of stored to memory, you could 2x vpcompressd into registers and maybe use count_lo to look up a shuffle control vector for vpermt2d. Possibly from a sliding-window on an array instead of 16x 64-byte vectors? But the result isn't guaranteed to fit in one vector unless you know your input had 16 or fewer bits set.
Things are much worse for 64-bit integers 8x 64-bit elements means we need 8 vectors. So maybe not worth it vs. scalar, unless your inputs have lots of bits set.
You can do it in a loop, though, using vpslld by 8 to move bits in vector elements. You'd think kshiftrq would be good, but with 4 cycle latency that's a long loop-carried dep chain. And you need scalar popcnt of each 8-bit chunk anyway to adjust the pointer. So your loop should use shr / kmov and movzx / popcnt. (Using a counter += 8 and bzhi to feed popcnt would cost more uops).
The loop-carried dependencies are all short (and the loop only runs 8 iterations to cover mask 64 bits), so out-of-order exec should be able to nicely overlap work for multiple iterations. Especially if we unroll by 2 so the vector and mask dependencies can get ahead of the pointer update.
vector: vpslld immediate, starting from the vector constant
mask: shr r64, 8 starting with x. (Could stop looping when this becomes 0 after shifting out all the bits. This 1-cycle dep chain is short enough for OoO exec to zip through it and hide most of the mispredict penalty, when it happens.)
pointer: lea rdi, [rdi + rax*4] where RAX holds a popcnt result.
The rest of the work is all independent across iterations. Depending on surrounding code, we probably bottleneck on port 5 with vpcompressd shuffles and kmov

fastest way to convert two-bit number to low-memory representation

I have a 56-bit number with potentially two set bits, e.g., 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011. In other words, two bits are distributed among 56 bits, so that we have bin(56,2)=1540 possible permutations.
I now look for a loss-free mapping of such an 56 bit number to an 11-bit number that can carry 2048 and therefore also 1540. Knowing the structure, this 11-bit number is enough to store the value of my low-density (of ones) 56 bit number.
I want to maximize performance (this function should run millions or even billions of times per second if possible). So far, I only came up with some loop:
int inputNumber = 24; // 11000
int bitMask = 1;
int bit1 = 0, bit2 = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < 54; ++n, bitMask *= 2)
if((inputNumber & bitMask) != 0)
if(bit1 != 0)
bit1 = n;
bit2 = n;
and using these two bits, I can easily generate some 1540 max number.
But is there no faster version than using such a loop?
Most ISAs have hardware support for a bit-scan instruction that finds the position of a set bit. Use that instead of a naive loop or bithack for any architecture where you care about this running fast. https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#IntegerLogObvious has some tricks that are better than nothing, but those are all still much worse than a single efficient asm instruction.
But ISO C++ doesn't portably expose clz/ctz operations; it's only available via intrinsics / builtins for various implementations. (And the x86 intrinsincs have quirks for all-zero input, corresponding to the asm instruction behaviour).
For some ISAs, it's a count-leading-zeros giving you 31 - highbit_index. For others, it's a CTZ count trailing zeros operation, giving you the index of the low bit. x86 has both. (And its high-bit finder actually directly finds the high-bit index, not a leading-zero count, unless you use BMI1 lzcnt instead of traditional bsr) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Find_first_set has a table of what different ISAs have.
GCC portably provides __builtin_clz and __builtin_ctz; on ISAs without hardware support, they compile to a call to a helper functions. See What is the fastest/most efficient way to find the highest set bit (msb) in an integer in C? and Implementation of __builtin_clz
(For 64-bit integers, you want the long long versions: like __builtin_ctzll GCC manual.)
If we only have a CLZ, use high=63-CLZ(n) and low= 63-CLZ((-n) & n) to isolate the low bit. Note that x86's bsr instruction actually produces 63-CLZ(), i.e. the bit-index instead of the leading-zero count. So 63-__builtin_clzll(n) can compile to a single instruction on x86; IIRC gcc does notice this. Or 2 instructions if GCC uses an extra xor-zeroing to avoid the inconvenient false dependency.
If we only have CTZ, do low = CTZ(n) and high = CTZ(n & (n - 1)) to clear the lowest set bit. (Leaving the high bit, assuming the number has exactly 2 set bits).
If we have both, low = CTZ(n) and high = 63-CLZ(n). I'm not sure what GCC does on non-x86 ISAs where they aren't both available natively. The GCC builtins are always available even when targeting HW that doesn't have it. But the internal implementation can't use the above tricks because it doesn't know there are always exactly 2 bits set.
(I wrote out the full formulas; an earlier version of this answer had CLZ and CTZ reversed in this part. I find that happens to me easily, especially when I also have to keep track of x86's bsr and bsr (bitscan reverse and forward) and remember that those are leading and trailing, respectively.)
So if you just use both CTZ and CLZ, you might end up with slow emulation for one of them. Or fast emulation on ARM with rbit to bit-reverse for clz, which is 100% fine.
AVX512CD has SIMD VPLZCNTQ for 64-bit integers, so you could encode 2, 4, or 8x 64-bit integers in parallel with that on recent Intel CPUs. For SSSE3 or AVX2, you can build a SIMD lzcnt by using pshufb _mm_shuffle_epi8 byte-shuffle as a 4-bit LUT and combining with _mm_max_epu8. There was a recent Q&A about this but I can't find it. (It might have been for 16-bit integers only; wider requires more work.)
With this, a Skylake-X or Cascade Lake CPU could maybe compress 8x 64-bit integers per 2 or 3 clock cycles once you factor in the throughput cost of packing the results. SIMD is certainly useful for packing 12-bit or 11-bit results into a contiguous bitstream, e.g. with variable-shift instructions, if that's what you want to do with the results. At ~3 or 4GHz clock speed, that could maybe get you over 10 billion per clock with a single thread. But only if the inputs come from contiguous memory. Depending what you want to do with the results, it might cost a few more cycles to do more than just pack them down to 16-bit integers. e.g. to pack into a bitstream. But SIMD should be good for that with variable-shift instructions that can line up the 11 or 12 bits from each register into the right position to OR together after shuffling.
There's a tradeoff between coding efficiency and encode performance. Using 12 bits for two 6-bit indices (of bit positions) is very simple both to compress and decompress, at least on hardware that has bit-scan instructions.
Or instead of bit-indices, one or both could be leading zero counts, so decoding would be (1ULL << 63) >> a. 1ULL>>63 is a fixed constant that you can actually right-shift, or the compiler could turn it into a left-shift of 1ULL << (63-a) which IIRC optimizes to 1 << (-a) in assembly for ISAs like x86 where shift instructions mask the shift count (look only at the low 6 bits).
Also, 2x 12 bits is a whole number of bytes, but 11 bits only gives you a whole number of bytes every 8 outputs, if you're packing them. So indexing a bit-packed array is simpler.
0 is still a special case: maybe handle that by using all-ones bit-indices (i.e. index = bit 63, which is outside the low 56 bits). On decode/decompress, you set the 2 bit positions (1ULL<<a) | (1ULL<<b) and then & mask to clear high bits. Or bias your bit indices and have decode right shift by 1.
If we didn't have to handle zero then a modern x86 CPU could do 1 or 2 billion encodes per second if it didn't have to do anything else. e.g. Skylake has 1 per clock throughput for bit-scan instructions and should be able to encode at 1 number per 2 clocks just bottlenecked on that. (Or maybe better with SIMD). With just 4 scalar instructions, we can get the low and high indices (64-bit tzcnt + bsr), shift by 6 bits, and OR together.1 Or on AMD, avoid bsr / bsf and manually do 63-lzcnt.
A branchy or branchless check for input == 0 to to set the final result to whatever hard-coded constant (like 63 , 63) should be cheap, though.
Compression on other ISAs like AArch64 is also cheap. It has clz but not ctz. Probably your best bet there is use an intrinsic for rbit to bit-reverse a number (so clz on the bit-reversed number directly gives you the bit-index of the low bit. Which is now the high bit of the reversed version.) Assuming rbit is as fast as add / sub, this is cheaper than using multiple instructions to clear the low bit.
If you really want 11 bits then you need to avoid the redundancy of 2x 6-bit being able to have either index larger than the other. Like maybe have 6-bit a and 5-bit b, and have a<=b mean something special like b+=32. I haven't thought this through fully. You need to be able to encode 2 adjacent bits either near the top or bottom of the registers, or the 2 set bits could be as far apart as 28 bits, if we consider wrapping at the boundaries like a 56-bit rotate.
Melpomene's suggestion to isolate the low and high set bits might be useful as part of something else, but is only useful for encoding on targets where you only have one direction of bit-scan available, not both. Even so, you wouldn't actually use both expressions. Leading-zero count doesn't require you to isolate the low bit, you just need to clear it to get at the high bit.
Footnote 1: decoding on x86 is also cheap: x |= (1<<a) is 1 instruction: bts. But many compilers have missed optimizations and don't notice this, instead actually shifting a 1. bts reg, reg is 1 uop / 1 cycle latency on Intel since PPro, or sometimes 2 uops on AMD. (Only the memory destination version is slow.) https://agner.org/optimize/
Best encoding performance on AMD CPUs requires BMI1 tzcnt / lzcnt because bsr and bsf are slower (6 uops instead of 1 https://agner.org/optimize/). On Ryzen, lzcnt is 1 uop, 1c latency, 4 per clock throughput. But tzcnt is 2 uops.
With BMI1, the compiler could use blsr to clear the lowest set bit of a register (and copy it). i.e. modern x86 has an instruction for dst = (SRC-1) bitwiseAND ( SRC ); that are single-uop on Intel but 2 uops on AMD.
But with lzcnt being more efficient than tzcnt on AMD Ryzen, probably the best asm for AMD doesn't use it.
Or maybe something like this (assuming exactly 2 bits, which apparently we can do).
(This asm is what you'd like to get your compiler to emit. Don't actually use inline asm!)
Ryzen_encode_scalar: ; input in RDI, output in EAX
lzcnt rcx, rdi ; 63-high bit index
tzcnt rdx, rdi ; low bit
mov eax, 63
sub eax, ecx
shl edx, 6
or eax, edx ; (low_bit << 6) | high_bit
ret ; goes away with inlining.
Shifting the low bit-index balances the lengths of the critical path, allowing better instruction-level parallelism, if we need 63-CLZ for the high bit.
Throughput: 7 uops total, and no execution-unit bottlenecks. So at 5 uops per clock pipeline width, that's better than 1 per 2 clocks.
Skylake_encode_scalar: ; input in RDI, output in EAX
tzcnt rax, rdi ; low bit. No false dependency on Skylake. GCC will probably xor-zero RAX because there is on Broadwell and earlier.
bsr rdi, rdi ; high bit index. same,same reg avoids false dep
shl eax, 6
or eax, edx
ret ; goes away with inlining.
This has 5 cycle latency from input to output: bitscan instructions are 3 cycles on Intel vs. 1 on AMD. SHL + OR each add 1 cycle.
For throughput, we only bottleneck on one bit-scan per cycle (execution port 1), so we can do one encode per 2 cycles with 4 uops of front-end bandwidth left over for load, store, and loop overhead (or something else), assuming we have multiple independent encodes to do.
(But for the multiple independent encode case, SIMD may still be better for both AMD and Intel, if a cheap emulation of vplzcntq exists and the data is coming from memory.)
Scalar decode can be something like this:
decode: ;; input in EDI, output in RAX
xor eax, eax ; RAX=0
bts rax, rdi ; RAX |= 1ULL << (high_bit_idx & 63)
shr edi, 6 ; extract low_bit_idx
bts rax, rdi ; RAX |= 1ULL << low_bit_idx
This has 3 shifts (including the bts) which on Skylake can only run on port0 or port6. So on Intel it only costs 4 uops for the front-end (so 1 per clock as part of doing something else). But if doing only this, it bottlenecks on shift throughput at 1 decode per 1.5 clock cycles.
On a 4GHz CPU, that's 2.666 billion decodes per second, so yeah we're doing pretty well hitting your targets :)
Or Ryzen, bts reg,reg is 2 uops , with 0.5c throughput, but shr can run on any port. So it doesn't steal throughput from bts, and the whole thing is 6 uops (vs. Ryzen's pipeline being 5-wide at the narrowest point). So 1 encode per 1.2 clock cycles, just bottlenecked on front-end cost.
With BMI2 available, starting with a 1 in a register and using shlx rax, rbx, rdi can replace the xor-zeroing + first BTS with a single uop, assuming the 1 in a register can be reused in a loop.
(This optimization is totally dependent on your compiler to find; flag-less shifts are just more efficient ways to copy-and-shift that become available with -march=haswell or -march=znver1, or other targets that have BMI2.)
Either way you're just going to write retval = 1ULL << (packed & 63) for decoding the first bit. But if you're wondering which compilers make nice code here, this is what you're looking for.

When does data move around between SSE registers and the stack?

I'm not exactly sure what happens when I call _mm_load_ps? I mean I know I load an array of 4 floats into a __m128, which I can use to do SIMD accelerated arithmetic and then store them back, but isn't this __m128 data type still on the stack? I mean obviously there aren't enough registers for arbitrary amounts of vectors to be loaded in. So these 128 bits of data are moved back and forth each time you use some SIMD instruction to make computations? If so, than what is the point of _mm_load_ps?
Maybe I have it all wrong?
In just the same way that an int variable may reside in a register or in memory (or even both, at different times), the same is true of an SSE variable such as __m128. If there are sufficient free XMM registers then the compiler will normally try to keep the variable in a register (unless you do something unhelpful, like take the address of the variable), but if there is too much register pressure then some variables may spill to memory.
An Intel processor with SSE, AVX, or AVX-512 can have from 8 to 32 SIMD registers (see below). The number of registers also depends on if it's 32-bit code or 64-bit code as well. So when you call _mm_load_ps the values are loaded into SIMD register. If all the registers are used then some will have to be spilled onto the stack.
Exactly like if you have a lot of int or scalar float variables and the compiler can't keep them all the currently "live" ones in registers - load/store intrinsics mostly just exist to tell the compiler about alignment, and as an alternative to pointer-casting onto other C data types. Not because they have to compile to actual loads or stores, or that those are the only ways for compilers to emit vector load or store instructions.
Processor with SSE
8 128-bit registers labeled XMM0 - XMM7 //32-bit operating mode
16 128-bit registers labeled XMM0 - XMM15 //64-bit operating mode
Processor with AVX/AVX2
8 256-bit registers labeled YMM0 - YMM7 //32-bit operating mode
16 256 bit registers labeled YMM0 - YMM15 //64-bt operating mode
Processor with AVX-512 (2015/2016 servers, Ice Lake laptop, ?? desktop)
8 512-bit registers labeled ZMM0 - ZMM31 //32-bit operating mode
32 512-bit registers labeled ZMM0 - ZMM31 //64-bit operating mode
Wikipedia has a good summary on this AVX-512.
(Of course, the compiler can only use x/y/zmm16..31 if you tell it it's allowed to use AVX-512 instructions. Having an AVX-512-capable CPU does you no good when running machine code compiled to work on CPUs with only AVX2.)