MQL4 to C++ dll on microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community - c++

How can I create a DLL file in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community that can not be decompiled
and transfer functions from my mq4 indicator to the DLL file and connect them together?
I do not know any language other than MQL4

I have not heard of any MQL programs being reverse engineered with the current compiler. The best way (in my opinion) in a DLL will be to write it in C++. Writing it in a DOTnet language will allow others to reverse engineer your code unless it is obfuscated. However, obfuscated code cannot be used to communicate with MT4.

Current version of MetaEditor has "MQL5 Cloud Protector" option that adds encryption to already pretty good default anti reverse engineering protection of MLQ4/MQL5 executables making cracking it economically unjustified. It's cheaper to recreate algorithm and code it from scratch than to break into exec.


How to run C++ executable in Windows PE?

I have an executable I made using a CLI console application with Visual Basic 2010. I can run the program completely fine from my developer machine.
However, when I copy the executable over to another machine, re-boot to a pre-installation environment and run the executable again, nothing happens at all. There are no errors shown or anything.
My guess is the executable can't run without certain dependencies that aren't loaded at this environment, but I need it to work in a PE.
Any ideas on whats going on?
First of all, since the question is tagged "c++" and you mention C++/CLI several times, I assume that "Visual Basic 2010" is a typo for "Visual Studio 2010". But either way, whether you've written the application in Visual Basic (VB.NET) or C++/CLI, the problem is exactly the same.
My guess is the executable can't run without certain dependencies that aren't loaded at this environment, but I need it to work in a PE.
That's exactly correct. You've written an application that targets the .NET Framework. Somewhat like Java applications requiring a JVM, .NET applications require that the .NET Framework be installed in order to run (or a compatible alternative implementation, like Mono). Unfortunately, Windows PE does not support the .NET Framework.
Note that it is irrelevant whether you've written a WinForms, WPF, or Console application. Although they present their UI in very different ways, they all depend on the .NET Framework being installed.
You will need to (re-)write the application in a different programming language, one that generates native code without any dependencies on the .NET Framework. C and C++ are popular choices. If you choose to use C++, make sure that you create what Visual Studio calls a "Win32" project. This is one that targets the underlying operating system APIs directly (i.e. a native application) and does not have a dependency on the .NET Framework. Stay away from anything that has ".NET" or "CLR" in its description.
I don't really have a full comprehension of when an application is using .NET or not... I am just used to Linux C/C++ development. I hate Microsoft shit
It uses .NET whenever you use the .NET Framework libraries/classes in your code. I'm not really sure why this is so difficult to understand. The same problem could easily exist on Linux if you were using a third-party library that was not available in certain environments for whatever reason. This is not Microsoft's problem, it's an issue of using the wrong tools for the job. The .NET Framework is an object-oriented wrapper around the native APIs that makes it much easier for people to get up and running writing programs for Windows. But if you're "used to Linux C/C++ development", you should have little trouble writing a simple console application that targets the native APIs directly without using .NET.
If your hatred for "Microsoft shit" has turned into an allergy, you can avoid Visual Studio entirely and download MinGW, which is a Windows port of the GCC compiler you're probably used to. Combined with your favorite Windows port of Vi, you're working in an environment very similar to the one you're used to. And since GCC doesn't support C++/CLI or the .NET Framework, you won't have to worry about getting stuck picking the wrong option.
The .Net framework has been supported as an optional package install during your PE build process for the past couple versions of WinPE. I write code in C# that I run in WinPE everyday. I have yet to find a good way to debug in a manner where I can walk through break points, etc... though. My best option has just been a lot of logging and a global Exception catch around my main entry point that will write out a full stack dump. You can attach to your app as a remote process in a VM running WinPE, but if you need to catch something early in the execution you'll have a difficult time.

Can I use Visual Studio's testing facilities in native code?

Is it possible to use Visual Studio's testing system with native code? I have no objection to recompiling the code itself under C++/CLI if it's possible the code can be recompiled without changes -- but the production code shipped has to be native code.
The Premium Edition comes with code coverage support which I might be able to get cheaply from my University -- but I can get the Professional Edition for free from DreamSpark -- and that's the only thing I can see that I'd use. (But I'd use it a LOT)
Well, I hate to answer my own question, but the answer is no:
This is not going to fly, you cannot use any unmanaged code when compiling safe. That prevents use of any of the unmanaged CRT headers.
Unit testing requires /clr:safe. In other words, no, this is not supported. sigh

Where can I get the Active Template Library?

I've never worked with COM before, and I've been tasked with writing an application that uses some third party COM objects. If anyone could point me to some good tutorials on how to use them it would be much appreciated. More immediately, it appears that I don't have the Active Template Library installed. I've searched online but can't figure out how to get it.
As Dan pointed out, these are distributed with Visual Studio.
If you don't have Visual Studio, you can get the ATL libraries from one of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages:
2005 SP1 (32-bit)
2005 SP1 (64-bit)
2005 (Itanium)
2008 SP1 (32-bit)
2008 SP1 (64-bit)
2008 SP1 (Itanium)
Note: The ones marked 2005 are version 8 (atl80.dll), the ones marked 2008 are version 9 (atl90.dll).
It's part of Microsoft Visual Studio (but not the Express Edition.)
I think you have to own a copy of Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 (not Express) to get ATL. If you have one of those installed, but you don't have ATL then go to "Control Panel:Add/Remove Programs" and do a "Modify" install (with the program CD or DVD in the drive) and make sure the box for ATL is checked.
As for tutorials:
I haven't found a really good one online. There are a few OK pages on using ATL/COM:
The Active Template Library Makes
Building Compact COM Objects a
Joy by Don Box (veteran guru of
COM). This article starts: "I love
COM. COM is good. Like a fine pilsner
or ale, COM never disappoints. In
fact, the more I look at COM, the
more I like it. Unfortunately, I work
in C++, and C++ does not share my
appreciation for the finer things in
life." Despite the Grand Master's
proselytizing, and the fact that it's
12 years old now, it's a pretty good
Mike Dunn's excellent tutorial on
COM on CodeProject.
DevGuy's C++ COM Tips -- kind of a hodgepodge of links and suggestions.
The COM Programmer's Cookbook -- this ancient (1995) article isn't bad, despite its age and the fact that it describes implementing COM objects in C rather than C++ (explicit vtables!)
I'm a little rusty myself w/ COM and ATL, but if I remember right, the classes you're going to want to learn that you'll use the most (especially if you are using someone else's COM objects rather than implementing your own) are CComBSTR, CComPtr, and CComVariant. Also the #import statement in Visual C++ makes using external COM objects much easier, it generates a smart pointer class for you from an external DLL or EXE.
If you're going to be implementing COM objects, I would strongly recommend getting a copy of ATL Internals (there's a newer edition out now covering ATL v8). Yes it does go into some gory detail in sections, but even as an intro book it's fairly well written.
If you've never used COM before, the "classic" books Essential COM and Effective COM are very good and you can probably get them inexpensively from your favorite sources of used books. You're also going to want to be very familiar with the RAII idiom, if you aren't already.
The newsgroup is very good for asking particular questions. (they tend to be more gruff there than on StackOverflow, though)
Beware: There are lots of little gotchas with COM, although ATL does help it become a lot easier & without a lot of bloat. The "simulated dynamic binding" techniques aka CRTP are useful in the C++ world, not just in the context of ATL/COM but especially if you are developing a library of reusable classes that you want to subclass or mixin in situations where only one instance is present at a time (e.g. a class CSpiffyFramework that provides mixin functionality that you want to reuse a lot, and you have a derived class that you want to include that functionality, and it's not part of a virtual object model so you don't really need a vtable).
Good luck!
I installed this: and got the C++ compiler and all stuff on my buildserver, but no ATLMFC libraries.
The redist packages linked above is just that, redistributables, not the headers and includefiles needed..
After lots of searching, I ended up installing vs2008 on the server, crap.
here is how to use atl with vs express:
you need WDK 7.1.0:
Download Visual Studio Express Edition
Get VS Express C++ free from Microsoft
Download the freely available Windows Driver Kit (7.1 or later) from Microsoft
Get WDK 7.1.0 free from Microsoft
You can mount the ISO file with Virtual Clone Drive or extract it with 7-zip.
Install the WDK and select the "Build Environments" option
This will install the ATL and MFC header and lib files. ATL is a requirement for FireBreath on windows. Make sure to install this in the default location so that FireBreath can find it
For VS Express 2010
If you are using an older version of FireBreath, this post by scjohn may be useful for you. Note that FireBreath 1.4 beta 1 and later these steps are no longer needed!
[vs2010 express include path]
[vs2010 express lib path]

What are the differences between Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual C++ 2008?

What are the advantages/disadvantages between MS VS C++ 6.0 and MSVS C++ 2008?
The main reason for asking such a question is that there are still many decent programmers that prefer using the older version instead of the newest version.
Is there any reason the might prefer the older over the new?
Advantages of Visual Studio 2008 over Visual C++ 6.0:
Much more standards compliant C++ compiler, with better template handling
Support for x64 / mobile / XBOX targets
Improved STL implementation
Support for C++0x TR1 (smart pointers, regular expressions, etc)
Secure C runtime library
Improved code navigation
Improved debugger; possibility to run remote debug sessions
Better compiler optimizations
Many bug fixes
Faster builds on multi-core/multi-CPU systems
Improved IDE user interface, with many nice features
Improved macro support in the IDE; DTE allows access to more IDE methods and variables
Updated MFC library (in VS2008 Service Pack 1)
support for OPENMP (easy multithreading)(only in VS2008 pro.)
Disadvantages of moving to Visual Studio 2008:
The IDE is a lot slower than VS6
Intellisense still has performance issues (replacing it with VisualAssistX can help)
Side-by-side assemblies make app deployment much more problematic
The local (offline) MSDN library is extremely slow
As mentioned here, there's no profiler in the Professional version
In the spirit of Joel's recent blog post, I've combined some of the other answers posted into a single answer (and made this a community-owned post, so I won't gain rep from it). I hope you don't mind. Many thanks to Laur, NeARAZ, 17 of 26,, and everyone else who answered. -- ChrisN
Well, for one thing it may be because the executables built with MSVS 6 require only msvcrt.dll (C runtime) which is shipped with Windows now.
The MSVS 2008 executables need msvcrt9 shipped with them (or already installed).
Plus, you have a lot of OSS libraries already compiled for Windows 32 bit with the 6.0 C runtime, while for the 2008 C runtime you have to take the source and compile them yourself.
(most of those libraries are actually compiled with MinGW, which too uses the 6.0 C runtime - maybe that's another reason).
I would like to add that it's not the case that applications developed using Visual C++ 2008 must require more DLLs than those developed using Visual C++ 6.0. That's just the default project configuration.
If you go into your project properties, C/C++, Code Generation, then change your Runtime Library from Multi-threaded DLL and Multi-threaded Debug DLL (Release and Debug configurations) to Multi-threaded and Multi-threaded Debug, your application should then have fewer dependencies.
Off the top of my head, the advantages of the new Visual Studio are:
stricter adherence to standards
support for x64 / mobile / XBOX
better compiler optimizations
(way) better template handling
improved debugger; possibility to
run remote debug sessions
improved IDE
improved macro support; DTE allows access to more IDE methods and variables
IDE seems slower
Intellisense still has performance
issues (replacing it with
VisualAssistX can help)
runtime not universally available
source control integration not up to
par (although in all fairness VC6
lacks this feature completely)
Did you know that MS VC6's implementation of the STL isn't thread-safe? In particular, the reference counting optimization in basic_string blows up even when compiled with the multi-threaded libraries.
Besides the deployment mentioned above, the main advantage of MSVC 6.0 is speed. Because it is a 10 year old IDE it feels quite fast on a modern computer. The newer versions of Visual Studio offer more advanced features, but they come at a cost (complexity and slower speed).
But the biggest draw-back of MSVC 6.0 is its non-compliant C++-Compiler and Library. If you intend to do serious C++-Programming this is a show-stopper. If you only build MFC-Applications it is probably not much of a problem.
Visual C++ 6.0 integrates with memory tracking tools, such as Purify, HeapAgent, BoundsChecker and MemCheck, thoroughly and well since those memory tracking tools were actively maintained and aggressively sold after Visual C++ 6.0 came out.
However, since C++ has been out of vogue for a while, the companies that sell memory tracking tools still sell them but never update or integrate them with new Visual C++ versions, including Visual Studio 2008. So, using memory tracking tools with Visual Studio 2008 is frustrating, errorprone and, in some cases, impossible.
Since VC6 most of the focus of Visual Studio has been on C# and .NET, as well as other features, so some C++ old-timers see VC6 as the good old days. Things have improved in Visual Studio for C++ developers since those days, but not nearly as dramatically as for .NET users.
One way that VS2008 is significantly better than VC6 is that it can build C++ projects in parallel. This can result in significantly faster builds even on a single CPU system, but especially if you have multiple cores.
If you install all service packs for VS6 you still have a solid IDE/compiler combo. As a software developer who have to release products in the wild (over Internet) I don't want to o ship the VC++ runtimes and .NET framework everytime (I can't bundle them directly in my installer/executable, its forbidden by Microsoft). You know, several megabytes of runtimes to run kilobytes of code is kinda stupid. VC++ 6.0 only need your executable and 2 .DLL at best.
Also, debug runtimes cannot be distributed with VC++ .NET, not really good when I have a client which need to do some debugging of my products :)
There is in my opinion the major reasons why I still use VC++ 6.0, but the IDE itself is ugly (ie: no tabbing support). I usually bypass the IDE limitations by using codeblocks instead (CodeBlocks support CL.EXE/LINK.EXE for all VC++ versions)
Visual C++ 2008 is much more standards compliant (Visual Studio 6 doesn't support the C++ standard set in 1998).
VS2008 has better compiler (much more standards compliant, better optimizations, ...).
VS6 has much faster IDE. VS2008 IDE has many nice features, but it is a low slower than VS6.
Quick list of improvements you'll see going from 6.0 to 2008:
Many bug fixes
Better conformance to the C++ standard
Better compiler optimization
Improved UI (better intellisense, etc)
One thing that people sometimes forget is that VS 6.0 is over 10 years old now! At this point, I don't see how anyone would want to stick with it.
one tough thing we encountered was that "value" became a keyword.
Visual C++ 6 can be very buggy at times compared to 2008. Some things in particular:
Poor template support/oddities (for instance sometemplate<othertemplate<t>> not working, but sometemplate< othertemplate<t> > working)
Not standards compliant
Resource editor is rubbish ("blue lines" seem to move around randomly, among other things)
Only supports editing certain kinds of 8-bit bitmaps (I have to use imagemagick to convert bitmaps saved in to be able to be seen in picture resources)
Terrible support for working with read-only files / quirky sourcesafe integration.
Sometimes developing in VS6 feels like trying to get websites looking good in internet explorer 5.5

C on Visual Studio [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to learn C. As a C# developer, my IDE is Visual Studio. I've heard this is a good environment for C/C++ development. However, it seems no matter what little thing I try to do, intuition fails me. Can someone give good resources for how to either:
learn the ins and out of C in Visual Studio
recommend a better C IDE + compiler
Edit: See also:
well you can use visual studio just fine take a look at here man
Go to View Menu select Solution Explorer or CTRL+ ALT +L
Then Select The project that your are developing and right click on that.
Then select the Properties from the submenu.
Then select the Configuration properties from the Tree structure. under that select C/C++ then select Advanced. Now in the right side pane change the property
Compile As from Compile as C++ Code (/TP) to Compile as C Code (/TC)
Finally change your file extensions to .c
Now you configured you Visual Studio to compile C programs
And you can use NetBeans too it could even be more user friendly than Visual Studio download it you wont regret i promise
The problem with learning C within Visual Studio is that you are compiling C using the Visual Studio C++ compiler. You might want to try learning C using the GNU GCC compiler from within the Cygwin environment in Windows.
Answering the purely subject question "recommend me a better C IDE and compiler" I find Ming32w and Code::blocks (now with combined installer) very useful on windows but YMMV as you are obviously used to the MS IDE and are just struggling with C.
May I suggest you concentrate on console applications to get a feel for the language first before you attempt to tie it together with a windows UI which in my experience is the hardest bit of windows development.
Simple and sweet: Console applications (basic C programs using printf and such) are easily and cheaply done with the Tiny C Compiler - a no frills, no gui, complete C complier.
However, C development is relatively simple on Visual Studio as well. The following instructions will set Visual C++ up as a good C compiler, and it will produce console applications at first, and yo can move up into more complex windows apps as you go.
Get the Visual Studio C++ edition (express is fine)
Start a new project - disable pre-compiled headers (maybe the wizard will let you do this, maybe you'll have to change the compiler settings once inside the project)
Delete everything inside the project.
Create a new "example.c" file with the hello world example
Compile and away you go.
Alternately, get a linux virtual machine, or Cygwin. But as you already have Visual Studio, you might as well stick with what you know.
As an aside, this isn't Atwood learning C finally, is it? No ALTs! ;-D
Bloodshed Dev-C++ is the best windows C/C++ IDE IMO:
It uses the GNU compiler set and is free as in beer.
EDIT: the download page for the IDE is here:
As already said, you should check out the C++ edition, but if you'd like to try something else Eclipse has a C++ edition. You can get more info from or check out the distro at
The problem with learning C within Visual Studio is that you are compiling C
using the Visual Studio C++ compiler. You might want to try learning C using
the GNU GCC compiler from within the Cygwin environment in Windows.
This is a legitimate response, I posted an IDE that uses the GNU compilers, so why has he been down modded?
This is the type of thing that will make me not use SO, why down mod someone just because they are recommending a different compiler, and IMHO, a better one then Microsoft's?
get real people, and #Antonio Haley I gave you +1
Any use?
Some people say that a smaller IDE is better for learning. Take a look at Code::Blocks. It's generally true that beginning C in an IDE is hard because not many books explain enough to control the IDE. Perhaps starting in a console and a basic text editor with syntax highlighting would be better – at least under Linux. Since Windows' console is far from great, I'd not recommend using it.
/EDIT: Dev-C++ used to be the best freely available IDE for Windows. However, it's development has been discontinued years ago and the most recent version unfortunately is full of bugs.
There's a very good reason to learn C and C++. The reason is that there's a lot of C and C++ code out there that are performing very real and important tasks. Someone who considers themselves a programmer and a learner(doubtful that you can separate the two) can learn a lot from these lines of code.
You can learn a lot from each language by studying the other, but if you really want to grok C it's a lot easier to separate yourself from anything C++ for a while. Visual C++ is great but GCC is a great way to thrust yourself into vanilla ANSI C without having to mentally sidestep any C++.
#mmattax thanks!
C in Visual Studio is fine, just use the command line compiler that is included in the Pro edition. Yes its the C++ compiler but treats all files ending .c as C . You can even force it to treat ALL files as C with a switch. The VS documentation has entries on it, just search the index for Visual C.
Visual Studio is one of the best IDEs for C/C++.
I don't think it is complicated and hard to use - if you have questions about it - ask them.
Some other compilers/IDEs are fine too, but if already have Visual Studio and have used it - why not stick to it?
For plain C, I suggest Pelles C. Generates optimized code and supports C99 constructs.
Support for 32-bit Windows (X86),
64-bit Windows (X64), and Windows Mobile (ARM). Support for the C99 standard.
Integrated source code editor with call tips and symbol browsing. Integrated source-level
debugger. Project management.
Inline assembler for X86 and ARM.
Integrated resource editor. Integrated bitmap, icon and cursor editor. Integrated
animated cursor and video editor.
Integrated hex-dump editor.
Supportfor custom controls in the dialog editor. Support for custom project wizards.
When i used visual studio 5.0 it should compile c code as long as the header files and lib. are there for the compiler to find. In fact most C++ compilers like G++ will compile C code just fine. But i'm not sure how well.. If you are targeting a platform then you can change the header files and lib. within you IDE and Compiler.
Visual Studio has a great debugger that no other Compiler that i have seen can compete with. I have been using gcc darwin10 4.2.1 and find the debugger is basically just the one you can getfree with any linux flavor. I recommend you learn both on a plain vanilla gcc compiler and also try visual studio which costs money. The express edition does not allow the use of threading and several other things that I forgot about. Visual Studio 5.0 should be ok to use and the debugger is much more human friendly then the one commandline version called GDB. Try DDD on linux which is similar to XCODE's debugger.
Although C++ and C are different you can compile both together. But you should understand each ones flaws and good points. C code is faster, but C++ is much easier to write and manage larger code. C++ is object oriented but C is procedural while they are both imperative languages. I would suggest learning objective-C since you can use both C++ and C libraries. Using the features you like in all three languages!!!
Visual Studio or Express do consider .c files as C code, but the compiler will keep giving warnings, and irritating suggestions which you do not require, in the debugger. Gives an indication that Visual C++, as the name suggests is optimized for C++ development for the Windows Operating system, which was originally written in plain pure C.