I am trying to log the contents of a structure to a file with a practice script.
I would rather not use Var.VALUE for every field of the struct and so far I have found the Var.PRINT command which displays all the information contained in the struct.
However I do not know if I can output this to a file, or if there is any other solution I'm not aware of for logging the values of a struct.
These three scripts can log the contents of a structure.
PRinTer.FILE c:\temp\temp1.txt
WinPrint.v.v struct_name
TYPE c:\temp\temp1.txt
PRinTer.FILE c:\temp\temp2.txt
WinPrint.v.v %all struct_name
TYPE c:\temp\temp2.txt
PRinTer.FILE c:\temp\temp3.txt
WinPrint.v.v %m.4 %r.5 struct_name
TYPE c:\temp\temp3.txt
The cmm1 script will save the first level content.
The cmm2 script will save the first level content along with data type.
The cmm3 script will save the pointer value recursively.
m stands for multiline. It displays the structure elements in multiple line format. If the elements are in a multidimensional array, the numeric parameter defines the number of levels displayed.
r stands for recursive. This optional number defines the depth of recursion to be displayed. The command SETUP.VarPtr defines the valid address range for pointers. The contents of pointers outside this range are not displayed.
I found that WinPrint or Var.WRITE can only write up to 4095 bytes to the file at a time. For larger size structures, the data out of limits will be lost. To avoid this, we can write multiple times according to the member order.
( If we only know the name of a structure and load the elf through T32, we can find it in the symbol list and view all its members. So, can we get the member name of the structure by some T32 command and then log to file according to the name like Var.WRITE #1 StructA.memberName )
The WinPrint pre-command is used to generate a hardcopy or a file from one command. The numbers of
columns and lines in the window are adapted to the possibilities of the printer. Printer selection can be
executed by the PRinTer command.
Thus, the output can also be re-routed to a file. In the case of some commands, extended parameters are
possible for printing more than one page.
WinPrint.var.view %m.3 %r.3 structName
This command can output all the contents of the structure to a file. Because var.view is not restricted by 4095, all the contents can be saved to a file.
m stands for multiline. It displays the structure elements in multiple line format. If the elements are in a multidimensional array, the numeric parameter defines the number of levels displayed.
r stands for recursive. This optional number defines the depth of recursion to be displayed. The command SETUP.VarPtr defines the valid address range for pointers. The contents of pointers outside this range are not displayed.
I am simulating a DELETE command from SQL in c++. I've tried all the possible data types to temporary store the data from a certain table( a .bin file in my case), but none of them worked.
If I store the entire file at once in a char buffer[5000], the text is safe, but the integers somehow are stored on the address, and in the buffer they look like " }+;-." and so on.
If I select them one by one and concatenate each value to a similar buffer with strncat, and with itoa() if needed, I end up having them perfect but I can't navigate in it using specific data-type size.
I would apreciate very much a suggestion into this. I've literally searched all the internet by now. Thank you!
I have been trying to figure out what the best way to do this would be, but haven't quite found an answer yet. I have a float array full of data collected from an inertial sensor and I would like to put it into the right format and output it to a CSV file. I'm using an mbed microcontroller with a local file system to store the file. It's the part about getting the format right that is confusing me at the minute.
I'd like my gyroscope/accelerometer values to be displayed in rows such as:
gx1, gy1, gz1, ax1, ay1, az1
gx2, gy2, gz2, ax2, ay2, az2
gx3, gy3, gz3, ax3, ay3, az3
I think these values first need to be converted to char before being written to the file, so I will need to do that and store them in a new array of type char. That's where I get confused, because I don't just want to copy the data into this new array all at once (thinking of using a for loop and spritf()) but I also want it to be formatted as displayed above, with the right breaks between rows.
The function that writes the content of the array to the file takes the array, its types size, the array size and the file object.
fwrite(converted_array, sizeof(char), sizeof(converted_array), FileObject);
What would be the best way to make sure that the array content is formatted like I want it to be?
I saved an object named results in Julia with the JLDpackage writing
#save "res.jld" results
The object resultsis a
81-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64,Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1},Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1},Array{Int64,1}},1}
where each element has 5 elements: Int64, Float64, Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1}, Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1} and Array{Int64,1}.
How can I have access to the first 2 elements of each element (the Int64and the Float64) without loading the whole file, because it requires a large amount of memory. I want to avoid #load "res.jld"because it's too heavy.
What you are looking for isn't quite possible I'm afraid. There is hyperslabbing and it is also partially supported by JLD (simple example here). It will allow you to read in each element one by one. However, it doesn't enable you to only load only the first two components of each element.
Nonetheless, iterating over each element one by one might be still useful as you can avoid loading the full dataset into memory (hence you could process a dataset that is too large to be kept in memory). It probably isn't faster than loading the full dataset (if you can) though.
Creating some (simplified) fake data and saving it to disk
using JLD
results = [(i, Float64(i), rand(3)) for i in 1:1000];
#save "res.jld" results
Basically, what I was describing above would look like this
jldopen("res.jld") do f
for k in 1:length(f["results"])
f["results"][k][1][1:2] # read k-th element and extract first two components.
I routinely have to debug legacy Fortran code that is utilizing large arrays of complex data, and the best option available is TotalView. I have created my own visualizer to view data (as per TotalView's instructions here) that works well. It is more flexible than the default one and has the ability to ingest and display complex data, but TotalView will not send complex arrays through its visualization pipe.
Is there any way to make TotalView be able to display complex data without having to recompile the code with additional debugging arrays just to take the absolute value?
E.g. for code like the following short example, I could make another array in Fortran, but I'd really like to just stop and examine the variable my_arr:
program main
implicit none
integer N, M, i, j
parameter (N=100, M=30)
complex my_arr(N, M)
real pi
pi = ACOS(-1.0)
do j = 1, M
do i = 1, N
my_arr(i,j) = cmplx(i*cos(j/pi), i*sin(j/pi))
end do
end do
For small arrays I can get away with something like this as an expression:
my_arr%Real_Part**2 + my_arr%Imaginary_Part**2
but that won't work for anything very large, TotalView complains about the memory.
I'm using TotalView 8.13.
You can do this if your array is contiguous in memory and you can adjust your visualizer to input the complex data as a real array with an extra dimension containing the real and imaginary parts.
In your example above, if you 'dive' into the variable my_arr, it will show up as type
This is actually the same as the TotalView built-in $complex_8. You can recast the type and dimensions by simply retyping the following into the "Type:" field:
Then the real and imaginary parts will reside in the first (fastest-iterating) dimension and TotalView will allow you to pass the 3D float array to the visualizer. Note: by default TotalView restricts itself to visualizing 2D arrays, so you'll need to change that to 3D (or however many your visualizer can handle) under "Preferences->Launch Strings" in the "Enable Visualizer Launch" box under "Maximum array rank."
Allocatable arrays:
Dynamically sized arrays can be handled in the same way, but require a couple extra steps.
Usually the address of the reference to the array is not the address of the actual array in memory, so you will have to manually adjust the address of the dive window.
In the dive window on the right side there is an option button just above the scroll bar to indicate what columns are shown in the window - turn on "Address" and write down the hex address of the first element in the array. After you recast by changing the type string, type that hex address into the "Address" field at the top, then your data will show up correctly.
The type string will contain something along the lines of COMPLEX(4),allocatable::(:,:), whereas the "Actual Type" string will show you the dimensions. When you do the recast, make sure to remove the ,allocatable:: and change the (:,:) to the actual dimensions (e.g. (100,30)).