How to use the RandomNumberGenerator within llvm? - llvm

I was hoping someone can give me an example as to how to use the RandomNumberGenerator class within LLVM. All of the examples I am able to find seem to use outdated methods.
I would like to be able to create a RNG within a pass that can be overridden with the '-rng-seed' parameter.
How can this value be accessed if it was provided as a parameter, and how to create the value if it was not provided as a parameter?
Also, I understand that a single RNG is not meant to be shared between threads for a single module. If I am running multiple passes on a module, can they share the same generated RNG?

The RandomNumberGenerator class has a private constructor (check its doc and the source file under llvm/lib/Support/RandomNumberGenerator.cpp), so the only way (that I know of, at least) to get a hold of an instance is via Module's createRNG method.
So, assuming that you have llvm:Function pass (and using C++11):
bool runOnFunction(llvm::Function &CurFunc) override {
auto rng = CurFunc.getParent()->createRNG(this);
llvm::errs() << (*rng)() << '\n';
return false;
Now you can run this on a module like this (assuming you modified the hello world pass from the documentation):
opt -load ./ -hello foo.bc -o bar.bc
Rerunning this, it will give you the same pseudo-random number.
The -rng-seed option becomes available to your pass once you include the header (and link against the LLVM support library, i.e. llvm-config --libfiles support). So, changing the above execution line to something like:
opt -load ./ -hello -rng-seed 42 foo.bc -o bar.bc
should give a different sequence.
Lastly, AFAIK, LLVM passes via opt are run sequentially in the context of a PassManager (certainly for the legacy one). I believe one should adhere to that advice when building a custom standalone LLVM tool using multi-threading (in other words, not intended to be run by opt). For relevant examples of standalone apps using the LLVM API have a look into the unit tests source subdir (one hint is to look for .cpp files that have a main(), although they are not always set up like that).


Apply LLVM pass to a specific basic block

Is it possible to apply LLVM transformation pass to a specific basic block, instead of the whole IR?
I know how to apply a pass to the whole IR:
$ opt –S –instcombine test.ll –o out.ll
But there might be several basic blocks inside test.ll and I want to apply –instcombine to just one of them.
Generally, no. Some LLVM passes are written to work on whole modules, others on whole functions. Some are also safe to use for single basic blocks (more by chance than by design), but LLVM's pass interface deals with only the design unit (functions in case of function passes, modules in case of module passes). That is, function passes are given a function by the pass manager, and nothing else.

How to dynamically register class in a factory class at runtime period with c++

Now, I implemented a factory class to dynamically create class with a idenification string, please see the following code:
void IOFactory::registerIO()
Register("NDAM9020", []() -> IOBase * {
return new NDAM9020();
Register("BK5120", []() -> IOBase * {
return new BK5120();
std::unique_ptr<IOBase> IOFactory::createIO(std::string ioDeviceName)
std::unique_ptr<IOBase> io = createObject(ioDeviceName);
return io;
So we can create the IO class with the registered name:
IOFactory ioFactory;
auto io = ioFactory.createIO("BK5120");
The problem with this method is if we add another IO component, we should add another register code in registerIO function and compile the whole project again. So I was wondering if I could dynamically register class from a configure file(see below) at runtime.
The first is identification name and the second is class name.
I have tried with Macros, but the parameter in Macros cann't be string. So I was wondering if there is some other ways. Thanks for advance.
I didn't expect so many comments and answers, Thank you all and sorry for replying late.
Our current OS is Ubuntu16.04 and we use the builtin compiler that is gcc/g++5.4.0, and we use CMake to manage the build.
And I should mention that it is not a must that I should register class at runtime period, it is also OK if there is a way to do this in compile period. What I want is just avoiding the recompiling when I want to register another class.
So I was wondering if I could dynamically register class from a configure file(see below) at runtime.
No. As of C++20, C++ has no reflection features allowing it. But you could do it at compile time by generating a simple C++ implementation file from your configuration file.
How to dynamically register class in a factory class at runtime period with c++
Read much more about C++, at least a good C++ programming book and see a good C++ reference website, and later n3337, the C++11 standard. Read also the documentation of your C++ compiler (perhaps GCC or Clang), and, if you have one, of your operating system. If plugins are possible in your OS, you can register a factory function at runtime (by referring to to that function after a plugin providing it has been loaded). For examples, the Mozilla firefox browser or recent GCC compilers (e.g. GCC 10 with plugins enabled), or the fish shell, are doing this.
So I was wondering if I could dynamically register class from a configure file(see below) at runtime.
Most C++ programs are running under an operating system, such as Linux. Some operating systems provide a plugin mechanism. For Linux, see dlopen(3), dlsym(3), dlclose(3), dladdr(3) and the C++ dlopen mini-howto. For Windows, dive into its documentation.
So, with a recent C++ implementation and some recent operating systems, y ou can register at runtime a factory class (using plugins), and you could find libraries (e.g. Qt or POCO) to help you.
However, in pure standard C++, the set of translation units is statically known and plugins do not exist. So the set of functions, lambda-expressions, or classes in a given program is finite and does not change with time.
In pure C++, the set of valid function pointers, or the set of valid possible values for a given std::function variable, is finite. Anything else is undefined behavior. In practice, many real-life C++ programs accept plugins thru their operating systems or JIT-compiling libraries.
You could of course consider using JIT-compiling libraries such as asmjit or libgccjit or LLVM. They are implementation specific, so your code won't be portable.
On Linux, a lot of Qt or GTKmm applications (e.g. KDE, and most web browsers, e.g. Konqueror, Chrome, or Firefox) are coded in C++ and do load plugins with factory functions. Check with strace(1) and ltrace(1).
The Trident web browser of MicroSoft is rumored to be coded in C++ and probably accepts plugins.
I have tried with Macros, but the parameter in Macros can't be string.
A macro parameter can be stringized. And you could play x-macros tricks.
What I want is just avoiding the recompiling when I want to register another class.
On Ubuntu, I recommend accepting plugins in your program or library
Use dlopen(3) with an absolute file path; the plugin would typically be passed as a program option (like RefPerSys does, or like GCC does) and dlopen-ed at program or library initialization time. Practically speaking, you can have lots of plugins (dozen of thousands, see manydl.c and check with pmap(1) or proc(5)). The dlsym(3)-ed C++ functions in your plugins should be declared extern "C" to disable name mangling.
A single C++ file plugin (in can be compiled with g++ -Wall -O -g -fPIC -shared -o and later you would dlopen "./" or an absolute path (or configure suitably your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH -see and pass "" to dlopen). Be also aware of Rpath.
Consider also (after upgrading your GCC to GCC 9 at least, perhaps by compiling it from its source code) using libgccjit (it is faster than generating temporary C++ code in some file and compiling that file into a temporary plugin).
For ease of debugging your loaded plugins, you might be interested by Ian Taylor's libbacktrace.
Notice that your program's global symbols (declared as extern "C") can be accessed by name by passing a nullptr file path to dlopen(3), then using dlsym(3) on the obtained handle. You want to pass -rdynamic -ldl when linking your program (or your shared library).
What I want is just avoiding the recompiling when I want to register another class.
You might registering classes in a different translation unit (a short one, presumably). You could take inspiration from RefPerSys multiple #include-s of its generated/rps-name.hh file. Then you would simply recompile a single *.cc file and relink your entire program or library. Notice that Qt plays similar tricks in its moc, and I recommend taking inspiration from it.
Read also J.Pitrat's book on Artificial Beings: the Conscience of a Conscious Machine ISBN which explains why a metaprogramming approach is useful. Study the source code of GCC (or of RefPerSys), use or take inspiration from SWIG, ANTLR, GNU bison (they all generate C++ code) when relevant
You seem to have asked for more dynamism than you actually need. You want to avoid the factory itself having to be aware of all of the classes registered in it.
Well, that's doable without going all the way runtime code generation!
There are several implementations of such a factory; but I am obviously biased in favor of my own: einpoklum's Factory class (
simple example of use:
#include "Factory.h"
// we now have:
// template<typename Key, typename BaseClass, typename... ConstructionArgs>
// class Factory;
#include <string>
struct Foo { Foo(int x) { }; }
struct Bar : Foo { Bar(int x) : Foo(x) { }; }
int main()
util::Factory<std::string, Foo, int> factory;
auto* my_bar_ptr factory.produce("key_for_bar");
The std::string is used as a key; you could have a factory with numeric values as keys instead, if you like.
All registered classes must be subclasses of the BaseClass value chosen for the factory. I believe you can change the factory to avoid that, but then you'll always be getting void *s from it.
You can wrap this in a singleton template to get a single, global, static-initialization-safe factory you can use from anywhere.
Now, if you load some plugin dynamically (see #BasileStarynkevitch's answer), you just need that plugin to expose an initialization function which makes registerClass() class calls on the factory; and call this initialization function right after loading the plugin. Or if you have a static-initialization safe singleton factory, you can make the registration calls in a static-block in your plugin shared library - but be careful with that, I'm not an expert on shared library loading.
Definetly YES!
Theres an old antique post from 2006 that solved my life for many years. The implementation runs arround having a centralized registry with a decentralized registration method that is expanded using a REGISTER_X macro, check it out:
Have to admit that #einpoklum factory looks awesome also. I created a headeronly sample gist containing the code and a sample:

Is there a way to make a pass over two llvm-ir?

I want to compare two llvm-ir programs function by function. I thought it will be help full if I do it as an LLVM pass where I can have access to CFG of the program. It seems all the passes(Module, Function, ..) were working on single program, How can I do a pass over two programs simultaneously?
I would just run llvm-link (a command-line tool bundled with LLVM) to merge the IR files together first, then use a regular module pass.
I think the function renaming rule in llvm-link is something like renaming f to f.llvm.X where X is the module ID, so your pass could identify pairs by them having the same name prefix before the module ID.

Using C++ classes in LLVM Modules

Based on the Kaleidoscope and Kaleidoscope with MCJIT tutorials, I have code to create a Module and function and call it using MCJIT. The function needs a prototype:
auto ft = llvm::FunctionType::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(Context), argTypes, false);
However, the example only covers Double as parameters and return values (the above uses an int). To do anything advanced, you need to pass things like classes and containers.
How do you use existing C++ classes in the module?
Sure, you can link to any library you want, but you need to declare function prototypes to use them. If the library API has classes, how do you declare them?
What I want is something like this:
auto ft = llvm::FunctionType::get(llvm::Type::getStructTy("class.std::string"), argTypes, false);
where class.std::string has been imported from string.h.
The LLVM API only has primitive types. You can define structs to represent the classes, but this is way too hard to do manually (and not portable).
A way to do it might be to compile the class to bitcode and read it into a module, but I want to avoid temporary files if possible. Also I'm not sure how to extract the type from the module but it should be possible. I tried this on a header file of one of my classes (I renamed the header file to a cpp file otherwise clang would make into a .gch precompiled header) and the result was just a constant... maybe it was optimised out? I tried it on the cpp file and it resulted in 36000 lines of code...
Then I found this page. Instead of using the LLVM API, I should use the Clang API because Clang, as a compiler, can compile the code into a Module. Then I can use the LLVM API with the imported Modules. Is this the right way to go? Any working source code is appreciated because it took forever just to get function calling working (the tutorials are out of date and documentation is scarce).
The way I would do it is to compile the class to LLVM IR, and then link the two modules. Then, there's two options to extract the type from the module:
First, you can use the llvm::TypeFinder. The way you use it is by creating it, and then calling run() on it with the module as an argument. This code snippet will print out all of the types in the module:
llvm::TypeFinder type_finder;, true);
for (auto t : type_finder) {
std::cout << t->getName().str() << std::endl;
Alternatively, it's possible to use Module's getIdentifiedStructTypes() method and iterate over the resulting vector in the same way as above.

LLVM traverse CFG

I want to apply a DFS traversing algorithm on a CFG of a function. Therefore, I need the internal representation of the CFG. I need oriented edges and spotted MachineBasicBlock::const_succ_iterator. It is there a way to get the CFG with oriented edges by using a FunctionPass, instead of a MachineFunctionPass? The reason why I want this is that I have problems using MachineFunctionPass. I have written several complex passes till now, but I cannot run a MachineFunctionPass pass.
I found that : "A MachineFunctionPass is a part of the LLVM code generator that executes on the machine-dependent representation of each LLVM function in the program. Code generator passes are registered and initialized specially by TargetMachine::addPassesToEmitFile and similar routines, so they cannot generally be run from the opt or bugpoint commands."...So how I can run a MachineFunctionPass?
When I was trying to run with opt a simple MachineFunctionPass, I got the error :
Pass 'mycfg' is not initialized.
Verify if there is a pass dependency cycle.
Required Passes:
opt: PassManager.cpp:638: void llvm::PMTopLevelManager::schedulePass(llvm::Pass*): Assertion `PI && "Expected required passes to be initialized"' failed.
So I have to initialize the pass. But in my all other passes I did not any initialization and I don't want to use INITIALIZE_PASS since I have to recompile the llvm file that is keeping the pass registration... Is there a way to keep using static RegisterPass for a MachineFunctionPass ? I mention that if I change to FunctionPass, I have no problems, so indeed it might be an opt problem.
I have started another pass for CallGraph. I am using CallGraph &CG = getAnalysis<CallGraph>(); efficiently. It is a similar way of getting CFG-s? What I found till now are succ_iterator/succ_begin/succ_end which are from CFG.h, but I think I still have to get the CFG analysis somehow.
Thank you in advance !
I think you may have some terms mixed up. Basic blocks within each function are already arranged in a kind-of CFG, and LLVM provides you the tools to traverse that. See my answer to this question, for example.
MachineFunction lives on a different level, and unless you're doing something very special, this is not the level you should operate on. It's too low-level, and too target specific. There's some overview of the levels here