WINDOWS 10, amd64
Built tensorflow GPU enabled C++ static libraries with CMAKE GUI + MSBUILD
Built successful.
LABEL_IMAGE tutorial example execution times :
... execution : 9.17 secs
... execution (tensorflow) : 10.34 secs
... execution (tensorflow-gpu) : 1.62 secs
Any idea why ? Thanks a lot with minor customizations :
#define NOMINMAX
#include <fstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/const_op.h"
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/image_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/default_device.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_def_builder.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/threadpool.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/io/path.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/init_main.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/public/session.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/command_line_flags.h"
// These are all common classes it's handy to reference with no namespace.
using tensorflow::Flag;
using tensorflow::Tensor;
using tensorflow::Status;
using tensorflow::string;
using tensorflow::int32;
static Status ReadEntireFile(tensorflow::Env* env, const string& filename, Tensor* output) {
tensorflow::uint64 file_size = 0;
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(env->GetFileSize(filename, &file_size));
string contents;
std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::RandomAccessFile> file;
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(env->NewRandomAccessFile(filename, &file));
tensorflow::StringPiece data;
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(file->Read(0, file_size, &data, &(contents)[0]));
if (data.size() != file_size) {
return tensorflow::errors::DataLoss("Truncated read of '", filename, "' expected ", file_size, " got ", data.size());
output->scalar<string>()() = data.ToString();
return Status::OK();
// Given an image file name, read in the data, try to decode it as an image,
// resize it to the requested size, and then scale the values as desired.
Status ReadTensorFromImageFile(const string file_name, const int input_height, const int input_width, const float input_mean, const float input_std, std::vector<Tensor>* out_tensors) {
auto root = tensorflow::Scope::NewRootScope();
using namespace ::tensorflow::ops; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
string input_name = "file_reader";
string output_name = "dim";
// read file_name into a tensor named input
Tensor input(tensorflow::DT_STRING, tensorflow::TensorShape());
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReadEntireFile(tensorflow::Env::Default(), file_name, &input));
// use a placeholder to read input data
auto file_reader = Placeholder(root.WithOpName("input"), tensorflow::DataType::DT_STRING);
std::vector<std::pair<string, tensorflow::Tensor>> inputs = { { "input", input }, };
// Now try to figure out what kind of file it is and decode it.
const int wanted_channels = 3;
tensorflow::Output image_reader;
if (tensorflow::StringPiece(file_name).ends_with(".png")) {
image_reader = DecodePng(root.WithOpName("png_reader"), file_reader, DecodePng::Channels(wanted_channels));
else if (tensorflow::StringPiece(file_name).ends_with(".gif")) {
// gif decoder returns 4-D tensor, remove the first dim
image_reader = Squeeze(root.WithOpName("squeeze_first_dim"), DecodeGif(root.WithOpName("gif_reader"), file_reader));
else if (tensorflow::StringPiece(file_name).ends_with(".bmp")) {
image_reader = DecodeBmp(root.WithOpName("bmp_reader"), file_reader);
else {
// Assume if it's neither a PNG nor a GIF then it must be a JPEG.
image_reader = DecodeJpeg(root.WithOpName("jpeg_reader"), file_reader, DecodeJpeg::Channels(wanted_channels));
// Now cast the image data to float so we can do normal math on it.
auto uint8_caster = Cast(root.WithOpName("uint8_caster"), image_reader, tensorflow::DT_UINT8);
// The convention for image ops in TensorFlow is that all images are expected
// to be in batches, so that they're four-dimensional arrays with indices of
// [batch, height, width, channel]. Because we only have a single image, we
// have to add a batch dimension of 1 to the start with ExpandDims().
auto dims_expander = ExpandDims(root.WithOpName(output_name), uint8_caster, 0);
// Bilinearly resize the image to fit the required dimensions.
//auto resized = ResizeBilinear(root, dims_expander,Const(root.WithOpName("size"), { input_height, input_width }));
// Subtract the mean and divide by the scale.
//Div(root.WithOpName(output_name), Sub(root, resized, { input_mean }),{ input_std });
// This runs the GraphDef network definition that we've just constructed, and
// returns the results in the output tensor.
tensorflow::GraphDef graph;
tensorflow::SessionOptions options;
std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::Session> session(tensorflow::NewSession(options));
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(session->Run({ inputs }, { output_name }, {}, out_tensors));
return Status::OK();
// Reads a model graph definition from disk, and creates a session object you
// can use to run it.
Status LoadGraph(const string& graph_file_name, std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::Session>* session) {
tensorflow::GraphDef graph_def;
Status load_graph_status = ReadBinaryProto(tensorflow::Env::Default(), graph_file_name, &graph_def);
if (!load_graph_status.ok()) {return tensorflow::errors::NotFound("Failed to load compute graph at '",graph_file_name, "'");}
tensorflow::SessionOptions options;
Status session_create_status = (*session)->Create(graph_def);
if (!session_create_status.ok()) {return session_create_status; }
return Status::OK();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// These are the command-line flags the program can understand.
// They define where the graph and input data is located, and what kind of
// input the model expects. If you train your own model, or use something
// other than inception_v3, then you'll need to update these.
string image = "tensorflow/examples/label_image/data/grace_hopper.jpg";
string graph = "tensorflow/examples/label_image/data/faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco_11_06_2017/frozen_inference_graph.pb";
string labels = "/tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/label_image/data/faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco_11_06_2017/graph.pbtxt";
int32 input_width = 299;
int32 input_height = 299;
float input_mean = 0;
float input_std = 255;
string input_layer = "image_tensor:0";
std::vector<string> output_layer = { "detection_boxes:0", "detection_scores:0", "detection_classes:0", "num_detections:0" };
string o_layer = "detection_boxes:0, detection_scores : 0, detection_classes : 0, num_detections : 0"; //dummy for Flag structure
bool self_test = false;
string root_dir = "/tensorflow/";
std::vector<Flag> flag_list = {
Flag("image", &image, "image to be processed"),
Flag("graph", &graph, "graph to be executed"),
Flag("labels", &labels, "name of file containing labels"),
Flag("input_width", &input_width, "resize image to this width in pixels"),
Flag("input_height", &input_height,
"resize image to this height in pixels"),
Flag("input_mean", &input_mean, "scale pixel values to this mean"),
Flag("input_std", &input_std, "scale pixel values to this std deviation"),
Flag("input_layer", &input_layer, "name of input layer"),
Flag("output_layer", &o_layer, "name of output layer"),
Flag("self_test", &self_test, "run a self test"),
Flag("root_dir", &root_dir,
"interpret image and graph file names relative to this directory"),
string usage = tensorflow::Flags::Usage(argv[0], flag_list);
const bool parse_result = tensorflow::Flags::Parse(&argc, argv, flag_list);
if (!parse_result) {
LOG(ERROR) << usage;
return -1;
// We need to call this to set up global state for TensorFlow.
tensorflow::port::InitMain(argv[0], &argc, &argv);
if (argc > 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown argument " << argv[1] << "\n" << usage;
return -1;
// First we load and initialize the model.
std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::Session> session;
string graph_path = tensorflow::io::JoinPath(root_dir, graph);
Status load_graph_status = LoadGraph(graph_path, &session);
if (!load_graph_status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << load_graph_status;
return -1;
// Get the image from disk as a float array of numbers, resized and normalized
// to the specifications the main graph expects.
std::vector<Tensor> resized_tensors;
string image_path = tensorflow::io::JoinPath(root_dir, image);
LOG(ERROR) << "Detection Basla....";
Status read_tensor_status = ReadTensorFromImageFile(image_path, input_height, input_width, input_mean, input_std, &resized_tensors);
if (!read_tensor_status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << read_tensor_status;
return -1;
const Tensor resized_tensor = resized_tensors[0];
// Actually run the image through the model.
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
Status run_status = session->Run({ { input_layer, resized_tensor } }, { output_layer }, {}, &outputs);
LOG(ERROR) << "Detection Bit......";
if (!run_status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Running model failed: " << run_status;
return -1;
tensorflow::TTypes<float>::Flat scores = outputs[1].flat<float>();
tensorflow::TTypes<float>::Flat classes = outputs[2].flat<float>();
tensorflow::TTypes<float>::Flat num_detections = outputs[3].flat<float>();
auto boxes = outputs[0].flat_outer_dims<float, 3>();
LOG(ERROR) << "num_detections:" << num_detections(0) << "," << outputs[0].shape().DebugString();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_detections(0) && i < 20; ++i)
if (scores(i) > 0.5)
LOG(ERROR) << i << ",score:" << scores(i) << ",class:" << classes(i) << ",box:" << "," << boxes(0, i, 0) << "," << boxes(0, i, 1) << "," << boxes(0, i, 2) << "," << boxes(0, i, 3);
return 0;
After successful built I ran the code and got a "_pywrap_tensorflow_internal.pyd not found" message.
I searched PC and found one in phython/tensorflow path.
I copied that one to execution path and everything was ok except gpu usage
Suddenly something whispered me ;
"Hey you immortal !! you should get recently generated
pywrap_tensorflow_internal.dll and rename it _pywrap_tensorflow_internal.pyd
and copy it to execution path.
GPU is being used
I'm trying to use an "example" code for c++ on qt. In this example, there's a function "get_top_n" from tflite::label_image, in tensorflow/lite/examples/label_image/get_top_n.h. But, qt creator doesn't find the function.
Error: main.cpp:104 (and 107): erreur : no matching function for call to 'get_top_n'
What am I doing wrong here ?
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/string_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/examples/label_image/get_top_n.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/model.h"
std::vector<std::string> load_labels(std::string labels_file)
std::ifstream file(labels_file.c_str());
if (!file.is_open())
fprintf(stderr, "unable to open label file\n");
std::string label_str;
std::vector<std::string> labels;
while (std::getline(file, label_str))
if (label_str.size() > 0)
return labels;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Get Model label and input image
if (argc != 4)
fprintf(stderr, "TfliteClassification.exe modelfile labels image\n");
const char *modelFileName = argv[1];
const char *labelFile = argv[2];
const char *imageFile = argv[3];
// Load Model
auto model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile(modelFileName);
if (model == nullptr)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to load model\n");
// Initiate Interpreter
std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter> interpreter;
tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
tflite::InterpreterBuilder(*model, resolver)(&interpreter);
if (interpreter == nullptr)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initiate the interpreter\n");
if (interpreter->AllocateTensors() != kTfLiteOk)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate tensor\n");
// Configure the interpreter
// Get Input Tensor Dimensions
int input = interpreter->inputs()[0];
auto height = interpreter->tensor(input)->dims->data[1];
auto width = interpreter->tensor(input)->dims->data[2];
auto channels = interpreter->tensor(input)->dims->data[3];
// Load Input Image
cv::Mat image;
auto frame = cv::imread(imageFile);
if (frame.empty())
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load iamge\n");
// Copy image to input tensor
cv::resize(frame, image, cv::Size(width, height), cv::INTER_NEAREST);
memcpy(interpreter->typed_input_tensor<unsigned char>(0),, * image.elemSize());
// Inference
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start, end;
start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto inference_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count();
// Get Output
int output = interpreter->outputs()[0];
TfLiteIntArray *output_dims = interpreter->tensor(output)->dims;
auto output_size = output_dims->data[output_dims->size - 1];
std::vector<std::pair<float, int>> top_results;
float threshold = 0.01f;
switch (interpreter->tensor(output)->type)
case kTfLiteInt32:
tflite::label_image::get_top_n<float>(interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(0), output_size, 1, threshold, &top_results, kTfLiteFloat32);
case kTfLiteUInt8:
tflite::label_image::get_top_n<uint8_t>(interpreter->typed_output_tensor<uint8_t>(0), output_size, 1, threshold, &top_results, kTfLiteUInt8);
fprintf(stderr, "cannot handle output type\n");
// Print inference ms in input image
cv::putText(frame, "Infernce Time in ms: " + std::to_string(inference_time), cv::Point(10, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
// Load Labels
auto labels = load_labels(labelFile);
// Print labels with confidence in input image
for (const auto &result : top_results)
const float confidence = result.first;
const int index = result.second;
std::string output_txt = "Label :" + labels[index] + " Confidence : " + std::to_string(confidence);
cv::putText(frame, output_txt, cv::Point(10, 60), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
// Display image
cv::imshow("Output", frame);
return 0;
The lines affected :
104: tflite::label_image::get_top_n<float>(interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(0), output_size, 1, threshold, &top_results, kTfLiteFloat32);
107: tflite::label_image::get_top_n<uint8_t>(interpreter->typed_output_tensor<uint8_t>(0), output_size, 1, threshold, &top_results, kTfLiteUInt8);
Content of tensorflow/lite/examples/label_image/get_top_n.h:
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. ...*/
#include "tensorflow/lite/examples/label_image/get_top_n_impl.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace label_image {
template <class T>
void get_top_n(T* prediction, int prediction_size, size_t num_results,
float threshold, std::vector<std::pair<float, int>>* top_results,
TfLiteType input_type);
// explicit instantiation so that we can use them otherwhere
template void get_top_n<float>(float*, int, size_t, float,
std::vector<std::pair<float, int>>*, TfLiteType);
template void get_top_n<int8_t>(int8_t*, int, size_t, float,
std::vector<std::pair<float, int>>*,
template void get_top_n<uint8_t>(uint8_t*, int, size_t, float,
std::vector<std::pair<float, int>>*,
} // namespace label_image
} // namespace tflite
Content of tensorflow/lite/examples/label_image/get_top_n_impl.h:
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. ...*/
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <queue>
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace label_image {
extern bool input_floating;
// Returns the top N confidence values over threshold in the provided vector,
// sorted by confidence in descending order.
template <class T>
void get_top_n(T* prediction, int prediction_size, size_t num_results,
float threshold, std::vector<std::pair<float, int>>* top_results,
TfLiteType input_type) {
// Will contain top N results in ascending order.
std::priority_queue<std::pair<float, int>, std::vector<std::pair<float, int>>,
std::greater<std::pair<float, int>>>
const long count = prediction_size; // NOLINT(runtime/int)
float value = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
switch (input_type) {
case kTfLiteFloat32:
value = prediction[i];
case kTfLiteInt8:
value = (prediction[i] + 128) / 256.0;
case kTfLiteUInt8:
value = prediction[i] / 255.0;
// Only add it if it beats the threshold and has a chance at being in
// the top N.
if (value < threshold) {
top_result_pq.push(std::pair<float, int>(value, i));
// If at capacity, kick the smallest value out.
if (top_result_pq.size() > num_results) {
// Copy to output vector and reverse into descending order.
while (!top_result_pq.empty()) {
std::reverse(top_results->begin(), top_results->end());
} // namespace label_image
} // namespace tflite
Github link
/usr/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp:78:9: error: ‘CvHistogram’ does not name a type
CvHistogram *fHistogram;
/usr/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp:89:5: error: ‘IplImage’ does not name a type
IplImage *imgHueFrame, *imgSaturationFrame, *imgLastGrayFrame, *imgMotionFrame, *imgFilteredFrame;
/usr/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp:90:5: error: ‘IplImage’ does not name a type
IplImage *imgShrinked, *imgTemp, *imgGrayFrame, *imgHSVFrame;
/usr/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp:93:19: error: ‘IplImage’ has not been declared
void initData(IplImage *src, int widthDivider, int heightDivider);
/usr/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp:108:26: error: ‘IplImage’ has not been declared
virtual void process(IplImage *inputBGRImage, IplImage *outputHueMask);
Copyright (c) 2011. Philipp Wagner <bytefish[at]gmx[dot]de>.
Released to public domain under terms of the BSD Simplified license.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
static Mat norm_0_255(InputArray _src) {
Mat src = _src.getMat();
// Create and return normalized image:
Mat dst;
switch(src.channels()) {
case 1:
cv::normalize(_src, dst, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);
case 3:
cv::normalize(_src, dst, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC3);
return dst;
static void read_csv(const string& filename, vector<Mat>& images, vector<int>& labels, char separator = ';') {
std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ifstream::in);
if (!file) {
string error_message = "No valid input file was given, please check the given filename.";
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
string line, path, classlabel;
while (getline(file, line)) {
stringstream liness(line);
getline(liness, path, separator);
getline(liness, classlabel);
if(!path.empty() && !classlabel.empty()) {
images.push_back(imread(path, 0));
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
// Check for valid command line arguments, print usage
// if no arguments were given.
if (argc < 2) {
cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <csv.ext> <output_folder> " << endl;
string output_folder = ".";
if (argc == 3) {
output_folder = string(argv[2]);
// Get the path to your CSV.
string fn_csv = string(argv[1]);
// These vectors hold the images and corresponding labels.
vector<Mat> images;
vector<int> labels;
// Read in the data. This can fail if no valid
// input filename is given.
try {
read_csv(fn_csv, images, labels);
} catch (cv::Exception& e) {
cerr << "Error opening file \"" << fn_csv << "\". Reason: " << e.msg << endl;
// nothing more we can do
// Quit if there are not enough images for this demo.
if(images.size() <= 1) {
string error_message = "This demo needs at least 2 images to work. Please add more images to your data set!";
CV_Error(CV_StsError, error_message);
// Get the height from the first image. We'll need this
// later in code to reshape the images to their original
// size:
int height = images[0].rows;
// The following lines simply get the last images from
// your dataset and remove it from the vector. This is
// done, so that the training data (which we learn the
// cv::FaceRecognizer on) and the test data we test
// the model with, do not overlap.
Mat testSample = images[images.size() - 1];
int testLabel = labels[labels.size() - 1];
// The following lines create an Fisherfaces model for
// face recognition and train it with the images and
// labels read from the given CSV file.
// If you just want to keep 10 Fisherfaces, then call
// the factory method like this:
// cv::createFisherFaceRecognizer(10);
// However it is not useful to discard Fisherfaces! Please
// always try to use _all_ available Fisherfaces for
// classification.
// If you want to create a FaceRecognizer with a
// confidence threshold (e.g. 123.0) and use _all_
// Fisherfaces, then call it with:
// cv::createFisherFaceRecognizer(0, 123.0);
Ptr<FaceRecognizer> model = createFisherFaceRecognizer();
model->train(images, labels);
// The following line predicts the label of a given
// test image:
int predictedLabel = model->predict(testSample);
// To get the confidence of a prediction call the model with:
// int predictedLabel = -1;
// double confidence = 0.0;
// model->predict(testSample, predictedLabel, confidence);
string result_message = format("Predicted class = %d / Actual class = %d.", predictedLabel, testLabel);
cout << result_message << endl;
// Here is how to get the eigenvalues of this Eigenfaces model:
Mat eigenvalues = model->getMat("eigenvalues");
// And we can do the same to display the Eigenvectors (read Eigenfaces):
Mat W = model->getMat("eigenvectors");
// Get the sample mean from the training data
Mat mean = model->getMat("mean");
// Display or save:
if(argc == 2) {
imshow("mean", norm_0_255(mean.reshape(1, images[0].rows)));
} else {
imwrite(format("%s/mean.png", output_folder.c_str()), norm_0_255(mean.reshape(1, images[0].rows)));
// Display or save the first, at most 16 Fisherfaces:
for (int i = 0; i < min(16, W.cols); i++) {
string msg = format("Eigenvalue #%d = %.5f", i,<double>(i));
cout << msg << endl;
// get eigenvector #i
Mat ev = W.col(i).clone();
// Reshape to original size & normalize to [0...255] for imshow.
Mat grayscale = norm_0_255(ev.reshape(1, height));
// Show the image & apply a Bone colormap for better sensing.
Mat cgrayscale;
applyColorMap(grayscale, cgrayscale, COLORMAP_BONE);
// Display or save:
if(argc == 2) {
imshow(format("fisherface_%d", i), cgrayscale);
} else {
imwrite(format("%s/fisherface_%d.png", output_folder.c_str(), i), norm_0_255(cgrayscale));
// Display or save the image reconstruction at some predefined steps:
for(int num_component = 0; num_component < min(16, W.cols); num_component++) {
// Slice the Fisherface from the model:
Mat ev = W.col(num_component);
Mat projection = subspaceProject(ev, mean, images[0].reshape(1,1));
Mat reconstruction = subspaceReconstruct(ev, mean, projection);
// Normalize the result:
reconstruction = norm_0_255(reconstruction.reshape(1, images[0].rows));
// Display or save:
if(argc == 2) {
imshow(format("fisherface_reconstruction_%d", num_component), reconstruction);
} else {
imwrite(format("%s/fisherface_reconstruction_%d.png", output_folder.c_str(), num_component), reconstruction);
// Display if we are not writing to an output folder:
if(argc == 2) {
return 0;
Mxnet c++ inference with MXPredSetInput segmentation fault
1. background
I have tried successed.
But when I try to deploy mxnet in c++ with my own model, I met a segmentation fault error:
[17:33:07] src/nnvm/ Loading symbol saved by previous version v1.2.1. Attempting to upgrade...
Signal: SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault)
2. code with error:
MXPredSetInput(pred_hnd, "data",, static_cast<mx_uint>(image_size));
3. tips
First I thought it's because of input data shape not compatible with the model input layer.But I ask model designer, it's a resnet model with conv only, so, any kind input shape should be OK.
4. Download model:
Download them, and put them into model dir.
4. code: find:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <iomanip>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
// Path for c_predict_api
#include <mxnet/c_predict_api.h>
const mx_float DEFAULT_MEAN = 117.0;
static std::string trim(const std::string& input) {
auto not_space = [](int ch) {
return !std::isspace(ch);
auto output = input;
output.erase(output.begin(), std::find_if(output.begin(), output.end(), not_space));
output.erase(std::find_if(output.rbegin(), output.rend(), not_space).base(), output.end());
return output;
// Read file to buffer
class BufferFile {
public :
std::string file_path_;
std::size_t length_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer_;
explicit BufferFile(const std::string& file_path)
: file_path_(file_path) {
std::ifstream ifs(file_path.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!ifs) {
std::cerr << "Can't open the file. Please check " << file_path << ". \n";
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
length_ = static_cast<std::size_t>(ifs.tellg());
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::cout << file_path.c_str() << " ... " << length_ << " bytes\n";
// Buffer as null terminated to be converted to string
buffer_.reset(new char[length_ + 1]);
buffer_[length_] = 0;, length_);
std::size_t GetLength() {
return length_;
char* GetBuffer() {
return buffer_.get();
void GetImageFile(const std::string& image_file,
mx_float* image_data, int channels,
cv::Size resize_size, const mx_float* mean_data = nullptr) {
// Read all kinds of file into a BGR color 3 channels image
cv::Mat im_ori = cv::imread(image_file, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
if (im_ori.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Can't open the image. Please check " << image_file << ". \n";
cv::Mat im;
resize(im_ori, im, resize_size);
int size = im.rows * im.cols * channels;
mx_float* ptr_image_r = image_data;
mx_float* ptr_image_g = image_data + size / 3;
mx_float* ptr_image_b = image_data + size / 3 * 2;
float mean_b, mean_g, mean_r;
mean_b = mean_g = mean_r = DEFAULT_MEAN;
mean_b = 103.06;
mean_g = 115.9;
mean_r = 123.15;
for (int i = 0; i < im.rows; i++) {
auto data = im.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < im.cols; j++) {
if (channels > 1) {
*ptr_image_b++ = static_cast<mx_float>(*data++) - mean_b;
*ptr_image_g++ = static_cast<mx_float>(*data++) - mean_g;
*ptr_image_r++ = static_cast<mx_float>(*data++) - mean_r;
// LoadSynsets
// Code from :
std::vector<std::string> LoadSynset(const std::string& synset_file) {
std::ifstream fi(synset_file.c_str());
if (!fi.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Error opening synset file " << synset_file << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> output;
std::string synset, lemma;
while (fi >> synset) {
getline(fi, lemma);
return output;
void PrintOutputResult(const std::vector<float>& data, const std::vector<std::string>& synset) {
if (data.size() != synset.size()) {
std::cerr << "Result data and synset size do not match!" << std::endl;
float best_accuracy = 0.0;
std::size_t best_idx = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << "Accuracy[" << i << "] = " << std::setprecision(8) << data[i] << std::endl;
if (data[i] > best_accuracy) {
best_accuracy = data[i];
best_idx = i;
std::cout << "Best Result: " << trim(synset[best_idx]) << " (id=" << best_idx << ", " <<
"accuracy=" << std::setprecision(8) << best_accuracy << ")" << std::endl;
void predict(PredictorHandle pred_hnd, const std::vector<mx_float> &image_data,
NDListHandle nd_hnd, const std::string &synset_file, int i) {
auto image_size = image_data.size();
// Set Input
//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Problem code <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
MXPredSetInput(pred_hnd, "data",, static_cast<mx_uint>(image_size));
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Problem code <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// Do Predict Forward
mx_uint output_index = 0;
mx_uint* shape = nullptr;
mx_uint shape_len;
// Get Output Result
MXPredGetOutputShape(pred_hnd, output_index, &shape, &shape_len);
std::size_t size = 1;
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < shape_len; ++i) { size *= shape[i]; }
std::vector<float> data(size);
MXPredGetOutput(pred_hnd, output_index, &(data[0]), static_cast<mx_uint>(size));
// Release NDList
if (nd_hnd) {
// Release Predictor
// Synset path for your model, you have to modify it
auto synset = LoadSynset(synset_file);
// Print Output Data
PrintOutputResult(data, synset);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
std::cout << "No test image here." << std::endl
<< "Usage: ./image-classification-predict apple.jpg [num_threads]" << std::endl;
std::string test_file(argv[1]);
int num_threads = 1;
if (argc == 3)
num_threads = std::atoi(argv[2]);
// Models path for your model, you have to modify it
std::string json_file = "../model/rfcn_dcn_chicken-0000.json";
std::string param_file = "../model/rfcn_dcn_chicken-0000.params";
std::string synset_file = "../model/synset.txt";
std::string nd_file = "../model/mean_224.nd";
BufferFile json_data(json_file);
BufferFile param_data(param_file);
// Parameters
int dev_type = 1; // 1: cpu, 2: gpu
int dev_id = 0; // arbitrary.
mx_uint num_input_nodes = 1; // 1 for feedforward
const char* input_key[1] = { "data" };
const char** input_keys = input_key;
// Image size and channels
int width = 1000;
int height = 562;
int channels = 3;
const mx_uint input_shape_indptr[2] = { 0, 4 };
const mx_uint input_shape_data[4] = { 1,
static_cast<mx_uint>(width) };
if (json_data.GetLength() == 0 || param_data.GetLength() == 0) {
auto image_size = static_cast<std::size_t>(width * height * channels);
// Read Mean Data
const mx_float* nd_data = nullptr;
NDListHandle nd_hnd = nullptr;
BufferFile nd_buf(nd_file);
if (nd_buf.GetLength() > 0) {
mx_uint nd_index = 0;
mx_uint nd_len;
const mx_uint* nd_shape = nullptr;
const char* nd_key = nullptr;
mx_uint nd_ndim = 0;
MXNDListCreate(static_cast<const char*>(nd_buf.GetBuffer()),
&nd_hnd, &nd_len);
MXNDListGet(nd_hnd, nd_index, &nd_key, &nd_data, &nd_shape, &nd_ndim);
// Read Image Data
std::vector<mx_float> image_data(image_size);
GetImageFile(test_file,, channels, cv::Size(width, height), nd_data);
if (num_threads == 1) {
// Create Predictor
PredictorHandle pred_hnd;
MXPredCreate(static_cast<const char*>(json_data.GetBuffer()),
static_cast<const char*>(param_data.GetBuffer()),
predict(pred_hnd, image_data, nd_hnd, synset_file, 0);
} else {
// Create Predictor
std::vector<PredictorHandle> pred_hnds(num_threads, nullptr);
MXPredCreateMultiThread(static_cast<const char*>(json_data.GetBuffer()),
static_cast<const char*>(param_data.GetBuffer()),
for (auto hnd : pred_hnds)
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
threads.emplace_back(predict, pred_hnds[i], image_data, nd_hnd, synset_file, i);
for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
printf("run successfully\n");
I'm trying to take a screenshot for each monitor of my macOS 10.13 setup in C++ using methods available in the some OSX frameworks but using CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL to create a CGImageDestinationRef destination returns NULL and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
The problem that I think I'm having is with the line:
CGImageDestinationRef destination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(url, kUTTypePNG, 1, NULL);
The code that I'm using is the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <ImageIO/ImageIO.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
std::string baseImageOutput = "/Users/bogdan/Desktop";
std::string pathSeparator = "/";
std::string baseImageName = "image-";
std::string imageExtension = ".png";
CGDisplayCount displayCount;
CGDirectDisplayID displays[32];
// grab the active displays
CGGetActiveDisplayList(32, displays, &displayCount);
// go through the list
for (int i = 0; i < displayCount; i++) {
std::string imagePath = baseImageOutput + pathSeparator + baseImageName + std::to_string(i) + imageExtension;
const char *charPath = imagePath.c_str();
CFStringRef imageOutputPath = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, charPath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
// make a snapshot of the current display
CGImageRef image = CGDisplayCreateImage(displays[i]);
CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorDefault, imageOutputPath, NULL);
// The following CGImageDestinationRef variable is NULL
CGImageDestinationRef destination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(url, kUTTypePNG, 1, NULL);
if (!destination) {
std::cout<< "The destination does not exist: " << imagePath << std::endl;
return 1;
CGImageDestinationAddImage(destination, image, NULL);
if (!CGImageDestinationFinalize(destination)) {
std::cout << "Failed to write image to the path" << std::endl;;
return 1;
std::cout << "It Worked. Check your desktop" << std::endl;;
return 0;
Am I creating the destination correctly?
Found the solution.
It seems that baseImageOutput needs to have prepended file:// so that the final url is valid so we have
std::string baseImageOutput = "file:///Users/bogdan/Desktop";
Instead of
std::string baseImageOutput = "/Users/bogdan/Desktop";
I have a 3rd party .dll (and relative .h and .lib) to control a device via USB.
I want to use the dll functions into a class (AOTF_controller) to implement my desired behaviour.
What I want to do is :
Connect to the device (connect() class function);
Initialize it (init() class function);
Set some parameters (setScanningFreq() class function)
Increase sequentially the frequency of my device (increaseFreq() class function)
Reset and close the USB connection.
I can obtain this behavior when I use the dll functions directly into the _tmain() therefore the device works correctly, but when I wrap the dll functions into a class and try to use the class something goes wrong.
I repeat the above process (list item 1-5) several times: sometimes it works fine, sometimes the program stop and the debugger gives me this error:
First-chance exception at 0x77533fb7 in AOTFcontrollerDebug.exe: 0xC0150014: The activation context activation stack for the running thread of execution is corrupt.
The error seems random, sometimes I can conclude 80 times the scan without any problem, sometimes it gives me error right at the first scan.
I tried to search for that error but I was not able to find anything useful.
Anyone can help? I guess could be related on how the dll functions are called in my class?
Here is the main function code:
// AOTFcontrollerDebug.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "AOTFcontrollerDebug.h"
#include "AOTF_Controller.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <AotfLibrary.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// The one and only application object
CWinApp theApp;
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
int nRetCode = 0;
HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
if (hModule != NULL)
// initialize MFC and print and error on failure
if (!AfxWinInit(hModule, NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))
// TODO: change error code to suit your needs
_tprintf(_T("Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed\n"));
nRetCode = 1;
// TODO: code your application's behavior here.
std::cout << "-----AOTF Controller Debugging-----"<<endl;
//input of scans to do
int repeatedScan;
std::cout << "Type how many repeated scan: "<<endl;
std::cin >> repeatedScan;
AOTF_Controller m_AOTF_Controller;
std::cout << "AOTF Controller instance done..."<<endl;
//loop over scans
for(int i =0;i<repeatedScan;i++)
std::cout << "AOTF Controller connected..."<<endl;
std::cout << "Scan number : "<< (i + 1) <<endl;
//set the delta freq to increase at each step
//loop over wavelengths
int sleep_ms = 4;
for (int j =0; j <DEFAULT_NUMOFFRAMES; j++)
Sleep(sleep_ms) ;
//std::cout << " "<< (j + 1) ;
// terminate scans
std::cout << endl <<"Scan number "<< (i + 1) << "terminated successfully" <<endl;
Sleep(sleep_ms*100) ;
// TODO: change error code to suit your needs
_tprintf(_T("Fatal Error: GetModuleHandle failed\n"));
nRetCode = 1;
return nRetCode;
and here the Aotf_Controller class code:
#pragma once
#include <AotfLibrary.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#define CONVERSION_MHZ_TO_HZ 1000000
class AOTF_Controller
HANDLE hAotfController;
int currentGain;
long currentFreq; // current frequency in Hz
long startFreq, endFreq, deltaFreq; // frequency values for the scanning in Hz
AOTF_Controller::Error connect();
AOTF_Controller::Error disconnect();
AOTF_Controller::Error init();
AOTF_Controller::Error setFreq(float freq); // for frequency value in MHZ (precision to the 3rd decimal i.e. KHz)
AOTF_Controller::Error setFreq(long freq); // for frequency value in Hz
AOTF_Controller::Error setGain(int gain);
AOTF_Controller::Error reset();
AOTF_Controller::Error setScanningFreq(float _startFreq, float _endFreq, int numOfFrames);
AOTF_Controller::Error increaseFreq();
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "AOTF_Controller.h"
currentGain = 0;
currentFreq = 0;
startFreq = 0;
endFreq = 0;
deltaFreq = 0;
hAotfController = NULL;
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::connect()
int iInstance = 0;
hAotfController = AotfOpen(iInstance);
if (!hAotfController)
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::disconnect()
if (!AotfClose (hAotfController))
hAotfController = NULL;
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::init()
std::string ampCom="dds a 0 16383\r"; //Command to set the amplitude parameter to the max
std::string modCom="mod dac * 16383\r";//Command to set the dac parameter to the max
int gain = 255; // set the gain to the max
if (!AotfWrite(hAotfController, ampCom.length(), (char *)ampCom.c_str()))
return Error::INIT_ERROR;
if (!AotfWrite(hAotfController, modCom.length(), (char *)modCom.c_str()))
return INIT_ERROR;
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::reset()
std::string resetCom = "dds reset\r";
if(!AotfWrite(hAotfController, resetCom.length() , (char *)resetCom.c_str()))
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::setFreq(float freq)
long freqHz = (long)freq*CONVERSION_MHZ_TO_HZ;
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::setFreq(long freq)
std::ostringstream oss; //stream to build the string
//building the string for the Frequency
oss << "dds f 0 !" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << freq << "\r";
std::string freqCom = oss.str();
//send command to the AOTF
if(!AotfWrite(hAotfController, freqCom.length(), (char *) freqCom.c_str())) // set the frequency (80-120)
return SET_ERROR;
currentFreq = freq; // update monitoring variable in HZ
return Error::SUCCESSFUL;
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::setGain(int gain)
std::ostringstream oss; //stream to build the string
//building the string for the Gain
oss << "dds gain -p* * " << gain << "\r";
std::string gainCom = oss.str();
//send command to the AOTF
if(!AotfWrite(hAotfController, gainCom.length(), (char * )gainCom.c_str())) // set the gain (0-255)
return SET_ERROR;
currentGain = gain;
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::setScanningFreq(float _startFreq, float _endFreq, int numOfFrames)
float FreqRange = (_endFreq - _startFreq); //calculate range
//calculate DeltaFrequency (frequency increase after each captured frame)
deltaFreq = (long) ((FreqRange/(float)(numOfFrames-1))*(float)CONVERSION_MHZ_TO_HZ); //conversion from MHz to Hz
startFreq = (long) (_startFreq*CONVERSION_MHZ_TO_HZ);
endFreq = (long) (_endFreq*CONVERSION_MHZ_TO_HZ);
AOTF_Controller::Error AOTF_Controller::increaseFreq()
if (deltaFreq ==0)
return SET_ERROR;
long newFreq = currentFreq + deltaFreq;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "dds f 0 !" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << newFreq << "\r";
std::string freqCom = oss.str();
//send command to the AOTF
if(!AotfWrite(hAotfController, freqCom.length(), (char *)freqCom.c_str())) // set the frequency (80-120)value
return SET_ERROR;
currentFreq = newFreq;