npm run and kill background porcess synchronously - amazon-web-services

Currently I'm setting up some integration/api test's for my nodejs express application. The routes I'm testing does require a connection to AWS-DynamoDB for some CRUD operations on the tables.
Now for the purpose of not messing around with my current table data, I have decided to run the tests on a local db. AWS offers a way to run DynamoDB locally. After installing (extracting) the tar/zip to the correct location, I just have to run a command which does start a local server on port 8000.
java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar
-sharedDb -inMemory
Now I want to preapare a script in my package.json file to do the following tasks.
start the local db by the given command
wait some seconds so the server is setup and ready (timeout 2 seconds)
run the tests (which also does create the necessary tables with entries)
shut down the local db (kill the process of "1.")
My attempt looks like the following:
"scripts": {
"test:int": "npm run db:setup && npm run test:int:run && npm run db:kill",
"test:int:run": "./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha test/integration/**.spec.js",
"db:setup": "java -Djava.library.path=~/opt/DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar ~/opt/DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb -inMemory",
"db:kill" : "dont know what to do here"
My Problems here:
Now I dont know exactly how to run the processes synchronously including the timeout of 2 seconds so the local db is ready to handle the requests.
I also need a way to consistently shut down the local db at the end ("4." / "db:kill")


Checking for the result of the AWS CLI 'run-task' command, task stopped succesfully or from an error?

I'm currently moving an application off of static EC2 servers to ECS, as until now the release process has been ssh'ing into the server to git pull/migrate the database.
I've created everything I need using terraform to deploy my code from my organisations' Elastic Container Registry. I have a cluster, some services and task definitions.
I can deploy the app successfully for any given version now, however my main problem is finding a way to run migrations.
My approach so far has been to split the application into 3 services, I have my 'web' service which handles all HTTP traffic (serving the frontend, responding to API requests), my 'cron' service which handles things like sending emails/push notifications on specific times/events and my 'migrate' service which is just the 'cron' service but with the entryPoint to the container overwritten to just run the migrations (as I don't need any of the apache2 stuff for this container, and I didn't see reason to make another one for just migrations).
The problem I had with this was the 'migrate' service would constantly try and schedule more tasks for migrating the database, even though it only needed to be done once. So I've scrapped it as a service and kept it as a task definition however, so that I can still place it into my cluster.
As part of the deploy process I'm writing, I run that task inside the cluster via a bash script so I can wait until the migrations finish before deciding whether to take the application out of maintenance mode (if the migrations fail) or to deploy the new 'web'/'cron' containers once the migration has been completed.
Currently this is inside a shell script (ran by Github actions) that looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OUTPUT=`aws ecs run-task --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} --task-definition saas-app-migrate`
if [$? -n 0]; then
>&2 echo $OUTPUT
exit 1
TASKS=`echo $OUTPUT | jq '.tasks[].taskArn' | jq #sh | sed -e "s/'//g" | sed -e 's/"//g'`
for task in $TASKS
# check for task to be done
Because $TASKS contains the taskArn of any tasks that have been spawned by this, I am freely able to query the task however I don't know what information I'm looking for.
The AWS documentation says I should use the 'describe-task' command to then find out why a task has reached the 'STOPPED' status, as it provides a 'stopCode' and 'stoppedReason' property in the response. However, it doesn't say what these values would be if it was succesfully stopped? I don't want to have to introduce a manual step in my deployment where I wait until the migrations are done - with the application not being usable - to then tell my release process to continue.
Is there a link to documentation I might have missed with the values I'm searching for, or an alternate way to handle this case?

Exit server terminal while after celery execution

I have successfully created a periodic task which updates each minute, in a django app. I everything is running as expected, using celery -A proj worker -B.
I am aware that using celery -A proj worker -B to execute the task is not advised, however, it seems to be the only way for the task to be run periodically.
I am logging on to the server using GitBash, after execution, I would like to exit GitBash with the celery tasks still being executed periodically.
When I press ctrl+fn+shift it is a cold worker exit, which stops execution completely (which is not desirable).
Any help?
If you are on a linux server, You might want to use a process manager like supervisord or even systemd to keep your process running.
On windows, one might look at running celery as a service or running as part of rabbitMQ.
In WSL, it seems like a bat file will get wsl commands to run as a service.

AWS-RunBashScript errors/warnings with Python

I have many EC2 instances that retain Celery jobs for processing. To efficiently start the overall task of completing the queue, I have tested AWS-RunBashScript in AWS' SSM with a BASH script that calls a Python script. For example, for a single instance this begins with sh
When I run the command in SSM, this is the following output (compare to other output below, after reading on):
UserWarning: Cannot load celery.commands extension u'flower.command:FlowerCommand':
ImportError('No module named compat',)
namespace, class_name, exc))
/home/ec2-user/dh2o-py/tasks/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without
Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details.
task_configs = yaml.load(conf)
Running a worker with superuser privileges when the worker accepts messages serialized with pickle is a very bad idea!
If you really want to continue then you have to set the C_FORCE_ROOT
environment variable (but please think about this before you do).
User information: uid=0 euid=0 gid=0 egid=0
failed to run commands: exit status 1
Note that only warnings are thrown. When I SSH to the same instance and run the same command (i.e. sh, the following (same) output results BUT the process runs:
I have verified that the process does NOT run when doing this via SSM, and I have no idea why. As a work-around, I tried running the sh command with bootstrapping in user data for each EC2, but that failed too.
So, why does SSM fail to actually run the process that I succeed in doing by actually via SSH to each instance running identical commands? The details below relate to machine and Python configuration:

How to run Node.JS Loopback + Forever?

How do I run StrongLoop's Loopback with Forever so that the app is automatically restarted after ever change?
So far just running forever server/server.js doesn't seem to work...
Maybe you should run it with the watch flag like
forever -w entrypoint.js
Thanks. I have found that the best script is this:
"scripts": {
"start": "forever --verbose --uid \"myapp\" --watch --watchDirectory ./server server/server.js"
Each part means:
--verbose: Log all details (useful when developing new routes)
--uid \"myapp\": So that "myapp" will appear when you do a forever list
--watch: Watch for file changes
--watchDirectory ./server: The folder to watch for changes
server/server.js: The app entry point
Additionally I open it with like nohup npm start & so that the process will keep running in the background and the output will be appended to a nohup.out file.

AWS: CodeDeploy for a Docker Compose project?

My current objective is to have Travis deploy our Django+Docker-Compose project upon successful merge of a pull request to our Git master branch. I have done some work setting up our AWS CodeDeploy since Travis has builtin support for it. When I got to the AppSpec and actual deployment part, at first I tried to have an AfterInstall script do docker-compose build and then have an ApplicationStart script do docker-compose up. The containers that have images pulled from the web are our PostgreSQL container (named db, image aidanlister/postgres-hstore which is the usual postgres image plus the hstore extension), the Redis container (uses the redis image), and the Selenium container (image selenium/standalone-firefox). The other two containers, web and worker, which are the Django server and Celery worker respectively, use the same Dockerfile to build an image. The main command is:
CMD paver docker_run
which uses a file:
from paver.easy import task
from paver.easy import sh
def docker_run():
def migrate():
sh('./ makemigrations --noinput')
sh('./ migrate --noinput')
def collectStatic():
sh('./ collectstatic --noinput')
# find any updates to existing packages, install any new packages
def updateRequirements():
sh('pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt')
def startServer():
sh('./ runserver')
Here is what I (think I) need to make happen each time a pull request is merged:
Have Travis deploy changes using CodeDeploy, based on deploy section in .travis.yml tailored to our CodeDeploy setup
Start our Docker containers on AWS after successful deployment using our docker-compose.yml
How do I get this second step to happen? I'm pretty sure ECS is actually not what is needed here. My current status right now is that I can get Docker started with sudo service docker start but I cannot get docker-compose up to be successful. Though deployments are reported as "successful", this is only because the docker-compose up command is run in the background in the Validate Service section script. In fact, when I try to do docker-compose up manually when ssh'd into the EC2 instance, I get stuck building one of the containers, right before the CMD paver docker_run part of the Dockerfile.
This took a long time to work out, but I finally figured out a way to deploy a Django+Docker-Compose project with CodeDeploy without Docker-Machine or ECS.
One thing that was important was to make an alternate docker-compose.yml that excluded the selenium container--all it did was cause problems and was only useful for local testing. In addition, it was important to choose an instance type that could handle building containers. The reason why containers couldn't be built from our Dockerfile was that the instance simply did not have the memory to complete the build. Instead of a t1.micro instance, an m3.medium is what worked. It is also important to have sufficient disk space--8GB is far too small. To be safe, 256GB would be ideal.
It is important to have an After Install script run service docker start when doing the necessary Docker installation and setup (including installing Docker-Compose). This is to explicitly start running the Docker daemon--without this command, you will get the error Could not connect to Docker daemon. When installing Docker-Compose, it is important to place it in /opt/bin/ so that the binary is used via /opt/bin/docker-compose. There are problems with placing it in /usr/local/bin (I don't exactly remember what problems, but it's related to the particular Linux distribution for the Amazon Linux AMI). The After Install script needs to be run as root (runas: root in the appspec.yml AfterInstall section).
Additionally, the final phase of deployment, which is starting up the containers with docker-compose up (more specifically /opt/bin/docker-compose -f docker-compose-aws.yml up), needs to be run in the background with stdin and stdout redirected to /dev/null:
/opt/bin/docker-compose -f docker-compose-aws.yml up -d > /dev/null 2> /dev/null < /dev/null &
Otherwise, once the server is started, the deployment will hang because the final script command (in the ApplicationStart section of my appspec.yml in my case) doesn't exit. This will probably result in a deployment failure after the default deployment timeout of 1 hour.
If all goes well, then the site can finally be accessed at the instance's public DNS and port in your browser.