How to get pointer to child from method returning pointer to parent - c++

The context is composed by three classes:
abstract parent (e.g. Player)
child (e.g. TapePlayer)
a holder (e.g. MyMachine)
The holder has a member variable that is a shared_ptr<...> to the parent class and a setter for it accepts shared_ptr<...>s of children classes.
My getter looks something like this
shared_ptr<Parent> getChildPtr() {
return parentPtr;
but it returns a pointer to the parent, and cannot access child methods.
If I want to do something like the following
// ERROR! No member named 'childMethod' in 'Parent'
How should I implement the getter to get the pointer to the child instead of the parent class?
The whole code looks something like this:
class Player {
virtual ~Player{};
virtual void play() = 0;
class TapePlayer : public Player {
virtual ~TapePlayer{};
void play() { ... };
void rewind() { ... };
class MyMachine {
MyMachine(); //
void setPlayer(shared_ptr<Player> p) {
playerPtr = p;
shared_ptr<Player> getPlayer() {
return playerPtr;
shared_ptr<Player> playerPtr;
MyMachine machine; // the holder
shared_ptr<TapePlayer> tapePtr(new TapePlayer()); // pointer to child
machine.setPlayer(tapePtr); // set holder with pointer to child
machine.getPlayer()->rewind(); // -- ERROR! No member named 'rewind' in 'Player'
// if I want to get the player of that machine to rewind I need
// to dynamic_cast<TapePlayer>() ...
I'm pretty sure there's a better way of doing this than casting to children types. Any ideas?
This was a very simplified example. What I'm actually trying to do is this:
My holder class is named Clip. A clip plays something, be it an
image, a video, a sequence of images, some kind of processing with
OpenCv, a vector shape... anything that can be displayed.
All these types of things are Players.
I don't care what type of player the clip holds. I just want it to show it to me. But, some players need tweaking at runtime, like the OpenCv one, that needs tweaking parameters for optimal processing. I cannot implement all methods of all subclasses in the parent class, that would make no sense to me. Why does a video need to have the methods for tweaking OpenCv parameters?
All I need is that both have 'playable' methods, and be able to store them in a map<string, PlayerPtr> to access them at any time or change the player the clip is holding.

The point is that this kind of ruins the polymorphism - even with dynamic_cast, you still need to check that the result is not 0 (i.e. check the actual type) and as you might already know, dynamic_cast is famous for being very slow (and requiring RTTI information built in the executable).
Is there any reason you couldn't add a pure virtual rewind() method to your Player interface? Then you'd just call it and the inherited class could do whatever it decides in that case. Other subclasses might implement it as empty (or it can be even empty by default in the Player itself, so that the subclasses do not have to implement it if they don't need to). Perhaps even some more "generic" virtual function like reset(), restart() etc. which would just call rewind() for the TapePlayer under the hood.
You can of course go even more fancy with more complex solutions like visitor/observer (TapePlayer being RewindObserver and observing a rewind event) etc.
So to address the edit comments - if the different types need tweaking, then again, you can just have a single virtual method tweak() (pure or with default empty impl) and do whatever tweaking is needed. Otherwise you'd anyway end up with a long list of ifs and call tweak methods depending on the actual type.
If the tweaking requires some special parameters, then the situation can be difficult ... one option could be to have a tweaking parameters interface (and call the tweak method with that), but if the params can't be unified you'd need a dynamic cast in the tweak method anyway to cast to the correct params type (this basically leads to double dispatch which in C++ requires casting at some point) ... but anyway that would still require to create different param classes in the calling site which is not that nice.
It also depends when you actually need to setup the tweaking parameters - if it is enough to setup everything when creating the instance (and the tweaking params do not change afterwards), or if it is needed to change them later on. If only needed to setup at startup, then you can have factory classes for the different object types and the factory can setup the params.
(technically you could handle even the necessity of changing the params a similar way, by keeping the setting object types for various player types, the players would keep reference to them as well, assigned when the objects are created, and once they need to be changed, you'd change the settings and call tweak() or update() or similar func to inform the objects that some setting changed and needs to be re-applied)


Should I make a class polymorphic if only one of its methods should behave differently depending on the object's data type?

I have a class Group containing a vector of objects of another class Entry. Inside the Group I need to frequently access the elements of this vector(either consequently and in random order). The Entry class can represent a data of two different types with the same properties(size, content, creation time etc.). So all of the members and methods of the Entry class are the same for both data types, except for one method, that should behave differently depending on the type of the data. It looks like this:
class Entry
// ...
void someMethod();
// ...
TYPE type_;
// ...
class Group
// ...
std::vector<Entry> entries_;
// ...
void Entry::someMethod()
if (type_ == certainType)
// Do some stuff
else if (type_ == anotherType)
// Do some different stuff
Given the abilities of C++ regarding OOP, this approach seems unnatural to me. I am thinking about creation of two distinct classes inherited from the Entry class and overriding only this someMethod() in those classes:
class Entry
// ...
virtual void someMethod() = 0;
// ...
class EntryType1 : public Entry
// override someMethod() here
class EntryType2 : public Entry
// override someMethod() here
But doing so means reducing the efficiency of cache usage, because now inside the Group class I have to replace the vector of Entry objects placed in a contiguous memory area with the vector of pointers to Entry base class objects scattered all over the memory address space.
The question is - is it worth it to make a class polymorphic just because of one only among many other of its methods is needed to behave differently depending on the data type? Is there any better approach?
is it worth it to make a class polymorphic just because of one only among many other of its method is needed to behave differently depending on the data type?
Runtime polymorphism starts to provide undeniable net value when the class hierarchy is deep, or may grow arbitrarily in future. So, if this code is just used in the private implementation of a small library you're writing, start with what's more efficient if you have real reason to care about efficiency (type_ and if), then it's not much work to change it later anyway. If lots of client code may start to depend your choices here though, making it difficult to change later, and there's some prospect of further versions of someMethod() being needed, it's probably better to start with the virtual dispatch approach.
Is there any better approach?
Again - what's "better" takes shape at scale and depends on how the code is depended upon, updated etc.. Other possible approaches include using a std::variant<EntryType1, EntryType2>, or even a std::any object, function pointers....
If you are absolutely sure that there are only two types of Entry, then using an if inside the function's implementation is, to me, a perfectly valid approach. In this case, I would advise you to use if constexpr to further indicate that this is a compile-time behavioral decision and not a runtime one. (As pointed out by Tony Delroy, if constexpr is not viable).
If, however, you are unsure if you are going to need more Entry types in the future, the if approach would only hurt you in the long run. If you need the scalability, I would advise you to make the Entry class hold a std::function internally for only that specific behavior that needs polymorphism: this way you're only paying for indirection when you actually need the functionality.
You could also make two factory functions make_Entry1 and make_Entry2 that construct an Entry passing it the specific std::function that yields the desired behavior.

Custom function per-instance of a class (C++)

I have a class "EngineObject"
I would like to have a custom function for that class which may vary by instance of that object.
Right now i'm doing it with function pointers like this:
class EngineObject{
bool (*Update)(EngineObject* Me);
bool (*Prep)(EngineObject* Me);
bool (*OnCollide)(EngineObject* Me, EngineObject* Them);
As you may have noticed, this requires me to do something quite atrocious. I have to feed the object to its member function... Digusting
it also requires me to write extra getters and setters that I really don't want to be accessible from any other part of the code, just so I can see the "innards" of the EngineObject from functions passed in via function pointer
Is there some way I could write a function that I could apply, per instance of the object, that could access the privates of the object, and without having to pass the object to the function?
Let's say I want two EngineObjects
EngineObject1 = new EngineObject();
EngineObject2 = new EngineObject();
I'd like to set the update function of 1 to (something) and 2 to (something else)
EngineObject1.Update = &foo;
EngineObject2.Update = &bar;
I cannot simply use virtual functions and inheritance because these functions need to be able to be assigned and re-assigned at run-time.
The problem is that I need access to privates from these functions, and in order to do that i'd need to write public getters and setters for everything, which sort of erases the need for making anything private...
The reason i'm doing this is to allow dynamic type generation at run time without introspection, to maximize what can be done from a scripting interface, and reduce the total number of functions that need to be bound to the scripting interface and reduce the learning curve for users.
Basically, you'd have an EngineObjectTemplate class which specified what all these functions would be for this dynamically generated type, and then the EngineObject would be created using a function in the EngineObjectTemplate class
EngineObjectTemplates may be generated at run time by combining various pre-written C++ functions (Update, Prep, OnCollide). This would be a "type" of sorts.
If a user wishes to write a new update, prep, or oncollide function, they could choose to write and compile it into a DLL file and add it to the project (Which my EXE will read and add to a list of function pointers, which can be referenced by string names in the scripting language to assign to templates and/or therefore engineobjects), or they could script it in the scripting language I choose, which would of course be slower.
Another reason why i'm doing it this way is that i'd like to avoid inheritance because it is HELL to make inherited classes work with the scripting wrapper I plan on using.
What you want to do is not possible because what you are actually asking is essentially:
"How can I make code living outside of a class access private members".
If this was possible without jumping through some ugly, ugly hoops, then it would mean that private is broken.
The only way to access private members of a class is that the class explicitly gives you access to them, either from its interface, or by marking the code as friend as part of its declaration.
Either the members are private, or they are not. You can't have it both ways.
N.B. This is a bit of a lie, as you can do some tricks in some exceptional corner-cases, but these should only be used as a last resort.
You can create a callable object class that overrides the () operator. A base class would provide the template for what the replaceable function receives as parameters with child classes implementing that particular method. Then you declare the callable class as a friend to your owning class. Like the following:
class EngineObject;
class Callable;
class EngineObject
int member;
Callable *func;
EngineObject(int m, Callable *f) : member(m), func(f) {}
int Call(int p)
return func(p);
friend Callable;
class Callable;
int operator(EngineObject *eo, int param)
eo->member = param;
return param;
In the above, I also further hid the variable function call behind a wrapper so that an outside function doesn't need to pass the object as a parameter as well.

How to design OO graph node classes with improved usability & readability?

This is a basic OO design question. I'm writing classes in C++ to represent items in a flow chart according to an input C file that have been parsed.
Simply we have 2 types of items (classes) : FlowChartActionItem and FlowChartConditionItem.
These represent Actions and Decision/Condition elements of a flowchart respectively. And they also represent Statements and If-conditions respectively, that existed in the input C file. Both classes inherit FlowChartItem.
Each sub-classes has a number of pointers to the items that comes after them; yes, we have a graph, with nodes(items) and links(pointers). But the FlowChartActionItem has only one outward pointer while the FlowChartConditionItem has 3 outward pointers (for the then-statements branch, the else-statements branch and a pointer to whatever comes after the both branches of the if-condition.
My problem is writing a neat setter for the outward pointers (nextItems). Take a look at the classes :
class FlowChartItem
//I **need** this setter to stay in the parent class FlowChartItem
virtual void SetNextItem(FlowChartItem* nextItem, char index) = NULL;
class FlowChartActionItem:public FlowChartItem
FlowChartItem* nextItem; //Only 1 next item
void SetNextItem(FlowChartItem* nextItem, char index);
class FlowChartConditionItem: public FlowChartItem
FlowChartItem* nextItem;
FlowChartItem* trueBranchItem;
FlowChartItem* falseBranchItem; //we have 3 next items here
void SetNextItem(FlowChartItem* nextItem, char index);
I needed a generic setter that doesn't depend on the number of pointers the sub-class is having.
As you see I've used char index to tell the setter which pointer is to be set. But I don't like this and I need to make things neater. Because code won't be readable e.g :
we don't remember what the 1 means? the then-branch ? the else ? ??
The obvious answer is to define an enum in FlowCharItem, but then we'll have one of two problems :
1- Enum values will be defined Now and will thus be tailored for the current sub-classes FlowChartActioItem and FlowChartConditionItem, so calls to SetNextItem on future sub-classes will have very bad readability. And even worse, they cannot have more than 3 outward pointers!
2- Solve the 1st problem by making developers of the future sub-classes edit the header file of FlowChartItem and add whatever values in the enum ! of course not acceptable!
What solution do I have in order to keep
-good readability
-neat extensibility of my classes ??
This is a form of a common architecture dilemma. Different child classes have a shared behavior that differs slightly and you need to somehow extract the common essence to the base class in a way that makes sense. A trap that you will typically regret is to let the child class functionality bleed into the parent class. For instance I would not recommend a set of potential enum names for types of output connections defined in FlowChartItem. Those names would only make sense in the individual child nodes that use them. It would be similarly bad to complicate each of your sub classes to accommodate the design of their siblings. Above all things, KIS! Keep. It. Simple.
In this case, it feels like you're overthinking it. Design your parent class around the abstract concept of what it represents and how it will be used by other code, not how it's inheritors will specialize it.
The name SetNextItem could just be changed to make it more clear what both of the parameters do. It's only the "next" item in the sense of your entire chart, not in the context of a single FlowChartItem. A flow chart is a directed graph and each node would typically only know about itself and it's connections. (Also, you're not writing visual basic, so containers index starting from 0! :-) )
virtual void SetOutConnectionByIndex(FlowChartItem* nextItem, char index);
Or if you prefer shorter names, then you could set the "N'th" output item: SetNthOutItem.
Since it not valid to set a child using an out-of-range index, then you probably want to have another pure virtual function in FlowChartItem that returns the maximum number of supported children and make SetChildByIndex return a success/failure code (or if you're one of those people, throw an exception) if the index is out of range.
virtual bool SetChildByIndex(FlowChartItem* item, char index);
Now... having written all that, I start to wonder about the code you have that will call this function. Does it really only know about each node as a FlowChartItem, but still needs to set it's children in a particular order which it doesn't know the significance of? This might be valid if you have other code which is aware of the real item types and the meaning of their child orderings and that code is providing the item pointers and their index numbers to the code that does the setting. Maybe de-serialization code, but this is not the right way to handle serialization. Is FlowChartItem exposed through a strict API and the chart is built up by code that knows of the different types of flow chart items but does not have access to the actual classes? Maybe valid in that case, but I'm speculating now well beyond the details you've provided.
But if this function is only going to be called by code that knows the real item type, has access to the actual class, and knows what the index means, then this probably shouldn't be in the base class at all.
I can, however, imagine lots of types of code that would need to fetch a FlowChartItem's children in order, without knowing the significance of that order. Code to draw your flow chart, code to execute your flow-chart, whatever. If you cut your question down for brevity and are also thinking about similar getter method, then the above advice would apply (though you could also consider an iterator pattern).
I'm sidestepping your dubious need for a "generic" SetNextItem in the base class, and will propose a way you can implement your idea.
You could store FlowChartItem* items in a std::map<std::string, FlowChartItems*> (what I call an adjacency map), and set the items by name. This way, subclasses can have as many adjacencies as they want and there's no need to maintain a central enum of adjacency types.
class FlowChartItem
virtual void SetAdjacency(FlowChartItem* item, const std::string &type)
// Enforce the use of a valid adjacency name
assert(NameSet().count(type) != 0);
adjacencyMap_[name] = nextItem
// Subclasses must override this and return a set of valid adjacency names
const std::set<std::string>& NameSet() = 0;
std::map<std::string, FlowChartItem*> adjacencyMap_;
class FlowChartActionItem : public FlowChartItem
// Convenience member function for when we're dealing directly
// with a FlowChartActionItem.
void SetNextItem(FlowChartItem* item) {SetAdjacency(item, "next");}
const std::set<std::string>& NameSet()
// Initialize static nameSet_ if emtpy
return nameSet_;
// One set for the whole class (static).
const static std::set<std::string> nameSet_;
static std::set<std::string> MakeNameSet()
std::set<std::string> names;
return names;
// Initialize static member
const std::set<std::string> FlowChartActionItem::nameSet_ =
item1.SetAdjacency(&item2, "next");
I needed a generic setter that doesn't depend on the number of
pointers the sub-class is having.
The only way to have a mutable structure like this is to allow the client to access a data structure, say, std::vector<FlowChartItem*> or std::unordered_map<unsigned int, FlowChartItem*> or whatever. They can read it and set the values.
Fundamentally, as long as you're trying to dynamically set static items, you're going to have a mess. You're trying to implement your own, highly primitive, reflection system.
You need to have dynamic items if you want them to be dynamically set without a language-built-in reflection system or endlessly wasting your life jerking around trying to make it work.
As a bonus, if you have something like that, the use case for your derived classes just got a lot lower, and you could maybe even get rid of them. WinRARâ„¢.

Possible to declare elements of a function array individually?

So, a quick summary of why I'm trying to do this:
I'm making a space flight program, wherein (once I code in more than one ship) I will be able to store different ships, e.g. craft[HAB], craft[AYSE], craft[ISS], and so forth. At the moment, I have only coded in one ship, and I declare it like so:
enum craft {HAB, CRAFTMAX};
[declaring ship class here]
ship craft[CRAFTMAX];
However, not all ships will be the same structure. For example, HAB (short for Habitat) will be a circle with three engine pods on the bottom, AYSE will be a space station with a tube going to the centre, and docking lights, and so forth. I am making these functions draw a vector to the screen.
At the moment, I have declared ship::draw, and I just use this to draw the Hab. However, I want to be able to modify each draw function to draw that ship, i.e. craft[AYSE].draw() will have a different declaration than craft[HAB].draw().
I've thought, and looked up different ways to do this, but I haven't gotten much success. I'd still like to be able to iterate through all the crafts for ease of calculating gravity and collisions. But I'm guessing if it's impossible to individually declare functions when they are elements of an array, it won't be too much trouble to declare each ship individually, as there will only be 10, max.
Here is my git repository that is storing this, if you want to take a look at any other code. It is definitely a bit unorganized, as it is a monopoly project, and I only ever see myself using it.
Any of you tried to do this? I'm sure there must be a few people out there!
And thanks in advance.
I think you will be much better by using a base class for a Ship object, then deriving from this base class for the different types of ships. Then use some container that allows you to iterate through all ship objects and call the respective functions. Like:
class Ship {
virtual void draw() const = 0;
class HAB : public Ship {
virtual void draw() const;
class AYSE : public Ship {
virtual void draw() const;
Then using a container like:
vector<Ship> ships;
// to draw
for_each(ships.begin(), ships.end(), mem_fn(&Ship::draw));
I came up with this fairly quick so you will have to work out the details. The way you are thinking of doing it is not very OO and will have problems in terms of maintenance (think Single Point of Maintenance).
I don't like the look of your code - using the word craft as both a type identifier and a variable identifier...
But from your question it looks like you want to use inheritance. So you declare a
class ship {
// put here all methods that all ships have and that are the same
// and all data that all ships.
virtual void Draw( ) = 0; // subclasses of ship are forced to implement their own Draw
// etc.
Now when you want an array of ships, make it an array of pointers to ship. You can then put in pointers to the subclasses, and use dynamic_cast to get pointers back to the subclasses when you need them. But by calling A[4]->Draw() you will get whatever Draw routine is appropriate for the object in location 4 of the array.
The OO way would be to create a hierarchy of types, with each type representing one of the types of aircrafts. Use virtual functions to provide different implementations for the common interface (declared in the base class).
Once you have this, you will need to store the objects in the container polymorphically (i.e. not the object, but rather a smart pointer to the objects). The (smart) pointers would be of the base type and the objects of the actual types. I would recommend that you use a higher level container rather than arrays (i.e. std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ship>>)
You'll probably want to declare a base class and implement each type of ship as child classes.
class HAB: public ship{
//code here
For more information on inheritance: see this tutorial.
The colon shows that HAB inherits member data and function from the class ship. This way you can define some functions uniquely in each of the child classes while still having them share important functions with the base class. For example each ship type is likely to have similar member functions like get_position() whereas a draw function depends specifically on each ship type.
The beauty of polymorphism is that you can refer to the child classes as their parent class. So you can make an array of ship * (ship pointers) to refer to an array of child classes.
ship * array[CRAFTMAX];
array[0]=new HAB;
However before using this sort of thing you should be really up on your pointers because mismanagement can result in memory leaks. That is, you allocate memory and never free it up.
This website has some nice instruction in polymorphism.

Best way to organize a class hierarchy including an overridable "Update" function

I have a base class "Foo" that has an Update() function, which I want to be called once per frame for every instance of that class. Given an object instance of this class called "foo", then once per frame I will call foo->Update().
I have a class "Bar" derived from my base class, that also needs to update every frame.
I could give the derived class an Update() function, but then I would have to remember to call its base::Update() function - nothing enforces my requirement that the base::Update() function is called because I have overriden it, and could easily just forget to (or choose not to) call the base:Update function.
So as an alternative I could give the base class a protected OnUpdate() function, which could be made overrideable, and call it from the base::Update() function. This removes the onus on me to remember to call base::Update() from the derived update function because I'm no longer overriding it. A Bar instance called "bar" will have bar->Update() called on it; this will first call the base class' Update() method, which will in turn call the overriden OnUpdate() function, performing the derived class' necessary updates.
Which solves everything. Except. What if I want to derive yet another updatable class, this time from the "Bar" class.
Baz (which derives from Bar) also has update requirements. If I put them in Baz's OnUpdate() function, I'm back to the original problem in that I'd have to remember to tell Baz's OnUpdate() function to call Bar's OnUpdate() function, otherwise Bar's OnUpdate() function wouldn't get called.
So really, I'd want Bar's OnUpdate() function to be non-overridable, and instead for it to call an overridable function after it has done whatever it needed to do, perhaps called OnUpdate2()...
And if I wanted to derive yet another class? OnUpdate3? OnUpdate4? AfterUpdate?
Is there a Better Way?
Further Info:
My specific problem domain is a 3d world. I've decided my base class is a "Locator" (an object with a location and orientation).
My first derived class is a "PhysicsObject" - a Locator that also has mass, velocity, collision information, etc.
My next derived class is a "Camera" - which derives from PhysicsObject. As well as position, and velocity, it also has information about the viewport, depth of field, etc.
MattK suggests simplifying the hierarchy - if a Locator is never referred to, incorporate it into PhysicsObject.
I'm also thinking about how I would go about turning the layout upside down and using composition instead of inheritance.
Perhaps a Camera HAS physics properties.
Perhaps a PhysicsObject HAS a location.
I'll have to think some more about this problem.
I like Uri's approach: "Observe the contract." Here's the rule - please follow it. Uri is right in that whatever kind of safeguards I try to put in, anyone could circumvent them, so perhaps in this case, the simplest solution is best. All my update() functions are going to have the requirement of calling their base::update() function.
Thanks for the help everyone!
Sounds like you want composition instead of inheritance. What if there was an interface IUpdateable, and Foo held a collection of IUpdateable objects, and called an Update method on each one every tick? Then Bar and Baz could just implement Update; your only worry would be how best to register them with Foo.
Based on your further info: You might want to consider your main object being analagous to your PhysicsObject, and using composition to include objects that implement specific behaviors, such as those of the Camera object.
That's a great question, I've encountered it many many times.
Unfortunately, there are at present no language mechanisms that I am familiar with for mainstream languages like C++ to do that, though I expect (at least in the future) for Java to have something with annotations.
I've used a variety of techniques including what you've suggested, each with pros and cons. Convulted approaches are not always worth the cost.
My view today is that if you really need to use inheritance (rather than composition), as it sounds here, then it is better to go for the elegant solution and observe the written contract. I admit, it's dangerous, but there are risks to the other approaches as well.
Generally speaking people are more careful reading the documentation of an overridden method than they are of a method they are using. In other words, while you would want to avoid "surprising" the user of your class, and can't count on him reading docs, you can count a little more on that in the case of inheritance, especially if you are the only user.
If you are presenting an API function and you expect many other individuals to override your subclass, you could put all kinds of sanity checks to ensure that the method was called, but in the end, you have to rely on the contract, just as so many standard library classes do.
I think that what you want is not easily doable with a class hierarchy.
One possible solution is to use a library that handle signal/slots (I've use sigslot
In the base class you declare a signal.
class Base : has_slots<> {
Base() { SignalUpdate.connect(this, &Base::OnUpdate); }
void Update() { SignalUpdate.emit(); }
void OnUpdate() { cout << "Base::OnUpdate" << endl; }
signal0<> SignalUpdate;
Now on each "derived" class you connect such signal with you own method
class Derived : public Base {
Derived() { SignalUpdate.connect(this, &Derived::OnDerivedUpdate); }
void OnDerivedUpdate() { cout << "Derived::OnDerivedUpdate" << endl; }
(Note that this class no longer need to be a derivated from Base).
Now each time Update is called all methods that are connected will be called.
There are other framework that implement a similar behavior: boost signals, qt slots, libsigc++. You should try to take a look at these an see if they fit your needs.