How to properly create a DLL from C code and use it in a C++ project - c++

I have a set of functions written in C that I need to be able to call from another project written in C++. The C code is essentially some functions that do some calculations on a large data set. I didn't write them - all I want to do is allow my C++ project to be able to call those functions. My solution was to create a DLL for the C code and link it to my C++ project.
In order to make the DLL, I structured myCproj.h (the header in the C project, not C++ project) like so:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct __declspec(dllexport) neededStruct {
int a;
//I need to be able to initialize this struct in my C++ project.
__declspec(dllexport) void neededFunc( struct neededStruct *input ) {}
//I need to be able to call this function from my C++ project and feed
//it my local instance of neededStruct.
#ifdef __cplusplus
The src file, myCproj.c, was not changed at all. The function definitions do not have __declspec(dllexport)in front of them, nor is extern "C" inserted anywhere. The code compiles without error and produces myCproj.dll and myCproj.lib.
I then tell my C++ project in VS where to find myCproj.lib and myCproj.h accordingly and copy the DLL over to the directory where my C++ executable lives. To use the DLL, I gave myCPPproj.cpp the following addition:
#define DLLImport __declspec(dllimport)
struct DLLImport neededStruct input;
input.a = 0;
extern "C" DLLImport void neededFunc( &input );
However, I get error EO335 'linkage specification is not allowed' on that last line. What am I doing wrong?

It is preferable to use the same header for both the library and using code.
As mentioned, it is usually done by a conditional define, like the following:
#if defined(MYLIBRARY_API)
#define MYLIBRARY_EXPORTS __declspec(dllexport)
#define MYLIBRARY_EXPORTS __declspec(dllimport)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
MYLIBRARY_API bool MyLibFunc();
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#include "MyLibrary.h"
void MyLibFunc()
#include <MyLibrary.h>
int main()
The symbol MYLIBRARY_API will be defined for the library project (usually as a /D on the compiler command line). And if you use visual studio that is pretty much exactly what you get when creating a dll project with exports.


Exporting extern variables from dll visual C++

Basically I have a dll project in visual studio. I'm linking this dll project to a second project successfully but as soon as I try to use extern variables things go wrong. I've seperated my extern variables into a single header and source file from everything else so I can isolate the problem and potential solutions. I've scowered the internet for hours now and I feel like I've tried everything. I am beginning to think it might be a compile flag? Anyway, heres my code.
#pragma once
// dll management
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define TAPI __declspec(dllexport)
#define TAPI __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define TAPI __declspec(dllimport)
#define TAPI
#pragma once
#include "macros.h"
namespace toast
TAPI extern const char c;
Note that I tried this without const and made no assignment here
#pragma once
#include "globals.h"
namespace toast
const char c = 'a';
main.c (from the project that compiles to an exe)
#include <globals.h>
int main()
char c = toast::c;
return 0;
So far I've tried making a lot of subtle changes like reordering extern and const and such. I've also done it both with just extern and just const. Still produces the same unresolved external symbol "char const toast::c" error. Keep in mind that I can create instances of classes and call their methods from the dll successfully and thats with things like class TAPI logger... and such.

C++ Visual Studio Windows: how to declare but not define extern function in dll

I have a project that is compiled into a library and declares a certain function to be implemented by the user of the library:
//To be defined by user
Application* CreateApplication();
When compiling the code into a shared library on Linux this works perfectly. Any user of the library can define an implementation for the declared function and it can be used inside the library. If the user of the library forgets to define an implementation, they will get an error pointing this out.
I'm now in the process of porting the library to Windows, where it is supposed to be compiled into a dll. However, I'm running into problems as the linker used by Visual Studio is complaining:
unresolved external symbol Application* __cdecl CreateApplication(void)
I tried adding the extern keyword to indicate that the definition of the function is somewhere else, but this didn't work.
Why can't I declare (but not define) a function in a dll like this? How should I fix my code so it works both on Linux and on Windows?
What you are attempting to do only works in a static library, it cannot work in a dynamic library like a DLL. For that, you will have to change the code to use a function pointer instead. The application that is using the DLL can pass in the address of the desired function from its own code, and the DLL can then assign that address to a variable that it uses as needed, eg:
#ifndef MYLIB_H
#ifndef MYLIB_H
#define MY_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define MY_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
// declare Application as needed...
typedef Application (*lpCreateApplicationFunc)();
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
MY_EXPORT void SetCreateApplicationFunc(lpCreateApplicationFunc func);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "MyLib.h"
//To be defined by user
lpCreateApplicationFunc CreateApplication = NULL;
void SetCreateApplicationFunc(lpCreateApplicationFunc func)
CreateApplication = func;
void doSomething()
Application *app = NULL;
if (CreateApplication)
app = (*CreateApplication)();
if (app)
#include "MyLib.h"
Application MyCreateApplicationFunc()
// during startup, call this...

C++ Export array from DLL to invoke/use in C based program

Hello I am currently trying to export an array from a Dll into a C-based data-analysis program called Uniplot.
I am able to call the DLL and get it running, though I cant access the data provided by the Dll. I am not really well-served on this subject but I am guessing it has something to do with releasing the function to get rid of the pointers, or the data type in general even.
// considering export into C application
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
// prepare functions for later export/import from DLL
#define CALCDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define CALCDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
typedef double t_mda[150];
typedef double t_sda[50];
typedef double t_oda[150];
// general function
CALCDLL_API double* CALC (t_mda MDA, t_sda SDA);
#ifdef __cplusplus
t_oda ODA;
CALCDLL_API double* CALC (t_mda MDA, t_sda SDA) {
//data output
return ODA;
CALC is generating the data and saving it to the ODA-array which I would like to use in another application. What are the changes I need to make to get that running?

No functions get exported into DLL despite proper dllExport - Visual Studio

I have a base class (QIndicator) and I want to implement derived classes in DLLs. The DLL project in Visual Studio 2012 for a sample derived class has the following code:
header file with base class
// define the DLL storage specifier macro
#if defined DLL_EXPORT
#define DECLDIR __declspec(dllexport)
#define DECLDIR __declspec(dllimport)
class QIndicator
int x;
int y;
extern "C"
// declare the factory function for exporting a pointer to QIndicator
DECLDIR QIndicator * __stdcall getIndicatorPtr(void);
source file with derived class
#define DLL_EXPORT
#include "indicator.h"
class QIndicatorDer : public QIndicator
QIndicatorDer (void) : QIndicator(){};
~QIndicatorDer (void){};
// list of QIndicatorDer parameters
int x2;
int y2;
extern "C"
DECLDIR QIndicator * __stdcall getIndicatorPtr(void)
return new QIndicatorDer();
The problem I have is that upon successful build, the produced DLL file does not contain the exported getIndicatorPtr function (as shown by DependencyWalker). I checked whether the dllexport keyword gets propagated properly into the declaration of getIndicatorPtr and it does.
Another interesting problem is that I already have another derived class like this, in another DLL project, that I created some months ago. This older project is basically the same and everything works well there. I checked all properties of both the old and the current projects, and they seem identical. So I ran out of ideas, why I can't get getIndicatorPtr to export.
Any help is much appreciated,
That's because it's not being exported. Why?
__declspec specifier should only be placed in the declaration of a function, not it's definition. Also, avoid something like #define DLL_EXPORT. Preprocessor definitions should either defined in project properties (MSVC) or command line option (-D in GCC, for example).
Look at you code:
extern "C"
DECLDIR QIndicator * __stdcall getIndicatorPtr(void);
When compiler parses this header, is sees DECLDIR as dllimport (because you define DLL_EXPORT in .cpp). Then in .cpp, it suddenly appears as dllexport. Which one is used? The first one.
So, leave your header (it's fine), but change your source:
//#define DLL_EXPORT -> remove this!
#include "indicator.h"
class QIndicatorDer : public QIndicator
extern "C"
/* DECLDIR -> and this! */ QIndicator * __stdcall getIndicatorPtr(void)
return new QIndicatorDer();
Then, go to project properties (I assume you use Visual Studio) and then C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions and add there DLL_EXPORT=1.
That should work.

dynamic library don't generate lib file using visual studio 2012

I am using Visual Studio 2012 and I creared dll without using MFC, it generating the dll. But when I specify to generate a lib file in specific directory using the following option:-
go to proeperties page->Advanced->Import Library
It is not genearting the lib file in the specified folder. Please help me .
Thanks & Regards
Just resolved a similar problem. Visual Studio does not create a .lib file without instructing which objects to expose in dll. You need to create a win exports header like this:
#define MYAPPLIB_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MYAPPLIB_API __declspec(dllimport)
#endif // !BLABLABLA
Then, you need to declare MYAPPLIB_EXPORTS as a preprocessor macro. After including this new header file in other API headers, for every class or method which you want to expose in your API, you can add MYAPPLIB_API to their declarations like:
class MYAPPLIB_API MyClass{ ... };
By default, the New Project template for a DLL adds PROJECTNAME_EXPORTS to the defined preprocessor symbols for the DLL project.
In this example, CALCULATELIBRARY_EXPORTS is defined when your calculateLibrary DLL project is built.
When the CALCULATELIBRARY_EXPORTS symbol is defined, the CALCULATELIBRARY_API symbol sets the __declspec(dllexport) modifier on the member function declarations in this code.
This modifier tells the compiler and linker to export the function or variable from the DLL so that it can be used by other applications.
When CALCULATELIBRARY_EXPORTS is undefined—for example, when the header file is included by a client application—CALCULATELIBRARY_API defines the __declspec(dllimport) modifier on the member function declarations. This modifier optimizes the import of the function in an application. For more information
#ifndef _calculate_library_h
#define _calculate_library_h
#define CALCULATELIBRARY_API _declspec(dllexport)
#define CALCULATELIBRARY_API _declspec(dllimport)
namespace calculatelibrary
class CALCULATELIBRARY_API clsCalculateLibrary{
// Returns a + b
double Add(double a, double b);
#endif _calculate_library_h
// CalculateLibrary.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CalculateLibrary.h"
namespace calculatelibrary
double clsCalculateLibrary::Add(double a, double b)
return a + b;
See the following: you may need to declare /EXPORTS ( see "REMARKS"