unordered set intersection in C++ - c++

Here is my code, wondering any ideas to make it faster? My implementation is brute force, which is for any elements in a, try to find if it also in b, if so, put in result set c. Any smarter ideas is appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>
int main() {
std::unordered_set<int> a = {1,2,3,4,5};
std::unordered_set<int> b = {3,4,5,6,7};
std::unordered_set<int> c;
for (auto i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); i++) {
if (b.find(*i) != b.end()) c.insert(*i);
for (int v : c) {
std::printf("%d \n", v);

Asymptotically, your algorithm is as good as it can get.
In practice, I'd add a check to loop over the smaller of the two sets and do lookups in the larger one. Assuming reasonably evenly distributed hashes, a lookup in a std::unoredered_set takes constant time. So this way, you'll be performing fewer such lookups.

You can do it with std::copy_if()
std::copy_if(a.begin(), a.end(), std::inserter(c, c.begin()), [b](const int element){return b.count(element) > 0;} );

Your algorithm is as good as it gets for a unordered set. however if you use a std::set (which uses a binary tree as storage) or even better a sorted std::vector, you can do better. The algorithm should be something like:
get iterators to a.begin() and b.begin()
if the iterators point to equal element add to intersection and increment both iterators.
Otherwise increment the iterator pointing to the smallest value
Go to 2.
Both should be O(n) time but using a normal set should save you from calculating hashes or any performance degradation that arises from hash collisions.

Thanks Angew, why your method is faster? Could you elaborate a bit more?
Well, let me provide you some additional info...
It should be pretty clear that, whichever data structures you use, you will have to iterate over all elements in at least one of those, so you cannot get better than O(n), n being the number of elements in the data structure selected to iterate over. Elementary now is, how fast you can look up the elements in the other structure – with a hash set, which std::unordered_set actually is, this is O(1) – at least if the number of collisions is small enough ("reasonably evenly distributed hashes"); the degenerate case would be all values having the same key...
So far, you get O(n) * O(1) = O(n). But you still the choice: O(n) or O(m), if m is the number of elements in the other set. OK, in complexity calculations, this is the same, we have a linear algorithm anyway, in practice, though, you can spare some hash calculations and look-ups if you choose the set with the lower number of elements...


CodeSignal: Execution time limit exceeded with c++

I am trying to solve the programming problem firstDuplicate on codesignal. The problem is "Given an array a that contains only numbers in the range 1 to a.length, find the first duplicate number for which the second occurrence has minimal index".
Example: For a = [2, 1, 3, 5, 3, 2] the output should be firstDuplicate(a) = 3
There are 2 duplicates: numbers 2 and 3. The second occurrence of 3 has a smaller index than the second occurrence of 2 does, so the answer is 3.
With this code I pass 21/23 tests, but then it tells me that the program exceeded the execution time limit on test 22. How would I go about making it faster so that it passes the remaining two tests?
#include <algorithm>
int firstDuplicate(vector<int> a) {
vector<int> seen;
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i){
if (std::find(seen.begin(), seen.end(), a[i]) != seen.end()){
return a[i];
if (seen == a){
return -1;
Anytime you get asked a question about "find the duplicate", "find the missing element", or "find the thing that should be there", your first instinct should be use a hash table. In C++, there are the unordered_map and unordered_set classes that are for such types of coding exercises. The unordered_set is effectively a map of keys to bools.
Also, pass you vector by reference, not value. Passing by value incurs the overhead of copying the entire vector.
Also, that comparison seems costly and unnecessary at the end.
This is probably closer to what you want:
#include <unordered_set>
int firstDuplicate(const vector<int>& a) {
std::unordered_set<int> seen;
for (int i : a) {
auto result_pair = seen.insert(i);
bool duplicate = (result_pair.second == false);
if (duplicate) {
return (i);
return -1;
std::find is linear time complexity in terms of distance between first and last element (or until the number is found) in the container, thus having a worst-case complexity of O(N), so your algorithm would be O(N^2).
Instead of storing your numbers in a vector and searching for it every time, Yyu should do something like hashing with std::map to store the numbers encountered and return a number if while iterating, it is already present in the map.
std::map<int, int> hash;
for(const auto &i: a) {
return i;
hash[i] = 1;
Edit: std::unordered_map is even more efficient if the order of keys doesn't matter, since insertion time complexity is constant in average case as compared to logarithmic insertion complexity for std::map.
It's probably an unnecessary optimization, but I think I'd try to take slightly better advantage of the specification. A hash table is intended primarily for cases where you have a fairly sparse conversion from possible keys to actual keys--that is, only a small percentage of possible keys are ever used. For example, if your keys are strings of length up to 20 characters, the theoretical maximum number of keys is 25620. With that many possible keys, it's clear no practical program is going to store any more than a minuscule percentage, so a hash table makes sense.
In this case, however, we're told that the input is: "an array a that contains only numbers in the range 1 to a.length". So, even if half the numbers are duplicates, we're using 50% of the possible keys.
Under the circumstances, instead of a hash table, even though it's often maligned, I'd use an std::vector<bool>, and expect to get considerably better performance in the vast majority of cases.
int firstDuplicate(std::vector<int> const &input) {
std::vector<bool> seen(input.size()+1);
for (auto i : input) {
if (seen[i])
return i;
seen[i] = true;
return -1;
The advantage here is fairly simple: at least in a typical case, std::vector<bool> uses a specialization to store bools in only one bit apiece. This way we're storing only one bit for each number of input, which increases storage density, so we can expect excellent use of the cache. In particular, as long as the number of bytes in the cache is at least a little more than 1/8th the number of elements in the input array, we can expect all of seen to be in the cache most of the time.
Now make no mistake: if you look around, you'll find quite a few articles pointing out that vector<bool> has problems--and for some cases, that's entirely true. There are places and times that vector<bool> should be avoided. But none of its limitations applies to the way we're using it here--and it really does give an advantage in storage density that can be quite useful, especially for cases like this one.
We could also write some custom code to implement a bitmap that would give still faster code than vector<bool>. But using vector<bool> is easy, and writing our own replacement that's more efficient is quite a bit of extra work...

An fast algorithm for sorting and shuffling equal valued entries (preferably by STL's)

I'm currently developing stochastic optimization algorithms and have encountered the following issue (which I imagine appears also in other places): It could be called totally unstable partial sort:
Given a container of size n and a comparator, such that entries may be equally valued.
Return the best k entries, but if values are equal, it should be (nearly) equally probable to receive any of them.
(output order is irrelevant to me, i.e. equal values completely among the best k need not be shuffled. To even have all equal values shuffled is however a related, interesting question and would suffice!)
A very (!) inefficient way would be to use shuffle_randomly and then partial_sort, but one actually only needs to shuffle the block of equally valued entries "at the selection border" (resp. all blocks of equally valued entries, both is much faster). Maybe that Observation is where to start...
I would very much prefer, if someone could provide a solution with STL algorithms (or at least to a large portion), both because they're usually very fast, well encapsulated and OMP-parallelized.
Thanx in advance for any ideas!
You want to partial_sort first. Then, while elements are not equal, return them. If you meet a sequence of equal elements which is larger than the remaining k, shuffle and return first k. Else return all and continue.
Not fully understanding your issue, but if you it were me solving this issue (if I am reading it correctly) ...
Since it appears you will have to traverse the given object anyway, you might as well build a copy of it for your results, sort it upon insert, and randomize your "equal" items as you insert.
In other words, copy the items from the given container into an STL list but overload the comparison operator to create a B-Tree, and if two items are equal on insert randomly choose to insert it before or after the current item.
This way it's optimally traversed (since it's a tree) and you get the random order of the items that are equal each time the list is built.
It's double the memory, but I was reading this as you didn't want to alter the original list. If you don't care about losing the original, delete each item from the original as you insert into your new list. The worst traversal will be the first time you call your function since the passed in list might be unsorted. But since you are replacing the list with your sorted copy, future runs should be much faster and you can pick a better pivot point for your tree by assigning the root node as the element at length() / 2.
Hope this is helpful, sounds like a neat project. :)
If you really mean that output order is irrelevant, then you want std::nth_element, rather than std::partial_sort, since it is generally somewhat faster. Note that std::nth_element puts the nth element in the right position, so you can do the following, which is 100% standard algorithm invocations (warning: not tested very well; fencepost error possibilities abound):
template<typename RandomIterator, typename Compare>
void best_n(RandomIterator first,
RandomIterator nth,
RandomIterator limit,
Compare cmp) {
using ref = typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIterator>::reference;
std::nth_element(first, nth, limit, cmp);
auto p = std::partition(first, nth, [&](ref a){return cmp(a, *nth);});
auto q = std::partition(nth + 1, limit, [&](ref a){return !cmp(*nth, a);});
std::random_shuffle(p, q); // See note
The function takes three iterators, like nth_element, where nth is an iterator to the nth element, which means that it is begin() + (n - 1)).
Edit: Note that this is different from most STL algorithms, in that it is effectively an inclusive range. In particular, it is UB if nth == limit, since it is required that *nth be valid. Furthermore, there is no way to request the best 0 elements, just as there is no way to ask for the 0th element with std::nth_element. You might prefer it with a different interface; do feel free to do so.
Or you might call it like this, after requiring that 0 < k <= n:
best_n(container.begin(), container.begin()+(k-1), container.end(), cmp);
It first uses nth_element to put the "best" k elements in positions 0..k-1, guaranteeing that the kth element (or one of them, anyway) is at position k-1. It then repartitions the elements preceding position k-1 so that the equal elements are at the end, and the elements following position k-1 so that the equal elements are at the beginning. Finally, it shuffles the equal elements.
nth_element is O(n); the two partition operations sum up to O(n); and random_shuffle is O(r) where r is the number of equal elements shuffled. I think that all sums up to O(n) so it's optimally scalable, but it may or may not be the fastest solution.
Note: You should use std::shuffle instead of std::random_shuffle, passing a uniform random number generator through to best_n. But I was too lazy to write all the boilerplate to do that and test it. Sorry.
If you don't mind sorting the whole list, there is a simple answer. Randomize the result in your comparator for equivalent elements.
std::sort(validLocations.begin(), validLocations.end(),
[&](const Point& i_point1, const Point& i_point2)
if (i_point1.mX == i_point2.mX)
return Rand(1.0f) < 0.5;
return i_point1.mX < i_point2.mX;

count the number of distinct absolute values among the elements of the array

I was asked an interview question to find the number of distinct absolute values among the elements of the array. I came up with the following solution (in C++) but the interviewer was not happy with the code's run time efficiency.
I will appreciate pointers as to how I can improve the run time efficiency of this code?
Also how do I calculate the efficiency of the code below? The for loop executes A.size() times. However I am not sure about the efficiency of STL std::find (In the worse case it could be O(n) so that makes this code O(n²) ?
Code is:
int countAbsoluteDistinct ( const std::vector<int> &A ) {
using namespace std;
list<int> x;
vector<int>::const_iterator it;
for(it = A.begin();it < A.end();it++)
if(find(x.begin(),x.end(),abs(*it)) == x.end())
return x.size();
To propose alternative code to the set code.
Note that we don't want to alter the caller's vector, we take by value. It's better to let the compiler copy for us than make our own. If it's ok to destroy their value we can take by non-const reference.
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int count_distinct_abs(vector<int> v)
transform(v.begin(), v.end(), v.begin(), abs); // O(n) where n = distance(v.end(), v.begin())
sort(v.begin(), v.end()); // Average case O(n log n), worst case O(n^2) (usually implemented as quicksort.
// To guarantee worst case O(n log n) replace with make_heap, then sort_heap.
// Unique will take a sorted range, and move things around to get duplicated
// items to the back and returns an iterator to the end of the unique section of the range
auto unique_end = unique(v.begin(), v.end()); // Again n comparisons
return distance(v.begin(), unique_end); // Constant time for random access iterators (like vector's)
The advantage here is that we only allocate/copy once if we decide to take by value, and the rest is all done in-place while still giving you an average complexity of O(n log n) on the size of v.
std::find() is linear (O(n)). I'd use a sorted associative container to handle this, specifically std::set.
#include <vector>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
int distict_abs(const vector<int>& v)
std::set<int> distinct_container;
for(auto curr_int = v.begin(), end = v.end(); // no need to call v.end() multiple times
curr_int != end;
// std::set only allows single entries
// since that is what we want, we don't care that this fails
// if the second (or more) of the same value is attempted to
// be inserted.
return distinct_container.size();
There is still some runtime penalty with this approach. Using a separate container incurs the cost of dynamic allocations as the container size increases. You could do this in place and not occur this penalty, however with code at this level its sometimes better to be clear and explicit and let the optimizer (in the compiler) do its work.
Yes, this will be O(N2) -- you'll end up with a linear search for each element.
A couple of reasonably obvious alternatives would be to use an std::set or std::unordered_set. If you don't have C++0x, you can replace std::unordered_set with tr1::unordered_set or boost::unordered_set.
Each insertion in an std::set is O(log N), so your overall complexity is O(N log N).
With unordered_set, each insertion has constant (expected) complexity, giving linear complexity overall.
Basically, replace your std::list with a std::set. This gives you O(log(set.size())) searches + O(1) insertions, if you do things properly. Also, for efficiency, it makes sense to cache the result of abs(*it), although this will have only a minimal (negligible) effect. The efficiency of this method is about as good as you can get it, without using a really nice hash (std::set uses bin-trees) or more information about the values in the vector.
Since I was not happy with the previous answer here is mine today. Your intial question does not mention how big your vector is. Suppose your std::vector<> is extremely large and have very few duplicates (why not?). This means that using another container (eg. std::set<>) will basically duplicate your memory consumption. Why would you do that since your goal is simply to count non duplicate.
I like #Flame answer, but I was not really happy with the call to std::unique. You've spent lots of time carefully sorting your vector and then simply discard the sorted array while you could be re-using it afterward.
I could not find anything really elegant in the STD library, so here is my proposal (a mixture of std::transform + std::abs + std::sort, but without touching the sorted array afterward).
// count the number of distinct absolute values among the elements of the sorted container
template<class ForwardIt>
typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIt>::difference_type
count_unique(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last)
if (first == last)
return 0;
typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIt>::difference_type
count = 1;
ForwardIt previous = first;
while (++first != last) {
if (!(*previous == *first) ) ++count;
return count;
Bonus point is works with forward iterator:
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
int main()
std::list<int> nums {1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7,8};
std::cout << count_unique( std::begin(nums), std::end(nums) ) << std::endl;
const int array[] = { 0,0,0,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4};
const int n = sizeof array / sizeof * array;
std::cout << count_unique( array, array + n ) << std::endl;
return 0;
Two points.
std::list is very bad for search. Each search is O(n).
Use std::set. Insert is logarithmic, it removes duplicate and is sorted. Insert every value O(n log n) then use set::size to find how many values.
To answer part 2 of your question, the C++ standard mandates the worst case for operations on containers and algorithms.
Find: Since you are using the free function version of find which takes iterators, it cannot assume anything about the passed in sequence, it cannot assume that the range is sorted, so it must traverse every item until it finds a match, which is O(n).
If you are using set::find on the other hand, this member find can utilize the structure of the set, and it's performance is required to be O(log N) where N is the size of the set.
To answer your second question first, yes the code is O(n^2) because the complexity of find is O(n).
You have options to improve it. If the range of numbers is low you can just set up a large enough array and increment counts while iterating over the source data. If the range is larger but sparse, you can use a hash table of some sort to do the counting. Both of these options are linear complexity.
Otherwise, I would do one iteration to take the abs value of each item, then sort them, and then you can do the aggregation in a single additional pass. The complexity here is n log(n) for the sort. The other passes don't matter for complexity.
I think a std::map could also be interesting:
int absoluteDistinct(const vector<int> &A)
map<int, char> my_map;
for (vector<int>::const_iterator it = A.begin(); it != A.end(); it++)
my_map[abs(*it)] = 0;
return my_map.size();
As #Jerry said, to improve a little on the theme of most of the other answers, instead of using a std::map or std::set you could use a std::unordered_map or std::unordered_set (or the boost equivalent).
This would reduce the runtimes down from O(n lg n) or O(n).
Another possibility, depending on the range of the data given, you might be able to do a variant of a radix sort, though there's nothing in the question that immediately suggests this.
Sort the list with a Radix style sort for O(n)ish efficiency. Compare adjacent values.
The best way is to customize the quicksort algorithm such that when we are partitioning whenever we get two equal element then overwrite the second duplicate with last element in the range and then reduce the range. This will ensure you will not process duplicate elements twice. Also after quick sort is done the range of the element is answer
Complexity is still O(n*Lg-n) BUT this should save atleast two passes over the array.
Also savings are proportional to % of duplicates. Imagine if they twist original questoin with, 'say 90% of the elements are duplicate' ...
One more approach :
Space efficient : Use hash map .
O(logN)*O(n) for insert and just keep the count of number of elements successfully inserted.
Time efficient : Use hash table O(n) for insert and just keep the count of number of elements successfully inserted.
You have nested loops in your code. If you will scan each element over the whole array it will give you O(n^2) time complexity which is not acceptable in most of the scenarios. That was the reason the Merge Sort and Quick sort algorithms came up to save processing cycles and machine efforts. I will suggest you to go through the suggested links and redesign your program.

How to get a sorted subvector out of a sorted vector, fast

I have a data structure like this:
struct X {
float value;
int id;
a vector of those (size N (think 100000), sorted by value (stays constant during the execution of the program):
std::vector<X> values;
Now, I want to write a function
void subvector(std::vector<X> const& values,
std::vector<int> const& ids,
std::vector<X>& out /*,
helper data here */);
that fills the out parameter with a sorted subset of values, given by the passed ids (size M < N (about 0.8 times N)), fast (memory is not an issue, and this will be done repeatedly, so building lookuptables (the helper data from the function parameters) or something else that is done only once is entirely ok).
My solution so far:
Build lookuptable lut containing id -> offset in values (preparation, so constant runtime)
create std::vector<X> tmp, size N, filled with invalid ids (linear in N)
for each id, copy values[lut[id]] to tmp[lut[id]] (linear in M)
loop over tmp, copying items to out (linear in N)
this is linear in N (as it's bigger than M), but the temporary variable and repeated copying bugs me. Is there a way to do it quicker than this? Note that M will be close to N, so things that are O(M log N) are unfavourable.
Edit: is a sample implementation of mentioned algorithm, to make the desired output clear and prove that it's doable in linear time - the question is about the possibility of avoiding the temporary variable or speeding it up in some other way, something that is not linear is not faster :).
An alternative approach you could try is to use a hash table instead of a vector to look up ids in:
void subvector(std::vector<X> const& values,
std::unordered_set<int> const& ids,
std::vector<X>& out) {
for(std::vector<X>::const_iterator i = values.begin(); i != values.end(); ++i) {
if(ids.find(i->id) != ids.end()) {
This runs in linear time since unordered_set::find is constant expected time (assuming that we have no problems hashing ints). However I suspect it might not be as fast in practice as the approach you described initially using vectors.
Since your vector is sorted, and you want a subset of it sorted the same way, I assume we can just slice out the chunk you want without rearranging it.
Why not just use find_if() twice. Once to find the start of the range you want and once to find the end of the range. This will give you the start and end iterators of the sub vector. Construct a new vector using those iterators. One of the vector constructor overloads takes two iterators.
That or the partition algorithm should work.
If I understood your problem correctly, you actually try to create a linear time sorting algorithm (subject to the input size of numbers M).
That is NOT possible.
Your current approach is to have a sorted list of possible values.
This takes linear time to the number of possible values N (theoretically, given that the map search takes O(1) time).
The best you could do, is to sort the values (you found from the map) with a quick sorting method (O(MlogM) f.e. quicksort, mergesort etc) for small values of M and maybe do that linear search for bigger values of M.
For example, if N is 100000 and M is 100 it is much faster to just use a sorting algorithm.
I hope you can understand what I say. If you still have questions I will try to answer them :)
edit: (comment)
I will further explain what I mean.
Say you know that your numbers will range from 1 to 100.
You have them sorted somewhere (actually they are "naturally" sorted) and you want to get a subset of them in sorted form.
If it would be possible to do it faster than O(N) or O(MlogM), sorting algorithms would just use this method to sort.
F.e. by having the set of numbers {5,10,3,8,9,1,7}, knowing that they are a subset of the sorted set of numbers {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} you still can't sort them faster than O(N) (N = 10) or O(MlogM) (M = 7).

std::map and performance, intersecting sets

I'm intersecting some sets of numbers, and doing this by storing a count of each time I see a number in a map.
I'm finding the performance be very slow.
- One of the sets has 150,000 numbers in it
- The intersection of that set and another set takes about 300ms the first time, and about 5000ms the second time
- I haven't done any profiling yet, but every time I break the debugger while doing the intersection its in malloc.c!
So, how can I improve this performance? Switch to a different data structure? Some how improve the memory allocation performance of map?
Is there any way to ask std::map or
boost::unordered_map to pre-allocate
some space?
Or, are there any tips for using these efficiently?
See Fast C++ container like the C# HashSet<T> and Dictionary<K,V>?
I benchmarked set_intersection and got horrible results:
(set_intersection) Found 313 values in the intersection, in 11345ms
(set_intersection) Found 309 values in the intersection, in 12332ms
int runIntersectionTestAlgo()
set<int> set1;
set<int> set2;
set<int> intersection;
// Create 100,000 values for set1
for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
int value = 1000000000 + i;
// Create 1,000 values for set2
for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
int random = rand() % 200000 + 1;
random *= 10;
int value = 1000000000 + random;
set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), inserter(intersection, intersection.end()));
return intersection.size();
You should definitely be using preallocated vectors which are way faster. The problem with doing set intersection with stl sets is that each time you move to the next element you're chasing a dynamically allocated pointer, which could easily not be in your CPU caches. With a vector the next element will often be in your cache because it's physically close to the previous element.
The trick with vectors, is that if you don't preallocate the memory for a task like this, it'll perform EVEN WORSE because it'll go on reallocating memory as it resizes itself during your initialization step.
Try something like this instaed - it'll be WAY faster.
int runIntersectionTestAlgo() {
vector<char> vector1; vector1.reserve(100000);
vector<char> vector2; vector2.reserve(1000);
// Create 100,000 values for set1
for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) {
int value = 1000000000 + i;
sort(vector1.begin(), vector1.end());
// Create 1,000 values for set2
for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
int random = rand() % 200000 + 1;
random *= 10;
int value = 1000000000 + random;
sort(vector2.begin(), vector2.end());
// Reserve at most 1,000 spots for the intersection
vector<char> intersection; intersection.reserve(min(vector1.size(),vector2.size()));
set_intersection(vector1.begin(), vector1.end(),vector2.begin(), vector2.end(),back_inserter(intersection));
return intersection.size();
Without knowing any more about your problem, "check with a good profiler" is the best general advise I can give. Beyond that...
If memory allocation is your problem, switch to some sort of pooled allocator that reduces calls to malloc. Boost has a number of custom allocators that should be compatible with std::allocator<T>. In fact, you may even try this before profiling, if you've already noticed debug-break samples always ending up in malloc.
If your number-space is known to be dense, you can switch to using a vector- or bitset-based implementation, using your numbers as indexes in the vector.
If your number-space is mostly sparse but has some natural clustering (this is a big if), you may switch to a map-of-vectors. Use higher-order bits for map indexing, and lower-order bits for vector indexing. This is functionally very similar to simply using a pooled allocator, but it is likely to give you better caching behavior. This makes sense, since you are providing more information to the machine (clustering is explicit and cache-friendly, rather than a random distribution you'd expect from pool allocation).
I would second the suggestion to sort them. There are already STL set algorithms that operate on sorted ranges (like set_intersection, set_union, etc):
I don't understand why you have to use a map to do intersection. Like people have said, you could put the sets in std::set's, and then use std::set_intersection().
Or you can put them into hash_set's. But then you would have to implement intersection manually: technically you only need to put one of the sets into a hash_set, and then loop through the other one, and test if each element is contained in the hash_set.
Intersection with maps are slow, try a hash_map. (however, this is not provided in all STL implementation.
Alternatively, sort both map and do it in a merge-sort-like way.
What is your intersection algorithm? Maybe there are some improvements to be made?
Here is an alternate method
I do not know it to be faster or slower, but it could be something to try. Before doing so, I also recommend using a profiler to ensure you really are working on the hotspot. Change the sets of numbers you are intersecting to use std::set<int> instead. Then iterate through the smallest one looking at each value you find. For each value in the smallest set, use the find method to see if the number is present in each of the other sets (for performance, search from smallest to largest).
This is optimised in the case that the number is not found in all of the sets, so if the intersection is relatively small, it may be fast.
Then, store the intersection in std::vector<int> instead - insertion using push_back is also very fast.
Here is another alternate method
Change the sets of numbers to std::vector<int> and use std::sort to sort from smallest to largest. Then use std::binary_search to find the values, using roughly the same method as above. This may be faster than searching a std::set since the array is more tightly packed in memory. Actually, never mind that, you can then just iterate through the values in lock-step, looking at the ones with the same value. Increment only the iterators which are less than the minimum value you saw at the previous step (if the values were different).
Might be your algorithm. As I understand it, you are spinning over each set (which I'm hoping is a standard set), and throwing them into yet another map. This is doing a lot of work you don't need to do, since the keys of a standard set are in sorted order already. Instead, take a "merge-sort" like approach. Spin over each iter, dereferencing to find the min. Count the number that have that min, and increment those. If the count was N, add it to the intersection. Repeat until the first map hits it's end (If you compare the sizes before starting, you won't have to check every map's end each time).
Responding to update: There do exist faculties to speed up memory allocation by pre-reserving space, like boost::pool_alloc. Something like:
std::map<int, int, std::less<int>, boost::pool_allocator< std::pair<int const, int> > > m;
But honestly, malloc is pretty good at what it does; I'd profile before doing anything too extreme.
Look at your algorithms, then choose the proper data type. If you're going to have set-like behaviour, and want to do intersections and the like, std::set is the container to use.
Since it's elements are stored in a sorted way, insertion may cost you O(log N), but intersection with another (sorted!) std::set can be done in linear time.
I figured something out: if I attach the debugger to either RELEASE or DEBUG builds (e.g. hit F5 in the IDE), then I get horrible times.