How to install npgsql for c++ in Visual Studio 2017 - c++

sorry if this is too simple to be of help to most people.
This is the first time I have done anything remotely like this and it appears that my problem is too unadvanced to be covered in any documentation.
I am trying to connect a c++ project in Visual Studio 2017 to a PostgreSQL database.
Just to be clear, I know how to run pgAdmin/host databases, code in C++, and I think I could handle the npgsql syntax if I got it working.
However, I've never used .NET (although 4.5 is on my computer).
Here's what I am doing:
I start an empty project for C++ in Visual Studio 2017.
I open nuget manager and search npgsql, but my project is pointing to native,v0.0 instead of a .NET framework.
So I target v4.5 in the .NET framework property, but that doesn't change anything.
Could someone please tell if what I am trying to do is possible?
Should I be using a different project other than empty project?
Does this need to be some kind of web application?
If it is possible I'd love any advice on how to do it.

If you are writing a native c++ program it is very unlikely you want to bring in a .net assembly. If you want to connect to a pg database I would suggest instead that you use the odbc driver ( or perhaps there is some library available as part of PG, but using a .net assembly will require a great deal of unnecessary interop work.


Connecting to a linux system using a Windows IDE for a C/C++ project

I am new to Linux and therefore feel difficult to code and develop in Linux based environment (CentOS).
Although coding is still fine, I find debugging a quite challenging task because of the lack of breakpoints and the ease of navigating through various class, function and variable definitions that we can do in the blink of an eye using Windows/Mac IDE's.
This leads me to the question :
Can I use a windows IDE to connect to my Linux system and import my project repository and develop on it?
I did some research on using Visual Studio 2017 for this purpose and found a few articles, but most of them explain how I start up with a new project rather than importing/developing upon an existing project.
I also had a look at an article that mentioned about Visual GDB but it wasn't very clear to me, so any pointers on how I can use that would be great.
Any other IDE that I can use on windows for the same purpose? (Visual studio is just something that I looked into, but any other suggestions are also welcome.)
NOTE: My project has both C and C++ code (networking domain), so hence both the tags.

Windows7+: How to build a C++ Windows Console application that doesn't require any additional/external runtime libraries?

This has probably been asked/answered dozens of times, but even after going/reading through many of these questions, i still can't figure out what to do...
Anyhow: I'm trying to write a standalone X86/32-bit C++ Windows console application using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition (under Windows 10 x64) that runs some CMD.exe commands.
The problem: When trying to run the application on Windows 7, a dialog box pops up with a message saying that a required runtime library couldn't be found.
As i happen to be fairly new to developing/coding, you can probably understand how overwhelmed i am/was when going through Visual Studio's (project) options.
The goal to reach: I would like to know if there's a way (and how) to make my C++ console application work on Windows 7 and onwards, while ONLY using the operating system's built-in/default shipped libraries (if possible without requiring the .NET framework to run the program).
The application's purpose is really simple and is meant for learning the basics of Visual Studio development.
Hopefully someone can help me out. I know i'm supposed to uncheck any recent SDK's in the Visual Studio Installer, but at the same time it appears that the .NET framework seems to be a required component for writing/compiling CLI applications :S
I don't even know why you mention .net for C++. You only need the C++ runtime. That can be statically linked.
Well guys (i assume?), i've returned with some good news.
I'm also answering my own question since i have found a solution that gave me everything i asked/hoped for.
Code::Blocks IDE gave me both a very small program/exe of ~10kB, and it even worked without any additional/extra runtime libraries (i've tested this under a fresh/clean virtual OS # VMware Player).
Thank you all for the given support, you've been really helpful :-)

How to run C++ executable in Windows PE?

I have an executable I made using a CLI console application with Visual Basic 2010. I can run the program completely fine from my developer machine.
However, when I copy the executable over to another machine, re-boot to a pre-installation environment and run the executable again, nothing happens at all. There are no errors shown or anything.
My guess is the executable can't run without certain dependencies that aren't loaded at this environment, but I need it to work in a PE.
Any ideas on whats going on?
First of all, since the question is tagged "c++" and you mention C++/CLI several times, I assume that "Visual Basic 2010" is a typo for "Visual Studio 2010". But either way, whether you've written the application in Visual Basic (VB.NET) or C++/CLI, the problem is exactly the same.
My guess is the executable can't run without certain dependencies that aren't loaded at this environment, but I need it to work in a PE.
That's exactly correct. You've written an application that targets the .NET Framework. Somewhat like Java applications requiring a JVM, .NET applications require that the .NET Framework be installed in order to run (or a compatible alternative implementation, like Mono). Unfortunately, Windows PE does not support the .NET Framework.
Note that it is irrelevant whether you've written a WinForms, WPF, or Console application. Although they present their UI in very different ways, they all depend on the .NET Framework being installed.
You will need to (re-)write the application in a different programming language, one that generates native code without any dependencies on the .NET Framework. C and C++ are popular choices. If you choose to use C++, make sure that you create what Visual Studio calls a "Win32" project. This is one that targets the underlying operating system APIs directly (i.e. a native application) and does not have a dependency on the .NET Framework. Stay away from anything that has ".NET" or "CLR" in its description.
I don't really have a full comprehension of when an application is using .NET or not... I am just used to Linux C/C++ development. I hate Microsoft shit
It uses .NET whenever you use the .NET Framework libraries/classes in your code. I'm not really sure why this is so difficult to understand. The same problem could easily exist on Linux if you were using a third-party library that was not available in certain environments for whatever reason. This is not Microsoft's problem, it's an issue of using the wrong tools for the job. The .NET Framework is an object-oriented wrapper around the native APIs that makes it much easier for people to get up and running writing programs for Windows. But if you're "used to Linux C/C++ development", you should have little trouble writing a simple console application that targets the native APIs directly without using .NET.
If your hatred for "Microsoft shit" has turned into an allergy, you can avoid Visual Studio entirely and download MinGW, which is a Windows port of the GCC compiler you're probably used to. Combined with your favorite Windows port of Vi, you're working in an environment very similar to the one you're used to. And since GCC doesn't support C++/CLI or the .NET Framework, you won't have to worry about getting stuck picking the wrong option.
The .Net framework has been supported as an optional package install during your PE build process for the past couple versions of WinPE. I write code in C# that I run in WinPE everyday. I have yet to find a good way to debug in a manner where I can walk through break points, etc... though. My best option has just been a lot of logging and a global Exception catch around my main entry point that will write out a full stack dump. You can attach to your app as a remote process in a VM running WinPE, but if you need to catch something early in the execution you'll have a difficult time.

Best way to create a standalone-exe (Forms) (C++)

I have to create an application for testing that is relatively simple. If a user plugs in a device into a USB (hid library), the form will say "Pass". If no device is detected, it will say "Fail".
I want to create the app to run on WinXP+. It must be a forms application as it needs to be visual and have colors. The biggest requirement for me is that it must be stand-alone (a user just double clicks, the file and it opens, no installation). I need to avoid installing any extra .dll files and want to avoid the .net framework all together. It has to be written in C++.
So my question is, what are my options? I am new to Forms applications and the only forms application I have written required the .net framework.
From my research, Visual C++ seems out of the question as it requires .net for Forms apps. What about Turbo C++ by Borland? It seems outdated, but can it do the job?
I would suggest Borland C++ Builder 5 or 6. Visual C++ lacks the functionality to create C++ form apps, if we dismiss MFC
I'd say Visual C++ would probably still be your best option. A standard simple Win32 C/C++ program using only the native API will should suite your needs just fine. If you're targeting XP+, then the only dependency would be "msvcrt.dll" which is included with Windows by default.
Edit: This article on MSDN should get you started in the right direction.
What you're talking about is C++/CLI, it's microsoft's dialect of C++ that requires a .Net framework. Please distinguish it from real (native) C++, which can be used to create what you want to. Visual C++ is perfectly fine, just make sure you don't create a .Net project.
Forms are a .NET library. It's not Windows or anything like that, you can use the native GUI libraries in Win32 with no problem or any native wrapping of them. You can implement this in native C++ easily in Visual Studio.
If you're looking to create the application in a rapid fashion (i.e. stock UI components that you can drag and drop onto forms), my experience is that Embarcardero C++ Builder effectively solves that problem space.
I like Visual C++ but it's not a great environment for rapidly creating forms based applications. I want to emphasize that I'm referring to Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools. There are plenty of great C++ IDEs and libraries for creating forms based applications and all of them should be able to create standalone exes.
Here is a list of related questions that might help in your decision:
Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

Visual C++ 2008 as frontend for Access

I am working on a database project that requires me to code in C++. I have the framework for the relational database built using Microsoft Access. Since I would like a GUI for the user, I am trying to use Visual C++ 2008 to build it.
I have tried to build a solution as a win32 console app, MFC app, and CLR app, each halting me with their various errors.
I have scoured the web for help but to no avail. If anyone could give me some direction or, better yet, a link to a good tutorial, it would be much appreciated.
I found an MSDN article about developing C / C++ apps that connect to Microsoft Access. Hope this helps.