Using -mkl Lapack routines in Fortran programs - fortran

I am new to using the Math Kernel Library(mkl). I have a program that uses a system-of-linear-equations-solver( gesv routine) of LAPACK (which comes with MKL). I already have MKL (also Intel Parallel Studio XE) installed on my computer. I am having trouble compiling/linking the code. I compile the code using:
ifort -mkl matrixinv.f90
However, it gives the following error
/tmp/ifortjcXZTm.o: In function `MAIN__':
matrixinv.f90:(.text+0xdf): undefined reference to `gesv_'
The code is attached below
PROGRAM matrixinv
call gesv(A,B)
END PROGRAM matrixinv

You probably want to declare gesv as external. Add the following statement after the "implicit none":
external gesv


MKL pardiso on Intel Parallel studio Fortran

Trying to make work MKL_Pardiso on MacOS. I installed Intell Parallel Studio and compile program with fort.
include ''
INCLUDE 'mkl_pardiso.f90'
program temp
use mkl_pardiso
end program temp
Here is my code to compilier
ifort -mkl temp.f90
The output is
/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.1.216/mac/mkl/include/mkl_pardiso.f90(26): error #6218: This statement is positioned incorrectly and/or has syntax errors.
Why does this happen? should I use another flags?
please try build as follows: ifort -mkl mkl_pardiso.f90 temp.f90

illegal instruction in boost::gregorian::date::date

I have C++ program that uses boost (Logger mainly). This programs compiles and runs well on Windows and Ubuntu. However, when I try to port it to Linux Yocto on an embedded system (Intel Atom processor), I got illegal instructions error at runtime.
The program itself is built on Ubuntu PC with Intel-i5.
I debugged the issue and it was some AVX instructions from another library (OpenCV). I disabled all AVX and the problem solved but another problem occurred.
It now tells me that (after reading the core dumb using gdb):
Program terminated with signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
0x00007fe1aed03ade in boost::gregorian::date::date(boost::gregorian::greg_year,
boost::gregorian::greg_month, boost::gregorian::greg_day) ()
I did not use boost::gregorian::date explicitly
Is it possible that boost::gregorian::date use some optimized insruction?! like SSE or AVX? (seems non-logical)
Any clue about the issue?
P.S. the error occurs at run-time before anything else. Even a cout at the first line of the main function is not executed before I got the error. So, I suspect some static constructor inside boost causes the problem since there is no static constructor at my code.
All librires and the program itself are compiled with -march=bonnell -mno-avx -O2

What is the meaing of "(.text+0x26c4)" means in fortran linking error message?

I am using gfortran compiler and ld linker in LINUX ubuntu 16.04.
When I am compiling some program written in Fortran 77, I have the following error message:
libdist.a(setup.F.o): In function `setup_':
setup.F:(.text+0x26c4): undefined reference to `mpi_send_'
setup.F:(.text+0x2b3c): undefined reference to `mpi_recv_'
setup.F:(.text+0x7984): undefined reference to `mpi_send_'
setup.F:(.text+0xb107): undefined reference to `mpi_recv_'
I guess it is about the position of error. However, it is difficult to me the find where is the error.
Can I have a better presentation of the position of error? Such as the c/cxx error: "setup.F:15:12: "
It is an address. And is is NOT a Fortran error. It is a linker error. You can get the very same error from a C or C++ code or any other compiled code linked by the same linker.
Generate debugging symbols (compiler option -g or -ggdb or similar - consult Debugging options in the GCC Fortran manual) to get something more meaningful. But if you do that you will realize that it only points you to some location where you do:
call mpi_send(...)
in some subroutine or function called setup().
So, it is not terribly useful in this case. The important thing is that you should link the appropriate MPI library. Normally that is done by calling mpif90 or mpifort or a similar wrapper which is called instead of gfortran. Consult the documentation of your MPI library implementation.

Linking legacy Fortran95 library to C++ with ifort/icpc

Background: I am in a situation where I have to make use of an old Fortran95 library in a new C++ project. The F95 library is extensive, has tons of small modules, poorly documented, and it was mostly auto-generated about a decade ago by some obscure computer algebra system (by people on a different continent). So basically heirloom code, but it works and it is currently irreplaceable.
Luckily I have the source code and it can be compiled with current versions of ifort, but I am not too familiar with Fortran, and would rather not touch the old code in any significant way.
So suppose I have this Fortran code (pes_shell.f90):
subroutine pes_init()
use pes,wp=>pes_wp
implicit none
call pes0_init (dir='coef')
call pes1_init (pes_x3y1z1u1_sysall)
end subroutine pes_init
The functions pes0_init(...) and pes1_init(...) lead into the abyssal depths of the Fortran library and they are contained in the pes module.
I can compile this to an object file, if I give ifort the path for the modules:
ifort -r8 -O2 -c pes_shell.f90 -I/home/debianuser/PES/PES_library/lib/mod
My POC C++ code, calling pes_init():
extern "C"{
void pes_init_();
int main(){
return 0;
This can also be compiled to an object file, with icpc:
icpc -c PEStest.cpp
However I cannot figure out how to link the two object files, plus the truckload of fortran modules, into a final executable.
I have tried just simply using icpc, but it cannot seem to be able to find the Fortran functions, even if I give it the location of the module files:
icpc -I/home/debianuser/PES/PES_library/lib/mod -o test.x pes_shell.o PEStest.o
pes_shell.o: In function `pes_shell_mp_f_':
pes_shell.f90:(.text+0x595): undefined reference to `pes_x3y1z1u1_mp_pes_x3y1z1u1_pot_'
pes_shell.o: In function `pes_shell_mp_pes_init_':
pes_shell.f90:(.text+0x5f0): undefined reference to `pes0_mp_pes0_init_'
pes_shell.f90:(.text+0x603): undefined reference to `pes1c_mp_pes1_init_'
PEStest.o: In function `main':
PEStest.cpp:(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `pes_init_'
Pointing the linker to the directory where libpes.a can be found eliminates the problem of locating the function that was referenced in the c++ code, but icpc still cannot find the fortran functions that are being called from fortran codes:
icpc -I/home/debianuser/PES/PES_library/lib/mod -L/home/debianuser/PES/PES_library/lib/pes-xyz -lpes -o test.x PEStest.o pes_shell_new.o
pes_shell_new.o: In function `f_':
pes_shell_new.f90:(.text+0x585): undefined reference to `pes_x3y1z1u1_mp_pes_x3y1z1u1_pot_'
pes_shell_new.o: In function `pes_init_':
pes_shell_new.f90:(.text+0x5e0): undefined reference to `pes0_mp_pes0_init_'
pes_shell_new.f90:(.text+0x5f3): undefined reference to `pes1c_mp_pes1_init_'

MS-MPI and MinGW Fortran

This is simple fortran90 program testing MPI.
I would like to compile it on MS Windows platform using MinGW64 Fortran and the known MS-MPI package.
However, it's not working due to missing "mpi.mod". When I replace the use mpi with include 'mpif.h', it's giving other errors (below).
Any help, please ? Does the MS-MPI suite cooperate with the MinGW gfortran ?
Working with MS-MPI and MinGW gfortran is not an easy task,
C:\Users\milias\Documents\Dirac\software\autocmake-devel\ms-mpi>gfortran -fno- range-check -c example.f90
Included at example.f90:4:
PARAMETER (MPI_AINT=z'4c00043b')
Error: PARAMETER attribute of 'mpi_aint' conflicts with PARAMETER attribute at (1)
Included at example.f90:4:
Error: Function 'int_ptr_kind' in initialization expression at (1) must be an intrinsic function
solved here, I apologize for the duplicate.