Terraform and DigitalOcean: assign volume to specific droplet created with count parameter - digital-ocean

just started exploring terraform to spin up droplets and volumes on digital ocean.
My question is to know the right way to do the following:
create a certain number of droplet instances using count within digitalocean_dropletresource named ubuntu16
assign a digitalocean_volume only to one or a subset of previously created droplets.
How to do it?I was assuming to use droplets_id property on digitalocean_volume resource. Something like:
resource "digitalocean_volume" "foovolume" {
droplet_ids = ["${digitalocean_droplet.ubuntu16.0.id}"]
Validating it with terraform validate I got:
Error: digitalocean_volume.foovolume: "droplet_ids": this field cannot be set
Any advice? Thanks to any inputs on it.

The way the Terraform provider for DigtialOcean is currently implemented requires that you take the opposite approach. You can specify which volumes are attached to which Droplets by defining the volume_ids of the Droplet resource. For example:
resource "digitalocean_volume" "volume" {
region = "nyc3"
count = 3
name = "volume-${count.index + 1}"
size = 100
description = "an example volume"
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
count = 3
image = "ubuntu-17-10-x64"
name = "web-${count.index + 1}"
region = "nyc3"
size = "1gb"
volume_ids = ["${element(digitalocean_volume.volume.*.id, count.index)}"]
If you look at the docs for the volume resource, you'll see that droplet_ids is a "computed" field. This means that you are unable to set the field, and that its value is computed by Terraform via the provider's API.


Tags in Datadog for autoscaling_group when using metrics have changed? (Now aws_autoscaling_groupname)

We have monitors and dashboards templated in Terraform that are used when creating new accounts and have found that ones using queries by "autoscaling_group" now report no data.
Looking in metrics I can see the only option for grouping by ASG is "aws_autoscaling_groupname" but can't seem to find where this is set. AWS Auto Scaling integration documentation also shows that this should be autoscaling_group.
Where can I set this?
If you're generating the Autoscaling group via the Terraform aws_autoscaling_group resource, then there's a name parameter that is distinct from the resource name.
An example that shows the difference:
resource "aws_placement_group" "prod-asg" {
name = "application123"
strategy = "cluster"
In this example, when generating dashboards, the ASG name you want to add to widgets would be application123, which should end up as the autoscaling_group name in Datadog.
If using Terraform to build the dashboard widgets, then the reference would be something like this:
resource "datadog_dashboard" "monitoring" {
title = "..."
widget {
type = "timeseries"
title = "..."
request {
q = "avg:aws.autoscaling.desired_capacity{name:${aws_autoscaling_group.prod-asg.name}}.as_count()"
Refs: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/autoscaling_group

Google Cloud VM Autoscaling in Terraform - Updating Images

I can create a fully-functioning autoscaling group in GCP Compute via Terraform, but it's not clear to me how to update the ASG to use a new image.
Here's an example of a working ASG:
resource "google_compute_region_autoscaler" "default" {
name = "example-autoscaler"
region = "us-west1"
project = "my-project
target = google_compute_region_instance_group_manager.default.id
autoscaling_policy {
max_replicas = 10
min_replicas = 3
cooldown_period = 60
cpu_utilization {
target = 0.5
resource "google_compute_region_instance_group_manager" "default" {
name = "example-igm"
region = "us-west1"
version {
instance_template = google_compute_instance_template.default.id
name = "primary"
target_pools = [google_compute_target_pool.default.id]
base_instance_name = "example"
resource "google_compute_target_pool" "default" {
name = "example-pool"
resource "google_compute_instance_template" "default" {
name = "example-template"
machine_type = "e2-medium"
can_ip_forward = false
tags = ["my-tag"]
disk {
source_image = data.google_compute_image.default.id
network_interface {
subnetwork = "my-subnet"
data "google_compute_image" "default" {
name = "my-image"
My goal is to be able to create a new Image (out of band) and then update my infrastructure to utilize it. It doesn't appear possible to change a google_compute_instance_template while it's in use.
One option I can think of is to create two separate templates, and then adjust the google_compute_region_instance_group_manager to refer to a different google_compute_instance_template which references the new image.
Another possible option is to use the version block inside the instance group manager. You can use this similarly to above to essentially toggle between two versions. You start with one "version" at 100%, and the other at 0%. When you create a new image, you update the version that is at 0% to point to the new image and change its skew to 100% and the other to 0%. I'm not actually sure this works, because you'd still have to update the template of the version that's at 0% and it might actually be in use.
Regardless, both of those methods are incredibly bulky for a large-scale production environment where we have multiple autoscaling groups in multiple regions and update them frequently.
Ideally I'd be able to change a variable that represents the image, terraform apply and that's it. Is there any way to do what I'm describing?
You need to use the lifecycle block with the create_before_destroy but also the attribute name of the google_compute_instance_template resource must be omitted or replaced by name_prefix attribute.
With this setup Terraform generates a unique name for your Instance Template and can then update the Instance Group manager without conflict before destroying the previous Instance Template.

Trigger random_id resource recreation on rds instance destroy and recreate

Folks, am trying to find a way with terraform random_id resource to recreate and provide a new random value when the rds instance destroys and recreates due to a change that went in, say the username on rds has changed.
This random value am trying to attach to final_snapshot_identifier of the aws_db_instance resource so that the snapshot should have a unique value to its id everytime it gets created upon rds instance being destroyed.
Current code:
resource "random_id" "snap_id" {
byte_length = 8
locals {
inst_id = "test-rds-inst"
inst_snap_id = "${local.inst_id}-snap-${format("%.4s", random_id.snap_id.dec)}"
resource "aws_db_instance" "rds" {
identifier = local.inst_id
final_snapshot_identifier = local.inst_snap_id
skip_final_snapshot = false
username = "foo"
apply_immediately = true
output "snap_id" {
value = aws_db_instance.rds.final_snapshot_identifier
Output after terraform apply:
snap_id = "test-rds-inst-snap-5553"
Use case am trying out:
Modify value in rds instance to simulate a destroy & recreate:
Modify username to "foo-tmp"
terraform apply -auto-approve
snap_id = "test-rds-inst-snap-5553"
I was expecting the random_id to kick in and output a unique id, but it didn't.
rds instance in deleting state
snapshot "test-rds-inst-snap-5553" in creating state
rds instance recreated and in available state
snapshot "test-rds-inst-snap-5553" in available state
Modify value again in rds instance to simulate a destroy & recreate:
Modify username to "foo-new"
terraform apply -auto-approve
Kind of expected below error, coz snap id didn't get a new value in prior attempt, but tired anyways..
**Error:** error deleting DB Instance (test-rds-inst): DBSnapshotAlreadyExists: Cannot create the snapshot because a snapshot with the identifier test-rds-inst-snap-5553 already exists.
Am aware of the keepers{} map for random_id resource, but not sure on what from the rds_instance that I need to put in the map so that the random_id resource will be recreated and it ends up providing a new unique value to the snap_id suffix.
Also I feel using any attribute of rds instance in the random_id keepers, might cause a circular dependency issue. I may be wrong but haven't tried it though.
Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks.
The easiest way to do this would be to use taint on the random_id resource, as per the documentation [1]:
To force a random result to be replaced, the taint command can be used to produce a new result on the next run.
Alternatively, looking at the example from the documentation, you could do something like:
resource "random_id" "snap_id" {
byte_length = 8
keepers {
snapshot_id = var.snapshot_id
resource "aws_db_instance" "rds" {
identifier = local.inst_id
final_snapshot_identifier = random_id.snap_id.keepers.snapshot_id
skip_final_snapshot = false
username = "foo"
apply_immediately = true
This means that until the value of the variable snapshot_id changes, the random_id will generate the same result. Not sure if that would work with locals, but you could try replacing var.snapshot_id with local.inst_snap_id. If that works, you could then name the snapshot using built-in functions like formatdate [2] and timestamp [3] to create a snapshot id which will be tied to the time when you were running apply, something like:
locals {
inst_id = "test-rds-inst"
snap_time = formatdate("YYYYMMDD", timestamp())
inst_snap_id = "${local.inst_id}-snap-${format("%.4s", random_id.snap_id.dec)}-${local.snap_time}"
[1] https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/random/latest/docs#resource-keepers
[2] https://www.terraform.io/language/functions/formatdate
[3] https://www.terraform.io/language/functions/timestamp

Terraform - How to output input variable?

I have a custom terraform module which create an AWS EC2 instance, so it's relying on the aws provider.
This terraform custom module is used as a base to describes the instance i want to create, but I also need some other information that will be reused later.
For example, i want to define a description to the VM as an input variable, but i don't need to use it at all to create my vm with the aws provider.
I just want this input variable to be sent directly as an output so it can be re-used later once terraform has done its job.
What I have as input variable
variable "description" {
type = string
description = "Description of the instance"
what I wanna put as output variable
output "description" {
value = module.ec2_instance.description
What my main module is doing
module "ec2_instance" {
source = "./modules/aws_ec2"
ami_id = var.ami_id
instance_name = var.hostname
disk_size = var.disk_size
create_disk = var.create_disk
availability_zone = var.availability_zone
disk_type = var.disk_type
// I don't need the description variable for the module to work, and I don't wanna do anything with it here, i need it later as output
I feel stupid because i searched the web for an answer and can't find anything to do that.
Can you help ?
EDIT: Added example of code
If you have an input variable declared like this:
variable "description" {
type = string
...then you can return its value as an output value like this, in the same module where you declared it:
output "description" {
value = var.description

Setting "count" based on the length of an attribute on another resource

I have a fairly simple Terraform configuration, which creates a Route53 zone and then creates NS records in Cloudflare to delegate the subdomain to that zone. At present, it assumes there's always exactly four authoritative DNS servers for every Route53 zone, and creates four separate cloudflare_record resources, but I'd like to generalise that, partially because who knows if AWS will start putting a fifth authoritative server out there in the future, but also as a "test case" for more complicated stuff in the future (like AWS AZs, which I know vary in count between regions).
What I've come up with so far is:
resource "cloudflare_record" "public-zone-ns" {
domain = "example.com"
name = "${terraform.env}"
type = "NS"
ttl = "120"
count = "${length(aws_route53_zone.public-zone.name_servers)}"
value = "${lookup(aws_route53_zone.public-zone.name_servers, count.index)}"
resource "aws_route53_zone" "public-zone" {
name = "${terraform.env}.example.com"
When I run terraform plan over this, though, I get this error:
Error running plan: 1 error(s) occurred:
* cloudflare_record.public-zone-ns: cloudflare_record.public-zone-ns: value of 'count' cannot be computed
I think what that means is that because the aws_route53_zone hasn't actually be created, terraform doesn't know what length(aws_route53_zone.public-zone.name_servers) is, and therefore the interpolation into cloudflare_record.public-zone-ns.count fails and I'm screwed.
However, it seems surprising to me that Terraform would be so inflexible; surely being able to create a variable number of resources like this would be meat-and-potatoes stuff. Hard-coding the length, or creating separate resources, just seems so... limiting.
So, what am I missing? How can I create a number of resources when I don't know in advance how many I need?
Currently count not being able to be calculated is an open issue in terraform https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/12570
You could move the name servers to a variable array and then get the length of that, all in one terraform script.
I got your point, this surprised me as well. Even I added depends_on to resource cloudflare_record, it is helpless.
What you can do to pass this issue is to split it into two stacks and make sure the route 53 record is created before cloudflare record.
Stack #1
resource "aws_route53_zone" "public-zone" {
name = "${terraform.env}.example.com"
output "name_servers" {
value = "${aws_route53_zone.public-zone.name_servers}"
Stack #2
data "terraform_remote_state" "route53" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = "terraform-state-prod"
key = "network/terraform.tfstate"
region = "us-east-1"
resource "cloudflare_record" "public-zone-ns" {
domain = "example.com"
name = "${terraform.env}"
type = "NS"
ttl = "120"
count = "${length(data.terraform_remote_state.route53.name_servers)}"
value = "${element(data.terraform_remote_state.route53.name_servers, count.index)}"