Connecting to RDS Postgres from Heroku - django

I'm in the process of migrating my Heroku app database from Heroku to AWS RDS Postgres.
On my computer, I can connect to my RDS DB using:
psql -d "postgres://"
However, the same psql command run from within my heroku server just hangs forever.
Also, config/amazon-rds-ca-cert.pem is the RDS certificate that I added to my package as mentioned in the documentation and here (I did combine certificates as I am using a eu-central-1 instance).
Would someone have an idea what is blocking the connection here ?

From the sound of it, your Network ACL or Security Groups are blocking your access. It looks like they allow your computer (perhaps your entire company’s IP) but not Heroku. Check out the NACLs and Security Groups and you should find your answer (i.e. add Heroku IP range to your NACLs and/or Security Groups).


JPA cannot connect to AWS RDS from Beanstalk but it works locally

I'm deploying a Java 8 Spring Boot web app to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have an associated RDS MySQL instance and configured the relevant connection details.
The connection works when running the app locally, in my machine, because I set the following routing configuration for the RDS server:
As outlined, routings are also added for the security groups associated to my EC2 instances.
Therefore, running mysql on the EC2 machine works and the database can be reached.
The issue appears when deploying the app to Beanstalk, where it gets implemented into the EC2 instances. The app crashes because it gets connection refused errors when trying to connect to the MySQL RDS instance:
This doesn't seem to make any sense.
The database is accessible from both the EC2 instance (verified via the mysql command) and outside AWS, so the only remaining cause would be having misconfigured the Spring Boot app properties.
This doesn't seem to be the problem either because when running it locally, in my machine, the app has no issues connecting to the RDS instance and running normally using the production MySQL server.
I have separate and files, but I set the relevant properties to the same values:
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://
spring.datasource.username = XXXXXX
spring.datasource.password = XXXXXX
spring.datasource.driver-class-name = com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
Any pointers as to why my app could be running locally but not when deployed to Beanstalk?
Recreating both the Beanstalk environment and RDS instance seemed to fix the issue.

AWS RDS Certificate Authority update

I recently received an email regarding a required update to my RDS Certificate Authority.
The instructions on the RDS side seems straight forward:
However on step 4 there was an important message, "When you schedule this operation, make sure that you have updated your client-side trust store beforehand."
I cant seem to find any information about updating my server which connects to RDS for the CA update.
My Setup is EC2 instances on Beanstalk.
Does anyone know how/what I am supposed to do?
Thank you.
similar question: Update Amazon RDS SSL/TLS Certificates - Elastic Beanstalk
Basically, the installation of certification is only required when you use the SSL connection from your application to the RDS server. Regardless of the SSL connection, it is recommended to update the certificate of your server but it is not necessary when you did not use the SSL connection to the RDS.
Server-side Usage
When you use the SSL connection, you should change the certificate of the RDS server as soon as possible. Go to the RDS console, then you can find the Certificate update menu from the left menu list. Find your DB cluster, check and update your SSL right now or reserve the update for the next maintenance.
Client-side Usage
The details about the SSL certificate are noted in the documentation. From here, you can download the root CA certificate of rds 2019. The link is below.
This CA certificate is used to connect the rds server, e.g.
mysql -h
--ssl-ca=[full path]rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem --ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY
or add it to the Trusted Root CA for the client OS.
For example in Windows, you can run certmgr.msc and right-click the trusted root ca, import this certificate. In Mac, open keychain access and import this certificate. This is an option.
In order to change your CA Certificate on an Elastic Beanstalk environment by Amazon (AWS) do the following:
Log in to your console (
Click services and search for "RDS"
Inside RDS (RDS is where the databases from Beanstalk lives even though they are directly attached to the Beanstalk environment) click "Certificate Update" down in the right corner (there will be a very read notification on the link)
If you have any certificates to upgrade, they will show up here.
Click the RDS instance name (the weird aws name of the database server) aka "DB identifier"
(Well inside this you can see some more info about it under configuration), for instance your db username which could help you identify the instance if you have many and forgot to rename them.
Click Actions > Upgrade now (this will reboot your instance now) OR Actions > Upgrade at next window (choose this if you have a lot of traffic and many users, so it will be less disruptive ie not stop in the middle of the day but in the night according to the maintenance schedule of your location/server)
That's it. You do not need to install anything in your Beanstalk environment.
This is how we are managing SSL communication from Elastic Beanstalk to an external RDS PostgreSQL database. We add the following config file to .ebextensions (.ebextensions/rds.config):
command: mkdir -p /home/webapp/.postgresql
command: aws s3 cp s3://rds-downloads/rds-ca-2019-root.pem /home/webapp/.postgresql/root.crt
command: chown webapp:webapp /home/webapp/.postgresql/root.crt
command: chmod 400 /home/webapp/.postgresql/root.crt
The file downloads the certificate from the public S3 folder and places in the .postgresql folder as the root certificate. We are having a Java application and the JDBC driver successfully connects to RDS with SSL enabled.

How to connect to an AWS RDS MYSQL from an Amazon UX instance?

Problem explanation: Not able to connect to RDS-MYSQL instance from another EC2 instance. The other instance is an Amazon-Unix.
listed below are the things tried.
Checked the security group [allowed all].
Was trying to install MYSQL monitor.It wasn't successful.
Installed PHP, httpd successfully.
Updated my connect.php with the username password, dbname and with the endpoint details already.
Error message "mysql_native_passwordConnection closed by foreign host".
Do you mean Amazon RDS instance and you have MySQL DB installed on it. If that's what you are asking, you don't have access to instance level in AWS RDS, only DB level access is permitted. The instance is maintained by AWS, so that you can focus on the DB side.

AWS Data Pipeline Cannot Connect with RDS Mysql (connection time out)

I am stuck on making a AWS Data Pipeline which takes data from RDS Mysql to s3.
I ahve tried Template but failed alot. Then I made this self configured pipeline but still no success. Can anyone point out the problem by seeing the architect?
Here are the RDS MySQL Details -> NOTE <- that username in picture is different because I am using a separate user and the username in picture is administrator
This is the Data Pile Line Architect
Below are the settings of first block i.e Configuration
Below are the settings of RDS MySQL DataBase
Below are settings of EC2 Machine
Below are the Settings of SQL Data node - which i guess gets data from RDS
Below are the Settings of Copy Activity
Below are the settings of S3 Data Node - which i guess puts data on S3
Here is the ERROR LOG
I read that it could be an error due to VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) permissions but I am not sure how to add these settings as the server is a Production Server and I am afraid to perform this test. Can any one provide a solid solution please?
As previously mentioned, your ec2 instance is not able to contact the Database endpoint. Please use the link to configure the security groups correctly
To test this, spin up a ec2 instance in the subnet and telnet to the database endpoint to ensure the connection is fine. You can then resume the activation of your pipeline.
sudo yum install telnet
telnet hostname port

Accessing RDS from within a Docker container not getting through security group?

I'm attempting to run a webserver that uses an RDS database with EC2 inside a docker container.
I've setup the security groups so the EC2 host's role is allowed to access the RDS and if I try to access it from the host machine directly everything works correctly.
However, when I run a simple container on the host and attempt to access the RDS, it get's blocked as if the security group weren't letting it through. After a bunch of trial and error it seemed that indeed the containers requests aren't appearing to come from the EC2 host so the firewall says no.
I was able to work around this in the short-run by setting --net=host on the docker container, however this breaks a lot of great docker networking functionality like being able to map ports (ie, now I need to make sure each instance of the container listens on a different port by hand).
Has anyone found a way around this? It seems like a pretty big limitation to running containers in AWS if you're actually using any AWS resources.
Yes, containers do hit the public IPs of RDS. But you do not need to tune low-level Docker options to allow your containers to talk to RDS. The ECS cluster and the RDS instance have to be in the same VPC and then access can be configured through security groups. The easiest way to do this is to:
Navigate to the RDS instances page
Select the DB instance and drill in to see details
Click on the security group id
Navigate over to the Inbound tab and choose Edit
And ensure there is a rule of type MySQL/Aurora with source Custom
When entering the custom source, just start typing in the name of the ECS cluster and the security group name will be auto-completed for you
This tutorial has screenshots that illustrate where to go.
Full disclosure: This tutorial features containers from Bitnami and I work for Bitnami. However the thoughts expressed here are my own and not the opinion of Bitnami.
Figured out what was happening, posting here in case it helps anyone else.
Requests from within the container were hitting the public ip of the RDS rather than the private (which is how the security groups work). It looks like the DNS inside the docker container was using the google dns and that wouldn't do the AWS black magic of turning the rds endpoint into the private ip.
So for instance:
DOCKER_OPTS="--dns -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -g /mnt/docker"
The inbound rule for the RDS should be set to the private IP of the EC2 instance rather than the public IPv4.
As #adamneilson mentions, setting the Docker options are your best bet. Here is how to discover your Amazon DNS server on the VPC. Also the section Enabling Docker Debug Output in the Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide Troubleshooting mentions where the Docker options file is.
Assuming you are running a VPC block of the DNS would be
For CentOS, Red Hat and Amazon:
sed -i -r 's/(^OPTIONS=\")/\1--dns /g' /etc/sysconfig/docker
For Ubuntu and Debian:
sed -i -r 's/(^OPTIONS=\")/\1--dns /g' /etc/default/docker
When I tried to connect to AWS RDS in inside of docker container, I got "Access denied for user 'username'#'' (using password: YES)" error.
To solve this issue, I did below two ways:
I created new user and assigned grant.
$ CREATE USER 'newuser'#'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
$ GRANT ALL ON newuser#'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Added global DNS address into docker container when run docker, so that the docker container can resolve IP address of AWS RDS from domain name.
$ docker run --name backend-app --dns= -p 8000:8000 -d backend-app
Then I connected from inside of docker container to AWS RDS, successfully.
Note: Firstly, I tried second way. But I didn't solve the connection problem. When I tried both two ways, I was success.