SFML button triggers twice - c++

I'm using SFML to write game and I got small problem with my button. Here is function I use to check if button is clicked:
bool InputManager::isSpriteClicked(sf::Sprite object, sf::Mouse::Button button, sf::RenderWindow &window) {
if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(button)) {
sf::IntRect rect(object.getPosition().x, object.getPosition().y,
object.getGlobalBounds().width, object.getGlobalBounds().height);
if (rect.contains(sf::Mouse::getPosition(window))) {
return true;
return false;
It works almost fine, yet sometimes once I press this button, action is trigerred twice, like I double click it, even tho I didnt even release it yet. I tried to involve sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased but It actually wasnt helping too. What I want to achieve is of course just 1 action per 1 button press/release/whatever.
Here is example of my GameLoop if its needed
void GameState::handleUserInput() {
sf::Event evnt;
while (this->m_data->window.pollEvent(evnt)) {
if (this->m_data->input.isSpriteClicked(this->m_rollButton, sf::Mouse::Left, this->m_data->window)) {
void GameState::update(sf::Time dt) {
void GameState::draw() {

Short answer:
if (event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed)
Long story By the way, it's second link in google....

You're mixing two different approaches to manage user input
Input by events: used to manage those things that happen once and you want to be notified
Real time input: basically, poll repeatedly for input status (in this case, the mouse)
The general rule:
if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left))
// WHILE the left mouse button is being pressed, do something
if (event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed)
// WHEN the left mouse button has been pressed, do something
If you want to learn more, i recommend you to read this chapter (or better, the whole book) about SFML game dev.


How do I assign a value in an array when a mouse is pressed SFML C++

I am trying to make a program where you are allowed to select between an option of shapes, and then drawing it. To allow for multiple shapes I created a vector of a class which creates shapes (Shapes are set up with the chosen function). My problem is the mouse click is too long, so it assigns it to everything in the vector, so you can't create a new shape. Is there a problem in my logic, or is there a problem in the code?
Here is my attempt:
for (auto& it : onCanvas) {
if (Mouse::isButtonPressed(Mouse::Left)) {
if (mousepointer.getGlobalBounds().intersects(circleOption.getGlobalBounds())) {
if (mousepointer.getGlobalBounds().intersects(rectOption.getGlobalBounds())) {
if (mousepointer.getGlobalBounds().intersects(triOption.getGlobalBounds())) {
if (mousepointer.getGlobalBounds().intersects(it.shape.getGlobalBounds()) || it.dragging) {
it.dragging = true;
if (!Mouse::isButtonPressed) {
it.dragging = false;
Your source-code is a bit incomplete (what is onCanvas and mousepointer). But I guess the problem is that this snippet is called multiple times while your mouse is clicked. To avoid that you can do two thing.
In the first solution you use events, so you only add shapes when the state of the mousebutton changes (you can additionally listen to the MouseButtonReleased to simulate a full click):
if (event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed)
if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left)
// Hit Detection
or second solution you remember the last state of the button (probably do the mouse check once outside of the for loop):
bool mouse_was_up = true;
if (mouse_was_up && Mouse::isButtonPressed(Mouse::Left)) {
mouse_was_up = false;
for (auto& it : onCanvas) {
// Hit Detection
else if (!Mouse::isButtonPressed(Mouse::Left))
mouse_was_up = true;
I would rather stick to the first solution because when your click is too short and your gameloop is in another part of the game logic, you can miss the click.

SFML sf::Text::setFillColor is broken or am I doing something wrong?

The code I've written displays the sf::Drawable objects only for the top state of the state stack. Rendering works fine for everything, except the sf::Text type, that does not change the color of the text when button.getText().setFillColor(sf::Color:Red) is called. However, when I construct a button with a red text, whenever I try to set another color to that button, I only get a white text, no matter what color I request.
Here's where I change the color of a button:
void GameState_MainMenu::handleRealTimeInput()
for each (TextButton button in mButtons)
if (button.isSpriteClicked())
sf::Clock wait;
sf::Time timer = sf::Time::Zero;
timer = sf::seconds(0.15f);
while (wait.getElapsedTime() < timer)
and this is my Game::render() method:
void Game::render()
GameState *currentState = getActiveState();
if (currentState != nullptr)
Lastly, this is the draw method of the MainMenu state:
void GameState_MainMenu::draw()
for each (TextButton button in mButtons)
It's probably because you have a while loop in the GameState_MainMenu::handleRealTimeInput that the program is getting stuck in.
You can try to use threads, though that way could get pretty messy. I suggest revising your code.
Okay, so I figured out this had something to do with c++'s for each instruction. As soon as I switched to the classic array-like traversal, my buttons started changing colors. I'm not saying this is THE solution, just that it worked for me. If anyone has the same problem, you might want to check that.

SDL Mouse Click

So, I'm currently working on an options menu for my game, I have a button that when pressed it changes it's text to the next resolution in an array, so basically the user presses this button to change their resolution to the next string in the array.
My problem is getting the click event.
Right now, when the user presses the button, it returns true while the mouse is down, instead of when the mouse is pressed. I want to only return true in the mouse event when the mouse is pressed.
I've looked around, and everything I've found seems to be similar to what I've done or, as I said, returning true while the mouse is down, instead of the initial click.
My events are handled in a EventManager singleton, and here are the functions that I see as necessary:
My update function, this is where the event is polled, it is worth noting I'm using a private SDL_Event named "e".
void EventManager::update(){
SDL_GetMouseState(&mouseX, &mouseY);
case SDL_QUIT:
running = false;
My mousePress function, where I want a mouse press returned.
int EventManager::mousePress(){
return e.button.button;
return 0;
Instead of using SDL_GetMouseState(), which gets you the actual state of the mouse (thats probably where its name comes from ;) ), use the event you are polling. SDL should give you a SDL_MouseButtonEvent which contains the informations you need and should only be queued once.
See https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_MouseButtonEvent
Edit to clarify what i mean:
You would use something like this:
void EventManager::update(){
SDL_Event e;
case SDL_QUIT:
running = false;
//do whatever you want to do after a mouse button was pressed,
// e.g.:
Inside your mousePress-Function you can then test, which of the mouse buttons has been pressed:
void EventManager::mousePress(SDL_MouseButtonEvent& b){
if(b.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT){
//handle a left-click
This works, because SDL_PollEvent will only return exactly once for every Event. If theres no new Event, it will return an empty Event. So 1 click = 1 times SDL_PollEvent() with e being of type SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN afterwards and 1 times SDL_PollEvent() with e being of type SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP afterwards. If you call SDL_PollEvent() in between or afterwards, it will return 0 and leave e as an Empty Event, not calling the switch at all. If you respond to MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or MOUSEBUTTONUP or both is up to you...
I've also declared the SDL_Event a local variable to update(). Why? The Idea behind an Event is, that theres an Event-Object whenever some event has occured. Then you react to the event and forget about it. So theres no need to have a global variable. If you want to prevent constant construction/destruction, you can also declare it to be static. But thats just some hint, not related to your original question.

How to get the released button inside MouseReleaseEvent in Qt

In MouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e), is there a way to know which button was released without using a new variable ? I mean something like in the MousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) with e.buttons().
I tried e.buttons() in the releaseEvent it's not working (which is logical).
e is already a variable. Just use:
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) // Left button...
// Do something related to the left button
else if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) // Right button...
// Do something related to the right button
else if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) // Middle button...
// Do something related to the middle button
A switch statement also works. I prefer the series of if -- else if because they make it easier to handle evente modifiers, i.e., e->modifiers() in order to check for alt or control clicks. The series of if's is short enough not to create any burden on the program.
EDIT: Note that you should use the button() function, not its plural buttons() version. See the explanation in #Merlin069 answer.
The problem in the posted code is this: -
if(e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
As the Qt documentation states for the release event: -
... For mouse release events this excludes the button that caused the event.
The buttons() function will return the current state of the buttons, so since this is a release event, the code will return false, as it's no longer pressed.
However, the documentation for the button() function states:-
Returns the button that caused the event.
So you can use the button() function here.

SFML help (Using the Sleep function in <Windows.h>)

I need some help with my SFML/C++ code in Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition. I am trying to get my text (livesLeft) to "You Win!" Before the program sleeps. This is making the player know that he won. But instead, the program goes right to sleep and changes the text right as it is closing, so you only see it change for a few milliseconds. I can't even read it.
bool play = true;
bool win = false;
bool touchFinish = false;
int lives = 3;
sf::Font arial;
if(arial.loadFromFile("Fonts/arial.ttf") == 0)
return 1;
sf::Text livesLeft;
livesLeft.setString("Lives: ");
livesLeft.setPosition(0, 0);
sf::RectangleShape finish;
finish.setSize(sf::Vector2f(200, 600));
finish.setPosition(700, 0);
Those are my variables in use and this is my code where I'm trying to change the text:
livesLeft.setString("You Win!");
touchFinish = true;
win = true;
play = false;
I also forgot to add in that I do have the rendering at the end:
This is most likely due to the fact that you aren't calling the display method for you window. Telling the text to change simply prepares the next framebuffer to display the new text, but because you never tell the window to update its display before sleeping, it never displays the new framebuffer.
Here is a quick example of a simple program using SFML. Notice the window.display() method at the end of the main game loop.
You effectively want to be doing this:
play = false;
The reason why you need to update the display before hand again is because Sleep(5000); blocks the thread, essentially meaning that it sits at that call for 5000ms. Also, if you want to keep the previous items on the screen, you'll want to redraw those before window.display(); as well, since these won't be in the next framebuffer.