How to get a response of BatchWriteItem DocumentClient? - amazon-web-services

I'm going to put an item in two dynamodb tables. This is my request params of BatchWriteItem operation.
RequestItems: {
first_table: [{
PutRequest: {
Item: {
employee_id: '123',
company_id: '123',
job_position: 'manager'
second_table: [{
PutRequest: {
Item: {
facility_id: '123',
company_id: '123',
job_position: 'manager'
ReturnConsumedCapacity: "TOTAL"
My item is updated succefully but I get this response -
UnprocessedItems: {}
How can I get response with updated data? Thanks

Its not possible to get a response containing the items you have put using BatchWriteItem. PutItem can return overwritten values, but not new ones.
You might consider:
1) Using the data you already have. Afterall, you know the items have been written and you already have them.
2) If you want some statistics on your batchwrite you could use
"ReturnItemCollectionMetrics": "SIZE"
3) Query for the items after you have written them.


How to Search Nested Array of Object in DynamoDB

I am new to dynamoDb, i would like to search nested array properties. For ex my table has sample data given below
id: '123',
name: 'test',
subShops: [
shopId: '234',
shopName: 'New Shop'
shopId: '345',
shopName: 'New Shop 2'
id: '1234',
name: 'test2',
subShops: [
shopId: '2345',
shopName: 'New Shop 3'
shopId: '3456',
shopName: 'New Shop 4'
I want to search where name : ['test', 'test2', 'test3'] or subShops[].shopeName where ['New Shop', 'New Shop 2', ''New Shop 3].
I have existing code for only name : ['test', 'test2', 'test3']
const params: AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.ScanInput = {
ExpressionAttributeNames: { "#Id": "name" },
FilterExpression: `#Id in (${Object.keys(keyValues).toString()}) or contains (subShops, :category2)`,
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':category2': {
Please notice that DynamoDB (DDB) is mainly a hyperscale key-value serverless datastore with very limited query pattern and flexibility, you need to be ok with that to use it.
In each DDB table you can only define one hash key (pk), and up to 5 local secondary index (sort key) for querying. And you can have up to 20 Global Secondary Index (GSI)
In you example, you have hash key of "id", and then if you need to query by "name" only, you need to build a GSI with name as hash key, and included the needed fields in the projection. There is no way to query by "shopname" in sub shop array unless you "flaten" the JSON tree structure.
In short, if you want JSON tree level data query/manipulation and all of your data is JSON documents, i would suggest you to use Amazon DocumentDB which is MongoDB 4 compatible, or directly use MongoDB itself.

Update list items in dynamodb

My data structure in AWS DynamoDB looks like this:
{ key: 'roomNameOne',
value: {
attendees: ['A', 'B', 'C'] // this is a set,
wsConnections: [{ connectiondId: 'foo', domain: '' }, { connectiondId: 'bar', domain: '' }]
{ key: 'roomNameTwo',
value: {
attendees: ['X', 'Y', 'Z'],
wsConnections: [{ connectiondId: 'foo', domain: '' }, { connectiondId: 'bar', domain: '' }]
Now when I get a request that connectionId: foo is lost, I want to remove that entry from all the items.
So after DynamoDB update operation my list should look like this:
{ key: 'roomNameOne',
value: {
attendees: ['A', 'B', 'C'] // this is a set,
wsConnections: [{ connectiondId: 'bar', domain: '' }]
{ key: 'roomNameTwo',
value: {
attendees: ['X', 'Y', 'Z'],
wsConnections: [{ connectiondId: 'bar', domain: '' }]
Can you please help me with the query for update? The trick here is I don't know the room names, but while connection, I am aware of what all room names a connection is interested in.
Unfortunately, DynamoDB does not allow for this type of operation on a complex attribute (e.g. list of maps).
Modeling one-to-many relationships using complex attributes is a useful pattern. However, one of the drawbacks of this approach is that you won't be able to perform the types of operations you're describing.
If you have access patterns that require you to update wsConnections, you might consider modeling the relationship by making each entry of the wsConnections list it's own item in DynamoDB. For example
Storing your data in this way would make it easier for you to remove connections. For example, if you wanted to remove bar from your connections, you could perform the following operation
Key: {PK: "roomNameOne", SK: "wsConnection#bar"}
EDIT: If you don't have access to the PK, your only option is a scan operation.
"TableName": "YOUR TABLE NAME",
"FilterExpression": "contains(#key, :value)",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":value": {
"S": "foo"
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#key": "connections"
This will scan the entire database looking for items whose connections attribute contains "foo". This will let you fetch the list of items, which you can then update and persist back to DDB.
This approach is not ideal. The scan operation will search the entire database, which can be horribly inefficient. You'd also have to issue multiple requests to DDB; one to fetch and one to update. multiple roundtrips aren't the end of the world, but again, not ideal.
To unlock more flexible and efficient access patterns, it would be ideal to get the data out of the wsConnections list attribute. As long a the data is buried in a complex attribute, your options will be limited.

How to resolve custom nested graphql query with Apollo CacheRedirects

We are using apollo-client in a react project. We made a cursor level on top of any list queries. For example:
query MediaList($mediaIds: [ID!], $type: [MediaType!], $userId: ID!) {
user {
medias_cursor(all_medias: true, active: true, ids: $mediaIds) {
medias {
Now for different MediaList query, the Media Objects might already exist in cache but we can not use it to skip network query. For example:
After we query medias_cursor({"all_medias":true,"active":true,"ids":["361","362","363"]}),
we've already got the three Media objects here - (Media:361, Media:362, Media:363).
So when we try to query medias_cursor({"all_medias":true,"active":true,"ids":["361","363"]}, we should have everything we need in the cache already. But right now, the apollo default behavior will just pass the cache and hit the network.
We tried to add a cacheRedirects config to solve this problem like this:
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
cacheRedirects: {
User: {
medias_cursor: (_, { ids }, { getCacheKey }) => {
if (!ids) return undefined
return {
medias: map(ids, id => {
return getCacheKey({ __typename: 'Media', id: id })
We are expecting that the cacheRedirects would help us to use the cache when it's available, but now it will skip the cache anyway.

Apollo: Refetch queries that have multiple variable permutations after mutation

Let's say I have a table that lists a bunch of Posts using a query like:
const PostsQuery = gql`
query posts($name: string) {
posts {
const query = apolloClient.watchQuery({query: PostsQuery});
next: (posts) => console.log(posts) // [ {name: "Post 1", id: '1', status: 'pending' }, { name: "Paul's Post", id: '2', status: 'pending'} ]
Then later my user comes along and enters a value in a search field and calls this code:
query.setVariables({name: 'Paul'})
It fetches the filtered posts and logs it out fine.
// [ { name: "Paul's Post", id: '2', status: 'pending'} ]
Now, in my table there is a button that changes the status of a post from 'Pending' to 'Active'. The user clicks that and it calls code like:
const PostsMutation = gql`
mutation activatePost($id: ID!) {
activatePost(id: $id) {
object {
apolloClient.mutate({mutation: PostsMutation});
All is well with the mutation, but now I want to refetch the table data so it has the latest, so I make a change:
mutation: PostsMutation,
refetchQueries: [{query: PostsQuery, variables: {name: 'Paul'}]
Hurray, it works!
// [ { name: "Paul's Post", id: '2', status: 'active'} ]
But... now my user clears the search query, expecting the results to update.
// [ {name: "Post 1", id: '1', status: 'pending' }, { name: "Paul's Post", id: '2', status: 'pending'} ]
Oh no! Because the data was not refetched in our mutation with our "original" variables (meaning none), we are getting stale data!
So how do you handle a situation where you have a mutation that may affect a query that could have many permutations of variables?
I had a similar issue, I am using Apollo with Angular, so I am not sure if this method will work with React Client, but it should.
If you look closely at refetchQueries properties on the mutate method, you will see that the function can also return a string array of query names to refetch. By returning just the query name as a string, you do not need to worry about the variables. Be advised that this will refetch all the queries matching the name. So if you had a lot queries with different variables it could end up being a large request. But, in my case it is worth the trade off. If this is a problem, you could also get access to the queryManager through apolloClient.queryManager which you could use to do some more fine grained control of what to refetch. I didn't implement it, but it looked very possible. I found the solution below fits my needs fine.
In your code, what you need to do is:
mutation: PostsMutation,
refetchQueries: (mutationResult) => ['PostQueries']
This will refetch any query with the name 'PostQueries'. Again, it is possible to only refetch a subset of them if you dig into the queryManager and do some filtering on the active watch queries. But, that is another exercise.

Define graphQLSchema properly in Node.js

Doing graphQL first time.I searched for resources but could not found a helpful one.
I have written the following schema, got some help from another stackoverflow post.
function getDataFromUrl(){
return [
"EventCode": "ET00029280",
"EventType": "CT",
"EventTitle": "OYSTERS Beach Park",
"VenueName": "Newexcelsior",
"VenueRegion": "Mumbai"
"EventCode": "ET00030629",
"EventType": "CT",
"EventTitle": "Stand-Up Comedy: The Trial Room",
"VenueName": "Newexcelsior",
"VenueRegion": "Mumbai"
const eventType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Event',
fields: {
EventTitle: {
type: GraphQLString,
description: 'Event Title'
const eventListType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'EventList',
fields: {
events: {
type: new GraphQLList(eventType),
description: 'List of items',
const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: {
eventList: {
type: new GraphQLList(eventListType),
resolve: () => getDataFromUrl(),
module.exports = schema;
When I query
eventList {
events {
I get this response:
"data": {
"eventList": [
"events": null
"events": null
I am expecting some changes in my schema, however my desired response is
"data": [
"EventTitle": "OYSTERS Beach Park"
"EventTitle": "Stand-Up Comedy: The Trial Room"
Please also suggest some links where I learn basics.
It looks like what's tripping you up the most right now is how you're defining a list. There's no need to define a separate type called EventList -- when you specify GraphQLList(someOtherType) you are already telling GraphQL to expect an array of that particular type. Your current Schema is expecting an array of an array of types. Because the structure of the data you're passing in doesn't match your schema, GraphQL can't find a field called EventTitle to match against and so it's returning null.
The fix in this case is to just get rid of eventListType altogether and change the type of your eventList field to eventType instead.
The docs for GraphQL.js are probably going to be your best bet as far as learning the basics. The only problem is the examples they include are way too basic. Here is a list of projects on GitHub that you can checkout to see GraphQL in action.
If you are starting out, I would also highly recommend using Apollo's graphql-tools. Even if you don't use Apollo on the client-side, graphql-tools makes it ridiculously easy to set up the server. Your schema would be much more readable, since you would write it as string rather than an object like you do in vanilla GraphQL.js. And you can easily set up a GraphiQL endpoint in addition to your GraphQL one, which makes debugging much easier :)