Users for multiple sites in Django - django

I am trying to get multiple sites to use the same database and code but in a way which forces each user to have their own login to each site.
I have seen a few suggestions as to how to make this work but I'm not sure which way to go.
I am using the Sites Framework, using the subdomain to identify the current site so I'm not using SITE_ID at all.
Use the sites framework - This answer ( suggests using the sites framework to do it, but I'm having trouble with the get_user() method, as it doesn't have access to the request and that's where my site info is stored.
Use separate databases for users - I'm really not sure about this one but I think it might cause bigger problems down the line.
Change to using SITE_ID - I want to try and avoid this if possible as it will mean having to run many different instances of my app, one for each site, which uses it's own This will quickly turn into a nightmare, I think.
Permissions - I'm wondering if this should be something that I get the permissions framework to use? So one set of users for all sites but each user can have permissions to see each site, as long as they've registered with that site?
Can anyone help with this?
I quite like the idea of number 1 but I just need to get the request in the get_user() method so I can do this
def get_user(self, user_id):
# I can't do this because there is no request available here
return User.objects.get(pk=user_id,
except User.DoesNotExist:
return None
to prevent people logged in to one site being able to log into another using the same session.

How I actually do it, not for users but for common databases, Is to design a main, hidden app with a REST API architecture. My other apps, naturally have their own DB and exchange their data via batch or stream process depending on the need. I use django-rest-framework.
For your case what I would do is that whenever a user makes a Log In request I would send it via HTTPS to my main database and get it authenticated in my main app. Whenever I would need to validate the user status I would simply make a get request to the main app.
This architecture is not that different from the one that many mobile apps have.
I hope it helps.


handling multiple users in a flask application

I have an simple login-based application that serves different pages to different users. Problem im facing here is when two users are logging in at once from two different systems. if user A comes in and B loggs in then when A refreshes his/her page user A can see What user B can see. does flask app not handle two processes at a time?
or should i just use another server on this for the support.
or is there a way i can implement threading for this purpose.
i found uwsgi but i have no idea about it but can it serve my purpose in any way?
Please help me on this i have been working on this for a month now and i could not find a legit answer for this one.
Use sessions , have strong app secret key and have a database such as SQLAlchemy

Django 1.8: Password Protect Entire Project

I have built my first Django App! It is built to help my business track inventory. As such, I would not like it to be publicly available.
Maybe someday I will set up multiple user accounts, etc, but for now I really just need a basic password gate to get it up and running.
Does anyone have any middleware that works for this? All the solutions that I am finding are pretty old and they do not seem to work with the latest version of Django.
If you just need a single username/password couple, handling it directly via HTTP authentication in your webserver configuration will be the easiest way to achieve this. The benefits of this approach are:
You can set it up in 5 minutes: example with nginx, example with apache
You don't have to write code you'll delete later
It will protect all your website, including static files, third-party apps, admin, etc.
I found an answer that worked for me posted here:
#login_required for multiple views
Make sure the LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS path is correctly set to your login page.

How to authenticate against Django from Drupal?

I have a medium sized Drupal 6 site running (around 5 million page views per month and more than 30K registered users) and I need to integrate OSQA, a Django application, with it. I already have many users, roles and permissions in my Drupal database and I'd like to point the Django app to use the sign up and login pages I already have in Drupal to give my users a single point on entrance.
I want to keep the Django authentication part because I think OSQA would work better. I also have performance reasons in mind, the Drupal site already gets a lot of traffic and has a very busy database and I think that using a separate database for Django would help.
After some research I think I could make the Drupal sign up and login pages call Django in the background to sign up or login to the Django app. I plan to do this writing a couple of views in Django, one for sign up and another for login, and Drupal would post the username and password to those views. Of course I'd need to disable CSRF in Django for those views and probably also post some secret key that only my Drupal and Django applications know about to avoid external sites trying to use this "unprotected" Django views.
I know that my Django application may need some user data from Drupal at some points and I'm planning on using the Drupal services module for that.
Would this be a good approach? Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!
Are there any plugins for OSQA to expose an authentication service that Drupal can talk to? (OpenID or similar).
Alternatively, check out Drupal's ldap_integration module for an example of a module that uses an external authentication service. Consider that you will need to create Drupal user accounts for each login.
Finally, why not just build the essential parts of OSQA's functionality with Drupal? Seems like the key functionality could be replicated quite easily using Taxonomy, Vote Up and Userpoints/User Badges... potentially easier to do than shared authentication, especially on a large site.
I once created a very simple [sql_authentication][1] module, which you can probably simply re-create for a more recent version of Drupal.
The idea is simple: provide Drupal with an alternative authentication callback.
In that callback-function, just check against the Django database, and return TRUE if you think the user is correct.
You could look at how openid.module (in core) extends the user-authentication for a simple example.
If you can post to the Django form, you may be able to use drupal_http_request to handle the call to Django. After using the ldap_integration module for a while, I worked on a custom authentication module that calls a Java-based REST authentication API using drupal_http_request. If you're interested in the code, let me know.

User permissions Django for serving media

I want to set up a Django server that allows certain users to access certain media. I'm sure this can't be that hard to do and I'm just being a little bit silly.
For example I want USER1 to be able to access JPEG1, JPEG2 and JPEG3 but not JPEG4, and USER2 to be able to access JPEG3 and JPEG 4.
[I know I should be burnt with fire for using Django to serve up media, but that's what I'm doing at the moment, I'll change it over when I start actually running on gas.]
You can send a file using django by returning the file in the request as shown in Vazquez-Abrams link.
However, you would probably do best by using mod_xsendfile in apache (or similar settings in lighttpd) due to efficiency. Django is not as fast at sending it, one way to do so while keeping the option of using the dev server's static function would be
As to what user should be able to access what jpeg, you will probably have to implement this yourself. A simple way would be to create an Image model with a many-to-many field to users with access and a function to check if the current user is among those users. Something along the line of:
if image.users_with_access.filter(
return HttpResponse(image.get_file())
With lots of other code of course and only as an example. I actually use a modified mod_xsend in my own project for this very purpose.
You just need to frob the response appropriately.
You can put the media in and set up a media/(?P<file>.*) in to point to a view blahview that checks the user and their permissions within:
from you_shouldve_made_one_anyways import handler404
def blahview(request,*args,**kwargs):
if cannot_use( request.user, kwargs['username'] ): return handler404(request)
Though just to be clear, I do not recommend serving media through Django.

Django Admin - Re-authentication?

I'm in a bit of a dilemma at the moment regarding Django's admin backend. The default authentication system allows already logged-in users that have staff privileges to access the admin site, however it just lets them straight in.
This doesn't feel “right” to me, and I'm wondering if it would be difficult to at least require a re-authentication of that same session in order to get into the backend.
Preferably though, it'd be good if the frontend sessions could be separated from the backend ones (though still using the same user objects), this would allow a clean separation of both parts of the site. Would this perhaps require two separate authentication backends? Would something like this be difficult to achieve?
Here's an idea: run the admin app on a different domain to the frontend. The cookies won't be valid in the other domain, so the user will have to log in again. All you'd need would be a separate Apache vhost and a basic that just has contrib.admin in INSTALLED_APPS.
You could probably implement a middleware that asks for authentication when accessing the admin site from a referer not in the admin site. It could log the person out and make them log back in, but even that wouldn't be necessary. Just require another password entry, and redirect them if it fails. It might involve setting a session variable, is_admin_authenticated or something.