How can i retrieve the PONumber -

When I charge a credit card in, along with the createTransactionRequest I send along also a poNumber. This appears in the admin portal alongside all transaction details.
But when I retrieve the batches via the API to see what was charged/settled etc., I dont see any ponumber
Here is a sample of what I get back
<product>Card Not Present</product>
Is there any way to get back the poNumber as well? It is very important for me.
PS. I don't need specifically the ponumber, any arbitrary field/tag would be fine for me.


Cold Fusion Where do place the code for cfschedule?

I want to set up a simple scheduled task in ColdFusion. I will not have access to the Administrator. So I plan to use<cfschedule. The web is teeming with examples of how to write a cfschedule tag. But I cannot find any explanation of where to put the code.
Do I place it on any .cfm page? Must it go in the index.cfm or Application.cfm? Or what?
I also could not find any explanation of how the scheduling code is initiated. Is it sufficient that the cfschedule code should be somewhere in the application? And if not, what should I do to make sure it runs.
These questions feel stupid to me, but I just can't find answers. Can anyone enlighten me?.cfm
Off the top of my head I didn't know, so I googled cfschedule example and looked at this page.
The first example was to create or update a task. It says, tell ColdFusion to run 'importData.cfm' daily at 7AM
startTime="7:00 AM"
interval="daily" />
My interpretation of that is that you put a <cfschedule> tag with a action="update" attribute on a page on the relevant server, and run it once. If it was me, I'd make it page with only the <cfschedule> tag followed by the word, done.
To test this theory, write a page that sends you a simple email. Then schedule that page as I just described and see if you get the email at the scheduled time.

Need assistance fine turning capturing response XSLT

Below is the results of a request and I'm trying to capture the EFTCardNum MaskVal
<EFTCardNum MaskVal="123456******1234">1234560000123456</EFTCardNum>
For response I'm currently using.
<xsl:value-of select="s:Envelope/s:Body/a:EFTCardInqResponse[a:EFTCardNum/#MaskVal]/a:EFTCardNum"/>
And I'm only bringing back "1234560000123456" and need to bring back the masked section "123456******1234". Hope this is enough information.

Sage 300 (accpac) SDATA: Create Order

I'm attempting to use the Sage SDATA Rest Service to create an order. So far I can't seem to find what components make up an order in oeorders. Here's the Endpoint that I'm trying to hit:
[POST] http://{company}/SDataServlet/sdata/sageERP/accpac/{org}/oeorders/
So, how do I figure out what elements are required in my payload?
Figured out what was going wrong. You have to use POST when shipping a new order, not PUT. The most minimal payload seems to be the following:
<entry xmlns:sdata=""
<oeorder xmlns="">

MailChimp: How to use conditional logic with RSS feeds

I have searched MailChimp's documentation as well as other sites but cannot seem to figure out how to use both conditional merge tag blocks with |FEED| merge tags.
Basically I am wanting to combine the two in order to include posts from multiple blogs in my e-mail campaign; in particular, I would like to use conditional logic so that any RSS feeds evaluated as "empty" (meaning no new items) receive alternative content that says something along the lines of "no updates available."
I have tried to come up with a few ways of doing this - none have been successful, but here's the type of thing I had in mind:
*|IF:FEED:POSTS[$content=full] != |*
no updates available for this feed
any help would be appreciated.
Well, this question is from ages ago, but I had a similar problem and figured out a (really hacky) work-around...
1. You're using a (very) custom RSS feed
2. You're overriding the default RSS tags with custom content
In my use case, I'm using the <category> RSS tag, which MailChimp reads in via the *FEEDITEM:CATEGORY* merge tag. I'm using this as a subheading for my RSS feed, instead.
If that subheading is filled out in the admin (that is, whatever admin system you're using to spit out the RSS feed), I want to include it in the feed -- but I also need to add in more html for the email template. The solution is including the required html in the RSS feed. (Like I said -- hacky.)
Shockingly, this works. Mailchimp dutifully pulls in all the html/css.
The RSS feed (vastily simplied here) looks something like this:
<category><![CDATA[ <table><td><tr><div class="example">Sub Headline</div></tr></td> ]]></category>
If that field is not set in my custom admin, then no <category> tags at all are outputted, and MailChimp simply ignores that merge tag.
So basically, any email HTML code that you want to display only if the merge tag is valid, should show up in the feed itself.
Definitely not ideal, but it works.
MailChimp is still very limited with it's conditional tags, which are limited to subscriber data. RSS feed conditions would be a welcome addition.

C++ XML-RPC Calling

I haven't seen any documentation for calling XML-RPC by inputing certain strings and get respone of some strings in c++ by connecting to an XML API. This is a documentation provided by the server. I can't figure out how to do this
A client can interact with a Pandorabot by POST'ing to:
The form variables the client needs to POST are:
botid - see H.1 above.
input - what you want said to the bot.
custid - an ID to track the conversation with a particular customer. This variable is optional. If you don't send a value Pandorabots will return a custid attribute value in the <result> element of the returned XML. Use this in subsequent POST's to continue a conversation.
This will give a text/xml response. For example:
<result status="0" botid="c49b63239e34d1d5" custid="d2228e2eee12d255">
<that>Hi there!</that>
The <input> and <that> elements are named after the corresponding AIML elements for bot
input and last response.
If there is an error, status will be non-zero and there will be a human readable <message> element included describing the error.
For example:
<result status="1" custid="d2228e2eee12d255">
<message>Missing botid</message>
The easiest way to communicate via HTTP in C++ is to use a library designed for that purpose. For example, libcurl provides all the facilities you would need to send and receive the kind of requests and responses you showed in the question.