Visual Studio: how to control specific configuration parameters on student PCs? - c++

Can anyone tell me how to control default configuration parameters in VS 2017 C++? The scenario is that we generate one sample PC with the software we want (Win10, VS2017, et cetera), and this image is cloned onto about 100 PCs in student CS labs.
The two specific things I would like to control are (1) use of precompiled headers and (2) message C4706 (= versus == in an if condition). There are some others, but these are at top of the list.
I know students could fix this themselves, but so many are confused in the first few weeks of an introductory programming class that I don't want to try that.
A search of MSDN has not been productive, but I probably am using the wrong search terms.
Thank you in advance!

You could also edit the default platform property pages found at \\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0, Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props and Microsoft.Cpp.x64.user.props
I'm not sure how you would automatically distribute those files but so long as you are using MSBuild as the build system anything in those files is picked up prior to project-specific settings.

There are two ways I can think of:
Change the default settings in property pages for each configuration
Create a custom project template with all the project settings necessary. This will only affect new projects created with this template. Also it will keep the default template intact and will probably allow students to experiment a bit more.

For enabling Precompiled header.
Right click your project->Properties->( a property pages window appears)Configuration Properties-> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers -> (on the right side) Select Use(/Yu) by clicking Precompiled Header.
And for suppressing C4706, set compiler warning to level less than 4
Right click your project->Properties->( a property pages window appears)Configuration Properties-> C/C++ -> General ->Warning Level to less than 4
To retain the settings and share with others....
I do not have proper VS2017.... Can you try as said below.....
First export the existing project settings using
project(visual studio menu)->Export template.... continue and and save the template and make a note of the path....
usually by default the templates is saved in below path as a zip file.
C:\Users\<>\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\My Exported Templates
Now copy the zip file and and put it in
C:\Users\<>\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C++ Project
Check if your template is automatically picked up.
If not open visual studio command prompt tool and run
devenv /installvstemplates.


Libraries VS2015

Good evening
I'm trying to set up a development environment on my newly Boot-Camped Windows 10.
I know how to link the include/lib in VS. On my Mac all my external libraries and include files are at either:
/use/local/ or /opt/local/
I'm wondering whether there is an easy way to do this on windows, or are there a way to force VS to always look in a particular dir?
VS has the concept of property sheets which basically are a predefined set of properties for your project. Every C++ project includes by default few property sheets and there's even a special property sheet called Microsoft.Cpp.[Platform].user where [Platform] is either Win32 or x64. By editing the contents of this file you can set the paths for all your projects (or other arbitrary values such as macros).
To edit these files do either of the following:
Make a new CPP project in VS. Go to View->Other Windows->Property Manager. This will show a new pane in the current window and from there you can find the property sheet and edit as you see fit. This approach has the benefit of being more user-friendly as VS provides some nice GUI. Here's one tutorial
Find the files themselves (they are located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0), open them using your favourite text editor and do your magic. The files are XML-based so it's not awfully difficult.

Need to set a comman library file for all projects of a single solution Visual studio 2010

I need some help to add a .*lib file for my solution and this solution has many projects.
I am going to make it more clear. Lets i have a "ABC.sln" solution in visual studio 2010. This ABC.sln has several projects (VC++ Project (1,2,3....*vcxproj) and these 1, 2 and 3 projects required a 123comman.lib file in the linker option of their respective projects.
Currently i add this library file in all three projects and it works fine but i think there must be some way to set this library file as a common stuff for all projects inside a solution. So that i just set it once and all projects can share it.
Is it possible ? if yes how can we do that ?
VS2010 introduced the concept of Property Pages, which is distinct and separate from Project Settings. Property Pages are similar to Project Settings in that you can specify things like additional dependencies, language rules, optimization settings, etc. But unlike Project Settings, Property Pages use a different file to store these settings, and these files can be shared across all (or any) projects in your solution.
Documentation for Property Pages is here -- I'll leave the details up to you. But to get started, go to View > Property Manager, open up one of your projects, create a new property page for a given platform (x64 Debug, x64 Release, etc), and set your settings. Then you can use this Property Page in your other projects.
Projects can share configuration via property sheets. You can create them in the project configuration tree by right-clicking a project and selecting "add property sheet" or something like that (been a while). In a property sheet, you can specify the import, and then you can add the property sheet to all other projects as well.
This does not reduce the initial work: you still have to add something to every project. Solutions do not have the ability to inject anything into projects; they're a completely different file format.
However, it does save you work if you then have to do another task that is common to all projects, like changing the library name you want to include, or adding another library. Then you only have to do it once, in the property sheet.
Make a NuGet package out of this library, and use the package manager to add the dll to all projects.
An in-depth description of how to generate a NuGet package for C++ code can be found here.
If you do it this way, it only takes a single click per project (to enable the checkbox when adding the package in package manager) to add the library as dependency.
If your problem is only about sharing the same file among different projects in a single solution. You can add the file at solution level and then do add existing items in individual projects and choose to add them as link.
This way you have only one copy of file that is shared.

Visual Studio 2010 default property sheets seem linked under both debug and release configurations, what's up?

I'm trying to alter the default property sheet on a new install of Visual Studio 2010 for C++ projects. Just trying to add a few directories (for Boost etc.) and optimisation settings for release builds, basic stuff like that. Obviously there are some settings that I want to be different for different configurations. Problem is that whatever I try from the property manager window of my project, everything I do seems to affect both configurations.
I tried multi-selecting both -> right click -> properties initially, to set up common settings, and that did exactly the same thing as selecting Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.User under either debug or release. So everything affects both configs.
Now, as I understand it, Microsoft.Cpp.Win32... is a single file (at least, a single file for x86 configs, single file for x64 etc.) so the fact that I can't change the configs individually actually makes some degree of sense. But if I can't do it that way, how can I do it?
Appreciate any advice!
Short answer: you can't. See comment discussion under question.

Import Existing C++ Source Code into Visual Studio

I am trying to import an existing c++ application's source into visual studio to take advantage of some specific MS tools. However, after searching online and playing with visual studio, I cannot seem to find an easy way to import existing c++ source code into visual studio and keep it structurally intact.
The import capacity I did find flattens out the directories and puts them all into one project. Am I missing something?
(This is all unmanaged C++, and contains specific builds for win/unix)
With no project/solution loaded, in Visual Studio 2005 I see this menu item:
File > New Project From Existing Code...
After following the wizard, my problem is solved!
Switching the "Show All Files" button shows the complete hierarchy with all directories and files within.
If the New Project From Existing Code... option isn't available, you'll need to add it in Tools > Customize...
I am not aware of any general solution under the constraints given - specifically having to create many projects from a source tree.
The best option I see is actually creating the project files by some script.
Creating a single project manually (create empty project, then add the files),
Configure it as close as possible as desired (i.e. with precompiled headers, build configurations, etc.)
Use the .vcproj created as skeleton for the project files to be created
A very simple method would file list, project name etc. with "strange tokens", and fill them in with your generator. If you want to be the good guy, you can of course use some XML handling library.
Our experience: We actually don't store the .vcproj and .sln in the repository (git) anymore, but a python script that re-genrates them from the source tree, together with VS 2008 "property sheet templates" (or whatever they are called). This helps a lot making general adjustments.
The project generation script contains information about all the projects specialties (e.g. do they use MFC/ATL, will it create DLL or an EXE, files to exclude).
In addition, this script also contains dependencies, which feeds the actual build script.
This works quite well, the problems are minor: python requried in build systems, not forgetting to re-gen the project files, me having to learn some python to make adjustments to some projects.
#Michael Burr "How complex are the python scripts and whatever supporting 'templates' you might need?"
I honestly can't tell, since I gave the task to another dev (who picked python). The original task was to provide a build script, as the VS2008 solution build was not good enough for our needs, and the old batch file didn't support parallelization. .vcproj generation was added later. As I understand his script generates the .vcproj and .sln files from scratch, but pulls in all the settings from separate property sheets.
Adding new configurations on the fly. Some of the projects already had six configurations, and planning for unicode support meant considering doubling them for a while. Some awkward tools still build as MBCS, so some libs do have 8 configs now. Configuring that from hand is a pain, now it just doesn't bother me anymore.
Global changes, e.g. moving around relative project paths, the folder for temp files and for final binaries until we found a solution we were happy with
Build Stability. Merging VC6 project files was a notable source of errors for various reasons, and VC9 project files didn't look better. Now things seem isolated better: compile/link settings in the property sheets, file handling in the script. Also, the script mostly lists variations from our default, ending up easier to read than a project file.
Generally: I don't see a big benefit when your projects are already set up, they are rather stable, and you don't have real issues. However, when moving into the unknown (for us: mostly VC6 -> VC9 and Unicode builds), the flexibility reduced the risk of experiments greatly.
Create a new empty solution and add your source code to it.
For example,
Visual C++>Win32>Win32 Console Application
Application Settings>
- Uncheck "Precompiled Header"
- Check "Empty Project"
Project is then created. To add existing code:
Project>Add Existing Item...>
- Select file(s) to add
Recompile, done!
In the "Solution Explorer" you can click on the "Show All Files" button to have Visual Studio display the files as they exist on the file system (directories and all).
In my opinion this is an imperfect workaround, but I believe it's the best available. I'm unaware of a plug-in, macro or other tool that'll import a directory into an actual project with folders that mirror the file system's.
I know this question is already marked correct, but I was able to import existing code into a project with Visual Studio 2008 by doing "File" -> "New Project from existing code". The directory structure of my code was retained.
You can always switch view from project menu
For eg. Project->Show All Files
The above will display the files in unformated raw file system order
Not sure of older versions but it works on VS 2010
I understand you, I have the same problem: many .cpp and .h files organized in many folders and subfolders with include paths written for this folder structure. The only way you can do to import this folder structure together with the source files is to use "Show All Files" and then right-click on folders and select "Import in Project". This works for me when I am using C-Sharp projects. But it does not work for my C++ Projects. I am still searching for a solution...

Force VSProps settings to override project settings

I have a vsprops file that defines the optimizations all of our projects should be built with for Visual Studio 2008. If I set the properties for the project to "inherit from parent of project defaults" it works, and fills them in the vcproj file. However, this doesn't protect me from a developer checking in a project file that changes the optimizations. In this case, the project settings are used over the vsprops settings. I need to make it so that vsprops always takes precedence over what is in the vcproj file. Is this possible? Other workarounds are also welcome.
Hmya, that's just not how Visual Studio was designed. It is quite free from "boss override" switches, it gives its user unfettered access to configuration settings. Which ought to make sense to you, a developer can do far more damage with his code than with tinkering settings. If a dev intentionally changes an optimization setting then, surely, it is because he profiled the code and determined a better setting.
Anyhoo, Visual Studio isn't just useful to the dev, it is also useful to you. Write a little utility that parses the .vcproj file and checks if the optimization settings were overridden. It is a simple .xml file, you'll need about 5 lines of code. Run it in a pre-build event on your build grunt and fail the build if you deem it inappropriate. Dealing with the pissed-off developer cannot be automated however.
The only advice I can give is, if you open up the Property Manager for the project, and Right Click on one of the Configuration folders, it should popup a menu with an item called "Overidden Properties..." which in turn opens a dialog box that lists each property set in the project configuration that overrides a property sheet property sheet - along with the facility to select some or all, and delete the overrides.