Does Bison allow "?" in its syntax - c++

I am trying to write Grammar for java specification
for example:-
but it doesn't work
I have the following error:
invalid character: `?'
for each question mark I use in my file.y
I know that Bison has special characters and it should handle it
Please help

Bison does not allow a ? meaning that the prior token is optional, you have to write out the grammar with the optional elements:
package_decl_opt: %empty
package: package)_dec_opt TOKEN_PACKAGE TOKEN_IDENTIFIER
would allow both of the following:

As you have seen, bison does not implement the ? regular expression optionality operator. Nor does it implement + or * repetition operators. That's because the right-hand sides of productions in contex-free grammars are not regular expressions.
Yacc/bison context-free grammars do allow the | alternation operator, but as an abbreviation:
a : b | c
Is exactly the same as writing
a : b
a : c
and semantic actions only apply to the alternative in which they are specified, so that
a : b | c { /* C action; */ }
Is equivalent to:
a : b { /* Implicit default action*/ }
a : c { /* C action; */ }
It is tempting to create X_opt non-terminals to capture the semantics of X?:
X_opt: X | %empty { $$ = default_value; }
In many simple cases that will work fine, but there are also many grammars in which that introduces an unnecessary shift-reduce conflict. Consider, for example:
label: IDENT ':'
label_opt: label | %empty
statement: label_opt expr
Since expr can start with an identifier, there is no way to know if an IDENT token starts a label or if it starts an expr following an empty label_opt. But LR(1) requires that the empty label_opt be reduced before the IDENT is consumed. So the above grammar is LR(2) and cannot be correctly parsed by an LR(1) parser.
That problem does not occur without the use of the label_opt shortcut:
label: IDENT ':'
statement: label expr
| expr
Since the parser now does not have decide between label and expr before the ':' is encountered.


Grammar to Lex/Yacc

I have been tasked with a project that involves me taking a Grammar (in BNF form) and creating a lexical scanner (using lex) and a parser (using bison). I've never worked with any of these programs and I think a good reference would be to see how these items are created from a grammar. I am looking for a grammar and it's associated .l and .ypp files, preferably in C++. I've been able to find sample files or sample grammars, but not both of them. I've spent some time searching and I could not find anything. I figure I'd post here in hopes that someone has something for me, but I will continue searching in the meantime.
I am currently reading Tom Niemann's which seems to be pretty well written and understandable.
Edit: I am still searching, I am starting to think that what I am looking for does not exist. Google usually never fails me!
Edit 2: Maybe if I provide some of the grammar, you folks could show me what the appropriate .l and .ypp files would look like. This is just a snippet of the grammar, I just need a little 'taste' of how this works and I think I can take it from there.
Program ::= Compound
Statements ::= Compound | Assignment | ...
Assignment ::= Var ASSIGN Expression
Expression ::= Var | Operator Expression Expression | Number
Compound := START Statements END
Number ::= NUMBER
Assignment is the equal sign ":="
Var is an identifier that begins with a lower case letter and is followed by lower case letters or digits
START is the "start" keyword
END is the "end keyword
Operator is "+", "-", "*", "/"
Number is decimal digits which could potentially be negative (minus sign in front)
Most of this is fairly straightforward. One part, however, is decidedly problematic. You've defined a number to (potentially) include a leading -, and that's a problem.
The problem is pretty simple. Given an input like 321-123, it's essentially impossible for the lexer (which won't normally keep track of current state) to guess at whether that's supposed to be two tokens (321 and -123 or three 321, -, 123). In this case, the - is almost certainly intended to be separate from the 123, but if the input were 321 + -123 you'd apparently want -123 as a single token instead.
To deal with that, you probably want to change your grammar so the leading - isn't part of the number. Instead, you always want to treat the - as an operator, and the number itself is composed solely of the digits. Then it's up to the parser to sort out expressions where the - is unary vs. binary.
Taking that into account, the lexer file would look something like this:
#include ""
%option noyywrap case-insensitive
:= { return ASSIGN; }
start { return START; }
end { return END; }
[+/*] { return OPERATOR; }
- { return MINUS; }
[0-9]+ { return NUMBER; }
[a-z][a-z0-9]* { return VAR; }
[ \r\n] { ; }
void yyerror(char const *s) { fputs(s, stderr); }
The matching yacc file would look something like this:
%left '-' '+' '*' '/'
program : compound
statement : compound
| assignment
assignment : VAR ASSIGN expression
statements :
| statements statement
expression : VAR
| expression OPERATOR expression
| expression MINUS expression
| value
value: NUMBER
compound : START statements END
int main() {
return 0;
Note: I've tested these only extremely minimally--enough to verify input I believe is grammatical, such as: start a:=1 b:=2 end and start a:=1+3*3 b:=a+4 c:=b*3 end is accepted (no error message printed out) and input I believe is un-grammatical, such as: 9:=13 and a=13 do both print out syntax error messages. Since this doesn't attempt to do any more with the expressions than recognize those which are or are not grammatical, that's about the best we can do though.

boost spirit and related parts

I need to create a rule via boost spirit that should match situations like
return foo;
return (foo);
I tried smth like this:
start %= "return" >> -boost::spirit::qi::char_('(') >> identifier >> -boost::spirit::qi::char_(')') >> ';';
but this will succeeded even in cases like
return (foo;
return foo);
How can I solve it?
Your example only looks pathological, because you are using an overly specific example.
In practice, you don't "return" >> identifier;. Usually, the thing that's returned is just an expression. So, you'd say
expr = literal | variable | function_call;
Now the general way to cater for parenthesized expressions in on fell swoop is simply:
expr = literal | variable | function_call
| ('(' >> expr >> ')')
Bam. Done. It handles the balancing. It handles nested parentheses. It handles (((foo))) even. Not a whistle was given that day.
I don't think there is /anything/ wrong at all. I've posted probably over 20 recursive different expression grammars in answers on this site. They should provide motivating examples (showing operator precedence and overruling them with these parentheses).

Integer in rules for parser definition - Ocaml

I am running into a problem when compiling the following rule for my parser:
| expr ASN expr { Asn ($1, $2) }
This is an assignment rule that takes an integer, then the assignment (equal sign) and an expression, as defined in my AST:
type expr =
Asn of int * expr
Of course, the compiler is complaining because I am defining "expr ASN expr", and the first argument should be an integer, not an expression. However, I have not been able to figure out the syntax to specify this.
If somebody could lead me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
You don't supply enough details to give a good answer. What do you mean by an integer? I'll assume you mean an integer literal.
Assuming your lexical definitions have a token named INT that represents an integer literal, you might want something like this.
| INT ASN expr { Asn ($1, $2) }
Probably what you want is the assignment as:
type expr = Asn of var * int
and then define expr in the parser as:
| VAR ASN INT { Asn ($1, $2) }
in the lexer you should have defined VAR as string and INT as integer literal too, just as examples:
| [a-zA-z]+ { VAR($1) }
| [0-9]+ as i { INT(int_of_string i) }

Yacc - productions for matching functions

I am writing a compiler with Yacc and having trouble figuring out how to write productions to match a function. In my language, functions are defined like this:
function foo(a, b, c);
I created lex patterns to match the word function to FUNC, and any C style name to NAME.
Ideally, I would want something like this:
Which would allow some unknown number of pairs of COMMA NAME in between NAME and CBRACKET.
Additionally, how would I know how many it found?
You might try something like this:
arglist: nonemptyarglist
nonemptyarglist: nonemptyarglist COMMA NAME
I'd suggest using the grammar to build a syntax tree for your language and then doing whatever you need to the syntax tree after parsing has finished. Bison and yacc have features that make this rather simple; look up %union and %type in the info page.
After a little experimentation, I found this to work quite well:
int argCount;
int args[128];
arglist: nonemptyarglist
nonemptyarglist: nonemptyarglist COMMA singleArgList
| singleArgList
args[argCount++] = $1;

What is the semicolon in C++?

Roughly speaking in C++ there are:
operators (+, -, *, [], new, ...)
identifiers (names of classes, variables, functions,...)
const literals (10, 2.5, "100", ...)
some keywords (int, class, typename, mutable, ...)
brackets ({, }, <, >)
preprocessor (#, ## ...).
But what is the semicolon?
The semicolon is a punctuator, see 2.13 §1
The lexical representation of C++ programs includes a number of preprocessing tokens which are used in
the syntax of the preprocessor or are converted into tokens for operators and punctuators
It is part of the syntax and therein element of several statements. In EBNF:
::= 'do' <statement> 'while' '(' <expression> ')' ';'
::= 'goto' <label> ';'
::= 'for' '(' <for-initialization> ';' <for-control> ';' <for-iteration> ')' <statement>
::= <expression> ';'
::= 'return' <expression> ';'
This list is not complete. Please see my comment.
The semicolon is a terminal, a token that terminates something. What exactly it terminates depends on the context.
Semicolon denotes sequential composition. It is also used to delineate declarations.
Semicolon is a statement terminator.
The semicolon isn't given a specific name in the C++ standard. It's simply a character that's used in certain grammar productions (and it just happens to be at the end of them quite often, so it 'terminates' those grammatical constructs). For example, a semicolon character is at the end of the following parts of the C++ grammar (not necessarily a complete list):
an expression-statement
a do/while iteration-statement
the various jump-statements
the simple-declaration
Note that in an expression-statement, the expression is optional. That's why a 'run' of semicolons, ;;;;, is valid in many (but not all) places where a single one is.
';'s are often used to delimit one bit of C++ source code, indicating it's intentionally separate from the following code. To see how it's useful, let's imagine we didn't use it:
For example:
#include <iostream>
int f() { std::cout << "f()\n"; }
int g() { std::cout << "g()\n"; }
int main(int argc)
std::cout << "message"
"\0\1\0\1\1"[argc] ? f() : g(); // final ';' needed to make this compile
// but imagine it's not there in this new
// semicolon-less C++ variant....
This (horrible) bit of code, called with no arguments such that argc is 1, prints:
Why not "messagef()\n"? That's what might be expected given first std::cout << "message", then "\0\1\0\1\1"[1] being '\1' - true in a boolean sense - suggests a call to f() printing f()\n?
Because... (drumroll please)... in C++ adjacent string literals are concatenated, so the program's parsed like this:
std::cout << "message\0\1\0\1\1"[argc] ? f() : g();
What this does is:
find the [argc/1] (second) character in "message\0\1\0\1\1", which is the first 'e'
send that 'e' to std::cout (printing it)
the ternary operator '?' triggers casting of std::cout to bool which produces true (because the printing presumably worked), so f() is called...!
Given this string literal concatenation is incredibly useful for specifying long strings
(and even shorter multi-line strings in a readable format), we certainly wouldn't want to assume that such strings shouldn't be concatenated. Consequently, if the semicolon's gone then the compiler must assume the concatenation is intended, even though visually the layout of the code above implies otherwise.
That's a convoluted example of how C++ code with and with-out ';'s changes meaning. I'm sure if I or other readers think on it for a few minutes we could come up with other - and simpler - examples.
Anyway, the ';' is necessary to inform the compiler that statement termination/separation is intended.
The semicolon lets the compiler know that it's reached the end of a command AFAIK.
The semicolon (;) is a command in C++. It tells the compiler that you're at the end of a command.
If I recall correctly, Kernighan and Ritchie called it punctuation.
Technically, it's just a token (or terminal, in compiler-speak), which
can occur in specific places in the grammar, with a specific semantics
in the language. The distinction between operators and other punctuation
is somewhat artificial, but useful in the context of C or C++, since
some tokens (,, = and :) can be either operators or punctuation,
depending on context, e.g.:
f( a, b ); // comma is punctuation
f( (a, b) ); // comma is operator
a = b; // = is assignment operator
int a = b; // = is punctuation
x = c ? a : b; // colon is operator
label: // colon is punctuation
In the case of the first two, the distinction is important, since a user
defined overload will only affect the operator, not punctuation.
It represents the end of a C++ statement.
For example,
int i=0;
In the above code there are two statements. The first is for declaring the variable and the second one is for incrementing the value of variable by one.