c++ wrapper class efficiency - c++

I am coding some performance-sensitive tool in C++. int, long and pointers to them are used extensively for widely different purposes. I would like to provide some separation so that the code is easier to understand. I am not really concerned about bug prevention (e.g. I am making everything global), so separation of concerns in this case is more of a, say, aesthetical issue.
I would like to make subclasses of built-in types. Of course, just changing the name is easy with a typedef. However, I would also like to be able to add new methods. Say, I want to make a "subclass", or something that looks like it, cell of int*. What comes to my head is to use a wrapper for int*, then subclass it.
1) How can I reasonably define a wrapper for int* without needing to redefine almost every operator that can be applied to int*? Or else, is there any library that already defines one? I am trying to stick to the standard library, but any MIT license-compatible library would do.
2) Is there an overhead of using such a wrapper (or the subclass, for that matter) over directly using an int*? I don't plan to use polymorphism, so no virtual functions involved. It's really a matter of readability.


Replace RogueWave with standard library by writing a wrapper

With reference to this post
How do I abstract away from using RogueWave in legacy code?
The new wrapper will have equivalent RogueWave methods wrapped around standard library. Something like -
template<class T, class Container = std::deque<T> >
class my_stack
void push(const T& t)
// ... so on ...
std::stack<T, Container> m_stack;
How do we expose the standard library methods which do not exist in RogueWave.
Does the wrapper be a union of RogueWave::stack and std::stack methods ? Or do we expose the underlying std::stack object for the client to directly call std::stack methods ? Does the client use std library directly or everything through a wrapper ?
Thoughts please.
Is there a reason why you don't replace RougeWave::stack with std::stack without a wrapper?
The wrapper approach requires work to maintain the interface between your wrapper and the container class. You need to get things like rvalue references right, but unless you are adding significant functionality (and with std::stack that seems unlikely) the benefit you can get from this is limited.
I see that you have protected:, so it could be that you are using inheritance on your containers. That could also be a good thing to remove.
std::stack is part of the language now, it will have a longer life than a third party library like RogueWave.
We are getting near the end of a long project to wrap and remove RW in legacy code. I will use RWOrdered as an example, replacing it with OOrdered.
If you have code with RW in it, it is probably legacy code. If you find removing RW not to be trivial, it is probably large. You probably no longer understand all the details of its design. Changing how it works may cause a lot of trouble. Any interface or behavior differences between RWOrdered and OOrdered are to be avoided.
If you replace RW with something just like RW, you get rid of license fees, own all of your code, can do 64 bit builds, etc. But you don't get anything better than RW. You probably don't want to use it as the basis of all future containers.
RW was world class code in its day. You are replacing it with home built software, even if you wrap world class std containers. Sometimes std classes work differently than RW classes. You will have to solve problems that have been solved by RW. You will also find the std library solves problems RW did not.
C++ templated containers are strongly typed. RW containers can contain anything that inherits from RWCollectable. That is, you can mix types. Making OOrdered a template class may not be what you want.
std classes make a clear distinction between equivalence and equality. The find() algorithm uses equality, operator==(), to find an item. set<> is sorted, usually by operator<(). When set::insert(a) uses equivalence based on this operator to determine if an item is already in the set. It looks for an item b where a < b and b < a are both false.
In RW, RWCollectable defines isEqual(), compareTo(), and hash(). That is, equivalence and equality are available to all collections. Sometimes, RW mixes equality and equivalence, particularly when collections are nested.
You need to be aware of which RW function does what, as well as which std library entity does what. You need to choose to exactly match RW behavior, or how you want to differ.
These examples are easily solved, but some are harder. Serialization was a pain point for us. We wanted to use boost serialization to replace SaveGuts() and RestoreGuts(). We have nested containers, where sometime an inner container is allocated by a different DLL than the outer container. This breaks boost. Work arounds exist, but they are not trivial.
Take it in steps.
Write OCollectable, which wraps RWCollectable.
Write a type that inherits from OCollectable, such as OWidget. RW defines macros that implement some base functionality like isA(). Use the macros.
Write OOrdered, which wraps RWOrdered.
Replace RWOrderd and Widget in your code. If they behave exactly the same, your code will still work.
Expand the macros
Add a std::vector to OOrdered. Rewrite OOrdered member functions. Drop ones you don't use.
Rewrite Widget functions.
One way to expose the wrapped vector is to add a getVector() function. A typedef for the return type will help.
Another way is to add functions expose the vector functions you want.
Test, test, test
Getting rid of some RW is not too hard. Getting rid of every last trace is harder. For example, your OWidget inherits from OCollectable, which inherits from RWCollectable. So you can take a widget out of your OOrdered, and hand it to a method that takes an RWCollectable. If you change OCollectable so that it no longer inherits, you can't pass your OWidget class in any more. You have to wait until the end of your project to drop RWCollectable, when everything inherits from OCollectable.
By the time you are done, you will be an expert in a dead library in a dying language. This may be better for your career than it sounds. People who don't want to dig into it themselves need such experts. On the other hand, you will also know a lot about some proprietary legacy code. You might prefer a career in steam engines.
Likewise, you will be familiar with std library. Effective STL is dated, but still a really good book. There isn't any equivalent for RW. This is good. It keeps the market from being flooded with RW experts.

Dependency inversion (from S.O.L.I.D principles) in C++

After reading and watching much about SOLID principles I was very keen to use these principles in my work (mostly C++ development) since I do think they are good principles and that they indeed will bring much benefit to the quality of my code, readability, testability, reuse and maintainability.
But I have real hard time with the 'D' (Dependency inversion).
This principal states that:
A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
B. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
Let me explain by example:
Lets say I am writing the following interface:
class SOLIDInterface {
//usual stuff with constructor, destructor, don't copy etc
virtual void setSomeString(const std::string &someString) = 0;
(for the sake of simplicity please ignore the other things needed for a "correct interface" such as non virutal publics, private virtuals etc, its not part of the problem.)
notice, that setSomeString() is taking an std::string.
But that breaks the above principal since std::string is an implementation.
Java and C# don't have that problem since the language offers interfaces to all the complex common types such as string and containers.
C++ does not offer that.
Now, C++ does offer the possibility to write this interface in such a way that I could write an 'IString' interface that would take any implementation that will support an std::string interface using type erasure
(Very good article: http://www.artima.com/cppsource/type_erasure.html)
So the implementation could use STL (std::string) or Qt (QString), or my own string implementation or something else.
Like it should be.
But this means, that if I (and not only I but all C++ developers) want to write C++ API which obeys SOLID design principles ('D' included), I will have to implement a LOT of code to accommodate all the common non natural types.
Beyond being not realistic in terms of effort, this solution has other problems such as - what if STL changes?(for this example)
And its not really a solution since STL is not implementing IString, rather IString is abstracting STL, so even if I were to create such an interface the principal problem remains.
(I am not even getting into issues such as this adds polymorphic overhead, which for some systems, depending on size and HW requirements may not be acceptable)
So may question is:
Am I missing something here (which I guess the true answer, but what?), is there a way to use Dependency inversion in C++ without writing a whole new interface layer for the common types in a realistic way - or are we doomed to write API which is always dependent on some implementation?
Thanks for your time!
From the first few comments I received so far I think a clarification is needed:
The selection of std::string was just an example.
It could be QString for that matter - I just took STL since it is the standard.
Its not even important that its a string type, it could be any common type.
I have selected the answer by Corristo not because he explicitly answered my question but because the extensive post (coupled with the other answers) allowed me to extract my answer from it implicitly, realizing that the discussion tends to drift from the actual question which is:
Can you implement Dependency inversion in C++ when you use basic complex types like strings and containers and basically any of the STL with an effort that makes sense. (and the last part is a very important element of the question).
Maybe I should have explicitly noted that I am after run-time polymorphism not compile time.
The clear answer is NO, its not possible.
It might have been possible if STL would have exposed abstract interfaces to their implementations (if there are indeed reasons that prevent the STL implementations to derive from these interfaces (say, performance)) then it still could have simply maintained these abstract interfaces to match the implementations).
For types that I have full control over, yes, there is no technical problem implementing the DIP.
But most likely any such interface (of my own) will still use a string or a container, forcing it to use either the STL implementation or another.
All the suggested solutions below are either not polymorphic in runtime, or/and are forcing quiet a some coding around the interface - when you think you have to do this for all these common types the practicality is simply not there.
If you think you know better, and you say it is possible to have what I described above then simply post the code proving it.
I dare you! :-)
Note that C++ is not an object-oriented programming language, but rather lets the programmer choose between many different paradigms. One of the key principles of C++ is that of zero-cost abstractions, which in particular entails to build abstractions in such a way that users don't pay for what they don't use.
The C#/Java style of defining interfaces with virtual methods that are then implemented by derived classes don't fall into that category though, because even if you don't need the polymorphic behavior, were std::string implementing a virtual interface, every call of one of its methods would incur a vtable lookup. This is unacceptable for classes in the C++ standard library supposed to be used in all kinds of settings.
Defining interfaces without inheriting from an abstract interface class
Another problem with the C#/Java approach is that in most cases you don't actually care that something inherits from a particular abstract interface class and only need that the type you pass to a function supports the operations you use. Restricting accepted parameters to those inheriting from a particular interface class thus actually hinders reuse of existing components, and you often end up writing wrappers to make classes of one library conform to the interfaces of another - even when they already have the exact same member functions.
Together with the fact that inheritance-based polymorphism typically also entails heap allocations and reference semantics with all its problems regarding lifetime management, it is best to avoid inheriting from an abstract interface class in C++.
Generic templates for implicit interfaces
In C++ you can get compile-time polymorphism through templates.
In its simplest form, the interface that an object used in a templated function or class need to conform to is not actually specified in C++ code, but implied by what functions are called on them.
This is the approach used in the STL, and it is really flexible. Take std::vector for example. There the requirements on the value type T of objects you store in it are dependent on what operations you perform on the vector. This allows e.g. to store move-only types as long as you don't use any of the operations that need to make a copy. In such a case, defining an interface that the value types needs to conform to would greatly reduce the usefulness of std::vector, because you'd either need to remove methods that require copies or you'd need to exclude move-only types from being stored in it.
That doesn't mean you can't use dependency inversion, though: The common Button-Lamp example for dependency inversion implemented with templates would look like this:
class Lamp {
void activate();
void deactivate();
template <typename T>
class Button {
Button(T& switchable)
: _switchable(&switchable) {
void toggle() {
if (_buttonIsInOnPosition) {
_buttonIsInOnPosition = false;
} else {
_buttonIsInOnPosition = true;
bool _buttonIsInOnPosition{false};
T* _switchable;
int main() {
Lamp l;
Button<Lamp> b(l)
Here Button<T>::toggle implicitly relies on a Switchable interface, requiring T to have member functions T::activate and T::deactivate. Since Lamp happens to implement that interface it can be used with the Button class. Of course, in real code you would also state these requirements on T in the documentation of the Button class so that users don't need to look up the implementation.
Similarly, you could also declare your setSomeString method as
template <typename String>
void setSomeString(String const& string);
and then this will work with all types that implement all the methods you used in the implementation of setSomeString, hence only relying on an abstract - although implicit - interface.
As always, there are some downsides to consider:
In the string example, assuming you only make use of .begin() and .end() member functions returning iterators that return a char when dereferenced (e.g. to copy it into the classes' local, concrete string data member), you can also accidentally pass a std::vector<char> to it, even though it isn't technically a string. If you consider this a problem is arguable, in a way this can also be seen as the epitome of relying only on abstractions.
If you pass an object of a type that doesn't have the required (member) functions, then you can end up with horrible compiler error messages that make it very hard to find the source of the error.
Only in very limited cases it is possible to separate the interface of a templated class or function from its implementation, as is typically done with separate .h and .cpp files. This can thus lead to longer compile times.
Defining interfaces with the Concepts TS
if you really care about types used in templated functions and classes to conform to a fixed interface, regardless of what you actually use, there are ways to restrict the template parameters only to types conforming to a certain interface with std::enable_if, but these are very verbose and unreadable. In order to make this kind of generic programming easier, the Concepts TS allows to actually define interfaces that are checked by the compiler and thus greatly improves diagnostics. With the Concepts TS, the Button-Lamp example from above translates to
template <typename T>
concept bool Switchable = requires(T t) {
// Lamp as before
template <Switchable T>
class Button {
Button(T&); // implementation as before
void toggle(); // implementation as before
T* _switchable;
bool _buttonIsInOnPosition{false};
If you can't use the Concepts TS (it is only implemented in GCC right now), the closest you can get is the Boost.ConceptCheck library.
Type erasure for runtime polymorphism
There is one case where compile-time polymorphism doesn't suffice, and that is when the types you pass to or get from a particular function aren't fully determined at compile-time but depend on runtime parameters (e.g. from a config file, command-line arguments passed to the executable or even the value of a parameter passed to the function itself).
If you need to store objects (even in a variable) of a type dependent on runtime parameters, the traditional approach is to store pointers to a common base class instead and to use dynamic dispatch via virtual member functions to get the behavior you need. But this still suffers from the problem described before: You can't use types that effectively do what you need but were defined in an external library, and thus don't inherit from the base class you defined. So you have to write a wrapper class.
Or you do what you described in your question and create a type-erasure class.
An example from the standard library is std::function. You declare only the interface of the function and it can store arbitrary function pointers and callables that have that interface. In general, writing a type erasure class can be quite tedious, so I refrain from giving an example of a type-erasing Switchable here, but I can highly recommend Sean Parent's talk Inheritance is the base class of evil, where he demonstrates the technique for "Drawable" objects and explores what you can build on top of it in just over 20 minutes.
There are libraries that help writing type-erasure classes though, e.g. Louis Dionne's experimental dyno, where you define the interface via what he calls "concept maps" directly in C++ code, or Zach Laine's emtypen which uses a python tool to create the type erasure classes from a C++ header file you provide. The latter also comes with a CppCon talk describing the features as well as the general idea and how to use it.
Inheriting from a common base class just to define interfaces, while easy, leads to many problems that can be avoided using different approaches:
(Constrained) templates allow for compile-time polymorphism, which is sufficient for the majority of cases, but can lead to hard-to-understand compiler errors when used with types that don't conform to the interface.
If you need runtime polymorphism (which actually is rather rare in my experience), you can use type-erasure classes.
So even though the classes in the STL and other C++ libraries rarely derive from an abstract interface, you can still apply dependency inversion with one of the two methods described above if you really want to.
But as always, use good judgment on a case-by-case basis whether you really need the abstraction or if it is better to simply use a concrete type. The string example you brought up is one where I'd go with concrete types, simply because the different string classes don't share a common interface (e.g. std::string has .find(), but QStrings version of the same function is called .contains()). It might be just as much effort to write wrapper classes for both as it is to write a conversion function and to use that at well-defined boundaries within the project.
Ahh, but C++ lets you write code that is independent of a particular implementation without actually using inheritance.
std::string itself is a good example... it's actually a typedef for std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>. Which allows you to create strings using other allocators if you choose (or mock the allocator object in order to measure number of calls, if you like). There just isn't any explicit interface like an IAllocator, because C++ templates use duck-typing.
A future version of C++ will support explicit description of the interface a template parameter must adhere to -- this feature is called concepts -- but just using duck-typing enables decoupling without requiring redundant interface definitions.
And because C++ performs optimization after instantiation of templates, there's no polymorphic overhead.
Now, when you do have virtual functions, you'll need to commit to a particular type, because the virtual-table layout doesn't accommodate use of templates each of which generates an arbitrary number of instances each of which require separate dispatch. But when using templates, you'll won't need virtual functions nearly as much as e.g. Java does, so in practice this isn't a big problem.

How to deal with the idea of "many small functions" for classes, without passing lots of parameters?

Over time I have come to appreciate the mindset of many small functions ,and I really do like it a lot, but I'm having a hard time losing my shyness to apply it to classes, especially ones with more than a handful of nonpublic member variables.
Every additional helper function clutters up the interface, since often the code is class specific and I can't just use some generic piece of code.
(To my limited knowledge, anyway, still a beginner, don't know every library out there, etc.)
So in extreme cases, I usually create a helper class which becomes the friend of the class that needs to be operated on, so it has access to all the nonpublic guts.
An alternative are free functions that need parameters, but even though premature optimization is evil, and I haven't actually profiled or disassembled it...
I still DREAD the mere thought of passing all the stuff I need sometimes, even just as reference, even though that should be a simple address per argument.
Is all this a matter of preference, or is there a widely used way of dealing with that kind of stuff?
I know that trying to force stuff into patterns is a kind of anti pattern, but I am concerned about code sharing and standards, and I want to get stuff at least fairly non painful for other people to read.
So, how do you guys deal with that?
Some examples that motivated me to ask this question:
About the free functions:
DeadMG was confused about making free functions work...without arguments.
My issue with those functions is that unlike member functions, free functions only know about data, if you give it to them, unless global variables and the like are used.
Sometimes, however, I have a huge, complicated procedure I want to break down for readability and understandings sake, but there are so many different variables which get used all over the place that passing all the data to free functions, which are agnostic to every bit of member data, looks simply nightmarish.
Click for an example
That is a snippet of a function that converts data into a format that my mesh class accepts.
It would take all of those parameter to refactor this into a "finalizeMesh" function, for example.
At this point it's a part of a huge computer mesh data function, and bits of dimension info and sizes and scaling info is used all over the place, interwoven.
That's what I mean with "free functions need too many parameters sometimes".
I think it shows bad style, and not necessarily a symptom of being irrational per se, I hope :P.
I'll try to clear things up more along the way, if necessary.
Every additional helper function clutters up the interface
A private helper function doesn't.
I usually create a helper class which becomes the friend of the class that needs to be operated on
Don't do this unless it's absolutely unavoidable. You might want to break up your class's data into smaller nested classes (or plain old structs), then pass those around between methods.
I still DREAD the mere thought of passing all the stuff I need sometimes, even just as reference
That's not premature optimization, that's a perfectly acceptable way of preventing/reducing cognitive load. You don't want functions taking more than three parameters. If there are more then three, consider packaging your data in a struct or class.
I sometimes have the same problems as you have described: increasingly large classes that need too many helper functions to be accessed in a civilized manner.
When this occurs I try to seperate the class in multiple smaller classes if that is possible and convenient.
Scott Meyers states in Effective C++ that friend classes or functions is mostly not the best option, since the client code might do anything with the object.
Maybe you can try nested classes, that deal with the internals of your object. Another option are helper functions that use the public interface of your class and put the into a namespace related to your class.
Another way to keep your classes free of cruft is to use the pimpl idiom. Hide your private implementation behind a pointer to a class that actually implements whatever it is that you're doing, and then expose a limited subset of features to whoever is the consumer of your class.
// Your public API in foo.h (note: only foo.cpp should #include foo_impl.h)
class Foo {
bool func(int i) { return impl_->func(i); }
FooImpl* impl_;
There are many ways to implement this. The Boost pimpl template in the Vault is pretty good. Using smart pointers is another useful way of handling this, too.
An alternative are free functions that
need parameters, but even though
premature optimization is evil, and I
haven't actually profiled or
disassembled it... I still DREAD the
mere thought of passing all the stuff
I need sometimes, even just as
reference, even though that should be
a simple address per argument.
So, let me get this entirely straight. You haven't profiled or disassembled. But somehow, you intend on ... making functions work ... without arguments? How, exactly, do you propose to program without using function arguments? Member functions are no more or less efficient than free functions.
More importantly, you come up with lots of logical reasons why you know you're wrong. I think the problem here is in your head, which possibly stems from you being completely irrational, and nothing that any answer from any of us can help you with.
Generic algorithms that take parameters are the basis of modern object orientated programming- that's the entire point of both templates and inheritance.

How to refactor an existing class to become polymorphic?

I have a class that is used as a member in many places in my project.
Now, instead of this class I want to have a polymorphism, and the actual object will be created by some kind of factory.
I have to choose between:
Having to change all the places where I use the class - to call the factory and use a pointer instead of object directly.
Changing the class to be just a wrapper, that will call functions of a new polymorphic class I will create.
Which strategy should I better choose?
Change all the places where I use the class to call the factory and use a pointer instead of object directly.
That's best. It seems painful at first, but it's clean and more extensible than implementing a wrapper because you didn't feel like doing a search for new MyClass(.
Once you list all the place with the new, you'll see that it isn't really all that bad a job.
Chances are that even if you go with #2 and implement a base class wrapper, you will have to modify the client code anyway (different methods of construction through a factory, e.g., for a polymorphic base wrapper).
I'd go with #1 but not a regular pointer, but something like boost::shared_ptr or boost::scoped_ptr (depending on what you need).
The second option might allow you to take some liberties with the base wrapper interface, but I'd recommend against that: favor the commonly-accepted approaches when possible. If the base class wrapper provides additional facilities that boost::shared_ptr doesn't provide, e.g., it will be a foreign entity which introduces new concepts in the system and probably with little or no benefits to show for it.
In the best case scenario, your base class wrapper duplicates the interface of something common and familiar to most developers like boost::shared_ptr, in which case it's reinventing the wheel and you might as well have used boost::shared_ptr. In the worst case scenario, your wrapper class introduces an interface that's completely different and therefore introduces foreign code to the system that others will not immediately recognize.
No matter how good you are, other developers will have a much easier time trusting and working with a peer-reviewed, well-documented, thoroughly-tested library like boost than a handrolled solution by one engineer. If only for that reason, try to use the existing library solutions as much as possible and prefer those to, say, a custom base class wrapper.
Your idea of using a wrapper even has a name. It's the letter/envelope idiom, as described by Coplien (before they started to call these idioms "patterns").
Google finds you more explanations for it.
Contrary to the others I don't see anything wrong with using it. For the class' users, it's much easier to deal with something that behaves as simple as a value type. No hassle of having to use a factory or a factory method for creating objects, since the class' constructors are the factories - which is what constructors were invented for in the first place.
What could be wrong with that?

Achieving Interface functionality in C++

A big reason why I use OOP is to create code that is easily reusable. For that purpose Java style interfaces are perfect. However, when dealing with C++ I really can't achieve any sort of functionality like interfaces... at least not with ease.
I know about pure virtual base classes, but what really ticks me off is that they force me into really awkward code with pointers. E.g. map<int, Node*> nodes; (where Node is the virtual base class).
This is sometimes ok, but sometimes pointers to base classes are just not a possible solution. E.g. if you want to return an object packaged as an interface you would have to return a base-class-casted pointer to the object.. but that object is on the stack and won't be there after the pointer is returned. Of course you could start using the heap extensively to avoid this but that's adding so much more work than there should be (avoiding memory leaks).
Is there any way to achieve interface-like functionality in C++ without have to awkwardly deal with pointers and the heap?? (Honestly for all that trouble and awkardness id rather just stick with C.)
You can use boost::shared_ptr<T> to avoid the raw pointers. As a side note, the reason why you don't see a pointer in the Java syntax has nothing to do with how C++ implements interfaces vs. how Java implements interfaces, but rather it is the result of the fact that all objects in Java are implicit pointers (the * is hidden).
Template MetaProgramming is a pretty cool thing. The basic idea? "Compile time polymorphism and implicit interfaces", Effective C++. Basically you can get the interfaces you want via templated classes. A VERY simple example:
template <class T>
bool foo( const T& _object )
if ( _object != _someStupidObject && _object > 0 )
return true;
return false;
So in the above code what can we say about the object T? Well it must be compatible with '_someStupidObject' OR it must be convertible to a type which is compatible. It must be comparable with an integral value, or again convertible to a type which is. So we have now defined an interface for the class T. The book "Effective C++" offers a much better and more detailed explanation. Hopefully the above code gives you some idea of the "interface" capability of templates. Also have a look at pretty much any of the boost libraries they are almost all chalk full of templatization.
Considering C++ doesn't require generic parameter constraints like C#, then if you can get away with it you can use boost::concept_check. Of course, this only works in limited situations, but if you can use it as your solution then you'll certainly have faster code with smaller objects (less vtable overhead).
Dynamic dispatch that uses vtables (for example, pure virtual bases) will make your objects grow in size as they implement more interfaces. Managed languages do not suffer from this problem (this is a .NET link, but Java is similar).
I think the answer to your question is no - there is no easier way. If you want pure interfaces (well, as pure as you can get in C++), you're going to have to put up with all the heap management (or try using a garbage collector. There are other questions on that topic, but my opinion on the subject is that if you want a garbage collector, use a language designed with one. Like Java).
One big way to ease your heap management pain somewhat is auto pointers. Boost has a nice automatic pointer that does a lot of heap management work for you. The std::auto_ptr works, but it's quite quirky in my opinion.
You might also evaluate whether you really need those pure interfaces or not. Sometimes you do, but sometimes (like some of the code I work with), the pure interfaces are only ever instantiated by one class, and thus just become extra work, with no benefit to the end product.
While auto_ptr has some weird rules of use that you must know*, it exists to make this kind of thing work easily.
auto_ptr<Base> getMeAThing() {
return new Derived();
void something() {
auto_ptr<Base> myThing = getMeAThing();
myThing->foo(); // Calls Derived::foo, if virtual
// The Derived object will be deleted on exit to this function.
*Never put auto_ptrs in containers, for one. Understand what they do on assignment is another.
This is actually one of the cases in which C++ shines. The fact that C++ provides templates and functions that are not bound to a class makes reuse much easier than in pure object oriented languages. The reality though is that you will have to adjust they manner in which you write your code in order to make use of these benefits. People that come from pure OO languages often have difficulty with this, but in C++ an objects interface includes not member functions. In fact it is considered to be good practice in C++ to use non-member functions to implement an objects interface whenever possible. Once you get the hang of using template nonmember functions to implement interfaces, well it is a somewhat life changing experience. \