Declaring GnuplotHelper failed in ns3 - c++

I want to use GnuplotHelper in ns3 to plot the results. even when I run ns3's default example I get the following error:
../scratch/ In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
../scratch/ error: ‘GnuplotHelper’ was not declared in this scope
GnuplotHelper plotHelper;
../scratch/ error: ‘plotHelper’ was not declared in this scope
plotHelper.ConfigurePlot ("Test","CongestionWindow vs. Time","Time (Seconds)","CongestionWindow","jpg");
../scratch/ error: ‘GnuplotAggregator’ has not been declared
plotHelper.PlotProbe (probeName,probeTrace,"CongetionWindow","CongestionWindow",GnuplotAggregator::KEY_BELOW);
If I include "gnuplot-helper.h" I get an additional line and same error:
../scratch/ fatal error: gnuplot-helper.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I've installed gnuplot on my linux. What should I do? How can I declare Gnuplot helper?

First, did you install a gnu-plot-dev package or just gnuplot? Many distributions separate the ability to use libraries and the ability to develop against them.
If you are sure the include files are actually on your system somewhere (check both /usr/include and /usr/local/include/) you may need to add an additional directory level to your compiler search path (perhaps /usr/include/gnuplot/ but I am only guessing there).

#include "ns3/stats-module.h"


G++ not finding symbols from regex system header

I am trying to use the GNU C library regex functionality in my C++ project, particularly I'm trying to use the regex_t regcomp, regexec, regfree functions. Upon compilation I get errors stating that these symbols are undefined:
me> g++ -I/me/myheaders/ -c RootGenerator.cpp -o RootGenerator.o -std=gnu++0x -Wall
RootGenerator.cpp: In function ‘std::string findFirstFileInCurrentDirectory(std::string)’:
RootGenerator.cpp:1072: error: ‘regex_t’ was not declared in this scope
RootGenerator.cpp:1072: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘re’
RootGenerator.cpp:1073: error: ‘re’ was not declared in this scope
RootGenerator.cpp:1073: error: ‘REG_EXTENDED’ was not declared in this scope
RootGenerator.cpp:1073: error: ‘REG_NOSUB’ was not declared in this scope
RootGenerator.cpp:1073: error: ‘regcomp’ was not declared in this scope
RootGenerator.cpp:1074: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘int’
RootGenerator.cpp:1084: error: ‘status’ was not declared in this scope
RootGenerator.cpp:1084: error: ‘regexec’ was not declared in this scope
RootGenerator.cpp:1092: error: ‘REG_NOMATCH’ was not declared in this scope
RootGenerator.cpp:1108: error: ‘regfree’ was not declared in this scope
I realize that the regex header is a TR1 implementation and is therefore experimental for my version of GCC. I added the -std=gnu++0x compiler option according to the compiler warning recieved when first trying to compile but this doesn't seem to fix the issue. Is this an issue of the system not recognizing and adding paths to "experimental" headers? Are there additional include paths or compiler options that I need to specify?
As an additional note, I noticed in Eclipse/CDT that under the "includes" tab in the Project Explorer view, it shows a list of the system header paths. It lists many header files under the /user/include/c++/4.4.4 path tab, but It doesn't list the regex header. I think this is also reaffirming that there is a setting issue.
Found the problem:
#include <regex>
should be
#include <regex.h>
The regex.h header is the GNU C library implementation of regex, containing the functions I was trying to use in my source. The regex header is the TR1 (and incomplete) regex implemntation. So #Oli, I wasn't referencing the relevant header after all!

C++ MEX compilation in MATLAB

I am trying to use a function called edfImport (available here:
In order to use the function, I must first run edfCompile (included in the toolkit). When running edfCompile, I get an error:
??? Error using ==> mex
Unable to complete successfully
I am running MATLAB 7.1 (R14) and have the latest version of MinGW, Cygwin and Gnumex setup for my compiler (according to the instructions on this page:
I am able to compile example mex files, but I'm still not convinced that this isn't an issue with the way my compiler is setup. Any tips gratefully received. It would be nice to know if anyone else has trouble running edfCompile as well... (
Many thanks
Edit: The error message in full:
In file included from edfMexImport.cpp:6:0:
EDFFile2.h:37:39: error: 'mwSize' has not been declared
EDFFile2.h:127:45: error: 'mwIndex' has not been declared
edfMexImport.cpp: In function 'void mexFunction(int, mxArray**, int, const mxArray**)':
edfMexImport.cpp:12:3: error: 'mwSize' was not declared in this scope
edfMexImport.cpp:12:10: error: expected ';' before 'OutputDims'
edfMexImport.cpp:48:12: error: expected ';' before 'OptionsDimN'
edfMexImport.cpp:49:9: error: 'OptionsDimN' was not declared in this scope
edfMexImport.cpp:51:13: error: 'OptionsDim' was not declared in this scope
edfMexImport.cpp:51:33: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
edfMexImport.cpp:51:34: error: expected ';' before 'mxGetDimensions'
edfMexImport.cpp:73:12: error: expected ';' before 'FlagsDimN'
edfMexImport.cpp:74:9: error: 'FlagsDimN' was not declared in this scope
edfMexImport.cpp:76:13: error: 'FlagsDim' was not declared in this scope
edfMexImport.cpp:76:31: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
edfMexImport.cpp:76:32: error: expected ';' before 'mxGetDimensions'
C:\PROGRAM FILES\MATLAB71\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Compile of 'edfMexImport.cpp' failed.
??? Error using ==> mex
Unable to complete successfully
Error in ==> edfCompile at 15
eval(sprintf('mex -I''%s'' edfMexImport.cpp EDFFILE2.cpp ''%s/edfapi.lib''', edfapiIncludesFolder, edfapiLibraryFolder));
It looks like some type definitions are missing, particularly the mwSize and mwIndex type.
Can you add the following to EDFFile2.h and try again?
just below
#include "edf.h"
#include <mex.h>
add this:
#ifndef mwSize
#define mwSize int
#ifndef mwIndex
#define mwIndex int
The MEX file has been modified to support the 64-bit "large array handling API", as described in this document:
Note that this optional large variable support was first added in R7.3 (2006b), and your version is even older. Basically, your MATLAB is too old for the API used by the MEX file. That said, if the MEX file is simple enough, Gunther's solution might be the simple answer to "backport" the MEX file to your older MATLAB. Functions like mxGetDimensions() now return mwSize*, but used to return int*.
So upgrade MATLAB if you can, else try Gunther's answer and let us know how it goes.
Have you looked inside edfCompile.m? Unfortunatlly I don't have Matlab installed on my PC, so I can only suggest you to try to compile the two .cpp files edfMexImport.cpp and EDFFILE2.cpp manually with edfapi.lib

How to compile C++ files generated by google's protobuf compiler on OS X

I'm using a Mac. I have a library written in C++, let's call it "wibble", along with its source code. I can compile this source with GCC 4.3 from macports (g++-mp-4.3), and can link the resulting library into other stuff as long as I use GCC 4.3.
However, I need to link this into another application (let's call it "blort") which will only load libs compiled with the GCC 4.2 that is bundled with OS X 10.6 (because that's what it was built with)
I can, more or less, mess with wibble's Makefile however I may please, but blort is a fixed target. I can write whatever code or build scripts to glue them together I may need. There appears to be no way to get wibble to compile on 4.2 (barring a rewrite, which is out of the question), and the guy who wrote it confirms that.
I am not very familiar with the whole build and linking process in C++, having only been handed this integration, and am completely stumped. Is what I'm trying to achieve even possible? If so, how?
In case it matters, what I'm trying to do is call the methods in wibble from Perl via Inline::CPP, but I'm willing to write raw XS if I have to (I've done that before, at least). I need to use the system perl so this will easily build and install on other people's machines. :-/
UPDATE, 2012-03-01, 1
I am looking into compiling protobufs using the Mac's compiler, and seeing if I can get wibble to compile with the same compiler using that build of protobufs. I will post the results shortly.
Hrmph same errors:
g++ -Wall -Wno-unused-function -Wno-long-long -pedantic -O3 -I/Users/sscaffid/local/include -L/Users/sscaffid/local/lib -fPIC -std=c++98 -c
In file included from /Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite_inl.h:43,
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.h:94: error: comma at end of enumerator list
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.h:117: error: comma at end of enumerator list
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.h:132: error: comma at end of enumerator list
In file included from
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite_inl.h:303: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite_inl.h:304: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite_inl.h:305: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite_inl.h:306: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite_inl.h:307: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format_lite_inl.h:308: error: extra ‘;’
In file included from
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:322: error: comma at end of enumerator list
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:341: error: comma at end of enumerator list
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:352: error: comma at end of enumerator list
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:1206: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:1223: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:1243: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:1249: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:1257: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:1264: error: extra ‘;’
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/descriptor.h:1274: error: extra ‘;’
In file included from
/Users/sscaffid/local/include/google/protobuf/wire_format.h:226: error: comma at end of enumerator list
make: *** [wire.pb.o] Error 1
From the question:
Using the -pedantic option to GCC 4.2 makes it very angry with protobuf code. Don't use it.

How to run program written for old compiler?

I'm looking for an implementation of Hybrid Tree(not important), and find an "old" one here.
The author said they have tried this code on the SUN Sparc platform (running Solaris 2.6) and with gcc-2.8.1 compiler. And my environment is gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 10.10).
The problem is:
I run "make" with the makefile he provides, but it gives me lots of error message as follows:
g++ -c Node.C
g++ -c DataNode.C
In file included from DataNode.h:18,
from DataNode.C:17:
Query.h:9:20: error: vector.h: No such file or directory
Query.h:10:19: error: stack.h: No such file or directory
Query.h:13:22: error: function.h: No such file or directory
Query.h:14:22: error: iostream.h: No such file or directory
DataNode.C:283:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive
In file included from DataNode.h:18,
from DataNode.C:17:
Query.h:29: warning: ‘typedef’ was ignored in this declaration
Query.h:44: warning: ‘typedef’ was ignored in this declaration
Query.h:86: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
Query.h:118: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘PQ’ with no type
Query.h:118: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
Query.h:122: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘PQ’ with no type
Query.h:122: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
Query.h:126: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘PQ’ with no type
Query.h:126: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
Query.h:135: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
DataNode.C: In member function ‘void DataNode::DisconnectBranch(int)’:
DataNode.C:80: error: ‘memmove’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [DataNode.o] Error 1
I know I need to modify the souce code so as to agree with the morden compiler, such as change vector.h to vector. But I find it's just endless.
So my question is: is there any convienent method to run this program, no matter automatically converting this code to "modern-style" or using a standalone "old-style" compiler ?
Any suggestions?
Thank you all, I installed gcc2.8.1 in a different dir using --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-2.8.1 and modify the "makefile" to use this old-version gcc(/usr/local/gcc-2.8.1/bin/gcc). But when I run "make", it still gives me errors of not finding the headers:
/usr/local/gcc-2.8.1/bin/gcc -c DataNode.C
In file included from DataNode.h:18,
from DataNode.C:17:
Query.h:9: vector.h: No such file or directory
Query.h:10: stack.h: No such file or directory
Query.h:11: deque: No such file or directory
Query.h:12: algorithm: No such file or directory
Query.h:13: function.h: No such file or directory
Query.h:14: iostream.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [DataNode.o] Error 1
Then I tried to find these heads in /usr/local/gcc-2.8.1 using find /usr/local/gcc-2.8.1 -name "*vector*", but got nothing.
So where are these heads for the old-version gcc?
You can make a vertor.h yourself which includes vector. This way you can fix the incompatibilities noninvasively.
You may also need to add a
using namespace std;
in the header file(s). This is
generally a bad idea but this is one situation where i'd do it anyway.
Once you get it working i would reccomend rewriting it to use the new style header files and namespaces.
Debian Lenny (oldstable) has gcc 3.4. This might have a better backward compatibility. Try to make compatibility headers for the rest of the issues and include them via an extra -I directory, e.g. a vector.h header file that includes vector.
Do yourself the favor and try not to touch the old code. It is easy to break legacy code in unforeseen ways.
You could try running the program on QEMU which supports Solaris 2.6. The only problem might be hunting for the install disc/image. Also, there are people that sells old Solaris boxes on eBay for cheap, you might be able to grab one.
GCC provides download for very old versions, you might be able to get better chance if you try older version of the compiler.
gcc has -fpermissive option: try it and see whether at least some errors disappear. Also: try making a single header file that will include all requisite headers with using directives. For example, make stdinc.h containing:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using std::vector;
using std::fstream;
Replace all mentions of legacy C++ header files with a single include of stdinc.h. Old C++ didn't have namespaces, so even if you replace individual directives with just using namespace std;, clashes are unlikely.
If the only thing is
#include <vector.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
Why not try sed?
grep for all includes to see if there are other includes than the c++ headers. If not your lucky.
Another thing that is more tricky is that there is old code that relies on accessing data through iterators in a non-standard way. I saw that in a Doom map editor for linux. Then you may need to do manual stuff.

how to compile with llvm and g++?

I use a fedora-11 system and recently I installed llvm ( sudo yum -y install llvm llvm-docs llvm-devel ).
When I search for llvm I get them in /usr/bin. Some of the links to the binaries are broken (llvm-gcc,llvm-g++,llvm-cpp,etc.). The include files are found within /usr/include/llvm and libs at /usr/lib/llvm. How to compile them using g++? I tried to compile the kaleidoscope code given in the tutorial as per directed, but it fails to compile.
I get this:
toy.cpp:5:30: error: llvm/LLVMContext.h: No such file or directory
toy.cpp:352: error: ‘getGlobalContext’ was not declared in this scope
toy.cpp: In member function ‘virtual llvm::Value* NumberExprAST::Codegen()’:
toy.cpp:358: error: ‘getGlobalContext’ was not declared in this scope
toy.cpp: In member function ‘virtual llvm::Value* BinaryExprAST::Codegen()’:
toy.cpp:379: error: ‘getDoubleTy’ is not a member of ‘llvm::Type’
toy.cpp:379: error: ‘getGlobalContext’ was not declared in this scope
toy.cpp: In member function ‘llvm::Function* PrototypeAST::Codegen()’:
toy.cpp:407: error: ‘getDoubleTy’ is not a member of ‘llvm::Type’
toy.cpp:407: error: ‘getGlobalContext’ was not declared in this scope
toy.cpp:408: error: ‘getDoubleTy’ is not a member of ‘llvm::Type’
toy.cpp: In member function ‘llvm::Function* FunctionAST::Codegen()’:
toy.cpp:454: error: ‘getGlobalContext’ was not declared in this scope
toy.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
toy.cpp:543: error: ‘LLVMContext’ was not declared in this scope
toy.cpp:543: error: ‘Context’ was not declared in this scope
toy.cpp:543: error: ‘getGlobalContext’ was not declared in this scope
I cannot find the LLVMContext.h file too. So I guess this might be a version problem.
what should I do to make it work?
Some help would be good! thanks in advance... :)
Looks like the headers weren't installed or were installed in a path you aren't using. My suggestion would be to download the code from the website or svn and use that to build up the Kaleidoscope example. It's fairly simple and all the code is in the examples directory.
Instead of using yum, install clang/llvm by following this, or this link.