Multi Threading - Peterson's algorithm not working - c++

Here I use Peterson's algorithm to implement mutual exclusion.
I have two very simple threads, one to increase a counter by 1, another to reduce it by 1.
const int PRODUCER = 0,CONSUMER =1;
int counter;
int flag[2];
int turn;
void *producer(void *param)
while(flag[CONSUMER] && turn==CONSUMER);
void *consumer(void *param)
while(flag[PRODUCER] && turn==PRODUCER);
They works fine when I just run them once.
But when I run them again again in a loop, strange things happen.
Here is my main function.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int case_count =0;
counter =0;
printf("Case: %d\n",case_count++);
pthread_t tid[2];
pthread_attr_t attr[2];
turn = 0;
printf ("Counter is intially set to %d\n",counter);
printf ("counter is now %d\n",counter);
return 0;
I run the two threads again and again, until in one case the counter isn't zero.
Then, after several cases, the program will always stop! Some times after hundreds of cases, some times thousands, or event tens of thousand.
It means in one case the counter isn't zero. But why??? the two threads modify the counter in critical session, and increase and decrease it only once. Why will the counter not be zero?
Then I run this code in other computers, more strange things happen - in some computers the program seems has no problem, and the others have the same problem with me! Why?
By the way, in my computer, I run this code in VM ware's virtual computer, Ubuntu 16.04. Others' computer is also Ubuntu 16.04, but not all of them are in virtual machines. And the computer with problem contains both virtual machines and real machines.

Peterson's algorithm only works on single core processors/single CPU systems.
That's because they don't do real parallel processing. Two atomar operations never get executet at the same time there.
If you got 2 or more CPUs/CPU cores the amount of atomar operations who can be executed at the same time increase by one for each cpu(core).
This means, even if an integer assignment is atomar it can be executed multiple times at the same time in different CPUs/Cores.
In your case turn=CONSUMER/PRODUCER; is just called twice at the same time in different CPUs/cores.
Deacitvate all CPU cores but one for your program and it should work fine.

You need hardware support to implement any kind of thread-safe algorithm.
There are many reasons why your code is not working at you intended. The simplest one is that the cores have individual caches. So your program starts on say two cores. Both cache flag to be 0, 0. They both modify their own copy, so they don't see what the other core is doing.
In addition memory works in blocks, so writing flag[PRODUCER] will very likely write flag[CONSUMER] as well (because ints are 4 bytes and most of todays processors have memory blocks of 64 bytes).
Another problem would be operation reordering. Both the compiler and the processor are allowed to swap instructions. There are constraints that dictate that the single threaded execution result shouldn't change, but obviously they don't apply here.
The compiler might also figure out that you are setting turn to x and then checking if it is x, which is obviously true in a single threaded world so it can be optimized away.
This list is not exhaustive. There are many more things (some platform specific) that could happen and break your program.
So, at the very least try to use std::atomic types with strong memory ordering (memory_order_seq_cst). All your variables should be std::atomic. This gives you hardware support but it will be a lot slower.
This will still not work because most you might still have some piece of code where you read and then change. This is not atomic because some other thread might have changed the data after your read and before you changed it.


Why "memory_order_relaxed" treat as "memory_order_seq_cst" in my system [C++]

My Code :
std::atomic<int> x(22) , y(22);
int temp_x = -1, temp_y = -1;
void task_0(){, std::memory_order_relaxed);
temp_y = y.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
void task_1(){, std::memory_order_relaxed);
temp_x = x.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
int main(){
std::thread t1(task_0);
std::thread t2(task_1);
std::cout<<temp_x<<" : "<<temp_y<<"\n";
return 0;
The problem is that as I use "memory_order_relaxed" So after testing 100 times one of my output
should be " 22 : 22 " but my program gives :
Output :
"33 : 33"
"22 : 33"
"33 : 22"
but it not gives "22 : 22" output
I tested this program in my 64 bit 2.9 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 architecture. So guys what's wrong with my program, is there something that I need to understand ?
Just because the standard says that a particular eventuality is possible does not mean that what causes it to happen is governed by random numbers. On real machines, the result of unspecified behavior is governed by the execution of opcodes, caches, and so forth on those actual machines.
So while a result is theoretically possible, that doesn't mean it will definitely happen. In your particular case, to get 22 from both, the compiler (or CPU) would basically have to re-order at least one of the two functions. If there's nothing to gain from such reordering, then it probably won't happen.
The reordering is possible. Your experiment is just a little loosey goosey.
The reordering ("22 : 22") IS allowed on x86. x86 allows store-load reordering, i.e. Within a thread, a load can complete before a previous store to a different variable.
Be sure to compile with optimizations on.
Examine the generated code to make sure it is what you think it is. The compiler IS allowed to swap MO relaxed, but might not. Note that even x86 stores require a lock xchg to be SC, so if you don't see that, it is NOT memory_order_seq_cst. (But even if you did see that, it would be allowed since the compiler is theoretically allowed to implement memory order with a MORE strict implementation than is required.)
Your experiment setup has a few confounding issues.
To see the reordering, the and have to happen at
almost exactly the same time down to 10's of nanoseconds. So you'll
need a way to sync these up OR change your experiment to increase
the number of opportunities for reordering.
The cost to start a thread is extremely high compared to a
store/load. It's likely that one thread completes before the other
starts. (I'm actually surprised that you don't always see "22 :
To see reordering, the commands need to happen on different cores.
Starting 2 threads does not guarantee that they run on
different cores. They could both run on the same core in sequence. It
depends on how the OS schedules it. You need to find a way to set
the CPU affinity for the threads.
An additional possible factor is that you might not see the
reordering if the threads are running on different logical cores on
the same physical core. You have an Intel quad-core, so there are
only 2 physical cores with 2 logical cores each. Intel does not SAY
that reordering is not possible between logical cores on the same
physical core, but if you think about it, it's less likely
to happen (the window of opportunity is smaller) since the
store doesn't have to go through the bus to be seen by the neighbor core. So to control
for that possiblity, I would set the core affinity for the two
threads to 0 and 2 respectively.
If the global variable is hot in-cache, the store happens almost
instantly. You have to think about what's going on with the cache
coherency protocol and set up your experiment accordingly.
You may have false sharing with your atomic variables. They may be
on the same cache line. It's cache lines that are sent on the bus,
gotten in exclusive mode, etc. So put some padding between them to
make sure they are on a different cache line.

Are atomic types necessary in multi-threading? (OS X, clang, c++11)

I'm trying to demonstrate that it's very bad idea to not use std::atomic<>s but I can't manage to create an example that reproduces the failure. I have two threads and one of them does:
foobar = false;
and the other:
if (foobar) {
// ...
the type of foobar is either bool or std::atomic_bool and it's initialized to true. I'm using OS X Yosemite and even tried to use this trick to hint via CPU affinity that I want the threads to run on different cores. I run such operations in loops etc. and in any case, there's no observable difference in execution. I end up inspecting generated assembly with clang clang -std=c++11 -lstdc++ -O3 -S test.cpp and I see that the asm differences on read are minor (without atomic on left, with on right):
No mfence or something that "dramatic". On the write side, something more "dramatic" happens:
As you can see, the atomic<> version uses xchgb which uses an implicit lock. When I compile with a relatively old version of gcc (v4.5.2) I can see all sorts of mfences being added which also indicates there's a serious concern.
I kind of understand that "X86 implements a very strong memory model" (ref) and that mfences might not be necessary but does it mean that unless I want to write cross-platform code that e.g. supports ARM, I don't really need to put any atomic<>s unless I care for consistency at ns-level?
I've watched "atomic<> Weapons" from Herb Sutter but I'm still impressed with how difficult it is to create a simple example that reproduces those problems.
The big problem of data races is that they're undefined behavior, not guaranteed wrong behavior. And this, in conjunction with the the general unpredictability of threads and the strength of the x64 memory model, means that it gets really hard to create reproduceable failures.
A slightly more reliable failure mode is when the optimizer does unexpected things, because you can observe those in the assembly. Of course, the optimizer is notoriously finicky as well and might do something completely different if you change just one code line.
Here's an example failure that we had in our code at one point. The code implemented a sort of spin lock, but didn't use atomics.
bool operation_done;
void thread1() {
while (!operation_done) {
// do something that depends on operation being done
void thread2() {
// do the operation
operation_done = true;
This worked fine in debug mode, but the release build got stuck. Debugging showed that execution of thread1 never left the loop, and looking at the assembly, we found that the condition was gone; the loop was simply infinite.
The problem was that the optimizer realized that under its memory model, operation_done could not possibly change within the loop (that would have been a data race), and thus it "knew" that once the condition was true once, it would be true forever.
Changing the type of operation_done to atomic_bool (or actually, a pre-C++11 compiler-specific equivalent) fixed the issue.
This is my own version of #Sebastian Redl's answer that fits the question more closely. I will still accept his for credit + kudos to #HansPassant for his comment which brought my attention back to writes which made everything clear - since as soon as I observed that the compiler was adding synchronization on writes, the problem turned to be that it wasn't optimizing bool as much as one would expect.
I was able to have a trivial program that reproduces the problem:
std::atomic_bool foobar(true);
//bool foobar = true;
long long cnt = 0;
long long loops = 400000000ll;
void thread_1() {
foobar = false;
void thread_2() {
while (loops--) {
if (foobar) {
std::cout << cnt << std::endl;
The main difference with my original code was that I used to have a usleep() inside the while loop. It was enough to prevent any optimizations within the while loop. The cleaner code above, yields the same asm for write:
but quite different for read:
We can see that in the bool case (left) clang brought the if (foobar) outside the loop. Thus when I run the bool case I get:
real 0m1.044s
user 0m1.032s
sys 0m0.005s
while when I run the atomic_bool case I get:
real 0m0.420s
user 0m0.414s
sys 0m0.003s
It's interesting that the atomic_bool case is faster - I guess because it does just 95 million incs on the counter contrary to 400 million in the bool case.
What is even more crazy-interesting though is this. If I move the std::cout << cnt << std::endl; out of the threaded code, after pthread_join(), the loop in the non-atomic case becomes just this:
i.e. there's no loop. It's just if (foobar!=0) cnt = loops;! Clever clang. Then the execution yields:
real 0m0.206s
user 0m0.001s
sys 0m0.002s
while the atomic_bool remains the same.
So more than enough evidence that we should use atomics. The only thing to remember is - don't put any usleep() on your benchmarks because even if it's small, it will prevent quite a few compiler optimizations.
In general, it is very rare that the use of atomic types actually does anything useful for you in multithreaded situations. It is more useful to implement things like mutexes, semaphores and so on.
One reason why it's not very useful: As soon as you have two values that both need to be changed in an atomic way, you are absolutely stuck. You can't do it with atomic values. And it's quite rare that I want to change a single value in an atomic way.
In iOS and MacOS X, the three methods to use are: Protecting the change using #synchronized. Avoiding multi-threaded access by running code on a sequential queue (may be the main queue). Using mutexes.
I hope you are aware that atomicity for boolean values is rather pointless. What you have is a race condition: One thread stores a value, another reads it. Atomicity doesn't make a difference here. It makes (or might make) a difference if two threads accessing a variable at exactly the same time causes problems. For example, if a variable is incremented on two threads at exactly the same time, is it guaranteed that the final result is increased by two? That requires atomicity (or one of the methods mentioned earlier).
Sebastian makes the ridiculous claim that atomicity fixes the data race: That's nonsense. In a data race, a reader will read a value either before or after it is changed, whether that value is atomic or not doesn't make any difference whatsoever. The reader will read the old value or the new value, so the behaviour is unpredictable. All that atomicity does is prevent the situation that the reader would read some in-between state. Which doesn't fix the data race.

Simulating CPU Load In C++

I am currently writing an application in Windows using C++ and I would like to simulate CPU load.
I have the following code:
void task1(void *param) {
unsigned elapsed =0;
unsigned t0;
if ((t0=clock())>=50+elapsed){//if time elapsed is 50ms
int main(){
int ThreadNr;
for(int i=0; i < 4;i++){//for each core (i.e. 4 cores)
_beginthread( task1, 0, &ThreadNr );//create a new thread and run the "task1" function
I wrote this code using the same methodology as in the answers given in this thread: Simulate steady CPU load and spikes
My questions are:
Have I translated the C# code from the other post correctly over to C++?
Will this code generate an average CPU load of 50% on a quad-core processor?
How can I, within reasonable accuracy, find out the load percentage of the CPU? (is task manager my only option?)
EDIT: The reason I ask this question is that I want to eventually be able to generate CPU loads of 10,20,30,...,90% within a reasonable tolerance. This code seems to work well for to generate loads 70%< but seems to be very inaccurate at any load below 70% (as measured by the task manager CPU load readings).
Would anyone have any ideas as to how I could generate said loads but still be able to use my program on different computers (i.e. with different CPUs)?
At first sight, this looks like not-pretty-but-correct C++ or C (an easy way to be sure is to compile it). Includes are missing (<windows.h>, <process.h>, and <time.h>) but otherwise it compiles fine.
Note that clock and Sleep are not terribly accurate, and Sleep is not terribly reliable either. On the average, the thread function should kind of work as intended, though (give or take a few percent of variation).
However, regarding question 2) you should replace the last while(1){} with something that blocks rather than spins (e.g. WaitForSingleObject or Sleep if you will). otherwise the entire program will not have 50% load on a quadcore. You will have 100% load on one core due to the main thread, plus the 4x 50% from your four workers. This will obviously sum up to more than 50% per core (and will cause threads to bounce from one core to the other, resulting in nasty side effects).
Using Task Manager or a similar utility to verify whether you get the load you want is a good option (and since it's the easiest solution, it's also the best one).
Also do note that simulating load in such a way will probably kind of work, but is not 100% reliable.
There might be effects (memory, execution units) that are hard to predict. Assume for example that you're using 100% of the CPU's integer execution units with this loop (reasonable assumption) but zero of it's floating point or SSE units. Modern CPUs may share resources between real or logical cores, and you might not be able to predict exactly what effects you get. Or, another thread may be memory bound or having significant page faults, so taking away CPU time won't affect it nearly as much as you think (might in fact give it enough time to make prefetching work better). Or, it might block on AGP transfers. Or, something else you can't tell.
Improved version, shorter code that fixes a few issues and also works as intended:
Uses clock_t for the value returned by clock (which is technically "more correct" than using a not specially typedef'd integer. Incidentially, that's probably the very reason why the original code does not work as intended, since clock_t is a signed integer under Win32. The condition in if() always evaluates true, so the workers sleep almost all the time, consuming no CPU.
Less code, less complicated math when spinning. Computes a wakeup time 50 ticks in the future and spins until that time is reached.
Uses getchar to block the program at the end. This does not burn CPU time, and it allows you to end the program by pressing Enter. Threads are not properly ended as one would normally do, but in this simple case it's probably OK to just let the OS terminate them as the process exits.
Like the original code, this assumes that clock and Sleep use the same ticks. That is admittedly a bold assumption, but it holds true under Win32 which you used in the original code (both "ticks" are milliseconds). C++ doesn't have anything like Sleep (without boost::thread, or C++11 std::thread), so if non-Windows portability is intended, you'd have to rethink anyway.
Like the original code, it relies on functions (clock and Sleep) which are unprecise and unreliable. Sleep(50) equals Sleep(63) on my system without using timeBeginPeriod. Nevertheless, the program works "almost perfectly", resulting in a 50% +/- 0.5% load on my machine.
Like the original code, this does not take thread priorities into account. A process that has a higher than normal priority class will be entirely unimpressed by this throttling code, because that is how the Windows scheduler works.
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void task1(void *)
clock_t wakeup = clock() + 50;
while(clock() < wakeup) {}
int main(int, char**)
int ThreadNr;
for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) _beginthread( task1, 0, &ThreadNr );
(void) getchar();
return 0;
Here is an a code sample which loaded my CPU to 100% on Windows.
#include "windows.h"
DWORD WINAPI thread_function(void* data)
float number = 1.5;
return 0;
void main()
while (true)
CreateThread(NULL, 0, &thread_function, NULL, 0, NULL);
When you build the app and run it, push Ctrl-C to kill the app.
You can use the Windows perf counter API to get the CPU load. Either for the entire system or for your process.

do integer reads need to be critical section protected?

I have come across C++03 some code that takes this form:
struct Foo {
int a;
int b;
// DoFoo::Foo foo_;
void DoFoo::Foolish()
if( foo_.a == 4 )
foo_.b = 7;
Does the read from foo_.a need to be protected? e.g.:
void DoFoo::Foolish()
int a = foo_.a;
if( a == 4 )
foo_.b = 7;
If so, why?
Please assume the integers are 32-bit aligned. The platform is ARM.
Technically yes, but no on many platforms. First, let us assume that int is 32 bits (which is pretty common, but not nearly universal).
It is possible that the two words (16 bit parts) of a 32 bit int will be read or written to separately. On some systems, they will be read separately if the int isn't aligned properly.
Imagine a system where you can only do 32-bit aligned 32 bit reads and writes (and 16-bit aligned 16 bit reads and writes), and an int that straddles such a boundary. Initially the int is zero (ie, 0x00000000)
One thread writes 0xBAADF00D to the int, the other reads it "at the same time".
The writing thread first writes 0xBAAD to the high word of the int. The reader thread then reads the entire int (both high and low) getting 0xBAAD0000 -- which is a state that the int was never put into on purpose!
The writer thread then writes the low word 0xF00D.
As noted, on some platforms all 32 bit reads/writes are atomic, so this isn't a concern. There are other concerns, however.
Most lock/unlock code includes instructions to the compiler to prevent reordering across the lock. Without that prevention of reordering, the compiler is free to reorder things so long as it behaves "as-if" in a single threaded context it would have worked that way. So if you read a then b in code, the compiler could read b before it reads a, so long as it doesn't see an in-thread opportunity for b to be modified in that interval.
So possibly the code you are reading is using these locks to make sure that the read of the variable happens in the order written in the code.
Other issues are raised in the comments below, but I don't feel competent to address them: cache issues, and visibility.
Looking at this it seems that arm has quite relaxed memory model so you need a form of memory barrier to ensure that writes in one thread are visible when you'd expect them in another thread. So what you are doing, or else using std::atomic seems likely necessary on your platform. Unless you take this into account you can see updates out of order in different threads which would break your example.
I think you can use C++11 to ensure that integer reads are atomic, using (for example) std::atomic<int>.
The C++ standard says that there's a data race if one thread writes to a variable at the same time as another thread reads from that variable, or if two threads write to the same variable at the same time. It further says that a data race produces undefined behavior. So, formally, you must synchronize those reads and writes.
There are three separate issues when one thread reads data that was written by another thread. First, there is tearing: if writing requires more than a single bus cycle, it's possible for a thread switch to occur in the middle of the operation, and another thread could see a half-written value; there's an analogous problem if a read requires more than a single bus cycle. Second, there's visibility: each processor has its own local copy of the data that it's been working on recently, and writing to one processor's cache does not necessarily update another processor's cache. Third, there's compiler optimizations that reorder reads and writes in ways that would be okay within a single thread, but will break multi-threaded code. Thread-safe code has to deal with all three problems. That's the job of synchronization primitives: mutexes, condition variables, and atomics.
Although the integer read/write operation indeed will most likely be atomic, the compiler optimizations and processor cache will still give you problems if you don't do it properly.
To explain - the compiler will normally assume that the code is single-threaded and make many optimizations that rely on that. For example, it might change the order of instructions. Or, if it sees that the variable is only written and never read, it might optimize it away entirely.
The CPU will also cache that integer, so if one thread writes it, the other one might not get to see it until a lot later.
There are two things you can do. One is to wrap in in critical section like in your original code. The other is to mark the variable as volatile. That will signal the compiler that this variable will be accessed by multiple threads and will disable a range of optimizations, as well as placing special cache-sync instructions (aka "memory barriers") around accesses to the variable (or so I understand). Apparently this is wrong.
Added: Also, as noted by another answer, Windows has Interlocked APIs that can be used to avoid these issues for non-volatile variables.

Reporting a thread progress to main thread in C++

In C/C++ How can I make the threads(POSIX pthreads/Windows threads) to give me a safe method to pass progress back to the main thread on the progress of the execution or my work that I’ve decided to perform with the thread.
Is it possible to report the progress in terms of percentage ?
I'm going to assume a very simple case of a main thread, and one function. What I'd recommend is passing in a pointer to an atomic (as suggested by Kirill above) for each time you launch the thread. Assuming C++11 here.
using namespace std;
void threadedFunction(atomic<int>* progress)
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
progress->store(i); // updates the variable safely
chrono::milliseconds dura( 2000 );
this_thread::sleep_for(dura); // Sleeps for a bit
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Make and launch 10 threads
vector<atomic<int>> atomics;
vector<thread> threads;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
threads.emplace_back(threadedFunction, &atomics[i]);
// Monitor the threads down here
// use atomics[n].load() to get the value from the atomics
return 0;
I think that'll do what you want. I omitted polling the threads, but you get the idea. I'm passing in an object that both the main thread and the child thread know about (in this case the atomic<int> variable) that they both can update and/or poll for results. If you're not on a full C++11 thread/atomic support compiler, use whatever your platform determines, but there's always a way to pass a variable (at the least a void*) into the thread function. And that's how you get something to pass information back and forth via non-statics.
The best way to solve this is to use C++ atomics for that. Declare in some visible enough place:
std::atomic<int> my_thread_progress(0);
In a simple case this should be a static variable, in a more complex place this should be a data field of some object that manages threads or something similar.
On many platforms this will be slightly paranoiac because almost everywhere the read and write operations on integers are atomic. Bit using atomics still it makes because:
You will have guarantee that this will work fine on any platform, even on a 16 bit CPU or whatever unusual hardware;
Your code will be easier to read. Reader will immediately see that this is shared variable without placing any comments. Once it will be updated with load/store methods, it will be easier to catch on what is going on.
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual
Combined Volumes: 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B and 3C (
Volume 3A: 8.1.1 Guaranteed Atomic Operations
The Intel486 processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following basic memory operations will always be carried out atomically:
Reading or writing a byte
Reading or writing a word aligned on a 16-bit boundary
Reading or writing a doubleword aligned on a 32-bit boundary