I have read a number of articles stating key value stores only require two operations:
set(key, value)
This is fine for a single process, but when you have multiple processes, how does the key value store manage concurrency? I would have thought a version number (E.g., an unsigned integer) used for compare-and-swap style concurrency would be required. E.g., the two operations would be:
set(key, value, version), where version is the condition - a mismatch causes a concurrency error and a successful match causes an increment.
get(key) (returning both the value and the version).
There is two kind of design. Some are using locks and other are using MultiVersion Concurrency Control.
MVCC achieve concurrency without locks. It can be summed up as:
In a single read, the database return the latest version of the data
In a single write, the databae add a new version for the data
In the case of read/write concurrent request, the read get the most recent version of the data, that is before the current write.
In the case of write/write concurrent request, I think that one of the write is abandonned and replayed later.
In a call to ConcurrentHashMap::computeIfAbsent I use a slightly expensive mappingFunction. The mappingFunctions are safe to execute concurrently if and only if they are for different keys.
I'm wondering if the mappingFunctions are executed concurrently for different keys. If this is not the case, each mappingFunction would be executed one-at-a-time, leading to unnecessary waiting time. To fix this I would need to write more complex code and use putIfAbsent.
Does anyone know if mappingFunctions are executed concurrently if they are for different keys?
The documentation states:
The entire method invocation is performed atomically, so the function is applied at most once per key.
This may or may not answer my question, depending on how you read it
I am trying to understand how read operation works internally in HashTable, HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap.
ConcurrentHashMap is internally divided into segments of size 32. So at max 32 threads can read at a time. What happens when we get two read operations on the same segment at the same time in ConcurrentHashMap.
Also, I would like to know how multiple read on the same element work in HashTable, HashMap?
ConcurrentHashMap is internally divided into segments of size 32. So at max 32 threads can read at a time.
That is not correct. According to the ConcurrentHashMap documentation, "retrieval operations do not entail locking" [emphasis in original]. This means that arbitrarily many threads can read the map at a time. (Note: the above link is to the documentation for the latest version of Java, but the same is true of all versions. The above-quoted statement been there since the documentation for JDK 1.5, which was the initial version where ConcurrentHashMap was introduced.)
Even for updates, which do involve locking, this statement isn't true: ConcurrentHashMap has not been partitioned into "segments" since Java 7; back when it was partitioned into segments, what mattered for concurrency was the number of segments, not their size; the number of segments was user-configurable; and the default number of segments was 16, not 32.
Also, I would like to know how multiple read on the same element work in HashTable, HashMap?
Hashtable.get locks the entire map, so it doesn't matter whether concurrent reads are of the same element or different ones; either way, one locks out the other.
HashMap doesn't worry about concurrency; multiple threads can happily read the map at the same time, but it's not safe to have updates concurrently with reads or other updates.
I've got std::atomic<int>* key, *val;
I want to write to both. There are multiple threads reading these values concurrently. I want to ensure that val is written before key. That is ensure that if readers see the new value of key, they MUST also see the new value of val. It's fine to see the new val with the old key, or to see both of the old values. The code must work on relaxed processor architectures (ARM).
Normally it is enough to do (in-order) val->store(x, relaxed), key->store(y, release) and load them with (in-order) key->load(acquire), val-load(relaxed). On ARM, I believe acquire inserts a load barrier and release inserts a store barrier. However, for various reasons, I'm not using atomic to read val, and using a barrier on every read access would be too expensive.
Is it possible to use just a store barrier (sfence on x86) between the two stores to enforce ordering? Remember seeing stale values for key and val is perfectly fine, all I want to ensure is that if the new value for key is seen by another core, it must also see the new value of val. The reader always reads key first and the read of val is dependent on the value of the key (even it's memory address is), so I don't believe it's possible for either compiler or processor to re-order the loads such that val is read before key. It would have to read key to even know where to look for val. I suspect it is this property that would allow the code to work without a load barrier.
Am I right?
(I am interested in design of implementation NOT a readymade construct that will do it all.)
Suppose we have a class HashTable (not hash-map implemented as a tree but hash-table)
and say there are eight threads.
Suppose read to write ratio is about 100:1 or even better 1000:1.
Case A) Only one thread is a writer and others including writer can read from HashTable(they may simply iterate over entire hash table)
Case B) All threads are identical and all could read/write.
Can someone suggest best strategy to make the class thread safe with following consideration
1. Top priority to least lock contention
2. Second priority to least number of locks
My understanding so far is thus :
One BIG reader-writer lock(semaphore).
Specialize the semaphore so that there could be eight instances writer-resource for case B, where each each writer resource locks one row(or range for that matter).
(so i guess 1+8 mutexes)
Please let me know if I am thinking on the correct line, and how could we improve on this solution.
With such high read/write ratios, you should consider a lock free solution, e.g. nbds.
In general, lock free algorithms work as follows:
arrange your data structures such that for each function you intend to support there is a point at which you are able to, in one atomic operation, determine whether its results are valid (i.e. other threads have not mutated its inputs since they have been read) and commit to them; with no changes to state visible to other threads unless you commit. This will involve leveraging platform-specific functions such as Win32's atomic compare-and-swap or Cell's cache line reservation opcodes.
each supported function becomes a loop that repeatedly reads the inputs and attempts to perform the work, until the commit succeeds.
In cases of very low contention, this is a performance win over locking algorithms since functions mostly succeed the first time through without incurring the overhead of acquiring a lock. As contention increases, the gains become more dubious.
Typically the amount of data it is possible to atomically manipulate is small - 32 or 64 bits is common - so for functions involving many reads and writes, the resulting algorithms become complex and potentially very difficult to reason about. For this reason, it is preferable to look for and adopt a mature, well-tested and well-understood third party lock free solution for your problem in preference to rolling your own.
Hashtable implementation details will depend on various aspects of the hash and table design. Do we expect to be able to grow the table? If so, we need a way to copy bulk data from the old table into the new safely. Do we expect hash collisions? If so, we need some way of walking colliding data. How do we make sure another thread doesn't delete a key/value pair between a lookup returning it and the caller making use of it? Some form of reference counting, perhaps? - but who owns the reference? - or simply copying the value on lookup? - but what if values are large?
Lock-free stacks are well understood and relatively straightforward to implement (to remove an item from the stack, get the current top, attempt to replace it with its next pointer until you succeed, return it; to add an item, get the current top and set it as the item's next pointer, until you succeed in writing a pointer to the item as the new top; on architectures with reserve/conditional write semantics, this is enough, on architectures only supporting CAS you need to append a nonce or version number to the atomically manipulated data to avoid the ABA problem). They are one way of keeping track of free space for keys/data in an atomic lock free manner, allowing you to reduce a key/value pair - the data actually stored in a hashtable entry - to a pointer/offset or two, a small enough amount to be manipulated using your architecture's atomic instructions. There are others.
Reads then become a case of looking up the entry, checking the kvp against the requested key, doing whatever it takes to make sure the value will remain valid when we return it (taking a copy / increasing its reference count), checking the entry hasn't been modified since we began the read, returning the value if so, undoing any reference count changes and repeating the read if not.
Writes will depend on what we're doing about collisions; in the trivial case, they are simply a case of finding the correct empty slot and writing the new kvp.
The above is greatly simplified and insufficient to produce your own safe implementation, especially if you are not familiar with lock-free/wait-free techniques. Possible complications include the ABA problem, priority inversion, starvation of particular threads; I have not addressed hash collisions.
The nbds page links to an excellent presentation on a real world approach that allows growth / collisions. Others exist, a quick Google finds lots of papers.
Lock free and wait free algorithms are fascinating areas of research; I encourage the reader to Google around. That said, naive lock free implementations can easily look reasonable and behave correctly much of the time while in reality being subtly unsafe. While it is important to have a solid grasp on the principles, I strongly recommend using an existing, well-understood and proven implementation over rolling your own.
You may want to look at Java's ConcurrentHashMap implementation for one possible implementation.
The basic idea is NOT to lock for every read operation but only for writes. Since in your interview they specifically mentioned an extremely high read:write ratio it makes sense trying to stuff as much overhead as possible into writes.
The ConcurrentHashMap divides the hashtable into so called "Segments" that are themselves concurrently readable hashtables and keep every single segment in a consistent state to allow traversing without locking.
When reading you basically have the usual hashmap get() with the difference that you have to worry about reading stale values, so things like the value of the correct node, the first node of the segment table and next pointers have to be volatile (with c++'s non-existent memory model you probably can't do this portably; c++0x should help here, but haven't looked at it so far).
When putting a new element in there you get all the overhead, first of all having to lock the given segment. After locking it's basically a usual put() operation, but you have to guarantee atomic writes when updating the next pointer of a node (pointing to the newly created node whose next pointer has to be already correctly pointing to the old next node) or overwriting the value of a node.
When growing the segment, you have to rehash the existing nodes and put them into the new, larger table. The important part is to clone nodes for the new table as not to influence the old table (by changing their next pointers too early) until the new table is complete and replaces the old one (they use some clever trick there that means they only have to clone about 1/6 of the nodes - nice that but I'm not really sure how they reach that number).
Note that garbage collection makes this a whole lot easier because you don't have to worry about the old nodes that weren't reused - as soon as all readers are finished they will automatically be GCed. That's solvable though, but I'm not sure what the best approach would be.
I hope the basic idea is somewhat clear - obviously there are several points that aren't trivially ported to c++, but it should give you a good idea.
No need to lock the whole table, just have a lock per bucket. That immediately gives parallelism. Inserting a new node to the table requires a lock on the bucket about to have the head node modified. New nodes are always added at the head of the table so that readers can iterate through the nodes without worrying about seeing new nodes.
Each node has a r/w lock; readers iterating get a read lock lock. Node modification requires a write lock.
Iteration without the bucket lock leading to node removal requires an attempt to take the bucket lock, and if it fails it must release the locks and retry to avoid deadlock because the lock order is different.
Brief overview.
You can try atomic_hashtable for c
https://github.com/Taymindis/atomic_hashtable for read, write, and delete without locking while multithreading accessing the data, Simple and Stable
API documents given in README.
I am trying to understand the disruptor pattern. I have watched the InfoQ video and tried to read their paper. I understand there is a ring buffer involved, that it is initialized as an extremely large array to take advantage of cache locality, eliminate allocation of new memory.
It sounds like there are one or more atomic integers which keep track of positions. Each 'event' seems to get a unique id and it's position in the ring is found by finding its modulus with respect to the size of the ring, etc., etc.
Unfortunately, I don't have an intuitive sense of how it works. I have done many trading applications and studied the actor model, looked at SEDA, etc.
In their presentation they mentioned that this pattern is basically how routers work; however I haven't found any good descriptions of how routers work either.
Are there some good pointers to a better explanation?
The Google Code project does reference a technical paper on the implementation of the ring buffer, however it is a bit dry, academic and tough going for someone wanting to learn how it works. However there are some blog posts that have started to explain the internals in a more readable way. There is an explanation of ring buffer that is the core of the disruptor pattern, a description of the consumer barriers (the part related to reading from the disruptor) and some information on handling multiple producers available.
The simplest description of the Disruptor is: It is a way of sending messages between threads in the most efficient manner possible. It can be used as an alternative to a queue, but it also shares a number of features with SEDA and Actors.
Compared to Queues:
The Disruptor provides the ability to pass a message onto another threads, waking it up if required (similar to a BlockingQueue). However, there are 3 distinct differences.
The user of the Disruptor defines how messages are stored by extending Entry class and providing a factory to do the preallocation. This allows for either memory reuse (copying) or the Entry could contain a reference to another object.
Putting messages into the Disruptor is a 2-phase process, first a slot is claimed in the ring buffer, which provides the user with the Entry that can be filled with the appropriate data. Then the entry must be committed, this 2-phase approach is necessary to allow for the flexible use of memory mentioned above. It is the commit that makes the message visible to the consumer threads.
It is the responsibility of the consumer to keep track of the messages that have been consumed from the ring buffer. Moving this responsibility away from the ring buffer itself helped reduce the amount of write contention as each thread maintains its own counter.
Compared to Actors
The Actor model is closer the Disruptor than most other programming models, especially if you use the BatchConsumer/BatchHandler classes that are provided. These classes hide all of the complexities of maintaining the consumed sequence numbers and provide a set of simple callbacks when important events occur. However, there are a couple of subtle differences.
The Disruptor uses a 1 thread - 1 consumer model, where Actors use an N:M model i.e. you can have as many actors as you like and they will be distributed across a fixed numbers of threads (generally 1 per core).
The BatchHandler interface provides an additional (and very important) callback onEndOfBatch(). This allows for slow consumers, e.g. those doing I/O to batch events together to improve throughput. It is possible to do batching in other Actor frameworks, however as nearly all other frameworks don't provide a callback at the end of the batch you need to use a timeout to determine the end of the batch, resulting in poor latency.
Compared to SEDA
LMAX built the Disruptor pattern to replace a SEDA based approach.
The main improvement that it provided over SEDA was the ability to do work in parallel. To do this the Disruptor supports multi-casting the same messages (in the same order) to multiple consumers. This avoids the need for fork stages in the pipeline.
We also allow consumers to wait on the results of other consumers without having to put another queuing stage between them. A consumer can simply watch the sequence number of a consumer that it is dependent on. This avoids the need for join stages in pipeline.
Compared to Memory Barriers
Another way to think about it is as a structured, ordered memory barrier. Where the producer barrier forms the write barrier and the consumer barrier is the read barrier.
First we'd like to understand the programming model it offers.
There are one or more writers. There are one or more readers. There is a line of entries, totally ordered from old to new (pictured as left to right). Writers can add new entries on the right end. Every reader reads entries sequentially from left to right. Readers can't read past writers, obviously.
There is no concept of entry deletion. I use "reader" instead of "consumer" to avoid the image of entries being consumed. However we understand that entries on the left of the last reader become useless.
Generally readers can read concurrently and independently. However we can declare dependencies among readers. Reader dependencies can be arbitrary acyclic graph. If reader B depends on reader A, reader B can't read past reader A.
Reader dependency arises because reader A can annotate an entry, and reader B depends on that annotation. For example, A does some calculation on an entry, and stores the result in field a in the entry. A then move on, and now B can read the entry, and the value of a A stored. If reader C does not depend on A, C should not attempt to read a.
This is indeed an interesting programming model. Regardless of the performance, the model alone can benefit lots of applications.
Of course, LMAX's main goal is performance. It uses a pre-allocated ring of entries. The ring is large enough, but it's bounded so that the system will not be loaded beyond design capacity. If the ring is full, writer(s) will wait until the slowest readers advance and make room.
Entry objects are pre-allocated and live forever, to reduce garbage collection cost. We don't insert new entry objects or delete old entry objects, instead, a writer asks for a pre-existing entry, populate its fields, and notify readers. This apparent 2-phase action is really simply an atomic action
interface EntryPopulator{ void populate(Entry existingEntry); }
Pre-allocating entries also means adjacent entries (very likely) locate in adjacent memory cells, and because readers read entries sequentially, this is important to utilize CPU caches.
And lots of efforts to avoid lock, CAS, even memory barrier (e.g. use a non-volatile sequence variable if there's only one writer)
For developers of readers: Different annotating readers should write to different fields, to avoid write contention. (Actually they should write to different cache lines.) An annotating reader should not touch anything that other non-dependent readers may read. This is why I say these readers annotate entries, instead of modify entries.
Martin Fowler has written an article about LMAX and the disruptor pattern, The LMAX Architecture, which may clarify it further.
I actually took the time to study the actual source, out of sheer curiosity, and the idea behind it is quite simple. The most recent version at the time of writing this post is 3.2.1.
There is a buffer storing pre-allocated events that will hold the data for consumers to read.
The buffer is backed by an array of flags (integer array) of its length that describes the availability of the buffer slots (see further for details). The array is accessed like a java#AtomicIntegerArray, so for the purpose of this explenation you may as well assume it to be one.
There can be any number of producers. When the producer wants to write to the buffer, an long number is generated (as in calling AtomicLong#getAndIncrement, the Disruptor actually uses its own implementation, but it works in the same manner). Let's call this generated long a producerCallId. In a similar manner, a consumerCallId is generated when a consumer ENDS reading a slot from a buffer. The most recent consumerCallId is accessed.
(If there are many consumers, the call with the lowest id is choosen.)
These ids are then compared, and if the difference between the two is lesser that the buffer side, the producer is allowed to write.
(If the producerCallId is greater than the recent consumerCallId + bufferSize, it means that the buffer is full, and the producer is forced to bus-wait until a spot becomes available.)
The producer is then assigned the slot in the buffer based on his callId (which is prducerCallId modulo bufferSize, but since the bufferSize is always a power of 2 (limit enforced on buffer creation), the actuall operation used is producerCallId & (bufferSize - 1)). It is then free to modify the event in that slot.
(The actual algorithm is a bit more complicated, involving caching recent consumerId in a separate atomic reference, for optimisation purposes.)
When the event was modified, the change is "published". When publishing the respective slot in the flag array is filled with the updated flag. The flag value is the number of the loop (producerCallId divided by bufferSize (again since bufferSize is power of 2, the actual operation is a right shift).
In a similar manner there can be any number of consumers. Each time a consumer wants to access the buffer, a consumerCallId is generated (depending on how the consumers were added to the disruptor the atomic used in id generation may be shared or separate for each of them). This consumerCallId is then compared to the most recent producentCallId, and if it is lesser of the two, the reader is allowed to progress.
(Similarly if the producerCallId is even to the consumerCallId, it means that the buffer is empety and the consumer is forced to wait. The manner of waiting is defined by a WaitStrategy during disruptor creation.)
For individual consumers (the ones with their own id generator), the next thing checked is the ability to batch consume. The slots in the buffer are examined in order from the one respective to the consumerCallId (the index is determined in the same manner as for producers), to the one respective to the recent producerCallId.
They are examined in a loop by comparing the flag value written in the flag array, against a flag value generated for the consumerCallId. If the flags match it means that the producers filling the slots has commited their changes. If not, the loop is broken, and the highest commited changeId is returned. The slots from ConsumerCallId to received in changeId can be consumed in batch.
If a group of consumers read together (the ones with shared id generator), each one only takes a single callId, and only the slot for that single callId is checked and returned.
From this article:
The disruptor pattern is a batching queue backed up by a circular
array (i.e. the ring buffer) filled with pre-allocated transfer
objects which uses memory-barriers to synchronize producers and
consumers through sequences.
Memory-barriers are kind of hard to explain and Trisha's blog has done the best attempt in my opinion with this post: http://mechanitis.blogspot.com/2011/08/dissecting-disruptor-why-its-so-fast.html
But if you don't want to dive into the low-level details you can just know that memory-barriers in Java are implemented through the volatile keyword or through the java.util.concurrent.AtomicLong. The disruptor pattern sequences are AtomicLongs and are communicated back and forth among producers and consumers through memory-barriers instead of locks.
I find it easier to understand a concept through code, so the code below is a simple helloworld from CoralQueue, which is a disruptor pattern implementation done by CoralBlocks with which I am affiliated. In the code below you can see how the disruptor pattern implements batching and how the ring-buffer (i.e. circular array) allows for garbage-free communication between two threads:
package com.coralblocks.coralqueue.sample.queue;
import com.coralblocks.coralqueue.AtomicQueue;
import com.coralblocks.coralqueue.Queue;
import com.coralblocks.coralqueue.util.MutableLong;
public class Sample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
final Queue<MutableLong> queue = new AtomicQueue<MutableLong>(1024, MutableLong.class);
Thread consumer = new Thread() {
public void run() {
boolean running = true;
while(running) {
long avail;
while((avail = queue.availableToPoll()) == 0); // busy spin
for(int i = 0; i < avail; i++) {
MutableLong ml = queue.poll();
if (ml.get() == -1) {
running = false;
} else {
MutableLong ml;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
while((ml = queue.nextToDispatch()) == null); // busy spin
// send a message to stop consumer...
while((ml = queue.nextToDispatch()) == null); // busy spin
consumer.join(); // wait for the consumer thread to die...